public VipDemandDto QuerySingle(string serialNumber) { var result = Mapper.Map <VipDemand, VipDemandDto>(_repository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SerialNumber == serialNumber)); var town = _townRepository.Get(result.TownId); if (town != null) { result.District = town.DistrictName; result.Town = town.TownName; } return(result); }
public List <OnlineSustainDto> QueryList(DateTime begin, DateTime end) { var items = _repository.GetAllList(begin, end); var views = items.MapTo <List <OnlineSustainDto> >(); views.ForEach(x => { var town = _townRepository.Get(x.TownId); x.City = town?.CityName; x.District = town?.DistrictName; x.Town = town?.TownName; }); return(views); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var town = await _townRepository.Get(id.Value); if (town == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(View(town)); }
public Tuple <string, string, string> GetTownNamesByENodebId(int eNodebId) { var item = _eNodebRepository.GetByENodebId(eNodebId); var town = item == null ? null : _townRepository.Get(item.TownId); return(town == null ? null : new Tuple <string, string, string>(town.CityName, town.DistrictName, town.TownName)); }
public Tuple <string, string, string> GetTownNamesByENodebId(int eNodebId) { var item = _eNodebRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ENodebId == eNodebId); var town = item == null ? null : _repository.Get(item.TownId); return(town == null ? null : new Tuple <string, string, string>(town.CityName, town.DistrictName, town.TownName)); }
public static TownPreciseView ConstructView(TownPreciseCoverage4GStat stat, ITownRepository repository) { var town = stat.TownId == -1 ? null : repository.Get(stat.TownId); var view = Mapper.Map <TownPreciseCoverage4GStat, TownPreciseView>(stat); view.City = town?.CityName; view.District = town?.DistrictName; view.Town = town?.TownName; return(view); }
private ENodebView GenerateENodebView(ENodeb item) { if (item == null) { return(null); } var town = _townRepository.Get(item.TownId); var result = item.MapTo <ENodebView>(); town.MapTo(result); return(result); }
public static TView ConstructView <TStat, TView>(this TStat stat, ITownRepository repository) where TStat : ITownId where TView : ICityDistrictTown { var town = stat.TownId == -1 ? null : repository.Get(stat.TownId); var view = Mapper.Map <TStat, TView>(stat); view.City = town?.CityName; view.District = town?.DistrictName; view.Town = town?.TownName; return(view); }
public ENodebListViewModel(IENodebRepository eNodebRepository, ITownRepository townRepository, int townId, int page, int pageSize = 10) { if (townId != _townId) { ParametersContainer.QueryENodebs = eNodebRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.TownId == townId).OrderBy(p => p.Id).ToList(); _townId = townId; Town town = townRepository.Get(TownId); _infoTitle = (town == null) ? "" : town.CityName + town.DistrictName + town.TownName + "基站列表"; } this.SetItems(page, pageSize); }
public CdmaBtsView GetByBtsId(int btsId) { var item = _btsRepository.GetByBtsId(btsId); if (item == null) { return(null); } var view = item.MapTo <CdmaBtsView>(); var town = _townRepository.Get(item.TownId); view.DistrictName = town.DistrictName; view.TownName = town.TownName; return(view); }
public int UpdateLastDate(DateTime testDate, string networkType, int townId) { var town = _townRepository.Get(townId); if (town == null) { return(0); } var item = _repository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Area == town.TownName); if (item == null) { return(0); } switch (networkType) { case "2G": if (testDate > item.LatestDate2G) { item.LatestDate2G = testDate; } break; case "3G": if (testDate > item.LatestDate3G) { item.LatestDate3G = testDate; } break; case "4G": if (testDate > item.LatestDate4G) { item.LatestDate4G = testDate; } break; default: if (testDate > item.LatestDateVolte) { item.LatestDateVolte = testDate; } break; } return(_repository.SaveChanges()); }
