Пример #1
        // subclasses can override this
        protected virtual bool CreateAgent(GridRegion source, GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination,
                                           AgentCircuitData aCircuit, uint teleportFlags, bool fromLogin, EntityTransferContext ctx, out string reason)
            reason = String.Empty;
            // The data and protocols are already defined so this is just a dummy to satisfy the interface
            // TODO: make this end-to-end

/* this needs to be sync
 *          if ((teleportFlags & (uint)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin) == 0)
 *          {
 *              Util.FireAndForget(x =>
 *              {
 *                  string r;
 *                  m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, ctx, out r);
 *                  m_log.DebugFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: ASYNC CreateAgent {0}", r);
 *              });
 *              return true;
 *          }
 *          else
 *          {

            bool ret = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, ctx, out reason);

//                m_log.DebugFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: SYNC CreateAgent {0} {1}", ret.ToString(), reason);
//            }
Пример #2
        // subclasses can override this
        protected virtual bool CreateAgent(GridRegion source, GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination,
                                           AgentCircuitData aCircuit, uint teleportFlags, bool fromLogin, EntityTransferContext ctx, out string reason)
            reason = String.Empty;
            bool ret = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, ctx, out reason);

            //                m_log.DebugFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: SYNC CreateAgent {0} {1}", ret.ToString(), reason);
Пример #3
        // subclasses can override this
        protected virtual bool CreateAgent(GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, uint teleportFlags, bool fromLogin, out string reason)
            if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                m_log.DebugFormat("{0} called", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            return(m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason));
Пример #4
        private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
            string version;

            if (
                    region, aCircuit.AgentID, null, true, aCircuit.startpos, "SIMULATION/0.3", out version, out reason))

            return(simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, out reason));
Пример #5
 private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string reason)
     return(simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, (int)Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, out reason));
Пример #6
        public override bool InformClientOfNeighbor(UUID AgentID, ulong requestingRegion, AgentCircuitData circuitData, ref GridRegion neighbor, uint TeleportFlags, AgentData agentData, out string reason, out bool useCallbacks)
            useCallbacks = true;
            if (neighbor == null)
                reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";

            MainConsole.Instance.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Starting to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);

            //Notes on this method
            // 1) the SimulationService.CreateAgent MUST have a fixed CapsUrl for the region, so we have to create (if needed)
            //       a new Caps handler for it.
            // 2) Then we can call the methods (EnableSimulator and EstatablishAgentComm) to tell the client the new Urls
            // 3) This allows us to make the Caps on the grid server without telling any other regions about what the
            //       Urls are.

            ISimulationService SimulationService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ISimulationService> ();

            if (SimulationService != null)
                ICapsService       capsService  = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICapsService> ();
                IClientCapsService clientCaps   = capsService.GetClientCapsService(AgentID);
                GridRegion         originalDest = neighbor;
                if ((neighbor.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    neighbor = GetFinalDestination(neighbor);
                    if (neighbor == null || neighbor.RegionHandle == 0)
                        reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                    //Remove any offenders

                IRegionClientCapsService oldRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);

                //If its disabled, it should be removed, so kill it!
                if (oldRegionService != null && oldRegionService.Disabled)
                    oldRegionService = null;

                bool newAgent = oldRegionService == null;
                IRegionClientCapsService otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetOrCreateCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                                                                CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath()), circuitData, 0);

                if (!newAgent)
                    //Note: if the agent is already there, send an agent update then
                    bool result = true;
                    if (agentData != null)
                        agentData.IsCrossing = false;
                        result = SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbor, agentData);
                    if (result)
                        oldRegionService.Disabled = false;
                    reason = "";

                ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICommunicationService> ();
                if (commsService != null)
                    commsService.GetUrlsForUser(neighbor, circuitData.AgentID); //Make sure that we make userURLs if we need to
                circuitData.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetCapsPathFromCapsSeed(otherRegionService.CapsUrl);
                if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                    circuitData.firstname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.FirstName;
                    circuitData.lastname  = clientCaps.AccountInfo.LastName;
                bool regionAccepted   = false;
                int  requestedUDPPort = 0;
                if ((originalDest.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    if (circuitData.ServiceURLs == null || circuitData.ServiceURLs.Count == 0)
                        if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI]            = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_GatekeeperURI]      = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_InventoryServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_AssetServerURI]     = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_ProfileServerURI]   = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_FriendsServerURI]   = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_IMServerURI]        = GetHandlers.IM_URL;
                            clientCaps.AccountInfo.ServiceURLs = circuitData.ServiceURLs;
                            //Store the new urls
                            m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IUserAccountService> ().StoreUserAccount(clientCaps.AccountInfo);
                    string            userAgentDriver = circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService connector       = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userAgentDriver);
                    regionAccepted = connector.LoginAgentToGrid(circuitData, originalDest, neighbor, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(circuitData.IPAddress), circuitData.RegionUDPPort), out reason);
                    if (circuitData.child)
                        circuitData.reallyischild = true;
                    regionAccepted = SimulationService.CreateAgent(neighbor, circuitData,
                                                                   TeleportFlags, agentData, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
                if (regionAccepted)
                    IPAddress ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    string    otherRegionsCapsURL;
                    //If the region accepted us, we should get a CAPS url back as the reason, if not, its not updated or not an Aurora region, so don't touch it.
                    if (reason != "" && reason != "authorized")
                        OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                        OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                        if (responseMap.ContainsKey("OurIPForClient"))
                            string ip = responseMap["OurIPForClient"].AsString();
                            ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = otherRegionService.CapsUrl;
                        //We are assuming an OpenSim region now!
                        #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                        useCallbacks        = false;
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = neighbor.ServerURI +
                        otherRegionService.CapsUrl = otherRegionsCapsURL;


