public virtual async Task ExecuteAsync( TaskDescriptor task, HttpContext httpContext, bool throwOnError = false, CancellationToken cancelToken = default) { Guard.NotNull(task, nameof(task)); if (_asyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } await _taskStore.LoadLastExecutionInfoAsync(task); if (task.LastExecution?.IsRunning == true) { return; } ITask job = null; Type taskType = null; Exception exception = null; bool faulted = false, canceled = false; string lastError = null, stateName = null; var executionInfo = _taskStore.CreateExecutionInfo(task); try { taskType = _taskStore.GetTaskClrType(task); if (taskType == null) { Logger.Debug($"Invalid scheduled task type: {task.Type.NaIfEmpty()}"); return; } if (!_appContext.ModuleCatalog.IsActiveModuleAssembly(taskType.Assembly)) { return; } await _taskStore.InsertExecutionInfoAsync(executionInfo); } catch { // Get out on any initialization error. return; } try { // Task history entry has been successfully added, now we execute the task. // Create task instance. job = _taskResolver(taskType); stateName = task.Id.ToString(); // Create & set a composite CancellationTokenSource which also contains the global app shoutdown token. var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_asyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken, cancelToken); await _asyncState.CreateAsync(task, stateName, false, cts); // Run the task Logger.Debug("Executing scheduled task: {0}", task.Type); var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext(_taskStore, httpContext, _componentContext, executionInfo); //// TODO: (core) Uncomment job.Run and remove Task.Delay() //await job.Run(ctx, cts.Token); await Task.Delay(50, cts.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; faulted = true; canceled = ex is OperationCanceledException; lastError = ex.ToAllMessages(true); if (canceled) { Logger.Warn(ex, $"The scheduled task '{task.Name}' has been canceled."); } else { Logger.Error(ex, string.Concat($"Error while running scheduled task '{task.Name}'", ": ", ex.Message)); } } finally { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var updateTask = false; executionInfo.IsRunning = false; executionInfo.ProgressPercent = null; executionInfo.ProgressMessage = null; executionInfo.Error = lastError; executionInfo.FinishedOnUtc = now; if (faulted) { if ((!canceled && task.StopOnError) || task == null) { task.Enabled = false; updateTask = true; } } else { executionInfo.SucceededOnUtc = now; } try { Logger.Debug("Executed scheduled task: {0}. Elapsed: {1} ms.", task.Type, (now - executionInfo.StartedOnUtc).TotalMilliseconds); // Remove from AsyncState. if (stateName.HasValue()) { // We don't just remove the cancellation token, but the whole state (along with the token) // for the case that a state was registered during task execution. await _asyncState.RemoveAsync <TaskDescriptor>(stateName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } if (task.Enabled) { task.NextRunUtc = _taskStore.GetNextSchedule(task); updateTask = true; } await _taskStore.UpdateExecutionInfoAsync(executionInfo); if (updateTask) { await _taskStore.UpdateTaskAsync(task); } if (!canceled) { await Throttle.CheckAsync( "Delete old schedule task history entries", TimeSpan.FromHours(4), async() => await _taskStore.TrimExecutionInfosAsync(cancelToken) > 0); } } if (throwOnError && exception != null) { throw exception; } }