public void SaveResults() { string savePath = _view.DialogManager.GetFileSavePath("Save Results as XML", "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*", _model.WorkDirectory, "TestResult.xml"); if (savePath != null) { try { _model.SaveResults(savePath); _view.MessageDisplay.Info(String.Format($"Results saved in nunit3 format as {savePath}")); } catch (Exception exception) { _view.MessageDisplay.Error("Unable to Save Results\n\n" + MessageBuilder.FromException(exception)); } } }
private void WireUpEvents() { #region Model Events _model.Events.TestsLoading += (TestFilesLoadingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(testLoading: true); var message = e.TestFilesLoading.Count == 1 ? $"Loading Assembly: {e.TestFilesLoading[0]}" : $"Loading {e.TestFilesLoading.Count} Assemblies..."; _longOpDisplay = _view.LongOperationDisplay(message); }; _model.Events.TestLoaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { if (_longOpDisplay != null) { _longOpDisplay.Dispose(); _longOpDisplay = null; } UpdateViewCommands(); var files = _model.TestFiles; if (files.Count == 1) { _view.SetTitleBar(files.First()); } }; _model.Events.TestsUnloading += (TestEventArgse) => { UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestUnloaded += (TestEventArgs e) => { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestsReloading += (TestEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _longOpDisplay = _view.LongOperationDisplay("Reloading..."); }; _model.Events.TestReloaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { if (_longOpDisplay != null) { _longOpDisplay.Dispose(); _longOpDisplay = null; } //SetTitleBar(TestProject.Name); if (_settings.Gui.ClearResultsOnReload) { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; } UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.RunStarting += (RunStartingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.RunFinished += (TestResultEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); ResultSummary summary = ResultSummaryCreator.FromResultNode(e.Result); _view.RunSummary.Text = string.Format( "Passed: {0} Failed: {1} Errors: {2} Inconclusive: {3} Invalid: {4} Ignored: {5} Skipped: {6} Time: {7}", summary.PassCount, summary.FailedCount, summary.ErrorCount, summary.InconclusiveCount, summary.InvalidCount, summary.IgnoreCount, summary.SkipCount, summary.Duration); if (summary.RunCount == 0) { } //string resultPath = Path.Combine(TestProject.BasePath, "TestResult.xml"); // TODO: Use Work Directory string resultPath = "TestResult.xml"; _model.SaveResults(resultPath); //try //{ // _model.SaveResults(resultPath); // //log.Debug("Saved result to {0}", resultPath); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // //log.Warning("Unable to save result to {0}\n{1}", resultPath, ex.ToString()); //} //if (e.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed) // _view.Activate(); }; _settings.Changed += (s, e) => { if (e.SettingName == "Gui.Options.DisplayFormat") { InitializeDisplay(); } }; _model.Events.UnhandledException += (UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => { var display = new MessageDisplay("TestCentric - Internal Error"); display.Error($"{e.Message}\n\n{e.StackTrace}"); }; #endregion #region View Events _view.Load += (s, e) => { InitializeDisplay(_settings.Gui.DisplayFormat); var settings = _model.PackageOverrides; if (_options.ProcessModel != null) { _view.ProcessModel.SelectedItem = _options.ProcessModel; } if (_options.DomainUsage != null) { _view.DomainUsage.SelectedItem = _options.DomainUsage; } if (_options.MaxAgents >= 0) { _model.Services.UserSettings.Engine.Agents = _options.MaxAgents; } _view.RunAsX86.Checked = _options.RunAsX86; }; _view.Shown += (s, e) => { Application.DoEvents(); // Load test specified on command line or // the most recent one if options call for it if (_options.InputFiles.Count != 0) { LoadTests(_options.InputFiles); } else if (_settings.Gui.LoadLastProject && !_options.NoLoad) { foreach (string entry in _recentFiles.Entries) { if (entry != null && File.Exists(entry)) { LoadTests(entry); break; } } } //if ( guiOptions.include != null || guiOptions.exclude != null) //{ // testTree.ClearSelectedCategories(); // bool exclude = guiOptions.include == null; // string[] categories = exclude // ? guiOptions.exclude.Split(',') // : guiOptions.include.Split(','); // if ( categories.Length > 0 ) // testTree.SelectCategories( categories, exclude ); //} // Run loaded test automatically if called for if (_model.IsPackageLoaded && _options.RunAllTests) { RunAllTests(); } }; _view.Move += (s, e) => { if (!_view.Maximized) { var location = _view.Location; switch (_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem) { case "Full": default: _settings.Gui.MainForm.Location = location; _settings.Gui.MainForm.Maximized = false; break; case "Mini": _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Location = location; _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Maximized = false; break; } } }; _view.Resize += (s, e) => { if (!_view.Maximized) { if (_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem == "Full") { _settings.Gui.MainForm.Size = _view.Size; } else { _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Size = _view.Size; } } }; _view.SplitterPositionChanged += (s, e) => { _settings.Gui.MainForm.SplitPosition = _view.SplitterPosition; }; _view.FormClosing += (s, e) => { if (_model.IsPackageLoaded) { if (_model.IsTestRunning) { DialogResult dialogResult = _view.MessageDisplay.Ask( "A test is running, do you want to stop the test and exit?"