Пример #1
        private static IOps CreateOps(WorkerFactory.Type type, ITensorAllocator allocator, bool verbose)
            switch (type)
            case WorkerFactory.Type.ComputePrecompiled:
                return(new PrecompiledComputeOps(ComputeShaderSingleton.Instance.kernels,
                                                 ComputeShaderSingleton.Instance.referenceKernels, allocator, verbose));

            case WorkerFactory.Type.Compute:
                return(new ComputeOps(ComputeShaderSingleton.Instance.kernels,
                                      ComputeShaderSingleton.Instance.referenceKernels, allocator, verbose));

            case WorkerFactory.Type.ComputeRef:
                return(new ReferenceComputeOps(ComputeShaderSingleton.Instance.referenceKernels, allocator));

            case WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst:
                return(new BurstCPUOps(allocator));

            case WorkerFactory.Type.CSharp:
                return(new UnsafeArrayCPUOps(allocator));

                return(new ReferenceCPUOps(allocator));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorAppliers object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bp"> The BrainParameters used to determine what Appliers will be
        /// used</param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Appliers will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator</param>
        /// <param name="memories">Dictionary of AgentInfo.id to memory used to pass to the inference model.</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorApplier(
            BrainParameters bp,
            int seed,
            ITensorAllocator allocator,
            Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories,
            object barracudaModel = null)
            if (bp.vectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.Continuous)
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] = new ContinuousActionOutputApplier();
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] =
                    new DiscreteActionOutputApplier(bp.vectorActionSize, seed, allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput] = new MemoryOutputApplier(memories);

            if (barracudaModel != null)
                var model = (Model)barracudaModel;

                for (var i = 0; i < model?.memories.Count; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].output] =
                        new BarracudaMemoryOutputApplier(model.memories.Count, i, memories);
Пример #3
 public DiscreteActionOutputApplier(ActionSpec actionSpec, int seed, ITensorAllocator allocator)
     m_ActionSize  = actionSpec.BranchSizes;
     m_Multinomial = new Multinomial(seed);
     m_Allocator   = allocator;
     m_ActionSpec  = actionSpec;
Пример #4
        public static void ResizeTensor(TensorProxy tensor, int batch, ITensorAllocator allocator)
            if (tensor.shape[0] == batch &&
                tensor.data != null && tensor.data.batch == batch)

            tensor.shape[0] = batch;

            if (tensor.shape.Length == 4)
                tensor.data = allocator.Alloc(
                    new TensorShape(
                tensor.data = allocator.Alloc(
                    new TensorShape(
                        (int)tensor.shape[tensor.shape.Length - 1]));
Пример #5
 public VisualObservationInputGenerator(
     int index, bool grayScale, ITensorAllocator allocator)
     m_Index     = index;
     m_GrayScale = grayScale;
     m_Allocator = allocator;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorAppliers object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionSpec"> Description of the action spaces for the Agent.</param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Appliers will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator</param>
        /// <param name="memories">Dictionary of AgentInfo.id to memory used to pass to the inference model.</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorApplier(
            ActionSpec actionSpec,
            int seed,
            ITensorAllocator allocator,
            Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories,
            object barracudaModel = null)

            if (actionSpec.NumContinuousActions > 0)
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] = new ContinuousActionOutputApplier();
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] =
                    new DiscreteActionOutputApplier(actionSpec.BranchSizes, seed, allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput] = new MemoryOutputApplier(memories);

            if (barracudaModel != null)
                var model = (Model)barracudaModel;

                for (var i = 0; i < model?.memories.Count; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].output] =
                        new BarracudaMemoryOutputApplier(model.memories.Count, i, memories);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a list of Texture2D into a Tensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tensorProxy">
        /// Tensor proxy to fill with Texture data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="textures">
        /// The list of textures to be put into the tensor.
        /// Note that the textures must have same width and height.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="blackAndWhite">
        /// If set to <c>true</c> the textures
        /// will be converted to grayscale before being stored in the tensor.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allocator">Tensor allocator</param>
        public static void TextureToTensorProxy(TensorProxy tensorProxy, List <Texture2D> textures, bool blackAndWhite,
                                                ITensorAllocator allocator)
            var batchSize = textures.Count;
            var width     = textures[0].width;
            var height    = textures[0].height;
            var data      = tensorProxy.Data;