                    if (requestedUDPPort == 0)
                        requestedUDPPort = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
                    if (ipAddress == null)
                        ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    circuitData.RegionUDPPort                    = requestedUDPPort;
                    otherRegionService                           = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    otherRegionService.LoopbackRegionIP          = ipAddress;
                    otherRegionService.CircuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;

                    IEventQueueService EQService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IEventQueueService> ();

                                              requestedUDPPort, AgentID,
                                              neighbor.RegionSizeX, neighbor.RegionSizeY, requestingRegion);

                    // EnableSimulator makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination,
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait
                    EQService.EstablishAgentCommunication(AgentID, neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                          requestedUDPPort, otherRegionsCapsURL, neighbor.RegionSizeX,

                    if (!useCallbacks)
                        Thread.Sleep(3000);  //Give it a bit of time, only for OpenSim...
                    MainConsole.Instance.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Completed inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason);
            reason = "SimulationService does not exist";
            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason + "!");
Пример #7
 private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
     return simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, out reason);
Пример #8
 private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
     return(simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, out reason));
Пример #9
        bool CreateAgent(GridRegion region, IRegionClientCapsService regionCaps, ref AgentCircuitData aCircuit,
            ISimulationService SimulationService, List<UUID> friendsToInform, out CreateAgentResponse response)
            CachedUserInfo info = new CachedUserInfo();
            IAgentConnector con = Framework.Utilities.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();

            if (con != null)
                info.AgentInfo = con.GetAgent(aCircuit.AgentID);

            if (regionCaps != null)
                info.UserAccount = regionCaps.ClientCaps.AccountInfo;

            IGroupsServiceConnector groupsConn = Framework.Utilities.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();

            if (groupsConn != null)
                info.ActiveGroup = groupsConn.GetGroupMembershipData(aCircuit.AgentID, UUID.Zero, aCircuit.AgentID);
                info.GroupMemberships = groupsConn.GetAgentGroupMemberships(aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.AgentID);

            IOfflineMessagesConnector offlineMessConn =

            if (offlineMessConn != null)
                info.OfflineMessages = offlineMessConn.GetOfflineMessages(aCircuit.AgentID);

            IMuteListConnector muteConn = Framework.Utilities.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IMuteListConnector>();

            if (muteConn != null)
                info.MuteList = muteConn.GetMuteList(aCircuit.AgentID);

            IAvatarService avatarService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarService>();

            if (avatarService != null)
                info.Appearance = avatarService.GetAppearance(aCircuit.AgentID);

            info.FriendOnlineStatuses = friendsToInform;
            IFriendsService friendsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IFriendsService>();

            if (friendsService != null)
                info.Friends = friendsService.GetFriends(aCircuit.AgentID);

            aCircuit.CachedUserInfo = info;
            return SimulationService.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, aCircuit.TeleportFlags, out response);
Пример #10
        public bool LoginAgent(AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridRegion destination, out string reason)
            reason = string.Empty;

            string authURL = string.Empty;

            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                authURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} @ {2}",
                                            authURL, aCircuit.AgentID, destination.RegionName);

            // Authenticate the user
            if (!Authenticate(aCircuit))
                reason = "Unable to verify identity";
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to verify identity of agent {0}. Refusing service.", aCircuit.AgentID);
            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Identity verified for {0} @ {1}", aCircuit.AgentID, authURL);

            // Check for impersonations
            UserAccount account = null;

            if (m_UserAccountService != null)
                // Check to see if we have a local user with that UUID
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(null, aCircuit.AgentID);
                if (account != null && m_userFinder.IsLocalGridUser(account.PrincipalID))
                    // Make sure this is the user coming home, and not a foreign user with same UUID as a local user
                    if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                        if (!m_UserAgentService.AgentIsComingHome(aCircuit.SessionID, m_ExternalName))
                            // Can't do, sorry
                            reason = "Unauthorized";
                            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agent {0} has same ID as local user. Refusing service.",
            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User is ok");