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; return; } _model.CancelTestRun(true); } if (CloseProject() == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } } }; _view.RunButton.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.StopButton.Execute += () => CancelRun(); _view.FileMenu.Popup += () => { bool isPackageLoaded = _model.IsPackageLoaded; bool isTestRunning = _model.IsTestRunning; _view.OpenCommand.Enabled = !isTestRunning; _view.CloseCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; var frameworks = _model.AvailableRuntimes; var runtimeMenu = _view.RuntimeMenu; runtimeMenu.Visible = frameworks.Count > 1; if (runtimeMenu.Visible && runtimeMenu.Enabled && runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Count == 0) { var defaultMenuItem = new MenuItem("Default"); defaultMenuItem.Name = "defaultMenuItem"; defaultMenuItem.Tag = "DEFAULT"; defaultMenuItem.Checked = true; runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Add(defaultMenuItem); // TODO: Disable selections that are not supported for the target? foreach (IRuntimeFramework framework in frameworks) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(framework.DisplayName); item.Tag = framework.Id; runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Add(item); } _view.SelectedRuntime.Refresh(); } _view.RecentFilesMenu.Enabled = !isTestRunning; //if (!isTestRunning) //{ // _recentProjectsMenuHandler.Load(); //} }; _view.OpenCommand.Execute += () => OpenProject(); _view.CloseCommand.Execute += () => CloseProject(); _view.AddTestFilesCommand.Execute += () => AddTestFiles(); _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Execute += () => ReloadTests(); _view.SelectedRuntime.SelectionChanged += () => { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(EnginePackageSettings.RuntimeFramework, _view.SelectedRuntime.SelectedItem); }; _view.ProcessModel.SelectionChanged += () => { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(EnginePackageSettings.ProcessModel, _view.ProcessModel.SelectedItem); }; _view.DomainUsage.SelectionChanged += () => { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(EnginePackageSettings.DomainUsage, _view.DomainUsage.SelectedItem); }; _view.RunAsX86.CheckedChanged += () => { var key = EnginePackageSettings.RunAsX86; if (_view.RunAsX86.Checked) { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, true); } else { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, null); } }; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Popup += () => { var menuItems = _view.RecentFilesMenu.MenuItems; // Test for null, in case we are running tests with a mock if (menuItems == null) { return; } menuItems.Clear(); int num = 0; foreach (string entry in _model.Services.RecentFiles.Entries) { var menuText = string.Format("{0} {1}", ++num, entry); var menuItem = new MenuItem(menuText); menuItem.Click += (sender, ea) => { string path = ((MenuItem)sender).Text.Substring(2); _model.LoadTests(new[] { path }); }; menuItems.Add(menuItem); if (num >= _settings.Gui.RecentProjects.MaxFiles) { break; } } }; _view.ExitCommand.Execute += () => _view.Close(); _view.DisplayFormat.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.DisplayFormat = _view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem; InitializeDisplay(_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem); }; _view.IncreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.DecreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.ChangeFontCommand.Execute += () => { Font currentFont = _settings.Gui.Font; Font newFont = _view.DialogManager.SelectFont(currentFont); if (newFont != _settings.Gui.Font) { applyFont(newFont); } }; _view.DialogManager.ApplyFont += (font) => applyFont(font); _view.RestoreFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(Form.DefaultFont); }; _view.IncreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.DecreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.RestoreFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8.0f); }; _view.StatusBarCommand.CheckedChanged += () => { _view.StatusBarView.Visible = _view.StatusBarCommand.Checked; }; _view.RunAllCommand.Execute += () => RunAllTests(); _view.RunSelectedCommand.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.RunFailedCommand.Execute += () => RunFailedTests(); _view.StopRunCommand.Execute += () => CancelRun(); _view.SaveResultsCommand.Execute += () => SaveResults(); _view.OpenWorkDirectoryCommand.Execute += () => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(_model.WorkDirectory); _view.ExtensionsCommand.Execute += () => { using (var extensionsDialog = new ExtensionDialog(_model.Services.ExtensionService)) { extensionsDialog.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; extensionsDialog.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.SettingsCommand.Execute += () => { SettingsDialog.Display(this, _model); }; _view.TestCentricHelpCommand.Execute += () => { _view.MessageDisplay.Error("Not Yet Implemented"); }; _view.NUnitHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.AboutCommand.Execute += () => { using (AboutBox aboutBox = new AboutBox()) { aboutBox.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.ResultTabs.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.SelectedTab = _view.ResultTabs.SelectedIndex; }; #endregion }
