Пример #1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Selects the text in the given paragraph in the specified scripture book at
		/// the specified offsets. The selection will be "installed" and scrolled into view.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SelectRangeOfChars(int iBook, IStTxtPara para, int ichStart, int ichEnd)
			// The text still exists at the same position, so highlight it.
			IStText text = (IStText)para.Owner;
			int iSection = -1;

			if (text.OwningFlid != ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
				iSection = text.Owner.IndexInOwner;

			if (para.OwnerOfClass(ScrDraftTags.kClassId) != null)
				return; // The paragraph is owned by a ScrDraft. We don't want to use it!

			SelectRangeOfChars(iBook, iSection, text.OwningFlid, para.IndexInOwner,
				ichStart, ichEnd, true, true, false, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoDefault);
Пример #2
        private bool GenerateShape(SpanFactory <ShapeNode> spanFactory, FeatureSystem featSys)
            var typeFeat = featSys.GetFeature <SymbolicFeature>("type");
            var catFeat  = featSys.GetFeature <SymbolicFeature>("cat");
            var inflFeat = featSys.GetFeature <ComplexFeature>("infl");
            var segments = new Dictionary <ISegment, List <Annotation <ShapeNode> > >();

            foreach (ISegment segment in m_para.SegmentsOS)
                var annotations = new List <Annotation <ShapeNode> >();
                foreach (Tuple <IAnalysis, int, int> analysis in segment.GetAnalysesAndOffsets())
                    // check if analyses are out-of-sync with the baseline
                    ITsString baselineStr = m_para.Contents.GetSubstring(analysis.Item2, analysis.Item3);
                    ITsString formStr     = analysis.Item1.GetForm(baselineStr.get_WritingSystemAt(0));
                    if (!baselineStr.Text.Equals(formStr.Text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                    var wordform = analysis.Item1 as IWfiWordform;
                    if (wordform != null)
                        var wordFS = new FeatureStruct();
                        wordFS.AddValue(typeFeat, typeFeat.PossibleSymbols["word"]);
                        foreach (int ws in wordform.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds)
                            StringFeature strFeat;
                            if (featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("form-{0}", ws), out strFeat))
                                wordFS.AddValue(strFeat, wordform.Form.get_String(ws).Text);
                        ShapeNode node = m_shape.Add(wordFS);
                        node.Annotation.Data = analysis;
                        if (analysis.Item1 is IPunctuationForm)

                        FeatureStruct wordInflFS    = null;
                        IWfiAnalysis  wanalysis     = analysis.Item1.Analysis;
                        ShapeNode     analysisStart = null;
                        foreach (IWfiMorphBundle mb in wanalysis.MorphBundlesOS)
                            var morphFS = new FeatureStruct();
                            morphFS.AddValue(typeFeat, typeFeat.PossibleSymbols["morph"]);
                            foreach (int ws in mb.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds.Union(mb.MorphRA == null ? Enumerable.Empty <int>() : mb.MorphRA.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds))
                                StringFeature strFeat;
                                if (!featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("form-{0}", ws), out strFeat))

                                IEnumerable <string> forms  = Enumerable.Empty <string>();
                                ITsString            mbForm = mb.Form.StringOrNull(ws);
                                if (mbForm != null)
                                    forms = forms.Concat(mbForm.Text);
                                if (mb.MorphRA != null)
                                    ITsString morphForm = mb.MorphRA.Form.StringOrNull(ws);
                                    if (morphForm != null)
                                        forms = forms.Concat(morphForm.Text);

                                morphFS.AddValue(strFeat, forms.Distinct());
                            if (mb.SenseRA != null)
                                foreach (int ws in mb.SenseRA.Gloss.AvailableWritingSystemIds)
                                    StringFeature strFeat;
                                    if (featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("gloss-{0}", ws), out strFeat))
                                        morphFS.AddValue(strFeat, mb.SenseRA.Gloss.get_String(ws).Text);

                            if (mb.MorphRA != null)
                                var entry = (ILexEntry)mb.MorphRA.Owner;
                                foreach (int ws in entry.LexemeFormOA.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds)
                                    StringFeature strFeat;
                                    if (featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("entry-{0}", ws), out strFeat))
                                        morphFS.AddValue(strFeat, entry.LexemeFormOA.Form.get_String(ws).Text);

                            if (mb.MsaRA != null && mb.MsaRA.ComponentsRS != null)
                                FeatureSymbol[] catSymbols = GetHvoOfMsaPartOfSpeech(mb.MsaRA).Select(hvo => catFeat.PossibleSymbols[hvo.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)]).ToArray();
                                if (catSymbols.Length > 0)
                                    morphFS.AddValue(catFeat, catSymbols);
                                var inflFS = GetFeatureStruct(featSys, mb.MsaRA);
                                if (inflFS != null)
                                    morphFS.AddValue(inflFeat, inflFS);
                                    if (wordInflFS == null)
                                        wordInflFS = inflFS.DeepClone();

                            ShapeNode node = m_shape.Add(morphFS);
                            if (analysisStart == null)
                                analysisStart = node;

