private void RaiseIfTextParseDidNotSendEndText(ITextRender render) { if (!render.IsTranslationFinished()) { throw new ArgumentException("Text parser did not send end at the end!"); } }
public String SaveOutput(ITextRender output) { //String help = output.GetContent(); PropertyCollection pc = output.getContentBlocks(true, reporting.format.reportOutputFormatName.textMdFile); String mainPath = ""; foreach (Object key in pc.Keys) { String k = key.toStringSafe(); String content = pc[key].ToString(); String fn = GetFilename(k); /* * String fn = filename; * * if (k != nameof(templateFieldSubcontent.main)) * { * fn = fn + "_" + k.getCleanFilepath(); * } * fn = fn.ensureEndsWith(".txt"); */ if (k == nameof(templateFieldSubcontent.main)) { mainPath = fn; } folder.SaveText(content, fn, Data.enums.getWritableFileMode.overwrite, "Reference for " + scopeType.Name + " [" + k + "]", true); } return(mainPath); }
public void TestTypes(ITextRender output) { foreach (var pair in RelatedTypes.registry) { pair.Value.Test(); } foreach (var pair in RelatedTypes.registry) { output.AppendLine("Type: " + pair.Key.GetCleanTypeName()); output.nextTabLevel(); var entryRoot = RelatedTypes.Get(pair.Key); foreach (var pi in pair.Value.ClassTypeProperties) { var entry = RelatedTypes.Get(pi.PropertyType); if (!entry.XmlSerializationOk) { output.AppendLine("Property: " + pi.PropertyType.GetCleanTypeName() + " " + pi.Name); output.AppendLine(entry.Message.ToString()); } } if (!entryRoot.XmlSerializationOk) { output.AppendLine("Problems: "); output.AppendLine(entryRoot.Message.ToString()); } output.prevTabLevel(); } }
public TextRenderForm(ITextRender textRender, object[] fields) { InitializeComponent(); cols = fields; // ITextRender { if (textRender == null) { this.textBox1.Text = ""; } else { this.textBox1.Text = textRender.Expression.ToString(); } } // ISimpleTextRender IToolTipTextRender render = textRender as IToolTipTextRender; if (render == null) { render = new ToolTipTextRender(); } string[] row1 = new string[] { "DynamicPlacement", render.DynamicPlacement.ToString() }; string[] row2 = new string[] { "MinimizeOverlap", render.MinimizeOverlap.ToString() }; string[] row3 = new string[] { "RemoveDuplicate", render.RemoveDuplicate.ToString() }; object[] rows = new object[] { row1, row2, row3 }; foreach (string[] rowArray in rows) { this.dataGridView2.Rows.Add(rowArray); } }
public void WriteJSON(ITextRender output, MetaEntityNamespaceCollection namespaces) { var instructions = ConvertToInstructions(namespaces); MetaPropertyInstruction rootInstruction = new MetaPropertyInstruction("", instructions); rootInstruction.WriteToOutput(output, true); }
public void AfterConstruction(MetaTable metaTable, TableExtractionTask task, ITextRender logger) { switch (task.score.executionMode) { default: break; case ExtractionTaskEngineMode.Validation: task.score.CurrentEntry().metaTable.Add(metaTable); break; case ExtractionTaskEngineMode.Application: task.score.CurrentEntry().metaTable.Add(metaTable); //if (task.tableDescription == null) //{ // var sourceDesc = sourceContentAnalysis.GetDescription(sourceTable); // task.tableDescription = new imbSCI.DataExtraction.MetaTables.Descriptors.MetaTableDescription(sourceDesc, imbSCI.DataExtraction.MetaTables.Descriptors.MetaTableFormatType.vertical); //} break; } }
//public static ITextRender getRenderFor(reportAPI api) //{ //} public static ITextRender getRenderFor(reportAPI api) { ITextRender output = null; switch (api) { case reportAPI.imbXmlHtml: output = new builderForHtml(); break; //case reportAPI.EEPlus: // output = new builderForTableDocument(); // break; case reportAPI.textBuilder: output = new builderForText(); break; default: output = new builderForMarkdown(); break; } output.settings.api = api; return(output); }
