public HistoricalModule(IQuery queries, ISoeService soeService) : base("/historical/project/{id:int}") { Put["/create-related-data", true] = async (_, ctx) => { var id = int.Parse(; var ten = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600); var db = await queries.OpenConnection(); using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, ten, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) using (var connection = db.Connection) { if (!db.Open) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database Error") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Unable to connect to the database."); } var projects = await queries.ProjectMinimalQueryAsync(connection, new {id = (int) id}); var project = projects.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure project id is valid if (project == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Project not found."); } const string geometryQuery = "SELECT [Shape] shape, [FeatureId], [TypeDescription] category FROM {0} WHERE [Project_ID] = @id"; foreach (var table in new[] {"POINT", "LINE", "POLY"}) { var query = string.Format(geometryQuery, table); var features = await connection.QueryAsync<SpatialFeatureSimple>(query, new { id = (int) id }); foreach (var feature in features) { var soeAreaAndLengthResponse = await soeService.QueryAreasAndLengthsAsync(feature.Shape); // handle error from soe if (!soeAreaAndLengthResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message); } var size = soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size; if (table == "POLY") { await connection.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE [dbo].[POLY]" + "SET [AreaSqMeters] = @size " + "WHERE [FeatureID] = @featureId", new { size, featureId = feature.FeatureId }); } else if (table == "LINE") { await connection.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE [dbo].[LINE]" + "SET [LengthLnMeters] = @size " + "WHERE [FeatureID] = @featureId", new { size, featureId = feature.FeatureId }); } var soeResponse = await soeService.QueryIntersectionsAsync(feature.Shape, feature.Category); // handle error from soe if (!soeResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeResponse.Error.Message); } var attributes = soeResponse.Result.Attributes; // insert related tables var featureClass = table; var primaryKey = feature.FeatureId; await connection.ExecuteAsync("delete from [wri].[dbo].county WHERE [featureId] = @id;" + "delete from [wri].[dbo].FOCUSAREA WHERE [featureId] = @id;" + "delete from [wri].[dbo].sgma WHERE [featureId] = @id;" + "delete from [wri].[dbo].LANDOWNER WHERE [featureId] = @id", new { id = primaryKey }); if (attributes.ContainsKey("watershedRestoration_FocusAreas")) { var data = attributes["watershedRestoration_FocusAreas"].SelectMany(x => x.Attributes, (original, value) => new { intersect = original.Intersect, region = value, featureClass, id = primaryKey }); await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "watershedRestoration_FocusAreas", data); } if (attributes.ContainsKey("landOwnership")) { var data = attributes["landOwnership"].Select(x => new { intersect = x.Intersect, owner = x.Attributes.First(), admin = x.Attributes.Last(), featureClass, id = primaryKey }); await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "landOwnership", data); } if (attributes.ContainsKey("sageGrouseManagementAreas")) { var data = attributes["sageGrouseManagementAreas"].SelectMany(x => x.Attributes, (original, value) => new { intersect = original.Intersect, sgma = value, featureClass, id = primaryKey }); await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "sageGrouseManagementAreas", data); } if (attributes.ContainsKey("counties")) { var data = attributes["counties"].SelectMany(x => x.Attributes, (original, value) => new { intersect = original.Intersect, county = value, featureClass, id = primaryKey }); await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "counties", data); } if (attributes.ContainsKey("streamsNHDHighRes")) { var data = attributes["streamsNHDHighRes"].SelectMany(x => x.Attributes, (original, value) => new { id, featureId = primaryKey, intersect = original.Intersect, description = value }); await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "streamsNHDHighRes", data); } } } // update project centroids and calculations await queries.ExecuteAsync(connection, "ProjectSpatial", new { id, terrestrial = "terrestrial treatment area", aquatic = "aquatic/riparian treatment area", affected = "affected area", easement = "easement/acquisition" }); transaction.Complete(); } return Negotiate.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }; }
public FeatureModule(IQuery queries, IAttributeValidator validator, ISoeService soeService) : base("/project/{id:int}") { Get["/feature/{featureId:int}", true] = async (_, ctx) => { var model = this.Bind<SpecificFeatureRequest>(); // make sure feature type is valid if (model.FeatureCategory == null || !FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.FeatureCategory.ToLower())) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } IEnumerable<RelatedDetails> records; var db = await queries.OpenConnection(); using (var connection = db.Connection) { if (!db.Open) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database Error") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Unable to connect to the database."); } // get the database table to use var table = FeatureCategoryToTable.GetTableFrom(model.FeatureCategory); records = await queries.RelatedDataQueryAsync(connection, new { table, model.FeatureId }); } var response = new SpatialFeatureResponse { County = records.Where(x => x.Origin == "county"), FocusArea = records.Where(x => x.Origin == "focus"), SageGrouse = records.Where(x => x.Origin == "sgma"), LandOwnership = records.Where(x => x.Origin == "owner"), Nhd = records.Where(x => x.Origin == "nhd") }; return response; }; Post["/feature/create", true] = async (_, ctx) => { var id = int.Parse(; var model = this.Bind<SaveFeatureRequest>(); // make sure we have all the user information. