Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and configure the segment iterator to be used
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="passFilter"></param>
        private void SetupForCellPassStackExamination(ICellPassAttributeFilter passFilter)
            SegmentIterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(null, null, SiteModel.PrimaryStorageProxy);

            if (passFilter.ReturnEarliestFilteredCellPass ||
                (passFilter.HasElevationTypeFilter && passFilter.ElevationType == ElevationType.First))
                SegmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards;
                SegmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Backwards;

            if (passFilter.HasMachineFilter)
                if (passFilter.SiteModel == null)
                    passFilter.SiteModel = SiteModel;

            // Create and configure the cell pass iterator to be used
            CellPassIterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic
                SegmentIterator = SegmentIterator

            CellPassIterator.SetTimeRange(passFilter.HasTimeFilter, passFilter.StartTime, passFilter.EndTime);
Пример #2
        protected override void SetupForCellPassStackExamination()

            if (!_commonCellPassStackExaminationDone)
                // Modify the cell pass iterator to obey the time range established by the StartDate/EndDate arguments
                _cellPassIterator.SetTimeRange(true, StartDate, EndDate);

                // Construct a reversing segment and cell pass iterator used to locate necessary cell passes earlier than the first cell pass
                // according to the primary cell pass iterator _cellPassIterator. Allow it's time range to be all of history prior to StartDate
                // Note that both the reversing and progressive sub grid operator are provide the same sub grid. This permits both iterators
                // to leverage the inherent cache of segment information within the sub grid.
                _reversingSegmentIterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(_subGridAsLeaf, _subGridAsLeaf.Directory, _storageProxy)
                    IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Backwards

                _reversingCellPassIterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(_reversingSegmentIterator, _maxNumberOfPassesToReturn);
                _reversingCellPassIterator.SetTimeRange(true, DateTime.MinValue, StartDate.AddTicks(-100));

                _commonCellPassStackExaminationDone = true;

            _segmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards;

            _reversingSegmentIterator.SubGrid   = _subGridAsLeaf;
            _reversingSegmentIterator.Directory = _subGridAsLeaf.Directory;
Пример #3
        private void IntegrateIntoLiveGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                           ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator,
                                           Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier)
            var targetSubGrid = LocateOrCreateSubGrid(_target, sourceSubGrid.OriginX, sourceSubGrid.OriginY);

                if (targetSubGrid == null)
                    _log.LogError("Failed to locate or create sub grid in IntegrateIntoLiveGrid");

                if (!IntegrateIntoLiveDatabase(sourceSubGrid, targetSubGrid, segmentIterator, subGridChangeNotifier))
                    _log.LogError("Integration into live database failed");
                // At this point TargetSubGrid is of no further interest. The site model will be dropped in-toto once all
                // changes have been integrated into the live sub grids and releasing it's resources here alleviates memory
                // pressure that occurs if all sub grids are integrated before any resource freeing occurs
                // This is not mediated by a using block as we want the sub grid to remain in the sub grid tree (ie:
                // removing it is messy and not necessary here, it can be delegated to the DropSiteModel() phase.
Пример #4
        protected virtual void SetupForCellPassStackExamination()
            if (!_commonCellPassStackExaminationDone)
                _populationControl.PreparePopulationControl(_gridDataType, _liftParams, _filter.AttributeFilter, _clientGrid.EventPopulationFlags);

                _filter.AttributeFilter.RequestedGridDataType = _gridDataType;

                // Create and configure the segment iterator to be used
                _segmentIterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(_subGridAsLeaf, _subGridAsLeaf.Directory, _storageProxy);

                if (_filter.AttributeFilter.HasMachineFilter)

                // Create and configure the cell pass iterator to be used

                _cellPassIterator = new SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(_segmentIterator, _maxNumberOfPassesToReturn);
                _cellPassIterator.SetTimeRange(_filter.AttributeFilter.HasTimeFilter, _filter.AttributeFilter.StartTime, _filter.AttributeFilter.EndTime);

                _commonCellPassStackExaminationDone = true;

            if (_filter.AttributeFilter.ReturnEarliestFilteredCellPass ||
                (_filter.AttributeFilter.HasElevationTypeFilter && _filter.AttributeFilter.ElevationType == ElevationType.First))
                _segmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards;
                _segmentIterator.IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Backwards;

            _segmentIterator.SubGrid   = _subGridAsLeaf;
            _segmentIterator.Directory = _subGridAsLeaf.Directory;

            // Some display types require lift processing to be able to select the appropriate cell pass containing the filtered value required.
            if (_clientGrid.WantsLiftProcessingResults())
                _segmentIterator.IterationDirection         = IterationDirection.Forwards;
                _cellPassIterator.MaxNumberOfPassesToReturn = _maxNumberOfPassesToReturn;
Пример #5
        protected SubGridRetrieverBase(ISiteModel siteModel,
                                       GridDataType gridDataType,
                                       ICombinedFilter filter,
                                       ICellPassAttributeFilterProcessingAnnex filterAnnex,
                                       bool hasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction,
                                       BoundingIntegerExtent2D overrideSpatialCellRestriction,
                                       bool prepareGridForCacheStorageIfNoSieving,
                                       int maxNumberOfPassesToReturn,
                                       IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                       AreaControlSet areaControlSet,
                                       IFilteredValuePopulationControl populationControl,
                                       ISubGridTreeBitMask pDExistenceMap,
                                       IOverrideParameters overrides,
                                       ILiftParameters liftParams)
            _segmentIterator  = null;
            _cellPassIterator = null;