public static void DescribeModule(this ISpiderModuleBase module, ITextRender output) {"p", "Module [" + + "]", module.description); output.AppendPair("Class name", module.GetType().Name, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Description", module.description, true, ": "); if (module is spiderLayerModuleBase) { spiderLayerModuleBase module_spiderLayerModuleBase = (spiderLayerModuleBase)module; foreach (var l in module_spiderLayerModuleBase.layers) { l.DescribeLayer(output); } } output.AppendPair("Active rules", module.CountRules(, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Passive rules", module.CountRules(spiderEvalRuleResultEnum.passive), true, ": "); foreach (IRuleBase md in module.rules) { md.DescribeRule(output); } module.GetUserManual(output, "", false, true); output.close(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a summary report into ITextRender /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">The ex.</param> /// <param name="sb">The sb.</param> /// <param name="summaryTitle">The summary title.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static String reportSummary(this Exception ex, ITextRender sb = null, String summaryTitle = "") { if (sb == null) { sb = new builderForMarkdown(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(summaryTitle)) { summaryTitle = "Exception" + ex.GetType().Name; } //, htmlClassForReport.noteContainer, htmlIdForReport.innerException); sb.AppendPair(summaryTitle + " message: ", ex.Message, true, ""); sb.Append(summaryTitle + " stack: ", appendType.heading_3, true); //, htmlTagName.p, , "", false); ex.StackTrace.cleanStackTrace(sb); callerInfo ci = new callerInfo(); sb.AppendLine(ex.Source); sb.AppendLine(ex.StackTrace); // sb.close(); return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the user manual for table. /// </summary> /// <param name="dataObject">The data object.</param> /// <param name="output">The output.</param> /// <param name="directInfo">The direct information.</param> /// <param name="skipUnDescribed">if set to <c>true</c> [skip un described].</param> public static void GetUserManualForTable(this DataTable dataObject, ITextRender output, String directInfo = "", Boolean skipUnDescribed = true) { output.AppendHeading("DataTable: " + dataObject.GetTitle(), 1); AppendIf(output, directInfo, "Comment: "); AppendIf(output, dataObject.GetDescription(), "Table description: "); output.AppendLine("This is automatically generated description of columns of DataTable [" + dataObject.TableName + "]"); output.AppendHorizontalLine(); AppendIf(output, dataObject.GetClassName(), "Table shema source: "); //output.AppendIf(dataObject.Rows.Count, "Table shema source: "); foreach (DataColumn dc in dataObject.Columns) { //output.AppendHeading("DataColumn -> [" + dc.ColumnName + "]", 2); var spe = dc.ExtendedProperties[templateFieldDataTable.col_spe] as settingsPropertyEntry; if (spe == null) { spe = new settingsPropertyEntry(dc); //spe.displayName = dc.Caption; // = dc.ColumnName; //spe.description = dc.GetDesc(); //spe.type = dc.DataType; //spe.categoryName = dc.GetGroup(); //spe.format = dc.GetFormat(); //spe.letter = dc.GetLetter(); //spe.aggregation = dc.GetAggregation(); ////spe.index = dc.Ordinal; //spe.importance = dc.GetImportance(); //spe.expression = dc.Expression; //spe.unit = dc.GetUnit(); //spe.priority = dc.Ordinal; //spe.width = dc.GetWidth(); } GetUserManualSPE(spe, output); // dc.GetSPE().GetUserManual(output); } output.AppendHorizontalLine(); var addInfo = dataObject.GetAdditionalInfo(); output.AppendPairs(addInfo, false, " => "); var extraLines = dataObject.GetExtraDesc(); if (Enumerable.Any <string>(extraLines)) { output.AppendHorizontalLine(); output.AppendList(extraLines, true); } //dataObject.GetDescription(); }
public void Describe(ITextRender output) { output.AppendHeading("Document selection query", 2); // if (ApplyDomainLevelLimits) output.AppendLabel("Apply limit on domain level"); output.AppendPair("Size limit", SizeLimit, true, ""); output.AppendPair("Trashold limit", TrasholdLimit, true, ""); output.AppendPair("Query Terms", QueryTerms, true, ""); }
public metaExternalBlock AddExternalContent(ITextRender textBuilder, string title, string undertitle) { metaExternalBlock output = new metaExternalBlock(textBuilder, title, undertitle); output.parent = this; blocks.Add(output); return(output); }
public ViewBase(Document doc, ITextRender r, Padding padding) { this._Padding = padding; this.Document = doc; this.render = r; this.SrcChanged += new EventHandler((s, e) => { }); this.PageBoundChanged += new EventHandler((s, e) => { }); }
public static void AppendIf(this ITextRender output, String content, String prefix = "") { if (content.isNullOrEmpty()) { return; } output.AppendLine(prefix + content); }
public void Deploy(ITextRender _output, HtmlNodeValueExtractionSettings _valueExtraction, CellContentAnalysis _sourceContentAnalysis, folderNode _folder) { output = _output; valueExtraction = _valueExtraction; sourceContentAnalysis = _sourceContentAnalysis; folder = _folder; universalMetaTableConstructor.Deploy(sourceContentAnalysis, valueExtraction); }