                        var wordFS = new FeatureStruct();
                        wordFS.AddValue(typeFeat, typeFeat.PossibleSymbols["word"]);
                        if (wanalysis.CategoryRA != null)
                            wordFS.AddValue(catFeat, catFeat.PossibleSymbols[wanalysis.CategoryRA.Hvo.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)]);
                        if (wordInflFS != null && !wordInflFS.IsEmpty)
                            wordFS.AddValue(inflFeat, wordInflFS);
                        wordform = wanalysis.Wordform;
                        foreach (int ws in wordform.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds)
                            StringFeature strFeat;
                            if (featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("form-{0}", ws), out strFeat))
                                wordFS.AddValue(strFeat, wordform.Form.get_String(ws).Text);
                        var gloss = analysis.Item1 as IWfiGloss;
                        if (gloss != null)
                            foreach (int ws in gloss.Form.AvailableWritingSystemIds)
                                StringFeature strFeat;
                                if (featSys.TryGetFeature(string.Format("gloss-{0}", ws), out strFeat))
                                    wordFS.AddValue(strFeat, gloss.Form.get_String(ws).Text);
                        Annotation <ShapeNode> ann;
                        if (analysisStart != null)
                            ann = m_shape.Annotations.Add(analysisStart, m_shape.Last, wordFS);
                            ShapeNode node = m_shape.Add(wordFS);
                            ann = node.Annotation;
                        ann.Data = analysis;

                segments[segment] = annotations;

            foreach (ITextTag tag in m_para.OwnerOfClass <IStText>().TagsOC)
                // skip invalid tags
                // TODO: should these tags be cleaned up somewhere?
                if (tag.BeginAnalysisIndex >= tag.BeginSegmentRA.AnalysesRS.Count || tag.EndAnalysisIndex >= tag.EndSegmentRA.AnalysesRS.Count ||
                    tag.BeginAnalysisIndex > tag.EndAnalysisIndex)
                List <Annotation <ShapeNode> > beginSegment, endSegment;
                if (!segments.TryGetValue(tag.BeginSegmentRA, out beginSegment) || !segments.TryGetValue(tag.EndSegmentRA, out endSegment))
                Annotation <ShapeNode> beginAnnotation = beginSegment[tag.BeginAnalysisIndex];
                Annotation <ShapeNode> endAnnotation   = endSegment[tag.EndAnalysisIndex];
                ICmPossibility         tagType         = tag.TagRA;
                if (tagType == null || beginAnnotation == null || endAnnotation == null)
                    continue;                     // guard against LT-14549 crash
                Annotation <ShapeNode> tagAnn = new Annotation <ShapeNode>(spanFactory.Create(beginAnnotation.Span.Start, endAnnotation.Span.End),
                    Data = tag
                m_shape.Annotations.Add(tagAnn, false);

Пример #3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Export a paragraph of a title, section heading, or section contents.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="para">the given paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="owningBook">The book that owns the paragraph</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void ExportParagraph(IStTxtPara para, IScrBook owningBook)
			ExportMode exportMode = ExportMode.VernacularOnly;
			ITsString paraText;
			List<IScrFootnote> footnotes = null;
			if (m_exportScripture)
				paraText = para.Contents;
			{	// get the tss of the requested back translation
				if (!m_exportBackTrans)

				footnotes = owningBook.FootnotesOS.Where(f => f.ParaContainingOrcRA == para).ToList();

				ICmTranslation trans = para.GetBT();
				paraText = (trans != null ?
					trans.Translation.get_String(m_nonInterleavedBtWs) : null);

				if (paraText == null)
					// No useful translation. However, we still want to export the marker for
					// the paragraph, so create a dummy string so we have something to export.
					ITsStrFactory fact = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
					paraText = fact.MakeString(string.Empty, m_nonInterleavedBtWs);
				exportMode = ExportMode.BackTransOnly;

			bool isEmptyPara = (paraText.Length == 0);

			// Pre-process this paragraph. If it begins with a chapter number, we need to export
			// the chapter marker before the paragraph marker.
			RefElement runTypeFound;
			ProcessParaStart(paraText, 0, out runTypeFound);

			// Get the paragraph style name.
			// TODO: if para.StyleRules is null, get the default paragraph style
			string styleName = null;
			if (para.StyleRules != null)
				styleName = para.StyleRules.GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle);
				Debug.Fail("StyleRules should never be null.");

			// If this is a section head style and it is for chapter 1 and there is no
			// text, then we skip it.
			IStStyle style = m_scr.FindStyle(styleName);
			if (style != null && style.Structure == StructureValues.Heading)
				// Only skip the first section in intro or Scripture if it is the very first one.
				IScrSection section = para.OwnerOfClass<IScrSection>();
				if (section.IsIntro && !m_fFoundFirstIntroSection)
					m_fFoundFirstIntroSection = true;
					if (isEmptyPara)
				else if (!section.IsIntro && !m_fFoundFirstScrSection)
					m_fFoundFirstScrSection = true;
					if (isEmptyPara)

			// Determine the marker for the paragraph.
			string paraMarker = GetMarkerForStyle(styleName);

			// Get the back translation if it exists and the options are enabled to export it
			// interleaved with scripture.
			ICmTranslation backTranslation = null;
			if (m_markupSystem == MarkupType.Toolbox && m_exportScripture && m_exportBackTrans)
				backTranslation = para.GetBT(); //may return null if no BT exists
				exportMode = ExportMode.InterleavedVernAndBt;

			// Export the fields of the paragraph,
			//  also the interleaved back translation if appropriate
			ExportParagraphDetails(paraMarker, paraText, backTranslation, para.Hvo, exportMode, footnotes);