            for (var b = 0; b < batchSize; b++)
                var cc = textures[b].GetPixels32();
                for (var h = height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
                    for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
                        var currentPixel = cc[(height - h - 1) * width + w];
                        if (!blackAndWhite)
                            // For Color32, the r, g and b values are between
                            // 0 and 255.
                            data[b, h, w, 0] = currentPixel.r / 255.0f;
                            data[b, h, w, 1] = currentPixel.g / 255.0f;
                            data[b, h, w, 2] = currentPixel.b / 255.0f;
                            data[b, h, w, 0] = (currentPixel.r + currentPixel.g + currentPixel.b)
                                               / 3f / 255.0f;
Пример #8
 public RecurrentInputGenerator(
     ITensorAllocator allocator,
     Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories)
     m_Allocator = allocator;
     m_Memories  = memories;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorAppliers object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bp"> The BrainParameters used to determine what Appliers will be
        /// used</param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Appliers will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorApplier(
            BrainParameters bp, int seed, ITensorAllocator allocator, object barracudaModel = null)
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ValueEstimateOutput] = new ValueEstimateApplier();
            if (bp.vectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.Continuous)
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] = new ContinuousActionOutputApplier();
                m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput] =
                    new DiscreteActionOutputApplier(bp.vectorActionSize, seed, allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput] = new MemoryOutputApplier();

            if (barracudaModel != null)
                var model = (Model)barracudaModel;

                for (var i = 0; i < model?.memories.Length; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].output] =
                        new BarracudaMemoryOutputApplier(model.memories.Length, i);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Create `BurstCPUOps`
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allocator">allocator</param>
 public BurstCPUOps(ITensorAllocator allocator = null)
     : base(allocator)
     if (PreferBLAS == BLAS.Native && !blas.IsNative())
         PreferBLAS = BLAS.Disabled;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the Brain with the Model that it will use when selecting actions for
        /// the agents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"> The Barracuda model to load </param>
        /// <param name="actionSpec"> Description of the actions for the Agent.</param>
        /// <param name="inferenceDevice"> Inference execution device. CPU is the fastest
        /// option for most of ML Agents models. </param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed that will be used to initialize the RandomNormal
        /// and Multinomial objects used when running inference.</param>
        /// <exception cref="UnityAgentsException">Throws an error when the model is null
        /// </exception>
        public ModelRunner(
            NNModel model,
            ActionSpec actionSpec,
            InferenceDevice inferenceDevice,
            int seed = 0)
            Model barracudaModel;

            m_Model           = model;
            m_ModelName       = model.name;
            m_InferenceDevice = inferenceDevice;
            m_TensorAllocator = new TensorCachingAllocator();
            if (model != null)
                m_Verbose = true;

                D.logEnabled = m_Verbose;

                barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(model);
                WorkerFactory.Type executionDevice;
                switch (inferenceDevice)
                case InferenceDevice.CPU:
                    executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharp;

                case InferenceDevice.GPU:
                    executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.ComputePrecompiled;

                case InferenceDevice.Burst:
                    executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst;

                case InferenceDevice.Default:     // fallthrough
                    executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst;
                m_Engine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(executionDevice, barracudaModel, m_Verbose);
                barracudaModel = null;
                m_Engine       = null;

            m_InferenceInputs = barracudaModel.GetInputTensors();
            m_OutputNames     = barracudaModel.GetOutputNames();
            m_TensorGenerator = new TensorGenerator(
                seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_Memories, barracudaModel);
            m_TensorApplier = new TensorApplier(
                actionSpec, seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_Memories, barracudaModel);
            m_InputsByName     = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();
            m_InferenceOutputs = new List <TensorProxy>();
        internal static IWorker CreateWorker(WorkerFactory.Type type, Model model, string[] additionalOutputs, string[] trimOutputs, WorkerFactory.WorkerConfiguration workerConfiguration, IModelExecutionsReporter modelExecutionsReporter = null)
            type = ResolveAutoType(type);
            var compareAgainstType = ResolveAutoType(workerConfiguration.compareAgainstType);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(type, WorkerFactory.Type.Auto);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(compareAgainstType, WorkerFactory.Type.Auto);

            bool compare = type != compareAgainstType;

            if (WorkerFactory.IsType(type, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU) && !SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders && !Application.isEditor)
                D.LogWarning("Compute shaders are not supported on current platform. Falling back to CSharpFast.");
                type = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst;