            // May want to authorize

            //bool isFirstLogin = false;
            // Login the presence, if it's not there yet (by the login service)
            UserInfo presence = m_PresenceService.GetUserInfo(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString());

            if (m_userFinder.IsLocalGridUser(aCircuit.AgentID) && presence != null && presence.IsOnline) // it has been placed there by the login service
                //    isFirstLogin = true;
                IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
                Vector3           position = Vector3.UnitY, lookAt = Vector3.UnitY;
                GridRegion        finalDestination = userAgentService.GetHomeRegion(aCircuit.AgentID, out position, out lookAt);
                if (finalDestination == null)
                    reason = "You do not have a home position set.";
                m_PresenceService.SetHomePosition(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString(), finalDestination.RegionID, position, lookAt);
                m_PresenceService.SetLoggedIn(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString(), true, true, destination.RegionID);

            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login presence ok");

            // Get the region
            destination = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(null, destination.RegionID);
            if (destination == null)
                reason = "Destination region not found";

            // Adjust the visible name
            if (account != null)
                aCircuit.firstname = account.FirstName;
                aCircuit.lastname  = account.LastName;
            if (account == null && !aCircuit.lastname.StartsWith("@"))
                aCircuit.firstname = aCircuit.firstname + "." + aCircuit.lastname;
                    Uri uri = new Uri(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + uri.Host; // + ":" + uri.Port;
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Malformed HomeURI (this should never happen): {0}", aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                m_userFinder.AddUser(aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, aCircuit.ServiceURLs);
                m_UserAccountService.CacheAccount(new UserAccount(UUID.Zero, aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.firstname + aCircuit.lastname, "")
                    UserFlags = 1024

            // Finally launch the agent at the destination
            TeleportFlags loginFlag = /*isFirstLogin ? */ TeleportFlags.ViaLogin /* : TeleportFlags.ViaHGLogin*/;
            IRegionClientCapsService regionClientCaps = null;

            if (m_CapsService != null)
                //Remove any previous users
                string ServerCapsBase = Aurora.Framework.Capabilities.CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
                                         destination.RegionHandle, true, aCircuit, 0);

                regionClientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(aCircuit.AgentID).GetCapsService(destination.RegionHandle);
                if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs == null)
                    aCircuit.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                aCircuit.ServiceURLs["IncomingCAPSHandler"] = regionClientCaps.CapsUrl;
            aCircuit.child = false;//FIX THIS, OPENSIM ALWAYS SENDS CHILD!
            int  requestedUDPPort = 0;
            bool success          = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, (uint)loginFlag, null, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);

            if (success)
                if (regionClientCaps != null)
                    if (requestedUDPPort == 0)
                        requestedUDPPort = destination.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
                    IPAddress ipAddress = destination.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    aCircuit.RegionUDPPort                     = requestedUDPPort;
                    regionClientCaps.LoopbackRegionIP          = ipAddress;
                    regionClientCaps.CircuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;
                    OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                    OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                if (m_CapsService != null)
                if (!m_foundDefaultRegion)
                    m_DefaultGatewayRegion = FindDefaultRegion();
                if (destination != m_DefaultGatewayRegion)
                    destination = m_DefaultGatewayRegion;
                    goto retry;
                    m_DefaultGatewayRegion = FindDefaultRegion();
                    if (m_DefaultGatewayRegion == destination)
                        return(false);//It failed to find a new one
                    destination = m_DefaultGatewayRegion;
                    goto retry;//It found a new default region
Пример #11
        public bool LoginAgent(AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridRegion destination, out string reason)
            reason = string.Empty;

            string authURL = string.Empty;

            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                authURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Request to login foreign agent {0} {1} @ {2} ({3}) at destination {4}",
                              aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL, aCircuit.AgentID, destination.RegionName);

            // Authenticate the user
            if (!Authenticate(aCircuit))
                reason = "Unable to verify identity";
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to verify identity of agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Identity verified for {0} {1} @ {2}", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL);

            // Check for impersonations
            UserAccount account = null;

            if (m_UserAccountService != null)
                // Check to see if we have a local user with that UUID
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_ScopeID, aCircuit.AgentID);
                if (account != null)
                    // Make sure this is the user coming home, and not a foreign user with same UUID as a local user
                    if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                        if (!m_UserAgentService.AgentIsComingHome(aCircuit.SessionID, m_ExternalName))
                            // Can't do, sorry
                            reason = "Unauthorized";
                            m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agent {0} {1} has same ID as local user. Refusing service.",
                                             aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User is ok");

            // May want to authorize

            bool isFirstLogin = false;
            // Login the presence, if it's not there yet (by the login service)
            PresenceInfo presence = m_PresenceService.GetAgent(aCircuit.SessionID);

            if (presence != null) // it has been placed there by the login service
                isFirstLogin = true;

            if (!m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString(), aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.SecureSessionID))
                reason = "Unable to login presence";
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Presence login failed for foreign agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.",
                                 aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login presence ok");

