Пример #1
        public IEnumerable <TrailerViewModel> GetTrailersAndDriverForSuggestion(string value)
            var trailer = from a in _trailerRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          join b in _driverRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.DriverC }
            equals new { b.DriverC } into t1
            from b in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where ((a.TrailerC.Contains(value) || a.TrailerNo.Contains(value))
            select new TrailerViewModel()
                TrailerC    = a.TrailerC,
                TrailerNo   = a.TrailerNo,
                RegisteredD = a.RegisteredD,
                DriverC     = a.DriverC,
                DriverN     = b != null ? b.LastN + " " + b.FirstN : "",

            trailer = trailer.OrderBy("TrailerNo asc");

Пример #2
        public TruckExpenseDatatables GetTruckExpensesForTable(TruckExpenseSearchParams searchInfo)
            var truckExpense = (from a in _truckExpenseRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                                join b in _truckRepository.GetAllQueryable() on a.Code
                                equals b.TruckC into t1
                                join f in _trailerRepository.GetAllQueryable() on a.Code
                                equals f.TrailerC into t6
                                from f in t6.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                from b in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join c in _expenseRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.ExpenseC }
                                equals new { c.ExpenseC } into t2
                                from c in t2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join d in _driverRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.DriverC }
                                equals new { d.DriverC } into t3
                                from d in t3.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join e in _supplierRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.SupplierMainC, a.SupplierSubC }
                                equals new { e.SupplierMainC, e.SupplierSubC } into t4
                                from e in t4.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                join t in _employeeRepository.GetAllQueryable() on a.EntryClerkC equals t.EmployeeC into t5
                                from t in t5.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                where (((searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDEnd == null || a.InvoiceD <= searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDEnd) &&
                                        (searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDStart == null || a.InvoiceD >= searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDStart)) &
                                       ((searchInfo.ParamSearch.TransportDEnd == null || a.TransportD <= searchInfo.ParamSearch.TransportDEnd) &&
                                        (searchInfo.ParamSearch.TransportDStart == null || a.TransportD >= searchInfo.ParamSearch.TransportDStart)) &
                                       (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.ExpenseC) || a.ExpenseC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.ExpenseC) &
                                       (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierMainC) || (a.SupplierMainC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierMainC && a.SupplierSubC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierSubC)) &
                                       (                                   //searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI != "C" &&
                                           (                               //((String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code) || a.Code == searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code)) ||
                                               (searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI == "1" && searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI == a.ObjectI && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code) || searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code == f.TrailerC)) ||
                                               (searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI == "0" && searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI == a.ObjectI && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code) || searchInfo.ParamSearch.Code == b.TruckC)))))
                                select new TruckExpenseViewModel()
                Id = a.Id,
                InvoiceD = a.InvoiceD,
                TransportD = a.TransportD,
                ExpenseC = a.ExpenseC,
                ExpenseN = c.ExpenseN,
                EntryClerkC = a.EntryClerkC,
                EntryClerkN = t != null ? (t.EmployeeLastN + " " + t.EmployeeFirstN) : "",
                DriverC = a.DriverC,
                DriverN = d != null ? d.LastN + " " + d.FirstN : "",
                PaymentMethodI = a.PaymentMethodI,
                SupplierMainC = a.SupplierMainC,
                SupplierSubC = a.SupplierSubC,
                SupplierN = e.SupplierN,
                Quantity = a.Quantity,
                UnitPrice = a.UnitPrice,
                Total = a.Total + a.Tax,
                Tax = a.Tax,
                Description = a.Description,
                ObjectNo = a.ObjectI == "0" ? b.RegisteredNo : f.TrailerNo,
                ObjectI = a.ObjectI,
                ExpenseI = "T",
            var companyExpense = (from a in _companyExpenseRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                                  join c in _expenseRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.ExpenseC }
                                  equals new { c.ExpenseC } into t1
                                  from c in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join e in _supplierRepository.GetAllQueryable() on new { a.SupplierMainC, a.SupplierSubC }
                                  equals new { e.SupplierMainC, e.SupplierSubC } into t2
                                  from e in t2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join t in _employeeRepository.GetAllQueryable() on a.EntryClerkC equals t.EmployeeC into t3
                                  from t in t3.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join q in _employeeRepository.GetAllQueryable() on a.EmployeeC equals q.EmployeeC into t4
                                  from q in t4.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  where (((searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDEnd == null || a.InvoiceD <= searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDEnd) &&
                                          (searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDStart == null || a.InvoiceD >= searchInfo.ParamSearch.InvoiceDStart)) &
                                         //(String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.EmployeeC) || a.EmployeeC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.EmployeeC) &
                                         (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.ExpenseC) || a.ExpenseC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.ExpenseC) &
                                         (searchInfo.ParamSearch.ObjectI == "C") &
                                         (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierMainC) || (a.SupplierMainC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierMainC && a.SupplierSubC == searchInfo.ParamSearch.SupplierSubC)))
                                  select new TruckExpenseViewModel()
                Id = a.Id,
                InvoiceD = a.InvoiceD,
                ExpenseC = a.ExpenseC,
                ExpenseN = c.ExpenseN,
                //DriverC = a.EmployeeC,
                //DriverN = q != null ? (q.EmployeeLastN + " " + q.EmployeeFirstN) : "",
                EntryClerkC = a.EntryClerkC,
                EntryClerkN = t != null ? (t.EmployeeLastN + " " + t.EmployeeFirstN) : "",
                PaymentMethodI = a.PaymentMethodI,
                SupplierMainC = a.SupplierMainC,
                SupplierSubC = a.SupplierSubC,
                SupplierN = e.SupplierN,
                Quantity = a.Quantity,
                UnitPrice = a.UnitPrice,
                Total = a.Total + a.Tax,
                Tax = a.Tax,
                Description = a.Description,
                ExpenseI = "C",
            var combined = truckExpense.Concat(companyExpense);
            // sorting (done with the System.Linq.Dynamic library available on NuGet)
            var truckExpenseOrdered = combined.OrderBy(searchInfo.SortBy + (searchInfo.Reverse ? " descending" : ""));
            // paging
            var truckExpensePaging = truckExpenseOrdered.Skip((searchInfo.Page - 1) * searchInfo.ItemsPerPage).Take(searchInfo.ItemsPerPage).ToList();

            var datatable = new TruckExpenseDatatables()
                Data  = truckExpensePaging,
                Total = truckExpenseOrdered.Count()