public IEnumerable <PlanningSiteView> QueryPlanningSiteViews(double west, double east, double south, double north) { var sites = _planningSiteRepository.GetAllList( x => x.Longtitute >= west && x.Longtitute <= east && x.Lattitute >= south && x.Lattitute <= north); var views = sites.MapTo <List <PlanningSiteView> >(); views.ForEach(view => { var town = view.TownId <= 0 ? null : _townRepository.Get(view.TownId); if (town != null) { view.District = town.DistrictName; view.Town = town.TownName; } }); return(views); }
private static void UpdateTown <TDto>(ITownRepository townRepository, TDto x) where TDto : IDistrictTown, ITownId { if (x.TownId == 0) { x.District = "未知"; x.Town = "未知"; } else { var town = townRepository.Get(x.TownId); if (town != null) { x.District = town.DistrictName; x.Town = town.TownName; } } }
public void UpdateTown(IENodebRepository eNodebRepository, ITownRepository townRepository) { var eNodeb = eNodebRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ENodebId == ENodebId); if (eNodeb == null) { return; } ENodebName = eNodeb.Name; var town = eNodeb.TownId == -1 ? null : townRepository.Get(eNodeb.TownId); if (town == null) { return; } City = town.CityName; District = town.DistrictName; Town = town.TownName; }
public IEnumerable <CdmaBtsView> Query(string collegeName) { var ids = _repository.GetAllList( x => x.HotspotName == collegeName && x.HotspotType == HotspotType.College && x.InfrastructureType == InfrastructureType.CdmaBts); var btss = ids.Select(x => _btsRepository.GetByBtsId(x.BtsId)).Where(bts => bts != null).ToList(); var views = Mapper.Map <List <CdmaBts>, List <CdmaBtsView> >(btss); views.ForEach(x => { var town = _townRepository.Get(x.TownId); if (town != null) { x.DistrictName = town.DistrictName; x.TownName = town.TownName; } }); return(views); }
public void Handle(BuildingPurchasedEvent domainEvent) { // The building has now owner, so it is being sold by the town if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(domainEvent.Building.OwnerId)) { var town = _townRepository.Get(domainEvent.Building.TownId); town.IncreaseAccountBalance((int)domainEvent.Building.Price); _townRepository.Update(town); } // The building has an owner who should be paid for the sale else { var previousOwner = _playerRepository.Get(domainEvent.Building.OwnerId); previousOwner.EarnMoney((int)domainEvent.Building.Price); _playerRepository.UpdateStats(previousOwner); } domainEvent.PurchasingPlayer.SpendMoney((int)domainEvent.Building.Price); domainEvent.Building.ChangeOwnership(domainEvent.PurchasingPlayer.Id); _playerRepository.UpdateStats(domainEvent.PurchasingPlayer); _townBuildingRepository.Update(domainEvent.Building); }
public void UpdateTown(IENodebRepository eNodebRepository, IBtsRepository btsRepository, ITownRepository townRepository) { if (ENodebId > 10000) { UpdateTown(eNodebRepository, townRepository); } var bts = btsRepository.GetByBtsId(ENodebId); if (bts == null) { return; } ENodebName = bts.Name; var town = bts.TownId == -1 ? null : townRepository.Get(bts.TownId); if (town == null) { return; } City = town.CityName; District = town.DistrictName; Town = town.TownName; }
public Town GetById(string townId) { return(_townRepository.Get(townId)); }
public Hashtable Get(HttpContextBase context) { return(_repo.Get(context)); }
public void UpdateTown(IENodebRepository eNodebRepository, ITownRepository townRepository) { var eNodeb = eNodebRepository.GetByENodebId(ENodebId); if (eNodeb == null) return; ENodebName = eNodeb.Name; var town = eNodeb.TownId == -1 ? null : townRepository.Get(eNodeb.TownId); if (town == null) return; City = town.CityName; District = town.DistrictName; Town = town.TownName; }
public void UpdateTown(IENodebRepository eNodebRepository, IBtsRepository btsRepository, ITownRepository townRepository) { if (ENodebId > 10000) { UpdateTown(eNodebRepository, townRepository); } var bts = btsRepository.GetByBtsId(ENodebId); if (bts == null) return; ENodebName = bts.Name; var town = bts.TownId == -1 ? null : townRepository.Get(bts.TownId); if (town == null) return; City = town.CityName; District = town.DistrictName; Town = town.TownName; }