            // Get the region
            destination = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_ScopeID, destination.RegionID);
            if (destination == null)
                reason = "Destination region not found";
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: destination ok: {0}", destination.RegionName);

            // Adjust the visible name
            if (account != null)
                aCircuit.firstname = account.FirstName;
                aCircuit.lastname  = account.LastName;
            if (account == null && !aCircuit.lastname.StartsWith("@"))
                aCircuit.firstname = aCircuit.firstname + "." + aCircuit.lastname;
                    Uri uri = new Uri(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + uri.Host; // + ":" + uri.Port;
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Malformed HomeURI (this should never happen): {0}", aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            // Finally launch the agent at the destination
            Constants.TeleportFlags loginFlag = isFirstLogin ? Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaLogin : Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHGLogin;
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: launching agent {0}", loginFlag);
            return(m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, (uint)loginFlag, out reason));
Пример #12
        protected bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string reason)
            // The client is in the region, we need to make sure it gets the right Caps
            // If CreateAgent is successful, it passes back a OSDMap of params that the client 
            //    wants to inform us about, and it includes the Caps SEED url for the region
            IRegionClientCapsService regionClientCaps = null;
            if (m_CapsService != null)
                //Remove any previous users
                string ServerCapsBase = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
                m_CapsService.CreateCAPS(aCircuit.AgentID, CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(ServerCapsBase), region.RegionHandle, true, aCircuit);

                regionClientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(aCircuit.AgentID).GetCapsService(region.RegionHandle);

            ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICommunicationService>();
            if (commsService != null)
                commsService.GetUrlsForUser(region, aCircuit.AgentID);//Make sure that we make userURLs if we need to

            // As we are creating the agent, we must also initialize the CapsService for the agent
            bool success = simConnector.CreateAgent (region, ref aCircuit, aCircuit.teleportFlags, null, out reason);
            if (!success) // If it failed, do not set up any CapsService for the client
                if (reason != "")
                        OSDMap reasonMap = OSDParser.DeserializeJson (reason) as OSDMap;
                        if (reasonMap != null && reasonMap.ContainsKey ("Reason"))
                            reason = reasonMap["Reason"].AsString ();
                        //If its already not JSON, it'll throw an exception, catch it
                //Delete the Caps!
                IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                if (agentProcessor != null && m_CapsService != null)
                else if(m_CapsService != null)
                return success;

            if (m_CapsService != null && reason != "")
                    OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson (reason);
                    OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                    regionClientCaps.AddCAPS (SimSeedCaps);
                    //Delete the Caps!
                    IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing> ();
                    if (agentProcessor != null && m_CapsService != null)
                        agentProcessor.LogoutAgent (regionClientCaps);
                    else if (m_CapsService != null)
                        m_CapsService.RemoveCAPS (aCircuit.AgentID);
                    success = false;
            return success;
Пример #13
        private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
            string myversion = String.Format("SIMULATION/{0}", VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersion);
            string version;

            if (!simConnector.QueryAccess(
                    region, aCircuit.AgentID, null, true, aCircuit.startpos, myversion, new List<UUID>(), out version, out reason))
                return false;

            return simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, out reason);
Пример #14
        protected bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string reason)
            // The client is in the region, we need to make sure it gets the right Caps
            // If CreateAgent is successful, it passes back a OSDMap of params that the client 
            //    wants to inform us about, and it includes the Caps SEED url for the region
            IRegionClientCapsService regionClientCaps = null;
            if (m_CapsService != null)
                //Remove any previous users
                string ServerCapsBase = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
                string ServerCapsSeedPath = m_CapsService.CreateCAPS(aCircuit.AgentID, "", CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(ServerCapsBase), region.RegionHandle, true);

                regionClientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(aCircuit.AgentID).GetCapsService(region.RegionHandle);
                aCircuit.OtherInformation["CapsPassword"] = regionClientCaps.Password;

            // As we are creating the agent, we must also initialize the CapsService for the agent
            bool success = simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, (int)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, null, out reason);
            if (!success) // If it failed, do not set up any CapsService for the client
                //Delete the Caps!
                return success;

            if (m_CapsService != null && reason != "")
                OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                string SimcapsSeedPath = responseMap["CapsUrl"].AsString();
                regionClientCaps.AddSEEDCap("", SimcapsSeedPath, UUID.Zero);
                m_log.Info("[NewAgentConnection]: Adding Caps Url for grid" +
                     " @" + regionClientCaps.CapsUrl + " calling URL " + SimcapsSeedPath +
                     " for agent " + aCircuit.AgentID);

            return success;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Async component for informing client of which neighbors exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This needs to run asynchronously, as a network timeout may block the thread for a long while
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
        /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
        private bool InformClientOfNeighbor(UUID AgentID, ulong requestingRegion, AgentCircuitData circuitData, GridRegion neighbor,
                                            uint TeleportFlags, AgentData agentData, out string reason)
            if (neighbor == null)
                reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
            m_log.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Starting to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);

            //Notes on this method
            // 1) the SimulationService.CreateAgent MUST have a fixed CapsUrl for the region, so we have to create (if needed)
            //       a new Caps handler for it.
            // 2) Then we can call the methods (EnableSimulator and EstatablishAgentComm) to tell the client the new Urls
            // 3) This allows us to make the Caps on the grid server without telling any other regions about what the
            //       Urls are.