/// <summary> /// Sets default evaluation logger /// </summary> /// <param name="_logger">The logger.</param> public void SetLogger(ITextRender _logger) { logger = _logger; foreach (var pair in this) { pair.Value.SetLogger(logger); } }
public void Describe(ITextRender textRender) { textRender.AppendPair(nameof(Count), Count); textRender.AppendPair(nameof(Mean), Mean); textRender.AppendPair(nameof(Variance), Variance); textRender.AppendPair(nameof(StandardDeviation), StandardDeviation); textRender.AppendPair(nameof(Maximum), Maximum); textRender.AppendPair(nameof(Minimum), Minimum); }
public void Report(ITextRender output) { output.AppendLine(BaseUrl); if (username != "") { output.AppendLine(username); output.AppendLine(password); } }
/// <summary> /// Reports public properties and returns the ones that are not supported/reported /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="instance">The instance.</param> /// <param name="output">The output.</param> /// <param name="onlyDeclared">if set to <c>true</c> [only declared].</param> /// <param name="heading">The heading.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <PropertyInfo> ReportBase <T>(this T instance, ITextRender output, Boolean onlyDeclared = true, String heading = "") where T : class { List <PropertyInfo> plist = instance.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).ToList(); if (output == null) { return(plist); } if (!heading.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendHeading(heading, 1); output.nextTabLevel(); } foreach (var pi in plist.ToList()) { Boolean removePi = true; if (onlyDeclared && pi.DeclaringType != instance.GetType()) { continue; } Object vl = pi.GetValue(instance, null); if (pi.PropertyType.IsValueType || pi.PropertyType == typeof(String)) { output.AppendLine(pi.Name + "\t\t\t" + vl.toStringSafe()); } else if (vl is List <String> stringList) { output.AppendLine(pi.Name + "\t\t\t" + stringList.toCsvInLine()); } else if (vl is rangeFinder range) { if (range.IsLearned) { range.Report(output, pi.Name, ""); } } else { removePi = false; } if (removePi) { plist.Remove(pi); } } if (!heading.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.prevTabLevel(); } return(plist); }
//protected Dictionary<CellContentType, Double> rate { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CellContentType, Double>(); //protected Dictionary<CellContentType, Int32> frequency { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CellContentType, int>(); public void Report(folderNode folder, ITextRender output) { List <System.Reflection.PropertyInfo> plist = this.ReportBase(output, false); output.AppendLine("Cell content type counter:"); output.AppendLine("-- root:"); cellContentTypeCounter.Report(output); output.AppendLine("-- real:"); cellContentRealTypeCounter.Report(output); }
public void Report(rangeFinder ranger, ITextRender output, String rangeName, String prefix) { output.AppendLine("Range [" + rangeName + "]"); output.nextTabLevel(); foreach (var pair in ranger.GetDictionary(prefix)) { output.AppendPair(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString("F3")); } output.prevTabLevel(); }
public override IExeAppend execute(IRenderExecutionContext context, ITextRender render) { foreach (exeAppendTemplateBundleItem item in items) { List <string> files = item.getFromSource(context, render, target, targetFilename); item.setToTarget(files, context, operation, target, targetFilename); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Ubacuje opis HtmlNode-a u izvestaj prema ugradjenom sablonu /// </summary> /// <param name="node">HtmlNode objekat koji se opisuje</param> /// <param name="report">Izvestaj u kome se opisuje</param> /// <param name="isExpandedMode">Da li je rec o prosirenom ili skracenom izvestaju</param> public static void htmlNodeReport(this HtmlNode node, ITextRender report, Boolean isExpandedMode) {; Int32 childs = node.ChildNodes.Count; //report.AppendPairs(node, node.XPath + " " + node.Name + " (ch:" + childs + ")", "NodeType"); report.AppendPair("Inner text", node.InnerText.toWidthMaximum(100)); report.AppendPair("Inner HTML", node.InnerHtml.toWidthMaximum(100)); report.close(); }