            IVars vars;

            if (WorkerFactory.IsType(type, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU) || WorkerFactory.IsType(compareAgainstType, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU))
                vars = new ComputeVarsWithSharedModel();
                vars = new DefaultVars();

            ITensorAllocator allocator = vars.GetAllocator();

            if (workerConfiguration.verbose)
                D.Log($"Storage type: {vars.GetType()}. Allocator type: {allocator.GetType()}.");

            IOps ops = CreateOps(type, allocator, workerConfiguration.verbose);

            if (compare)
                ops = new CompareOps(ops,
                                     CreateOps(compareAgainstType, allocator, workerConfiguration.verbose), workerConfiguration.compareLogLevel, workerConfiguration.compareEpsilon);

            if (workerConfiguration.verbose || modelExecutionsReporter != null)
                ops = new VerboseOps(ops, workerConfiguration.verbose);

            if (Application.isEditor || modelExecutionsReporter != null)
                ops = new StatsOps(ops);

            model = ValidateModel(
                PatchModel(model, additionalOutputs, trimOutputs));

            return(new GenericWorker(model, ops, vars, workerConfiguration.verbose));
 public void InitializeVisualObservations(Agent agent, ITensorAllocator allocator)
     for (var visIndex = 0; visIndex < agent.m_Sensors.Count; visIndex++)
         // TODO handle non-visual sensors too - need to index better
         m_Dict[TensorNames.VisualObservationPlaceholderPrefix + visIndex] =
             new VisualObservationInputGenerator(visIndex, allocator);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an uninitialized Tensor with specified `shape` and an optional debug `name`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape shape, string name = "")
     this.name         = name;
     this.shape        = shape;
     m_TensorOnDevice  = null;
     m_TensorAllocator = null;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the Brain with the Model that it will use when selecting actions for
        /// the agents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed that will be used to initialize the RandomNormal
        /// and Multinomial obsjects used when running inference.</param>
        /// <exception cref="UnityAgentsException">Throws an error when the model is null
        /// </exception>
        public void ReloadModel(int seed = 0)
            if (_tensorAllocator == null)
                _tensorAllocator = new TensorCachingAllocator();

            if (model != null)
                _engine = new TFSharpInferenceEngine();
                _engine = null;
            _modelParamLoader = ModelParamLoader.GetLoaderAndCheck(_engine, brainParameters);
            _inferenceInputs  = _modelParamLoader.GetInputTensors();
            _inferenceOutputs = _modelParamLoader.GetOutputTensors();
            _tensorGenerator  = new TensorGenerator(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator);
            _tensorApplier    = new TensorApplier(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator);
            if (model != null)
                #if BARRACUDA_VERBOSE
                _verbose = true;

                D.logEnabled = _verbose;

                // Cleanup previous instance
                if (_engine != null)

                _barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(model.Value);
                var executionDevice = inferenceDevice == InferenceDevice.GPU
                    ? BarracudaWorkerFactory.Type.ComputePrecompiled
                    : BarracudaWorkerFactory.Type.CSharp;

                _engine = BarracudaWorkerFactory.CreateWorker(executionDevice, _barracudaModel, _verbose);
                _barracudaModel = null;
                _engine         = null;