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Token) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Key)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // make sure we have most of the attributes. if (new[] {model.Category, model.Geometry}.Any(string.IsNullOrEmpty)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Missing required parameters. Category, geometry, or actions."); } // make sure feature type is valid if (!FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.Category)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } // get the database table to use var table = FeatureCategoryToTable.GetTableFrom(model.Category); var ten = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600); var db = await queries.OpenConnection(); using ( var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, ten, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) using (var connection = db.Connection) { if (!db.Open) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database Error") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Unable to connect to the database."); } var projects = await queries.ProjectMinimalQueryAsync(connection, new {id}); var project = projects.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure project id is valid if (project == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Project not found."); } var users = await queries.UserQueryAsync(connection, new {key = model.Key, token = model.Token}); var user = users.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure user is valid if (user == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // cancelled and completed projects cannot be edited if (new[] {"Cancelled", "Completed"}.Contains(project.Status) && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project Status") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel("A cancelled or completed project cannot be modified."); } // anonymous and public users cannot create features if (new[] {"GROUP_ANONYMOUS", "GROUP_PUBLIC"}.Contains(user.Role)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Role") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel("Project manager and contributors are only allowed to modify this project."); } // if project has features no or null, block feature creation if (project.Features == "No" && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project settings") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel( "Project is marked to have no features. Therefore, features are not allowed to be created."); } // check if a user is a contributor if (project.ProjectManagerId != user.Id && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { var counts = await queries.ContributorQueryAsync(connection, new {id, userId = user.Id}); var count = counts.FirstOrDefault(); if (count == 0) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Not contributor") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel( "You are not the project owner or a contributer. Therefore, you are not allowed to modify this project."); } } SqlGeometry geometry; try { geometry = SqlGeometry.Parse(model.Geometry); geometry.STSrid = 3857; geometry = geometry.MakeValid(); } catch (Exception ex) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Invalid geometry") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel(ex.Message); } // check if polygons overlap if (table == "POLY") { var counts = await queries.OverlapQueryAsync(connection, new { id, wkt = geometry, category = model.Category, featureId = -1 }); var count = counts.FirstOrDefault(); if (count.HasValue && count.Value > 0) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Overlapping geometry") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Overlapping features of the same type are not allowed. " + "Add more actions to the existing feature."); } } var soeAreaAndLengthResponse = await soeService.QueryAreasAndLengthsAsync(geometry); // handle error from soe if (!soeAreaAndLengthResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message); } var soeIntersectResponse = await soeService.QueryIntersectionsAsync(geometry, model.Category); // handle error from soe if (!soeIntersectResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeIntersectResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeIntersectResponse.Error.Message); } int? primaryKey = null; FeatureActions[] actions; try { actions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeatureActions[]>(model.Actions); } catch (Exception ex) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Feature Actions") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("There was a problem deserializing the feature actions. " + ex.Message); } if (!validator.ValidAttributesFor(table, model.Category, actions)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Feature Actions") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("The actions are not valid for the feature type."); } switch (table.ToLower()) { case "poly": var primaryKeys = await queries.FeatureClassQueryAsync(connection, table, new { featureType = model.Category, retreatment = model.Retreatment, shape = geometry, size = soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size, id }); primaryKey = primaryKeys.FirstOrDefault(); if (!primaryKey.HasValue) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Problem getting primary key from poly insert."); } if (actions == null) { break; } var actionsResult = await Create.Actions(connection, queries, primaryKey.Value, actions, table); if (!actionsResult.Successful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database") .WithStatusCode(actionsResult.Status) .WithModel(actionsResult.Message); } break; case "point": case "line": var action = actions.FirstOrDefault(); if (action == null) { return Negotiate.