            ISimulationService SimulationService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ISimulationService>();

            if (SimulationService != null)
                ICapsService       capsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICapsService>();
                IClientCapsService clientCaps  = capsService.GetClientCapsService(AgentID);

                IRegionClientCapsService oldRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);

                //If its disabled, it should be removed, so kill it!
                if (oldRegionService != null && oldRegionService.Disabled)
                    oldRegionService = null;

                bool newAgent = oldRegionService == null;
                IRegionClientCapsService otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetOrCreateCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                                                                CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath()), circuitData);

                if (!newAgent)
                    //Note: if the agent is already there, send an agent update then
                    bool result = true;
                    if (agentData != null)
                        result = SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbor, agentData);
                        if (result)
                            oldRegionService.Disabled = false;
                    reason = "";

                ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICommunicationService>();
                if (commsService != null)
                    circuitData.OtherInformation["UserUrls"] = commsService.GetUrlsForUser(neighbor, circuitData.AgentID);

                #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                if (!m_useCallbacks)
                    circuitData.CapsPath    = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
                    circuitData.startpos.X += (neighbor.RegionLocX - clientCaps.GetRootCapsService().RegionX);
                    circuitData.startpos.Y += (neighbor.RegionLocY - clientCaps.GetRootCapsService().RegionY);


                bool regionAccepted = SimulationService.CreateAgent(neighbor, circuitData,
                                                                    TeleportFlags, agentData, out reason);
                if (regionAccepted)
                    string otherRegionsCapsURL;
                    //If the region accepted us, we should get a CAPS url back as the reason, if not, its not updated or not an Aurora region, so don't touch it.
                    if (reason != "")
                        OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                        OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = otherRegionService.CapsUrl;
                        //We are assuming an OpenSim region now!
                        #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                        otherRegionsCapsURL = "http://" + otherRegionService.Region.ExternalEndPoint.ToString() +
                        otherRegionService.CapsUrl = otherRegionsCapsURL;


                    IEventQueueService EQService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IEventQueueService>();

                                              neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port, AgentID,
                                              neighbor.RegionSizeX, neighbor.RegionSizeY, requestingRegion);

                    // EnableSimulator makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination,
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait
                    EQService.EstablishAgentCommunication(AgentID, neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                          neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port, otherRegionsCapsURL, neighbor.RegionSizeX,

                    if (!m_useCallbacks)
                        Thread.Sleep(3000);  //Give it a bit of time
                    m_log.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Completed inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);
                    m_log.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason);
            reason = "SimulationService does not exist";
            m_log.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason + "!");
Пример #16
 private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string reason)
     return simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, (int)Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, out reason);
Пример #17
 // subclasses can override this
 protected virtual bool CreateAgent(GridRegion source, GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination,
                                    AgentCircuitData aCircuit, uint teleportFlags, bool fromLogin, out string reason)
     return(m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason));
Пример #18
        public bool LoginAgent(GridRegion source, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridRegion destination, out string reason)
            reason = string.Empty;

            string authURL = string.Empty;

            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                authURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} @ {2} ({3}) at {4} using viewer {5}, channel {6}, IP {7}, Mac {8}, Id0 {9}, Teleport Flags: {10}. From region {11}",
                             aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL, aCircuit.AgentID, destination.RegionID,
                             aCircuit.Viewer, aCircuit.Channel, aCircuit.IPAddress, aCircuit.Mac, aCircuit.Id0, (TeleportFlags)aCircuit.teleportFlags,
                             (source == null) ? "Unknown" : string.Format("{0} ({1}){2}", source.RegionName, source.RegionID, (source.RawServerURI == null) ? "" : " @ " + source.ServerURI));

            string curViewer = Util.GetViewerName(aCircuit);
            string curMac    = aCircuit.Mac.ToString();

            // Check client
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_AllowedClients))
                Regex arx = new Regex(m_AllowedClients);
                Match am  = arx.Match(curViewer);

                if (!am.Success)
                    reason = "Login failed: client " + curViewer + " is not allowed";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: client {0} is not allowed", curViewer);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_DeniedClients))
                Regex drx = new Regex(m_DeniedClients);
                Match dm  = drx.Match(curViewer);

                if (dm.Success)
                    reason = "Login failed: client " + curViewer + " is denied";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: client {0} is denied", curViewer);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_DeniedMacs))
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac {0} against list of denied macs {1} ...", curMac, m_DeniedMacs);
                if (m_DeniedMacs.Contains(curMac))
                    reason = "Login failed: client with Mac " + curMac + " is denied";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: client with mac {0} is denied", curMac);