            _modelParamLoader = BarracudaModelParamLoader.GetLoaderAndCheck(_engine, _barracudaModel, brainParameters);
            _inferenceInputs  = _modelParamLoader.GetInputTensors();
            _outputNames      = _modelParamLoader.GetOutputNames();
            _tensorGenerator  = new TensorGenerator(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator, _barracudaModel);
            _tensorApplier    = new TensorApplier(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator, _barracudaModel);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an uninitialized Tensor with specified `shape` and ITensorAllocator `allocator`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape shape, ITensorAllocator allocator)
     this.name         = "";
     this.shape        = shape;
     m_TensorOnDevice  = null;
     m_TensorAllocator = allocator;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
Пример #17
 public BarracudaRecurrentInputGenerator(
     int memoryIndex,
     ITensorAllocator allocator,
     Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories)
     m_MemoryIndex = memoryIndex;
     m_Allocator   = allocator;
     m_Memories    = memories;
Пример #18
        public static IWorker CreateWorker(WorkerFactory.Type type, Model model, string[] additionalOutputs, string[] trimOutputs, bool verbose, WorkerFactory.Type compareAgainstType, bool differenceAsError)
            type = ResolveAutoType(type);
            compareAgainstType = ResolveAutoType(compareAgainstType);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(type, WorkerFactory.Type.Auto);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(compareAgainstType, WorkerFactory.Type.Auto);

            bool compare = type != compareAgainstType;

            if (WorkerFactory.IsType(type, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU) && !SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders && !Application.isEditor)
                D.LogWarning("Compute shaders are not supported on current platform. Falling back to CSharpFast.");
                type = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharp;

            IVars vars;

            if (WorkerFactory.IsType(type, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU) || WorkerFactory.IsType(compareAgainstType, WorkerFactory.Device.GPU))
                vars = new ComputeVarsWithSharedModel();
                vars = new DefaultVars();

            ITensorAllocator allocator = vars.GetAllocator();

            if (verbose)
                D.Log($"Storage type: {vars.GetType()}. Allocator type: {allocator.GetType()}.");

            IOps ops = CreateOps(type, allocator, verbose);

            if (compare)
                ops = new CompareOps(ops,
                                     CreateOps(compareAgainstType, allocator, verbose), differenceAsError);

            if (verbose)
                ops = new VerboseOps(ops);

            if (Application.isEditor)
                ops = new StatsOps(ops);

            model = ValidateModel(
                PatchModel(model, additionalOutputs, trimOutputs));

            return(new GenericWorker(model, ops, vars, verbose));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an uninitialized Tensor of shape `s` and ITensorAllocator `a`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape s, ITensorAllocator a)
     //;;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Tensor::Tensor " + n + " " + s + " " + a);
     name              = "";
     shape             = s;
     m_TensorOnDevice  = null;
     m_TensorAllocator = a;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an uninitialized Tensor of shape `s`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape s, string n = "")
     //;;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Tensor::Tensor " + n + " " + s);
     name              = n;
     shape             = s;
     m_TensorOnDevice  = null;
     m_TensorAllocator = null;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Tensor of shape `s`, a ITensorData `d` and an optional name `n`
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape s, ITensorData d, string n = "")
     //;;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Tensor::Tensor " + n + " " + s + " @ " + ((d != null) ? d.GetType().Name : "null"));
     name              = n;
     shape             = s;
     m_TensorOnDevice  = d;
     m_TensorAllocator = null;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Tensor with specified `shape`, an array of data `srcData` and an optional debug `name`.
 /// `srcData` must be of size `shape.length`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape shape, float[] srcData, string name = "")
     this.name        = name;
     this.shape       = shape;
     m_TensorOnDevice = new ArrayTensorData(shape);
     Assert.IsTrue(srcData.Length == length);
     m_TensorOnDevice.Upload(srcData, shape, 0);
     m_TensorAllocator = null;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Tensor of shape `s`, an array of data `srcData` and an optional name `n`
 /// `srcData` should be of size `s.length`.
 /// </summary>
 public Tensor(TensorShape s, float[] srcData, string n = "")
     //;;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Tensor::Tensor " + n + " " + s + " []-> " + srcData);
     name             = n;
     shape            = s;
     m_TensorOnDevice = new ArrayTensorData(shape);
     m_TensorOnDevice.Upload(srcData, 0, Math.Min(length, srcData.Length));
     m_TensorAllocator = null;
     m_Cache           = null;
     m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
        /// Called from ITensorAllocator, puts Tensor in the ready for reuse state.
        internal ITensorData Invalidate()
            ITensorData unpinned = m_TensorOnDevice;