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithReasonPhrase("Action") .WithModel("Could not find action attributes."); } var size = soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size > 0 ? soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size : (double?)null; primaryKeys = await queries.FeatureClassQueryAsync(connection, table, new { featureType = model.Category, subType = action.Type, action = action.Action, description = action.Description, size, id, shape = geometry }); primaryKey = primaryKeys.FirstOrDefault(); if (!primaryKey.HasValue) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Problem getting primary key from point or line."); } break; } await Create.ExtractedGis(connection, queries, id, primaryKey.Value, soeIntersectResponse.Result.Attributes, table); await Update.ProjectStats(connection, queries, id); transaction.Complete(); switch (table.ToLower()) { case "poly": return Negotiate.WithModel(string.Format("Successfully created a new {0} covering {1}.", model.Category, soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size.InAcres())) .WithHeader("FeatureId", primaryKey.ToString()); case "line": return Negotiate.WithModel(string.Format("Successfully created a new {0} stretching {1}.", model.Category, soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size.InFeet())) .WithHeader("FeatureId", primaryKey.ToString()); } var pointCount = geometry.STNumPoints().Value; return Negotiate.WithModel(string.Format("Successfully created a new {0} in {1} location{2}.", model.Category, pointCount, pointCount > 1 ? "s" : "")) .WithHeader("FeatureId", primaryKey.ToString()); } }; Put["/feature/{featureId:int}", true] = async (_, ctx) => { var model = this.Bind<EditSpecificFeatureRequest>(); // make sure feature type is valid if (model.Category == null || !FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.Category.ToLower())) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } // make sure we have all the user information. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Token) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Key)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // make sure feature type is valid if (!FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.Category)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } // get the database table to use var table = FeatureCategoryToTable.GetTableFrom(model.Category); var ten = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600); var db = await queries.OpenConnection(); using ( var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, ten, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) using (var connection = db.Connection) { if (!db.Open) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database Error") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Unable to connect to the database."); } var projects = await queries.ProjectMinimalQueryAsync(connection, new {model.Id}); var project = projects.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure project id is valid if (project == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Project not found."); } var users = await queries.UserQueryAsync(connection, new {key = model.Key, token = model.Token}); var user = users.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure user is valid if (user == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // cancelled and completed projects cannot be edited if (new[] {"Cancelled", "Completed"}.Contains(project.Status) && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project Status") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel("A cancelled or completed project cannot be modified."); } // anonymous and public users cannot create features if (new[] {"GROUP_ANONYMOUS", "GROUP_PUBLIC"}.Contains(user.Role)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Role") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel("Project manager and contributors are only allowed to modify this project."); } // if project has features no or null, block feature creation if (project.Features == "No" && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project settings") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel( "Project is marked to have no features. Therefore, features are not allowed to be created."); } // check if a user is a contributor if (project.ProjectManagerId != user.Id && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { var counts = await queries.ContributorQueryAsync(connection, new {model.Id, userId = user.Id}); var count = counts.FirstOrDefault(); if (count == 0) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Not contributor") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel( "You are not the project owner or a contributer. Therefore, you are not allowed to modify this project."); } } SqlGeometry geometry; try { geometry = SqlGeometry.Parse(model.Geometry); geometry.STSrid = 3857; geometry = geometry.MakeValid(); } catch (Exception ex) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Invalid geometry") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel(ex.Message); } // check if polygons overlap if (table == "POLY") { var counts = await queries.OverlapQueryAsync(connection, new { model.Id, wkt = geometry, category = model.Category, featureId = model.FeatureId }); var count = counts.FirstOrDefault(); if (count.HasValue && count.Value > 0) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Overlapping geometry") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel( "Overlapping features of the same type are not allowed. Add more actions to the existing feature."); } } var soeAreaAndLengthResponse = await soeService.QueryAreasAndLengthsAsync(geometry); // handle error from soe if (!soeAreaAndLengthResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Error.Message); } var soeResponse = await soeService.QueryIntersectionsAsync(geometry, model.Category); // handle error from soe if (!soeResponse.IsSuccessful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase(soeResponse.Error.Message) .