            _siteModel    = siteModel;
            _gridDataType = gridDataType;
            _filter       = filter;
            _filterAnnex  = filterAnnex;
            _hasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction     = hasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction;
            _overrideSpatialCellRestriction        = overrideSpatialCellRestriction;
            _prepareGridForCacheStorageIfNoSieving = prepareGridForCacheStorageIfNoSieving;
            _maxNumberOfPassesToReturn             = maxNumberOfPassesToReturn;
            _storageProxy      = storageProxy;
            _populationControl = populationControl;
            _areaControlSet    = areaControlSet;
            _pdExistenceMap    = pDExistenceMap;
            _overrides         = overrides;
            _liftParams        = liftParams;

            // Create and configure the assignment context which is used to contain a filtered pass and
            // its attendant machine events and target values prior to assignment to the client sub grid.
            _assignmentContext = new FilteredValueAssignmentContext {
                Overrides = overrides, LiftParams = liftParams

            _filter.AttributeFilter.SiteModel = siteModel;

            _canUseGlobalLatestCells = _filter.AttributeFilter.LastRecordedCellPassSatisfiesFilter;
Пример #6
        private bool IntegrateIntoLiveDatabase(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                               IServerLeafSubGrid targetSubGrid,
                                               ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator,
                                               Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier)
            // Note the fact that this sub grid will be changed and become dirty as a result
            // of the cell pass integration
            targetSubGrid.Integrate(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, false);

            subGridChangeNotifier?.Invoke(targetSubGrid.OriginX, targetSubGrid.OriginY);

            // Save the integrated state of the sub grid segments to allow Ignite to store & socialize the update
            // within the cluster.

            // Failure to save a piece of data aborts the entire integration
            var result = false;

            if (_target.SaveLeafSubGrid(targetSubGrid, _storageProxySubGrids, _storageProxySubGridSegments, InvalidatedSpatialStreams))
                // Successfully saving the sub grid directory information is the point at which this sub grid may be recognized to exist
                // in the site model. Note this by including it within the SiteModel existence map

                _siteModel.ExistenceMap.SetCell(targetSubGrid.OriginX >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel,
                                                targetSubGrid.OriginY >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel,
                result = true;
                _log.LogError($"Sub grid leaf save failed for {targetSubGrid}, existence map not modified.");

            // Finally, mark the source sub grid as not being dirty. We need to do this to allow
            // the sub grid to permit its destruction as all changes have been merged into the target.
            if (result)

Пример #7
        private void IntegrateSubGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                      SubGridTreeIntegrationMode integrationMode,
                                      Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier,
                                      ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator)
            // Locate a matching sub grid in this tree. If there is none, then create it
            // and assign the sub grid from the iterator to it. If there is one, process
            // the cell pass stacks merging the two together

            var integratingIntoIntermediaryGrid = integrationMode == SubGridTreeIntegrationMode.UsingInMemoryTarget;

            if (integratingIntoIntermediaryGrid)
                IntegrateIntoIntermediaryGrid(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator);
                IntegrateIntoLiveGrid(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, subGridChangeNotifier);
Пример #8
        private void IntegrateIntoIntermediaryGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid, ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator)
            var targetSubGrid = _target.ConstructPathToCell(sourceSubGrid.OriginX, sourceSubGrid.OriginY,
                                                            SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf) as IServerLeafSubGrid;


            // If the node is brand new (ie: it does not have any cell passes committed to it yet)
            // then create and select the default segment
            if (targetSubGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Count == 0)

            if (targetSubGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].PassesData == null)
                _log.LogCritical("No segment passes data in new segment");

            targetSubGrid.Integrate(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, true);
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a cell pass iterator using a given segment iterator and an optional maximum number of passes to return
 /// in the course of the iteration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iterator"></param>
 /// <param name="maxNumberOfPassesToReturn"></param>
 public SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_NonStatic(ISubGridSegmentIterator iterator, int maxNumberOfPassesToReturn = int.MaxValue) : base(iterator, maxNumberOfPassesToReturn)
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a cell pass iterator using a given segment iterator and an optional maximum number of passes to return
 /// in the course of the iteration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iterator"></param>
 /// <param name="maxNumberOfPassesToReturn"></param>
 protected SubGridSegmentCellPassIterator_Base(ISubGridSegmentIterator iterator,
                                               int maxNumberOfPassesToReturn = int.MaxValue) : this()
     SegmentIterator           = iterator;
     MaxNumberOfPassesToReturn = maxNumberOfPassesToReturn;