private void WireUpEvents() { #region Model Events _model.Events.TestsLoading += (TestFilesLoadingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(testLoading: true); _longOpDisplay = _view.LongOperationDisplay("Loading..."); }; _model.Events.TestLoaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { if (_longOpDisplay != null) { _longOpDisplay.Dispose(); _longOpDisplay = null; } foreach (var assembly in _model.TestAssemblies) { if (assembly.RunState == RunState.NotRunnable) { _view.MessageDisplay.Error(assembly.GetProperty("_SKIPREASON")); } } UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestsUnloading += (TestEventArgse) => { UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestUnloaded += (TestEventArgs e) => { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestsReloading += (TestEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _longOpDisplay = _view.LongOperationDisplay("Reloading..."); }; _model.Events.TestReloaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { if (_longOpDisplay != null) { _longOpDisplay.Dispose(); _longOpDisplay = null; } //SetTitleBar(TestProject.Name); if (_settings.Gui.ClearResultsOnReload) { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; } UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.RunStarting += (RunStartingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.RunFinished += (TestResultEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); ResultSummary summary = ResultSummaryCreator.FromResultNode(e.Result); _view.RunSummary.Text = string.Format( "Passed: {0} Failed: {1} Errors: {2} Inconclusive: {3} Invalid: {4} Ignored: {5} Skipped: {6} Time: {7}", summary.PassCount, summary.FailedCount, summary.ErrorCount, summary.InconclusiveCount, summary.InvalidCount, summary.IgnoreCount, summary.SkipCount, summary.Duration); //string resultPath = Path.Combine(TestProject.BasePath, "TestResult.xml"); // TODO: Use Work Directory string resultPath = "TestResult.xml"; _model.SaveResults(resultPath); //try //{ // _model.SaveResults(resultPath); // //log.Debug("Saved result to {0}", resultPath); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // //log.Warning("Unable to save result to {0}\n{1}", resultPath, ex.ToString()); //} if (e.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed) { _view.Activate(); } }; _settings.Changed += (s, e) => { if (e.SettingName == "Gui.Options.DisplayFormat") { InitializeDisplay(); } }; #endregion #region View Events _view.Load += (s, e) => { InitializeDisplay(_settings.Gui.DisplayFormat); // Temporary call, so long as IViewControl is used InitializeControls((Control)_view); }; _view.Shown += (s, e) => { Application.DoEvents(); // Load test specified on command line or // the most recent one if options call for it if (_options.InputFiles.Count != 0) { LoadTests(_options.InputFiles); } else if (_settings.Gui.LoadLastProject && !_options.NoLoad) { foreach (string entry in _recentFiles.Entries) { if (entry != null && File.Exists(entry)) { LoadTests(entry); break; } } } //if ( guiOptions.include != null || guiOptions.exclude != null) //{ // testTree.ClearSelectedCategories(); // bool exclude = guiOptions.include == null; // string[] categories = exclude // ? guiOptions.exclude.Split(',') // : guiOptions.include.Split(','); // if ( categories.Length > 0 ) // testTree.SelectCategories( categories, exclude ); //} // Run loaded test automatically if called for if (_model.IsPackageLoaded && _options.RunAllTests) { // TODO: Temporary fix to avoid problem when /run is used // with ReloadOnRun turned on. Refactor TestModel so // we can just do a run without reload. bool reload = _settings.Gui.ReloadOnRun; try { _settings.Gui.ReloadOnRun = false; RunAllTests(); } finally { _settings.Gui.ReloadOnRun = reload; } } }; _view.Move += (s, e) => { if (!_view.Maximized) { var location = _view.Location; switch (_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem) { case "Full": default: _settings.Gui.MainForm.Left = location.X; _settings.Gui.MainForm.Top = location.Y; _settings.Gui.MainForm.Maximized = false; break; case "Mini": _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Left = location.X; _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Top = location.Y; _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Maximized = false; break; } } }; _view.Resize += (s, e) => { if (!_view.Maximized) { var size = _view.Size; if (_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem == "Full") { _settings.Gui.MainForm.Width = size.Width; _settings.Gui.MainForm.Height = size.Height; } else { _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Width = size.Width; _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Height = size.Height; } } }; _view.SplitterPosition.Changed += () => { _settings.Gui.MainForm.SplitPosition = _view.SplitterPosition.Value; }; _view.FormClosing += (s, e) => { if (_model.IsPackageLoaded) { if (_model.IsTestRunning) { DialogResult dialogResult = _view.MessageDisplay.Ask( "A test is running, do you want to stop the test and exit?"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; return; } _model.CancelTestRun(); } if (CloseProject() == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } } }; _view.RunButton.