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel(soeResponse.Error.Message); } FeatureActions[] actions; try { actions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeatureActions[]>(model.Actions); } catch (Exception ex) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Feature Actions") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("There was a problem deserializing the feature actions. " + ex.Message); } if (!validator.ValidAttributesFor(table, model.Category, actions)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Feature Actions") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("The actions are not valid for the feature type."); } if (table == "POLY") { await Actions.Delete.Actions(connection, model.FeatureId); var actionsResult = await Create.Actions(connection, queries, model.FeatureId, actions, table); if (!actionsResult.Successful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database") .WithStatusCode(actionsResult.Status) .WithModel(actionsResult.Message); } } var spatialResult = await Update.SpatialRow(connection, queries, model.FeatureId, actions, model.Retreatment, geometry, table, soeAreaAndLengthResponse.Result.Size); if (!spatialResult.Successful) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database") .WithStatusCode(spatialResult.Status) .WithModel(spatialResult.Message); } await Actions.Delete.ExtractedGis(connection, model.FeatureId, table); await Create.ExtractedGis(connection, queries, model.Id, model.FeatureId, soeResponse.Result.Attributes, table); await Update.ProjectStats(connection, queries, model.Id); transaction.Complete(); } return Negotiate.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }; Delete["/feature/{featureId:int}", true] = async (_, ctx) => { var model = this.Bind<SpecificFeatureRequest>(); // make sure feature type is valid if (model.FeatureCategory == null || !FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.FeatureCategory.ToLower())) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } // make sure we have all the user information. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Token) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Key)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // make sure feature type is valid if (!FeatureCategoryToTable.Contains(model.FeatureCategory)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Incomplete request") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Category not found."); } // get the database table to use var table = FeatureCategoryToTable.GetTableFrom(model.FeatureCategory); var db = await queries.OpenConnection(); using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) using (var connection = db.Connection) { if (!db.Open) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Database Error") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) .WithModel("Unable to connect to the database."); } var projects = await queries.ProjectMinimalQueryAsync(connection, new {model.Id}); var project = projects.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure project id is valid if (project == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("Project not found."); } var users = await queries.UserQueryAsync(connection, new {key = model.Key, token = model.Token}); var user = users.FirstOrDefault(); // make sure user is valid if (user == null) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("User not found") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) .WithModel("User not found."); } // cancelled and completed projects cannot be edited if (new[] {"Cancelled", "Completed"}.Contains(project.Status) && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project Status") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel("A cancelled or completed project cannot be modified."); } // anonymous and public users cannot create features if (new[] {"GROUP_ANONYMOUS", "GROUP_PUBLIC"}.Contains(user.Role)) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Role") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel("Project manager and contributors are only allowed to modify this project."); } // if project has features no or null, block feature creation if (project.Features == "No" && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Project settings") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed) .WithModel( "Project is marked to have no features. Therefore, features are not allowed to be created."); } // check if a user is a contributor if (project.ProjectManagerId != user.Id && user.Role != "GROUP_ADMIN") { var counts = await queries.ContributorQueryAsync(connection, new {model.Id, userId = user.Id}); var count = counts.FirstOrDefault(); if (count == 0) { return Negotiate.WithReasonPhrase("Not contributor") .WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) .WithModel( "You are not the project owner or a contributer. Therefore, you are not allowed to modify this project."); } } if (table == "POLY") { await Actions.Delete.Actions(connection, model.FeatureId); } await Actions.Delete.ExtractedGis(connection, model.FeatureId, table); await Actions.Delete.SpatialFeature(connection, model.FeatureId, model.FeatureCategory, table); await Update.ProjectStats(connection, queries, model.Id); transaction.Complete(); } return Negotiate.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); }; }