public List <Block> FindNewBlocks(string address, long startHeight, int startDifficulty)
            //this function finds the "longest" chain of blocks when given an address incase of a chainsplit

            //first we get all possible blocks
            var allBlocks = _tangleAccessor.GetAllFromAddress <Block>(address)
                            .Where(b => b.Height == startHeight)
                            .Where(b => b.Verify(startDifficulty))

            //we then generate a list of all possible ways from this block list
            var wayList = allBlocks.ToWayList();

            //we then grow the list until we find the longest way
            while (wayList.Count > 1)
                //we get the size before and if we add not a single more way, it means we only need to compare the sum of all lengths.
                //If the difference is 1 or less we only added a single way => longest chain for now
                int size = wayList.Count;

                int sumBefore = 0;
                wayList.ForEach(obj => { sumBefore += obj.Length; });

                //here happens the magic
                wayList = GrowWays(wayList);

                int sumAfter = 0;
                wayList.ForEach(obj => { sumAfter += obj.Length; });

                if (size == wayList.Count && sumAfter <= (sumBefore + 1))

            //growth stopped now because we only added a single block
            //we choosed now the longest way
            if (wayList.Count == 0)
                return(new List <Block>());

            return(wayList.OrderByDescending(item => item.Length).First().ToBlockList());
Пример #2
 public List <T> GetAllFromAddress <T>(string addr) where T : IDownloadable
     return(_tangleAccessor.GetAllFromAddress <T>(addr));