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.StopButton.Execute += () => CancelRun(); _view.FileMenu.Popup += () => { bool isPackageLoaded = _model.IsPackageLoaded; bool isTestRunning = _model.IsTestRunning; _view.OpenCommand.Enabled = !isTestRunning; _view.CloseCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; var frameworks = _model.AvailableRuntimes; var runtimeMenu = _view.RuntimeMenu; runtimeMenu.Visible = frameworks.Count > 1; if (runtimeMenu.Visible && runtimeMenu.Enabled && runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Count == 0) { var defaultMenuItem = new MenuItem("Default"); defaultMenuItem.Name = "defaultMenuItem"; defaultMenuItem.Tag = "DEFAULT"; defaultMenuItem.Checked = true; runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Add(defaultMenuItem); // TODO: Disable selections that are not supported for the target? foreach (IRuntimeFramework framework in frameworks) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(framework.DisplayName); item.Tag = framework.Id; runtimeMenu.MenuItems.Add(item); } _view.SelectedRuntime.Refresh(); } _view.RecentFilesMenu.Enabled = !isTestRunning; //if (!isTestRunning) //{ // _recentProjectsMenuHandler.Load(); //} }; _view.OpenCommand.Execute += () => OpenProject(); _view.CloseCommand.Execute += () => CloseProject(); _view.AddTestFileCommand.Execute += () => AddTestFile(); _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Execute += () => ReloadTests(); _view.SelectedRuntime.SelectionChanged += () => { ChangePackageSetting(EnginePackageSettings.RuntimeFramework, _view.SelectedRuntime.SelectedItem); }; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Popup += () => { var menuItems = _view.RecentFilesMenu.MenuItems; // Test for null, in case we are running tests with a mock if (menuItems == null) { return; } menuItems.Clear(); int num = 0; foreach (string entry in _model.Services.RecentFiles.Entries) { var menuText = string.Format("{0} {1}", ++num, entry); var menuItem = new MenuItem(menuText); menuItem.Click += (sender, ea) => { string path = ((MenuItem)sender).Text.Substring(2); _model.LoadTests(new[] { path }); }; menuItems.Add(menuItem); } }; _view.ExitCommand.Execute += () => _view.Close(); _view.DisplayFormat.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.DisplayFormat = _view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem; InitializeDisplay(_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem); }; _view.TreeMenu.Popup += () => { TreeNode selectedNode = _view.TreeView.SelectedNode; _view.CheckboxesCommand.Checked = _settings.Gui.TestTree.ShowCheckBoxes; if (selectedNode != null && selectedNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { bool isExpanded = selectedNode.IsExpanded; _view.CollapseCommand.Enabled = isExpanded; _view.ExpandCommand.Enabled = !isExpanded; } else { _view.CollapseCommand.Enabled = _view.ExpandCommand.Enabled = false; } }; _view.CheckboxesCommand.CheckedChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.TestTree.ShowCheckBoxes = _view.TreeView.CheckBoxes = _view.CheckboxesCommand.Checked; }; _view.ExpandCommand.Execute += () => { _view.TreeView.SelectedNode.Expand(); }; _view.CollapseCommand.Execute += () => { _view.TreeView.SelectedNode.Collapse(); }; _view.ExpandAllCommand.Execute += () => { _view.TreeView.ExpandAll(); }; _view.CollapseAllCommand.Execute += () => { _view.TreeView.CollapseAll(); }; _view.HideTestsCommand.Execute += () => { _view.TreeView.HideTests(); }; _view.PropertiesCommand.Execute += () => { if (_view.TreeView.SelectedNode != null) { _view.TreeView.ShowPropertiesDialog((TestSuiteTreeNode)_view.TreeView.SelectedNode); } }; _view.IncreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.DecreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.ChangeFontCommand.Execute += () => { FontDialog fontDialog = new FontDialog(); fontDialog.FontMustExist = true; fontDialog.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; fontDialog.MinSize = 6; fontDialog.MaxSize = 12; fontDialog.AllowVectorFonts = false; fontDialog.ScriptsOnly = true; fontDialog.ShowEffects = false; fontDialog.ShowApply = true; fontDialog.Apply += (s, e) => { applyFont(((FontDialog)s).Font); }; if (fontDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { applyFont(fontDialog.Font); } }; _view.RestoreFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(Form.DefaultFont); }; _view.IncreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.DecreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.RestoreFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8.0f); }; _view.StatusBarCommand.CheckedChanged += () => { _view.StatusBarView.Visible = _view.StatusBarCommand.Checked; }; _view.RunAllCommand.Execute += () => RunAllTests(); _view.RunSelectedCommand.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.RunFailedCommand.Execute += () => RunFailedTests(); _view.StopRunCommand.Execute += () => CancelRun(); _view.ToolsMenu.Popup += () => { _view.ProjectEditorCommand.Enabled = File.Exists(_model.ProjectEditorPath); }; _view.ProjectEditorCommand.Execute += () => { string editorPath = _settings.Gui.ProjectEditorPath; if (editorPath != null && File.Exists(editorPath)) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(editorPath); } }; _view.SaveResultsCommand.Execute += () => SaveResults(); _view.ExtensionsCommand.Execute += () => { using (var extensionsDialog = new ExtensionDialog(_model.Services.ExtensionService)) { extensionsDialog.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; extensionsDialog.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.SettingsCommand.Execute += () => { SettingsDialog.Display(this, _model); }; _view.TestCentricHelpCommand.Execute += () => { _view.MessageDisplay.Error("Not Yet Implemented"); }; _view.NUnitHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.AboutCommand.Execute += () => { using (AboutBox aboutBox = new AboutBox()) { aboutBox.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.ResultTabs.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.SelectedTab = _view.ResultTabs.SelectedIndex; }; #endregion }