            // Authenticate the user
            if (!Authenticate(aCircuit))
                reason = "Unable to verify identity";
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to verify identity of agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Identity verified for {0} {1} @ {2}", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL);

            // Check for impersonations
            UserAccount account = null;

            if (m_UserAccountService != null)
                // Check to see if we have a local user with that UUID
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_ScopeID, aCircuit.AgentID);
                if (account != null)
                    // Make sure this is the user coming home, and not a foreign user with same UUID as a local user
                    if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                        if (!m_UserAgentService.IsAgentComingHome(aCircuit.SessionID, m_ExternalName))
                            // Can't do, sorry
                            reason = "Unauthorized";
                            m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agent {0} {1} has same ID as local user. Refusing service.",
                                             aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

            // Foreign agents allowed? Exceptions?
            if (account == null)
                bool allowed = m_ForeignAgentsAllowed;

                if (m_ForeignAgentsAllowed && IsException(aCircuit, m_ForeignsAllowedExceptions))
                    allowed = false;

                if (!m_ForeignAgentsAllowed && IsException(aCircuit, m_ForeignsDisallowedExceptions))
                    allowed = true;

                if (!allowed)
                    reason = "Destination does not allow visitors from your world";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agents are not permitted {0} {1} @ {2}. Refusing service.",
                                     aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);

            // Is the user banned?
            // This uses a Ban service that's more powerful than the configs
            // string uui = (account != null ? aCircuit.AgentID.ToString() : Util.ProduceUserUniversalIdentifier(aCircuit));
            // if (m_BansService != null && m_BansService.IsBanned(uui, aCircuit.IPAddress, aCircuit.Id0, authURL))
            // {
            //     reason = "You are banned from this world";
            //     m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user {0} is banned", uui);
            //     return false;
            // }

            // Check if the hardware or IP is banned
            if (m_AccessControlService != null)
                if (m_AccessControlService.IsHardwareBanned(aCircuit.Mac, aCircuit.Id0) ||
                    reason = "You are banned from this grid.";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE] Login failed for {0}, reason: hardware or ip is banned", aCircuit.AgentID);

            UUID agentID = aCircuit.AgentID;

            if (agentID == new UUID("6571e388-6218-4574-87db-f9379718315e"))
                // really?
                reason = "Invalid account ID";

            if (m_GridUserService != null)
                string       PrincipalIDstr = agentID.ToString();
                GridUserInfo guinfo         = m_GridUserService.GetGridUserInfo(PrincipalIDstr);

                if (!m_allowDuplicatePresences)
                    if (guinfo != null && guinfo.Online && guinfo.LastRegionID != UUID.Zero)
                        if (SendAgentGodKillToRegion(UUID.Zero, agentID, guinfo))
                            if (account != null)
                                    "[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: already logged in",
                                    account.FirstName, account.LastName);
                            reason = "You appear to be already logged in on the destination grid " +
                                     "Please wait a a minute or two and retry. " +
                                     "If this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner.";

            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User {0} is ok", aCircuit.Name);

            bool isFirstLogin = false;
            // Login the presence, if it's not there yet (by the login service)
            PresenceInfo presence = m_PresenceService.GetAgent(aCircuit.SessionID);

            if (presence != null) // it has been placed there by the login service
                isFirstLogin = true;

                if (!m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString(), aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.SecureSessionID))
                    reason = "Unable to login presence";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Presence login failed for foreign agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.",
                                     aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

            // Get the region
            destination = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_ScopeID, destination.RegionID);
            if (destination == null)
                reason = "Destination region not found";

                "[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Destination {0} is ok for {1}", destination.RegionName, aCircuit.Name);

            // Adjust the visible name
            if (account != null)
                aCircuit.firstname   = account.FirstName;
                aCircuit.lastname    = account.LastName;
                aCircuit.displayname = account.DisplayName;
            if (account == null)
                if (!aCircuit.lastname.StartsWith("@"))
                    aCircuit.firstname = aCircuit.firstname + "." + aCircuit.lastname;
                    Uri uri = new Uri(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + uri.Authority;
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Malformed HomeURI (this should never happen): {0}", aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            // Finally launch the agent at the destination
            Constants.TeleportFlags loginFlag = isFirstLogin ? Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaLogin : Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHGLogin;

            // Preserve our TeleportFlags we have gathered so-far
            loginFlag |= (Constants.TeleportFlags)aCircuit.teleportFlags;

            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Launching {0}, Teleport Flags: {1}", aCircuit.Name, loginFlag);