public ITextRender Report(ITextRender output = null) { if (output == null) { output = new builderForMarkdown(); } var scores = items.Select(x => x.score); output.AppendHeading("Granularity"); var distinct = items.GetDistinctScores(); Int32 dC = distinct.Count(); output.AppendPair("Distinct", dC); output.AppendPair("Entries", scores.Count()); Double r = (Double)dC.GetRatio(scores.Count()); output.AppendPair("Distinct / Entries", r); output.AppendHeading("Cumulative histogram"); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { Double l_min = (i - 1).GetRatio(10); Double l_max = i.GetRatio(10); var bin = scores.Where(x => (x > l_min) && (x < l_max)); Double per = bin.Count().GetRatio(scores.Count()); output.AppendPair("Bin [" + i + "][" + l_max.ToString("F2") + "]", per.ToString("P2")); } output.AppendHeading("Descriptive statistics"); DescriptiveStatistics desc = scores.GetStatistics(true); desc.Describe(output); output.AppendHeading("Document selection result"); foreach (DocumentSelectResultEntry result in items) { output.AppendLine(result.score.ToString("F5") + "\t\t" + result.AssignedID); } output.AppendHorizontalLine(); query.Describe(output); output.AppendHorizontalLine(); return(output); }
public void Draw(ITextRender render) { if (this.Enabled && this.Rectangle != Rectangle.Empty) { Rectangle gripperRect = this.Rectangle; double radius = gripperRect.Width / 2; Point point; point = new Point(gripperRect.X + radius, gripperRect.Y + radius); render.DrawGripper(point, radius); } }
public void Report(folderNode folder, ITextRender output) { if (output == null) { return; } this.ReportBase(output, false, "MetaTableDescription"); sourceDescription.ReportBase(output, false, "Source description"); //.Report(folder, output); }
public void Report(ITextRender output, Int32 index = Int32.MinValue) { if (index != Int32.MinValue) { output.AppendLine("[" + index.ToString("D3") + "]:[" + Score.ToString("F2") + "] " + Detector.GetType().Name + " : " + Node.path); } else { output.AppendLine("[" + Score.ToString("F2") + "] " + Detector.GetType().Name + " : " + Node.path); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates content for <see cref="settingsPropertyEntry"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="spec">The spec.</param> /// <param name="output">The output.</param> public static void GetUserManualSPE(this settingsPropertyEntry spec, ITextRender output) { output.AppendHeading(imbSciStringExtensions.add(spec.categoryName, spec.displayName, ": "), 3); output.AppendPair("Property name: ",; output.AppendPair("Type: ", spec.type.Name); if (!spec.description.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendParagraph(spec.description); } if (!spec.letter.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendPair("Annotation: ", spec.letter); } if (!spec.unit.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendPair("Unit: ", spec.unit); } if (spec.aggregation != null) { output.AppendPair("Aggregation: ", spec.aggregation.multiTableType.ToString()); } //if (showValue) //{ // if (spec.value != null) // { // output.AppendPair("Value: ", spec.value.toStringSafe(spec.format)); // } //} if (spec.type.IsEnum) { output.AppendPair("Possible values: ", spec.type.GetEnumNames().toCsvInLine()); } else if (spec.type == typeof(Int32)) { } if (!spec.info_helpTitle.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendLabel(spec.info_helpTitle); output.AppendQuote(spec.info_helpTips); } if (!spec.info_link.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.AppendLink(spec.info_link, "More", "More"); } output.AppendHorizontalLine(); }
public void Describe(ITextRender output) { output.AppendLine("Set calls [" + SetCalls + "]"); output.AppendLine("Set prevented [" + SetPrevented + "]"); output.AppendLine("Set saved to file [" + SetSavedToFile + "]"); output.AppendLine("Set already in memory [" + SetAlreadyInMemory + "]"); output.AppendLine("Get calls [" + GetCalls + "]"); output.AppendLine("Get prevented [" + GetPrevented + "]"); output.AppendLine("Get from file [" + GetFromFile + "]"); output.AppendLine("Get from memory [" + GetFromMemory + "]"); }
public static void DescribeRule(this IRuleBase rule, ITextRender output) {"p", "Rule: " +, rule.description); output.AppendPair("Class", rule.GetType().Name, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Role", rule.role, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Subject", rule.subject, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Priority", rule.priority, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Mode", rule.mode, true, ": "); output.AppendPair("Tag", rule.tagName, true, ": "); output.close(); }