private void WireUpEvents() { #region Model Events _model.Events.TestsLoading += (TestFilesLoadingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(testLoading: true); var message = e.TestFilesLoading.Count == 1 ? $"Loading Assembly: {e.TestFilesLoading[0]}" : $"Loading {e.TestFilesLoading.Count} Assemblies..."; BeginLongRunningOperation(message); }; _model.Events.TestLoaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { OnLongRunningOperationComplete(); UpdateViewCommands(); _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; _lastFilesLoaded = _model.TestFiles.ToArray(); if (_lastFilesLoaded.Length == 1) { _view.SetTitleBar(_lastFilesLoaded.First()); } }; _model.Events.TestsUnloading += (TestEventArgse) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; BeginLongRunningOperation("Unloading..."); }; _model.Events.TestUnloaded += (TestEventArgs e) => { OnLongRunningOperationComplete(); UpdateViewCommands(); _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; }; _model.Events.TestsReloading += (TestEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); BeginLongRunningOperation("Reloading..."); }; _model.Events.TestReloaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { OnLongRunningOperationComplete(); UpdateViewCommands(); _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; }; _model.Events.TestLoadFailure += (TestLoadFailureEventArgs e) => { OnLongRunningOperationComplete(); // HACK: Engine should recognize .NET Standard and give the // appropriate error message. For now, we compensate for its // failure by issuing the message ourselves and reloading the // previously loaded test. var msg = e.Exception.Message; bool isNetStandardError = e.Exception.Message == "Unrecognized Target Framework Identifier: .NETStandard"; if (!isNetStandardError) { _view.MessageDisplay.Error(e.Exception.Message); return; } _view.MessageDisplay.Error("Test assemblies must target a specific platform, rather than .NETStandard."); if (_lastFilesLoaded == null) { _view.Close(); } else { _model.UnloadTests(); _model.LoadTests(_lastFilesLoaded); } }; _model.Events.RunStarting += (RunStartingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; _view.RunSummaryButton.Visible = false; }; _model.Events.RunFinished += (TestResultEventArgs e) => OnRunFinished(e.Result); // Separate internal method for testing void OnRunFinished(ResultNode result) { OnLongRunningOperationComplete(); UpdateViewCommands(); // Reset these in case run was cancelled _view.StopRunMenuCommand.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopMenuCommand.Visible = false; _view.StopRunButton.Visible = true; _view.ForceStopButton.Visible = false; _view.RunSummaryButton.Visible = true; //string resultPath = Path.Combine(TestProject.BasePath, "TestResult.xml"); // TODO: Use Work Directory string resultPath = "TestResult.xml"; _model.SaveResults(resultPath); //try //{ // _model.SaveResults(resultPath); // //log.Debug("Saved result to {0}", resultPath); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // //log.Warning("Unable to save result to {0}\n{1}", resultPath, ex.ToString()); //} //if (e.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed) // _view.Activate(); // If we were running unattended, it's time to close if (_options.Unattended) { _view.Close(); } else { DisplayTestRunSummary(result, true); } }; _settings.Changed += (s, e) => { switch (e.SettingName) { case "TestCentric.Gui.GuiLayout": // Settings have changed (from settings dialog) // so we want to update the GUI to match. var newLayout = _settings.Gui.GuiLayout; var oldLayout = _view.GuiLayout.SelectedItem; // Make sure it hasn't already been changed if (oldLayout != newLayout) { // Save position of form for old layout SaveFormLocationAndSize(oldLayout); // Update the GUI itself SetGuiLayout(newLayout); _view.GuiLayout.SelectedItem = newLayout; } break; case "TestCentric.Gui.MainForm.ShowStatusBar": _view.StatusBarView.Visible = _settings.Gui.MainForm.ShowStatusBar; break; } }; _model.Events.UnhandledException += (UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => { MessageBoxDisplay.Error($"{e.Message}\n\n{e.StackTrace}", "TestCentric - Internal Error"); }; #endregion #region View Events _view.Load += (s, e) => { var guiLayout = _settings.Gui.GuiLayout; _view.GuiLayout.SelectedItem = guiLayout; SetGuiLayout(guiLayout); var settings = _model.PackageOverrides; if (_options.MaxAgents >= 0) { _model.Settings.Engine.Agents = _options.MaxAgents; } _view.RunAsX86.Checked = _options.RunAsX86; }; _view.Shown += (s, e) => { Application.DoEvents(); // Load test specified on command line or // the most recent one if options call for it if (_options.InputFiles.Count != 0) { LoadTests(_options.InputFiles); } else if (_settings.Gui.LoadLastProject && !_options.NoLoad) { foreach (string entry in _recentFiles.Entries) { if (entry != null && File.Exists(entry)) { LoadTests(entry); break; } } } //if ( guiOptions.include != null || guiOptions.exclude != null) //{ // testTree.ClearSelectedCategories(); // bool exclude = guiOptions.include == null; // string[] categories = exclude // ? guiOptions.exclude.Split(',') // : guiOptions.include.Split(','); // if ( categories.Length > 0 ) // testTree.SelectCategories( categories, exclude ); //} // Run loaded test automatically if called for if (_model.IsPackageLoaded && _options.RunAllTests) { RunAllTests(); } // Currently, --unattended without --run does nothing except exit. else if (_options.Unattended) { _view.Close(); } }; _view.SplitterPositionChanged += (s, e) => { _settings.Gui.MainForm.SplitPosition = _view.SplitterPosition; }; _view.FormClosing += (s, e) => { if (_model.IsPackageLoaded) { if (_model.IsTestRunning) { if (!