            PinToDevice(null, false);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_TensorOnDevice, null);
            m_Cache           = null;
            m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
            m_TensorOnDevice  = null;
            m_TensorAllocator = null;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorGenerators object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Generators will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator.</param>
        /// <param name="memories">Dictionary of AgentInfo.id to memory for use in the inference model.</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorGenerator(
            int seed,
            ITensorAllocator allocator,
            Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories,
            object barracudaModel = null)
            // If model is null, no inference to run and exception is thrown before reaching here.
            if (barracudaModel == null)
            var model = (Model)barracudaModel;

            m_ApiVersion = model.GetVersion();

            // Generator for Inputs
            m_Dict[TensorNames.BatchSizePlaceholder] =
                new BatchSizeGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.SequenceLengthPlaceholder] =
                new SequenceLengthGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentInPlaceholder] =
                new RecurrentInputGenerator(allocator, memories);

            if (m_ApiVersion < (int)BarracudaModelParamLoader.ModelApiVersion.MLAgents2_0)
                for (var i = 0; i < model.memories.Count; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].input] =
                        new BarracudaRecurrentInputGenerator(i, allocator, memories);

            m_Dict[TensorNames.PreviousActionPlaceholder] =
                new PreviousActionInputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionMaskPlaceholder] =
                new ActionMaskInputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RandomNormalEpsilonPlaceholder] =
                new RandomNormalInputGenerator(seed, allocator);

            // Generators for Outputs
            if (model.HasContinuousOutputs())
                m_Dict[model.ContinuousOutputName()] = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
            if (model.HasDiscreteOutputs())
                m_Dict[model.DiscreteOutputName()] = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput]     = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ValueEstimateOutput] = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Tensor from multiple texture, shape is [srcTextures.length, texture.height, texture.width, `channels=3`]
        /// All textures must be of the same size and dimension.
        /// </summary>
        public Tensor(UnityEngine.Texture[] srcTextures, int channels = 3, string n = "")
            name = n;
            var tensorData = new TextureAsTensorData(srcTextures, channels);

            //;;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Tensor::Tensor " + n + " " + tensorData.shape + " [TEX] " + srcTextures);
            shape = tensorData.shape;
            Assert.IsTrue(tensorData.GetMaxCount() >= length);
            m_TensorOnDevice  = tensorData;
            m_TensorAllocator = null;
            m_Cache           = null;
            m_CacheIsDirty    = false;
Пример #27
        public LegacyDiscreteActionOutputApplier(ActionSpec actionSpec, int seed, ITensorAllocator allocator)
            m_ActionSize         = actionSpec.BranchSizes;
            m_Multinomial        = new Multinomial(seed);
            m_ActionSpec         = actionSpec;
            m_StartActionIndices = Utilities.CumSum(m_ActionSize);

            // Scratch space for computing the cumulative distribution function.
            // In order to reuse it, make it the size of the largest branch.
            var largestBranch = Mathf.Max(m_ActionSize);

            m_CdfBuffer = new float[largestBranch];
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorAppliers object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionSpec"> Description of the actions for the Agent.</param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Appliers will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator</param>
        /// <param name="memories">Dictionary of AgentInfo.id to memory used to pass to the inference model.</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorApplier(
            ActionSpec actionSpec,
            int seed,
            ITensorAllocator allocator,
            Dictionary <int, List <float> > memories,
            object barracudaModel = null)
            // If model is null, no inference to run and exception is thrown before reaching here.
            if (barracudaModel == null)

            var model = (Model)barracudaModel;

            if (!model.SupportsContinuousAndDiscrete())
            if (actionSpec.NumContinuousActions > 0)
                var tensorName = model.ContinuousOutputName();
                m_Dict[tensorName] = new ContinuousActionOutputApplier(actionSpec);
            var modelVersion = model.GetVersion();

