Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscription is performed asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seedBrokers">Comma separated list of seed brokers. Port numbers are optional.
        /// <example>,,broker3.local.net:8181</example>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        /// <param name="startPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="maxWaitTimeMs"></param>
        /// <param name="minBytesPerFetch"></param>
        /// <param name="maxBytesPerFetch"></param>
        /// <param name="highWatermark"></param>
        /// <param name="useFlowControl">
        ///     If set to true, subscriber must call consumers Ack function to keep data flowing.
        ///     Is used to prevent out of memory errors when subscriber is slow and data velocity is high
        ///     (re-reading the log from beginning for example).
        ///     Make sure that subscriber consumes more than lowWatermark, or data might stop flowing because driver would
        ///     wait for subscriber to drain until lowWatermark and subscriber would wait for more data until continue processing
        ///     (could happen when buffering is used).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="lowWatermark"></param>
        /// <param name="stopPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Driver will schedule outgoing messages events using this scheduler. By default it is
        /// EventLoopScheduler. Be careful if you want to redefine it. Concurrent scheduler can rearrange order of messages
        /// within the same partition!</param>
        public ConsumerConfiguration(
            string seedBrokers,
            string topic,
            IStartPositionProvider startPosition,
            int maxWaitTimeMs    = 500,
            int minBytesPerFetch = 1,
            int maxBytesPerFetch = 256 *1024,
            int lowWatermark     = 500,
            int highWatermark    = 2000,
            bool useFlowControl  = false,
            IStopPositionProvider stopPosition = null,
            IScheduler scheduler = null)
            LowWatermark   = lowWatermark;
            HighWatermark  = highWatermark;
            UseFlowControl = useFlowControl;

            if (lowWatermark < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not be negative", "lowWatermark");

            if (highWatermark < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not be negative", "highWatermark");

            if (highWatermark < lowWatermark)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("highWatermark must be greater than lowWatermark");

            SeedBrokers       = seedBrokers;
            StartPosition     = startPosition;
            Topic             = topic;
            MaxWaitTimeMs     = maxWaitTimeMs;
            MinBytesPerFetch  = minBytesPerFetch;
            MaxBytesPerFetch  = maxBytesPerFetch;
            StopPosition      = stopPosition ?? new StopPositionNever();
            OutgoingScheduler = scheduler ?? new EventLoopScheduler(ts => new Thread(ts)
                IsBackground = true
Пример #2
        /// <summary>For every patition, resolve offsets and build TopicPartition object</summary>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <TopicPartition> > BuildTopicPartitionsAsync()
            // if they didn't specify explicit locations, initialize them here.
            var startPositionProvider = Configuration.StartPosition;

            if (startPositionProvider.StartLocation != ConsumerLocation.SpecifiedLocations)
                // no offsets provided. Need to issue an offset request to get start/end locations and use them for consuming
                var partitions = await _cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(Topic, startPositionProvider.StartLocation);

                if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    _log.Debug("Consumer for topic {0} got time->offset resolved for location {1}. parts: [{2}]",
                               Topic, startPositionProvider,
                               string.Join(",", partitions.Partitions.OrderBy(p => p).Select(p => string.Format("{0}:{1}", p, partitions.NextOffset(p)))));

                IStartPositionProvider origProvider = startPositionProvider;
                // the new explicit offsets provider should use only the partitions included in the original one.
                startPositionProvider = new TopicPartitionOffsets(partitions.Topic, partitions.GetPartitionsOffset.Where(kv => origProvider.ShouldConsumePartition(kv.Key)));

            // we now have specified locations to start from, just get the partition metadata, and build the TopicPartitions
            var partitionMeta = await _cluster.GetOrFetchMetaForTopicAsync(Topic);

                   // only new partitions we don't already have in our dictionary
                   .Where(pm => !_topicPartitions.ContainsKey(pm.Id))
                   // only partitions we are "told" to.
                   .Where(pm => startPositionProvider.ShouldConsumePartition(pm.Id))
                   .Select(part =>
                var tp = new TopicPartition(_cluster, Topic, part.Id, startPositionProvider.GetStartOffset(part.Id));
                _topicPartitions.Add(tp.PartitionId, tp);
                return tp;
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscription is performed asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seedBrokers">Comma separated list of seed brokers. Port numbers are optional.
        /// <example>,,broker3.local.net:8181</example>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        /// <param name="startPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="maxWaitTimeMs"></param>
        /// <param name="minBytesPerFetch"></param>
        /// <param name="maxBytesPerFetch"></param>
        /// <param name="highWatermark"></param>
        /// <param name="useFlowControl">
        ///     If set to true, subscriber must call consumers Ack function to keep data flowing.
        ///     Is used to prevent out of memory errors when subscriber is slow and data velocity is high 
        ///     (re-reading the log from beginning for example).
        ///     Make sure that subscriber consumes more than lowWatermark, or data might stop flowing because driver would
        ///     wait for subscriber to drain until lowWatermark and subscriber would wait for more data until continue processing 
        ///     (could happen when buffering is used).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="lowWatermark"></param>
        /// <param name="stopPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Driver will schedule outgoing messages events using this scheduler. By default it is
        /// EventLoopScheduler. Be careful if you want to redefine it. Concurrent scheduler can rearrange order of messages
        /// within the same partition!</param>
        public ConsumerConfiguration(
            string seedBrokers,
            string topic, 
            IStartPositionProvider startPosition, 
            int maxWaitTimeMs=500, 
            int minBytesPerFetch = 1, 
            int maxBytesPerFetch=256*1024,
            int lowWatermark = 500,
            int highWatermark = 2000,
            bool useFlowControl = false,
            IStopPositionProvider stopPosition = null,
            IScheduler scheduler = null)
            LowWatermark = lowWatermark;
            HighWatermark = highWatermark;
            UseFlowControl = useFlowControl;

            if(lowWatermark < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not be negative", "lowWatermark");

            if (highWatermark < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not be negative", "highWatermark");

            if(highWatermark < lowWatermark)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("highWatermark must be greater than lowWatermark");

            SeedBrokers = seedBrokers;
            StartPosition = startPosition;
            Topic = topic;
            MaxWaitTimeMs = maxWaitTimeMs;
            MinBytesPerFetch = minBytesPerFetch;
            MaxBytesPerFetch = maxBytesPerFetch;
            StopPosition = stopPosition ?? new StopPositionNever();
            OutgoingScheduler = scheduler ?? new EventLoopScheduler(ts => new Thread(ts) { IsBackground = true});