_view.MessageDisplay.YesNo("A test is running, do you want to forcibly stop the test and exit?")) { e.Cancel = true; return; } _model.StopTestRun(true); } if (CloseProject() == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (!e.Cancel) { SaveFormLocationAndSize(_settings.Gui.GuiLayout); } }; _view.FileMenu.Popup += () => { bool isPackageLoaded = _model.IsPackageLoaded; bool isTestRunning = _model.IsTestRunning; _view.OpenCommand.Enabled = !isTestRunning; _view.CloseCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.SelectAgentMenu.Enabled = _agentSelectionController.AllowAgentSelection(); _view.RunAsX86.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Enabled = !isTestRunning; //if (!isTestRunning) //{ // _recentProjectsMenuHandler.Load(); //} }; _view.OpenCommand.Execute += () => OpenProject(); _view.CloseCommand.Execute += () => CloseProject(); _view.AddTestFilesCommand.Execute += () => AddTestFiles(); _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Execute += () => ReloadTests(); _view.SelectAgentMenu.Popup += () => { _agentSelectionController.PopulateMenu(); }; _view.RunAsX86.CheckedChanged += () => { var key = EnginePackageSettings.RunAsX86; if (_view.RunAsX86.Checked) { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, true); } else { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, null); } }; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Popup += () => { var menuItems = _view.RecentFilesMenu.MenuItems; // Test for null, in case we are running tests with a mock if (menuItems == null) { return; } menuItems.Clear(); int num = 0; foreach (string entry in _model.RecentFiles.Entries) { var menuText = string.Format("{0} {1}", ++num, entry); var menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(menuText); menuItem.Click += (sender, ea) => { // HACK: We are loading new files, cancel any runtime override _model.PackageOverrides.Remove(EnginePackageSettings.RequestedRuntimeFramework); string path = ((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Text.Substring(2); _model.LoadTests(new[] { path }); }; menuItems.Add(menuItem); if (num >= _settings.Gui.RecentProjects.MaxFiles) { break; } } }; _view.ExitCommand.Execute += () => _view.Close(); _view.GuiLayout.SelectionChanged += () => { // Selection menu item has changed, so we want // to update both the display and the settings var oldLayout = _settings.Gui.GuiLayout; var newLayout = _view.GuiLayout.SelectedItem; if (oldLayout != newLayout) { SaveFormLocationAndSize(oldLayout); SetGuiLayout(newLayout); } _settings.Gui.GuiLayout = _view.GuiLayout.SelectedItem; }; _view.IncreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.DecreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.ChangeFontCommand.Execute += () => { Font currentFont = _settings.Gui.Font; Font newFont = _view.DialogManager.SelectFont(currentFont); if (newFont != _settings.Gui.Font) { applyFont(newFont); } }; _view.DialogManager.ApplyFont += (font) => applyFont(font); _view.RestoreFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(Form.DefaultFont); }; _view.IncreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.DecreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.RestoreFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8.0f); }; _view.RunAllMenuCommand.Execute += () => RunAllTests(); _view.RunSelectedMenuCommand.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.RunFailedMenuCommand.Execute += () => RunFailedTests(); _view.RunAllToolbarCommand.Execute += () => RunAllTests(); _view.RunSelectedToolbarCommand.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.RunButton.Execute += () => { // Necessary test because we don't disable the button click if (_model.HasTests && !_model.IsTestRunning) { RunAllTests(); } // TODO: This should actually run the last Run action selected in the dropdown }; _view.DebugAllToolbarCommand.Execute += () => _model.DebugAllTests(); _view.DebugSelectedToolbarCommand.Execute += () => _model.DebugSelectedTests(); _view.DebugButton.Execute += () => { // Necessary test because we don't disable the button click if (_model.HasTests && !_model.IsTestRunning) { _model.DebugAllTests(); } // TODO: This should actually run the last Run action selected in the dropdown }; _view.DisplayFormat.SelectionChanged += () => { SetTreeDisplayFormat(_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem); }; _view.GroupBy.SelectionChanged += () => { switch (_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem) { case "TEST_LIST": _settings.Gui.TestTree.TestList.GroupBy = _view.GroupBy.SelectedItem; break; case "FIXTURE_LIST": _settings.Gui.TestTree.FixtureList.GroupBy = _view.GroupBy.SelectedItem; break; } }; _view.StopRunMenuCommand.Execute += ExecuteNormalStop; _view.StopRunButton.Execute += ExecuteNormalStop; _view.ForceStopMenuCommand.Execute += ExecuteForcedStop; _view.ForceStopButton.Execute += ExecuteForcedStop; _view.TestParametersMenuCommand.Execute += DisplayTestParametersDialog; _view.TestParametersToolbarCommand.Execute += DisplayTestParametersDialog; _view.RunSummaryButton.Execute += () => { var result = _model.GetResultForTest(_model.Tests.Id); DisplayTestRunSummary(result, false); }; //_view.RunSummaryButton.CheckedChanged += () => //{ // if (_view.RunSummaryButton.Checked) // { // var resultId = _model.GetResultForTest(_model.Tests.Id); // var summary = ResultSummaryCreator.FromResultNode(resultId); // string report = ResultSummaryReporter.WriteSummaryReport(summary); // _view.DisplayTestRunSummary(report); // } // else // _view.HideTestRunSummary(); //}; _view.ToolsMenu.Popup += () => { _view.SaveResultsAsMenu.MenuItems.Clear(); foreach (string format in _resultFormats) { var formatItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(format); formatItem.Click += (s, e) => SaveResults(format); _view.SaveResultsAsMenu.MenuItems.Add(formatItem); } }; _view.SaveResultsCommand.Execute += () => SaveResults(); _view.OpenWorkDirectoryCommand.Execute += () => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(_model.WorkDirectory); _view.ExtensionsCommand.Execute += () => { using (var extensionsDialog = new ExtensionDialog(_model.Services.ExtensionService)) { extensionsDialog.