public void Should_allow_default_tokens_for_any_identity_and_purpose()
            const string tokenType = "session";

            var sessionToken = _tokenStore.CreateToken(tokenType);
            var token        = _tokenStore.GetToken(tokenType, sessionToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(sessionToken, token.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(TokenStatus.Allowed, token.Status);

            const string identity = "urn:user:431";
            const string purpose  = "login";

            token = _tokenStore.GetToken(tokenType, sessionToken, purpose, identity);

            Assert.AreEqual(sessionToken, token.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(purpose, token.Purpose);
            Assert.AreEqual(identity, token.Identity);
            Assert.AreEqual(TokenStatus.Allowed, token.Status);
        private void SendPasswordReset(IOwinContext context, Identification identification)
            var form     = context.Request.ReadFormAsync().Result;
            var userName = form["username"];

            if (userName == null)
                SetOutcome(context, identification, "No user name provided");
                var token = _tokenStore.CreateToken("passwordReset", new[] { "ResetPassword" }, userName);

                var session = context.GetFeature <ISession>();
                if (session != null)
                    session.Set("reset-token", token);

                SetOutcome(context, identification, "Password reset token is: " + token);
            GoHome(context, identification);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method injects an access token into any html page that needs
        /// one, and also injects Javascript to delete the token when the
        /// page is unloaded.
        /// </summary>
        private Task InjectToken(IOwinContext context, Func <Task> next)
            var response = context.Response;

            var newStream      = new MemoryStream();
            var originalStream = response.Body;

            response.Body = newStream;

            return(next().ContinueWith(downstream =>
                if (downstream.Exception != null)
                    throw downstream.Exception;

                response.Body = originalStream;
                if (string.Equals(response.ContentType, "text/html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                    var originalBytes = newStream.ToArray();
                    var html = encoding.GetString(originalBytes);

                    var apiToken = string.Empty;
                    if (html.Contains("{{api-token}}"))
                        apiToken = _tokenStore.CreateToken("api");

                        var unloadStript = "<script>\n" +
                                           "window.onunload = function(){\n" +
                                           "  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\n" +
                                           "'DELETE', '" + _deleteTokenPath.Value + "', true);\n" +
                                           "  xhttp.setRequestHeader('api-token', '" + apiToken + "');\n" +
                                           "  xhttp.send();\n" +
                                           "}\n" +

                        html = html.Replace("</body>", unloadStript + "</body>");

                    var identification = context.GetFeature <IIdentification>();
                    var identity = identification == null ? string.Empty : (identification.IsAnonymous ? "Anonymous" : identification.Identity);

                    var session = context.GetFeature <ISession>();
                    var regex = new Regex("{{([^}]+)}}");
                    html = regex.Replace(html, m =>
                        var key = m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower();
                        switch (key)
                        case "api-token": return apiToken;

                        case "identity": return identity;

                        default: return session == null ? string.Empty : (session.Get <string>(key) ?? string.Empty);

                    var newBytes = encoding.GetBytes(html);
                    originalStream.Write(newBytes, 0, newBytes.Length);