            EntityTransferContext ctx = new EntityTransferContext();

            if (!m_SimulationService.QueryAccess(
                    destination, aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString(),
                    true, aCircuit.startpos, new List <UUID>(), ctx, out reason))

            bool didit = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, (uint)loginFlag, ctx, out reason);

            if (didit)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login presence {0} is ok", aCircuit.Name);

                if (!isFirstLogin && m_GridUserService != null && account == null)
                    // Also login foreigners with GridUser service
                    string userId = aCircuit.AgentID.ToString();
                    string first = aCircuit.firstname, last = aCircuit.lastname;
                    if (last.StartsWith("@"))
                        string[] parts = aCircuit.firstname.Split('.');
                        if (parts.Length >= 2)
                            first = parts[0];
                            last  = parts[1];

                    userId += ";" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"] + ";" + first + " " + last;

                    if (aCircuit.hasDisplayName)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: {0} {1} has arrived with a display name -> {2}", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, aCircuit.displayname);
                        m_GridUserService.SetDisplayName(userId, aCircuit.displayname);
                        // todo: maybe have it retrieve it?
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: {0} {1} has arrived without a display name in the circuit.", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

Пример #19
        private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
            string version;

            if (
                    region, aCircuit.AgentID, null, true, aCircuit.startpos, "SIMULATION/0.3", out version, out reason))
                return false;

            return simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, out reason);
Пример #20
        private bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, TeleportFlags flags, out string reason)
            EntityTransferContext ctx = new EntityTransferContext();

            if (!simConnector.QueryAccess(
                    region, aCircuit.AgentID, null, true, aCircuit.startpos, new List<UUID>(), ctx, out reason))
                return false;

            return simConnector.CreateAgent(null, region, aCircuit, (uint)flags, ctx, out reason);
Пример #21
        public bool LoginAgent(GridRegion source, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridRegion destination, out string reason)
            reason = string.Empty;

            string authURL = string.Empty;

            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                authURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} @ {2} ({3}) at {4} using viewer {5}, channel {6}, IP {7}, Mac {8}, Id0 {9}, Teleport Flags: {10}. From region {11}",
                             aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL, aCircuit.AgentID, destination.RegionID,
                             aCircuit.Viewer, aCircuit.Channel, aCircuit.IPAddress, aCircuit.Mac, aCircuit.Id0, (TeleportFlags)aCircuit.teleportFlags,
                             (source == null) ? "Unknown" : string.Format("{0} ({1}){2}", source.RegionName, source.RegionID, (source.RawServerURI == null) ? "" : " @ " + source.ServerURI));

            string curViewer = Util.GetViewerName(aCircuit);

            // Check client
            if (m_AllowedClients != string.Empty)
                Regex arx = new Regex(m_AllowedClients);
                Match am  = arx.Match(curViewer);

                if (!am.Success)
                    reason = "Login failed: client " + curViewer + " is not allowed";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: client {0} is not allowed", curViewer);

            if (m_DeniedClients != string.Empty)
                Regex drx = new Regex(m_DeniedClients);
                Match dm  = drx.Match(curViewer);

                if (dm.Success)
                    reason = "Login failed: client " + curViewer + " is denied";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: client {0} is denied", curViewer);

            // Authenticate the user
            if (!Authenticate(aCircuit))
                reason = "Unable to verify identity";
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to verify identity of agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Identity verified for {0} {1} @ {2}", aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, authURL);

            // Check for impersonations
            UserAccount account = null;

            if (m_UserAccountService != null)
                // Check to see if we have a local user with that UUID
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_ScopeID, aCircuit.AgentID);
                if (account != null)
                    // Make sure this is the user coming home, and not a foreign user with same UUID as a local user
                    if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                        if (!m_UserAgentService.IsAgentComingHome(aCircuit.SessionID, m_ExternalName))
                            // Can't do, sorry
                            reason = "Unauthorized";
                            m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agent {0} {1} has same ID as local user. Refusing service.",
                                             aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

            // Foreign agents allowed? Exceptions?
            if (account == null)
                bool allowed = m_ForeignAgentsAllowed;

                if (m_ForeignAgentsAllowed && IsException(aCircuit, m_ForeignsAllowedExceptions))
                    allowed = false;

                if (!m_ForeignAgentsAllowed && IsException(aCircuit, m_ForeignsDisallowedExceptions))
                    allowed = true;

                if (!allowed)
                    reason = "Destination does not allow visitors from your world";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Foreign agents are not permitted {0} {1} @ {2}. Refusing service.",
                                     aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);

            // Is the user banned?
            // This uses a Ban service that's more powerful than the configs
            string uui = (account != null ? aCircuit.AgentID.ToString() : Util.ProduceUserUniversalIdentifier(aCircuit));

            if (m_BansService != null && m_BansService.IsBanned(uui, aCircuit.IPAddress, aCircuit.Id0, authURL))
                reason = "You are banned from this world";
                m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user {0} is banned", uui);