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; extensionsDialog.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.SettingsCommand.Execute += () => { SettingsDialog.Display(this, _model); }; _view.TestCentricHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.NUnitHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.AboutCommand.Execute += () => { using (AboutBox aboutBox = new AboutBox()) { aboutBox.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.ResultTabs.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.SelectedTab = _view.ResultTabs.SelectedIndex; }; #endregion }
private void WireUpEvents() { #region Model Events _model.Events.TestsLoading += (TestFilesLoadingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(testLoading: true); var message = e.TestFilesLoading.Count == 1 ? $"Loading Assembly: {e.TestFilesLoading[0]}" : $"Loading {e.TestFilesLoading.Count} Assemblies..."; _view.LongRunningOperation.Display(message); }; _model.Events.TestLoaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { _view.LongRunningOperation.Hide(); UpdateViewCommands(); var files = _model.TestFiles; if (files.Count == 1) { _view.SetTitleBar(files.First()); } }; _model.Events.TestsUnloading += (TestEventArgse) => { UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestUnloaded += (TestEventArgs e) => { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestsReloading += (TestEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _view.LongRunningOperation.Display("Reloading..."); }; _model.Events.TestReloaded += (TestNodeEventArgs e) => { _view.LongRunningOperation.Hide(); if (_settings.Gui.ClearResultsOnReload) { _view.RunSummary.Text = null; } UpdateViewCommands(); }; _model.Events.TestLoadFailure += (TestLoadFailureEventArgs e) => { _view.LongRunningOperation.Hide(); _view.MessageDisplay.Error(e.Exception.Message); }; _model.Events.RunStarting += (RunStartingEventArgs e) => { UpdateViewCommands(); _view.RunSummary.Text = null; }; _model.Events.RunFinished += (TestResultEventArgs e) => { _view.LongRunningOperation.Hide(); UpdateViewCommands(); ResultSummary summary = ResultSummaryCreator.FromResultNode(e.Result); _view.RunSummary.Text = string.Format( "Passed: {0} Failed: {1} Errors: {2} Inconclusive: {3} Invalid: {4} Ignored: {5} Skipped: {6} Time: {7}", summary.PassCount, summary.FailedCount, summary.ErrorCount, summary.InconclusiveCount, summary.InvalidCount, summary.IgnoreCount, summary.SkipCount, summary.Duration); if (summary.RunCount == 0) { } //string resultPath = Path.Combine(TestProject.BasePath, "TestResult.xml"); // TODO: Use Work Directory string resultPath = "TestResult.xml"; _model.SaveResults(resultPath); //try //{ // _model.SaveResults(resultPath); // //log.Debug("Saved result to {0}", resultPath); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // //log.Warning("Unable to save result to {0}\n{1}", resultPath, ex.ToString()); //} //if (e.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed) // _view.Activate(); // If we were running unattended, it's time to close if (_options.Unattended) { _view.Close(); } }; _settings.Changed += (s, e) => { if (e.SettingName == "Gui.Options.DisplayFormat") { InitializeDisplay(); } }; _model.Events.UnhandledException += (UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => { MessageBoxDisplay.Error($"{e.Message}\n\n{e.StackTrace}", "TestCentric - Internal Error"); }; #endregion #region View Events _view.Load += (s, e) => { InitializeDisplay(_settings.Gui.DisplayFormat); var settings = _model.PackageOverrides; if (_options.MaxAgents >= 0) { _model.Settings.Engine.Agents = _options.MaxAgents; } _view.RunAsX86.Checked = _options.RunAsX86; }; _view.Shown += (s, e) => { Application.DoEvents(); // Load test specified on command line or // the most recent one if options call for it if (_options.InputFiles.Count != 0) { LoadTests(_options.InputFiles); } else if (_settings.Gui.LoadLastProject && !_options.NoLoad) { foreach (string entry in _recentFiles.Entries) { if (entry != null && File.Exists(entry)) { LoadTests(entry); break; } } } //if ( guiOptions.include != null || guiOptions.exclude != null) //{ // testTree.ClearSelectedCategories(); // bool exclude = guiOptions.include == null; // string[] categories = exclude // ? guiOptions.exclude.Split(',') // : guiOptions.include.Split(','); // if ( categories.Length > 0 ) // testTree.SelectCategories( categories, exclude ); //} // Run loaded test automatically if called for if (_model.IsPackageLoaded && _options.RunAllTests) { RunAllTests(); } // Currently, --unattended without --run does nothing except exit. else if (_options.Unattended) { _view.Close(); } }; _view.SplitterPositionChanged += (s, e) => { _settings.Gui.MainForm.SplitPosition = _view.SplitterPosition; }; _view.FormClosing += (s, e) => { if (_model.IsPackageLoaded) { if (_model.IsTestRunning) { if (!