            if (actionSpec.NumDiscreteActions > 0)
                var tensorName = model.DiscreteOutputName();
                if (modelVersion == (int)BarracudaModelParamLoader.ModelApiVersion.MLAgents1_0)
                    m_Dict[tensorName] = new LegacyDiscreteActionOutputApplier(actionSpec, seed, allocator);
                if (modelVersion == (int)BarracudaModelParamLoader.ModelApiVersion.MLAgents2_0)
                    m_Dict[tensorName] = new DiscreteActionOutputApplier(actionSpec, seed, allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput] = new MemoryOutputApplier(memories);

            if (modelVersion < (int)BarracudaModelParamLoader.ModelApiVersion.MLAgents2_0)
                for (var i = 0; i < model?.memories.Count; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].output] =
                        new BarracudaMemoryOutputApplier(model.memories.Count, i, memories);
Пример #29
        public void InitializeObservations(List <ISensor> sensors, ITensorAllocator allocator)
            // Loop through the sensors on a representative agent.
            // All vector observations use a shared ObservationGenerator since they are concatenated.
            // All other observations use a unique ObservationInputGenerator
            var visIndex = 0;
            ObservationGenerator vecObsGen = null;

            for (var sensorIndex = 0; sensorIndex < sensors.Count; sensorIndex++)
                var sensor = sensors[sensorIndex];
                var shape  = sensor.GetObservationShape();
                var rank   = shape.Length;
                ObservationGenerator obsGen = null;
                string obsGenName           = null;
                switch (rank)
                case 1:
                    if (vecObsGen == null)
                        vecObsGen = new ObservationGenerator(allocator);
                    obsGen     = vecObsGen;
                    obsGenName = TensorNames.VectorObservationPlaceholder;

                case 2:
                    // If the tensor is of rank 2, we use the index of the sensor
                    // to create the name
                    obsGen     = new ObservationGenerator(allocator);
                    obsGenName = TensorNames.GetObservationName(sensorIndex);

                case 3:
                    // If the tensor is of rank 3, we use the "visual observation
                    // index", which only counts the rank 3 sensors
                    obsGen     = new ObservationGenerator(allocator);
                    obsGenName = TensorNames.GetVisualObservationName(visIndex);

                    throw new UnityAgentsException(
                              $"Sensor {sensor.GetName()} have an invalid rank {rank}");
                m_Dict[obsGenName] = obsGen;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new TensorGenerators object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bp"> The BrainParameters used to determine what Generators will be
        /// used</param>
        /// <param name="seed"> The seed the Generators will be initialized with.</param>
        /// <param name="allocator"> Tensor allocator</param>
        /// <param name="barracudaModel"></param>
        public TensorGenerator(
            BrainParameters bp, int seed, ITensorAllocator allocator, object barracudaModel = null)
            // Generator for Inputs
            m_Dict[TensorNames.BatchSizePlaceholder] =
                new BatchSizeGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.SequenceLengthPlaceholder] =
                new SequenceLengthGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.VectorObservationPlacholder] =
                new VectorObservationGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentInPlaceholder] =
                new RecurrentInputGenerator(allocator);

            if (barracudaModel != null)
                var model = (Model)barracudaModel;
                for (var i = 0; i < model?.memories.Length; i++)
                    m_Dict[model.memories[i].input] =
                        new BarracudaRecurrentInputGenerator(i, allocator);

            m_Dict[TensorNames.PreviousActionPlaceholder] =
                new PreviousActionInputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionMaskPlaceholder] =
                new ActionMaskInputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RandomNormalEpsilonPlaceholder] =
                new RandomNormalInputGenerator(seed, allocator);
            if (bp.cameraResolutions != null)
                for (var visIndex = 0;
                     visIndex < bp.cameraResolutions.Length;
                    var index = visIndex;
                    var bw    = bp.cameraResolutions[visIndex].blackAndWhite;
                    m_Dict[TensorNames.VisualObservationPlaceholderPrefix + visIndex] =
                        new VisualObservationInputGenerator(index, bw, allocator);

            // Generators for Outputs
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ActionOutput]        = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.RecurrentOutput]     = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);
            m_Dict[TensorNames.ValueEstimateOutput] = new BiDimensionalOutputGenerator(allocator);