public void TestCleanup() { _inventory = null; _item = null; _billingMachineOperations = null; _sodaMachine = null; }
public void TestInit() { var availableItems = new Dictionary <int, IItem>(); //Initialize the test inventory availableItems = new Dictionary <int, IItem> { { 1, new Beverage() { Code = 1, Name = "Coke", Rate = 5, Quantity = 100 } }, { 2, new Beverage() { Code = 2, Name = "Fanta", Rate = 5, Quantity = 500 } }, { 3, new Beverage() { Code = 3, Name = "Sprite", Rate = 5, Quantity = 600 } } }; _inventory = Substitute.For <IInventory>(); _inventory.AvailableItems.ReturnsForAnyArgs(availableItems); _item = new Beverage() { Code = 1, Name = "Fanta", Rate = 5, Quantity = 1 }; _billingMachineOperations = new BillingMachineOperations(_inventory, _item); _sodaMachine = new SodaMachine(_billingMachineOperations, _item); _billingMachineOperations.ClearBalance(); }
public AddMoneyState(ISodaMachine sodaMachine) { this._sodaMachine = sodaMachine; }
public SelectSodaState(ISodaMachine sodaMachine) { this._sodaMachine = sodaMachine; }
public ReleaseSodaState(ISodaMachine sodaMachine) { this._sodaMachine = sodaMachine; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Soda Machine!"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like Coca Cola sodas or Pepsi Sodas?"); Console.WriteLine("If you want Coca Cola sodas then press 1"); Console.WriteLine("If you want Pepsi sodas then press 2"); ConsoleKeyInfo machineChoice = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); ISodaMachine sodaMachine = null; ISoda brand = null; string sodaName = String.Empty; switch (machineChoice.Key) { case ConsoleKey.NumPad1: sodaMachine = new CocaColaMachine(); brand = sodaMachine.LoadSelection(); DisplaySelection(typeof(CocaColaSelection)); sodaName = GetSodaChoice(typeof(CocaColaSelection)); break; case ConsoleKey.D1: sodaMachine = new CocaColaMachine(); brand = sodaMachine.LoadSelection(); DisplaySelection(typeof(CocaColaSelection)); sodaName = GetSodaChoice(typeof(CocaColaSelection)); break; case ConsoleKey.NumPad2: sodaMachine = new PepsiMachine(); brand = sodaMachine.LoadSelection(); DisplaySelection(typeof(PepsiSelection)); sodaName = GetSodaChoice(typeof(PepsiSelection)); break; case ConsoleKey.D2: sodaMachine = new PepsiMachine(); brand = sodaMachine.LoadSelection(); DisplaySelection(typeof(PepsiSelection)); sodaName = GetSodaChoice(typeof(PepsiSelection)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No Choice Selected."); Console.WriteLine("Closing Program."); Environment.Exit(0); break; } Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sodaName)) { brand.Dispense(sodaName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid soda choosen"); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit program."); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); }