public bool BOF() { Exception exception = null; int nestingLevel = _plan.ServerProcess.BeginTransactionalCall(); try { long startTicks = TimingUtility.CurrentTicks; try { return(_sourceTable.BOF()); } finally { _program.Statistics.ExecuteTime += TimingUtility.TimeSpanFromTicks(startTicks); } } catch (Exception E) { exception = E; throw WrapException(E); } finally { _plan.ServerProcess.EndTransactionalCall(nestingLevel, exception); } }
protected override bool InternalNext() { if (_sourceTable.Next()) { _bOF = false; return(true); } _bOF = _sourceTable.BOF(); return(false); }
protected void FindOrderKey() { if (!(_table.BOF() || _table.EOF())) { if (_orderKey == null) { _orderKey = BuildOrderKeyRow(); } else { _orderKey.ClearValues(); } _table.Select(_orderKey); } else if (_orderKey != null) { _orderKey.Dispose(); _orderKey = null; } }
protected override bool InternalBOF() { return(_sourceTable.BOF()); }
public static object DataValueToValue(IServerProcess process, IDataValue dataValue) { if (dataValue == null) { return(null); } IScalar scalar = dataValue as IScalar; if (scalar != null) { return(ScalarTypeNameToValue(dataValue.DataType.Name, scalar)); } ListValue list = dataValue as ListValue; if (list != null) { var listValue = new List <object>(); if (!list.IsNil) { for (int index = 0; index < list.Count(); index++) { listValue.Add(DataValueToValue(process, list.GetValue(index))); } } return(listValue); } IRow row = dataValue as IRow; if (row != null) { var rowValue = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!row.IsNil) { for (int index = 0; index < row.DataType.Columns.Count; index++) { var data = row.GetValue(index); data.DataType.Name = DataTypeToDataTypeName(process.DataTypes, row.DataType.Columns[index].DataType); rowValue.Add(row.DataType.Columns[index].Name, DataValueToValue(process, data)); } } return(rowValue); } TableValue tableValue = dataValue as TableValue; TableValueScan scan = null; try { if (tableValue != null) { scan = new TableValueScan(tableValue); scan.Open(); dataValue = scan; } ITable table = dataValue as ITable; if (table != null) { var resultTable = new List <object>(); if (!table.BOF()) { table.First(); } bool[] valueTypes = new bool[table.DataType.Columns.Count]; for (int index = 0; index < table.DataType.Columns.Count; index++) { valueTypes[index] = table.DataType.Columns[index].DataType is IScalarType; } while (table.Next()) { using (IRow currentRow = table.Select()) { object[] nativeRow = new object[table.DataType.Columns.Count]; for (int index = 0; index < table.DataType.Columns.Count; index++) { if (valueTypes[index]) { resultTable.Add(currentRow[index]); } else { resultTable.Add(DataValueToValue(process, currentRow.GetValue(index))); } } } } return(resultTable); } } finally { if (scan != null) { scan.Dispose(); } } throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Values of type \"{0}\" are not supported.", dataValue.DataType.Name)); }
public static NativeValue DataValueToNativeValue(IServerProcess process, IDataValue dataValue) { if (dataValue == null) { return(null); } IScalar scalar = dataValue as IScalar; if (scalar != null) { NativeScalarValue nativeScalar = new NativeScalarValue(); nativeScalar.DataTypeName = ScalarTypeToDataTypeName(process.DataTypes, scalar.DataType); nativeScalar.Value = dataValue.IsNil ? null : scalar.AsNative; return(nativeScalar); } ListValue list = dataValue as ListValue; if (list != null) { NativeListValue nativeList = new NativeListValue(); if (!list.IsNil) { nativeList.Elements = new NativeValue[list.Count()]; for (int index = 0; index < list.Count(); index++) { nativeList.Elements[index] = DataValueToNativeValue(process, list.GetValue(index)); } } return(nativeList); } IRow row = dataValue as IRow; if (row != null) { NativeRowValue nativeRow = new NativeRowValue(); nativeRow.Columns = ColumnsToNativeColumns(process.DataTypes, row.DataType.Columns); if (!row.IsNil) { nativeRow.Values = new NativeValue[nativeRow.Columns.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < nativeRow.Values.Length; index++) { nativeRow.Values[index] = DataValueToNativeValue(process, row.GetValue(index)); } } return(nativeRow); } TableValue tableValue = dataValue as TableValue; TableValueScan scan = null; try { if (tableValue != null) { scan = new TableValueScan(tableValue); scan.Open(); dataValue = scan; } ITable table = dataValue as ITable; if (table != null) { NativeTableValue nativeTable = new NativeTableValue(); nativeTable.Columns = ColumnsToNativeColumns(process.DataTypes, table.DataType.Columns); List <object[]> nativeRows = new List <object[]>(); if (!table.BOF()) { table.First(); } bool[] valueTypes = new bool[nativeTable.Columns.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < nativeTable.Columns.Length; index++) { valueTypes[index] = table.DataType.Columns[index].DataType is IScalarType; } while (table.Next()) { using (IRow currentRow = table.Select()) { object[] nativeRow = new object[nativeTable.Columns.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < nativeTable.Columns.Length; index++) { if (valueTypes[index]) { nativeRow[index] = currentRow[index]; } else { nativeRow[index] = DataValueToNativeValue(process, currentRow.GetValue(index)); } } nativeRows.Add(nativeRow); } } nativeTable.Rows = nativeRows.ToArray(); return(nativeTable); } } finally { if (scan != null) { scan.Dispose(); } } throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Values of type \"{0}\" are not supported.", dataValue.DataType.Name)); }