public static void ClassInitialise(TestContext context)
            bus = new InProcessBus(DispatchStrategy.Synchronous);

            client = new SomeAwesomeUi(bus);

            store = Wireup.Init().UsingInMemoryPersistence().Build();
            var repository = new EventStoreRepository(store, new AggregateFactory(), new ConflictDetector());
            var handler    = new CreateAccountCommandHandler(repository);

            accountId = client.CreateNewAccount();
        // Here, I'm wiring up my MemBus instance and telling it how to resolve my subscribers
        // MemBus also has an awesome way to resolve subscribers from an IoC container. In prod,
        // I'll wire my subscribers into StructureMap and have MemBus resolve them from there.
        // I'm also initializing my awesome test client UI which, if you'll recall from way back at the start
        // simply publishes commands to my MemBus instance (and, again, it could be whatever)
        public SynchronousDispatchTests()
            this.bus = new InProcessBus(DispatchStrategy.Synchronous);

      #pragma warning disable 0618
   = Wireup.Init()
                         .DispatchTo(new DelegateMessageDispatcher(c => MassTransitDispatcher.DispatchCommit(this.bus, c)))
      #pragma warning restore 0618

            this.repository = new EventStoreRepository(, new AggregateFactory(), new ConflictDetector());
            var handler = new CreateAccountCommandHandler(this.repository);


            this.client = new SomeAwesomeUi(this.bus);
 public void TestInitialise()
     bus = A.Fake <IBus>();
     sut = new SomeAwesomeUi(bus);