_view.MessageDisplay.YesNo("A test is running, do you want to forcibly stop the test and exit?")) { e.Cancel = true; return; } _model.StopTestRun(true); } if (CloseProject() == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (!e.Cancel) { if (_settings.Gui.DisplayFormat == "Mini") { _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Location = _view.Location; _settings.Gui.MiniForm.Size = _view.Size; } else { _settings.Gui.MainForm.Location = _view.Location; _settings.Gui.MainForm.Size = _view.Size; } } }; _view.RunButton.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.StopButton.Execute += () => StopTests(); _view.ForceStopButton.Execute += () => ForceStop(); _view.FileMenu.Popup += () => { bool isPackageLoaded = _model.IsPackageLoaded; bool isTestRunning = _model.IsTestRunning; _view.OpenCommand.Enabled = !isTestRunning; _view.CloseCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Enabled = isPackageLoaded && !isTestRunning; _view.RuntimeMenu.Visible = _model.AvailableRuntimes.Count > 1; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Enabled = !isTestRunning; //if (!isTestRunning) //{ // _recentProjectsMenuHandler.Load(); //} }; _view.RuntimeMenu.Popup += () => _runtimeSelectionController.PopulateMenu(); _view.OpenCommand.Execute += () => OpenProject(); _view.CloseCommand.Execute += () => CloseProject(); _view.AddTestFilesCommand.Execute += () => AddTestFiles(); _view.ReloadTestsCommand.Execute += () => ReloadTests(); _view.RunAsX86.CheckedChanged += () => { var key = EnginePackageSettings.RunAsX86; if (_view.RunAsX86.Checked) { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, true); } else { ChangePackageSettingAndReload(key, null); } }; _view.RecentFilesMenu.Popup += () => { var menuItems = _view.RecentFilesMenu.MenuItems; // Test for null, in case we are running tests with a mock if (menuItems == null) { return; } menuItems.Clear(); int num = 0; foreach (string entry in _model.RecentFiles.Entries) { var menuText = string.Format("{0} {1}", ++num, entry); var menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(menuText); menuItem.Click += (sender, ea) => { // HACK: We are loading new files, cancel any runtime override _model.PackageOverrides.Remove(EnginePackageSettings.RequestedRuntimeFramework); string path = ((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Text.Substring(2); _model.LoadTests(new[] { path }); }; menuItems.Add(menuItem); if (num >= _settings.Gui.RecentProjects.MaxFiles) { break; } } }; _view.ExitCommand.Execute += () => _view.Close(); _view.DisplayFormat.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.DisplayFormat = _view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem; InitializeDisplay(_view.DisplayFormat.SelectedItem); }; _view.IncreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.DecreaseFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.Font)); }; _view.ChangeFontCommand.Execute += () => { Font currentFont = _settings.Gui.Font; Font newFont = _view.DialogManager.SelectFont(currentFont); if (newFont != _settings.Gui.Font) { applyFont(newFont); } }; _view.DialogManager.ApplyFont += (font) => applyFont(font); _view.RestoreFontCommand.Execute += () => { applyFont(Form.DefaultFont); }; _view.IncreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = IncreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.DecreaseFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = DecreaseFont(_settings.Gui.FixedFont); }; _view.RestoreFixedFontCommand.Execute += () => { _settings.Gui.FixedFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8.0f); }; _view.StatusBarCommand.CheckedChanged += () => { _view.StatusBarView.Visible = _view.StatusBarCommand.Checked; }; _view.RunAllCommand.Execute += () => RunAllTests(); _view.RunSelectedCommand.Execute += () => RunSelectedTests(); _view.RunFailedCommand.Execute += () => RunFailedTests(); _view.StopRunCommand.Execute += () => StopTests(); _view.ForceStopCommand.Execute += () => ForceStop(); _view.TestParametersCommand.Execute += () => { using (var dlg = new TestParametersDialog()) { dlg.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; dlg.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (_model.PackageOverrides.ContainsKey("TestParametersDictionary")) { var testParms = _model.PackageOverrides["TestParametersDictionary"] as IDictionary <string, string>; foreach (string key in testParms.Keys) { dlg.Parameters.Add(key, testParms[key]); } } if (dlg.ShowDialog(_view as IWin32Window) == DialogResult.OK) { ChangePackageSettingAndReload("TestParametersDictionary", dlg.Parameters); } } }; _view.ToolsMenu.Popup += () => { _view.SaveResultsAsMenu.MenuItems.Clear(); foreach (string format in _resultFormats) { var formatItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(format); formatItem.Click += (s, e) => SaveResults(format); _view.SaveResultsAsMenu.MenuItems.Add(formatItem); } }; _view.SaveResultsCommand.Execute += () => SaveResults(); _view.OpenWorkDirectoryCommand.Execute += () => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(_model.WorkDirectory); _view.ExtensionsCommand.Execute += () => { using (var extensionsDialog = new ExtensionDialog(_model.Services.ExtensionService)) { extensionsDialog.Font = _settings.Gui.Font; extensionsDialog.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.SettingsCommand.Execute += () => { SettingsDialog.Display(this, _model); }; _view.TestCentricHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.NUnitHelpCommand.Execute += () => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; _view.AboutCommand.Execute += () => { using (AboutBox aboutBox = new AboutBox()) { aboutBox.ShowDialog(); } }; _view.ResultTabs.SelectionChanged += () => { _settings.Gui.SelectedTab = _view.ResultTabs.SelectedIndex; }; #endregion }