            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User {0} is ok", aCircuit.Name);

            bool isFirstLogin = false;
            // Login the presence, if it's not there yet (by the login service)
            PresenceInfo presence = m_PresenceService.GetAgent(aCircuit.SessionID);

            if (presence != null) // it has been placed there by the login service
                isFirstLogin = true;

                if (!m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(aCircuit.AgentID.ToString(), aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.SecureSessionID))
                    reason = "Unable to login presence";
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Presence login failed for foreign agent {0} {1}. Refusing service.",
                                     aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login presence {0} is ok", aCircuit.Name);

                // Also login foreigners with GridUser service
                if (m_GridUserService != null && account == null)
                    string userId = aCircuit.AgentID.ToString();
                    string first = aCircuit.firstname, last = aCircuit.lastname;
                    if (last.StartsWith("@"))
                        string[] parts = aCircuit.firstname.Split('.');
                        if (parts.Length >= 2)
                            first = parts[0];
                            last  = parts[1];

                    userId += ";" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"] + ";" + first + " " + last;

            // Get the region
            destination = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_ScopeID, destination.RegionID);
            if (destination == null)
                reason = "Destination region not found";

                "[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Destination {0} is ok for {1}", destination.RegionName, aCircuit.Name);

            // Adjust the visible name
            if (account != null)
                aCircuit.firstname = account.FirstName;
                aCircuit.lastname  = account.LastName;
            if (account == null)
                if (!aCircuit.lastname.StartsWith("@"))
                    aCircuit.firstname = aCircuit.firstname + "." + aCircuit.lastname;
                    Uri uri = new Uri(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + uri.Authority;
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Malformed HomeURI (this should never happen): {0}", aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"]);
                    aCircuit.lastname = "@" + aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            // Finally launch the agent at the destination
            Constants.TeleportFlags loginFlag = isFirstLogin ? Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaLogin : Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHGLogin;

            // Preserve our TeleportFlags we have gathered so-far
            loginFlag |= (Constants.TeleportFlags)aCircuit.teleportFlags;

            m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Launching {0}, Teleport Flags: {1}", aCircuit.Name, loginFlag);

            EntityTransferContext ctx = new EntityTransferContext();

            if (!m_SimulationService.QueryAccess(
                    destination, aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString(),
                    true, aCircuit.startpos, new List <UUID>(), ctx, out reason))

            return(m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(source, destination, aCircuit, (uint)loginFlag, ctx, out reason));
Пример #22
 // subclasses can override this
 protected virtual bool CreateAgent(GridRegion destination, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, uint teleportFlags, out string reason)
     return(m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason));
Пример #23
        private bool CreateAgent(GridRegion region, IRegionClientCapsService regionCaps, ref AgentCircuitData aCircuit,
            ISimulationService SimulationService, ref int requestedUDPPort, out string reason)
            CachedUserInfo info = new CachedUserInfo();
            IAgentConnector con = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
            if (con != null)
                info.AgentInfo = con.GetAgent(aCircuit.AgentID);
            info.UserAccount = regionCaps.ClientCaps.AccountInfo;

            IGroupsServiceConnector groupsConn = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();
            if (groupsConn != null)
                info.ActiveGroup = groupsConn.GetGroupMembershipData(aCircuit.AgentID, UUID.Zero, aCircuit.AgentID);
                info.GroupMemberships = groupsConn.GetAgentGroupMemberships(aCircuit.AgentID, aCircuit.AgentID);
            aCircuit.OtherInformation["CachedUserInfo"] = info.ToOSD();
            return SimulationService.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, aCircuit.teleportFlags, null,
                                                    out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
Пример #24
        protected bool LaunchAgentDirectly(ISimulationService simConnector, GridRegion region, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string reason)
            // The client is in the region, we need to make sure it gets the right Caps
            // If CreateAgent is successful, it passes back a OSDMap of params that the client 
            //    wants to inform us about, and it includes the Caps SEED url for the region
            IRegionClientCapsService regionClientCaps = null;
            if (m_CapsService != null)
                //Remove any previous users
                string ServerCapsBase = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
                m_CapsService.CreateCAPS(aCircuit.AgentID, CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(ServerCapsBase), region.RegionHandle, true, aCircuit);

                regionClientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(aCircuit.AgentID).GetCapsService(region.RegionHandle);

            ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICommunicationService>();
            if (commsService != null)
                aCircuit.OtherInformation["UserUrls"] = commsService.GetUrlsForUser(region, aCircuit.AgentID);
            aCircuit.teleportFlags = (uint)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
            // As we are creating the agent, we must also initialize the CapsService for the agent
            bool success = simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, (int)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, null, out reason);
            if (!success) // If it failed, do not set up any CapsService for the client
                //Delete the Caps!
                IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                if (agentProcessor != null && m_CapsService != null)
                else if(m_CapsService != null)
                return success;

            if (m_CapsService != null && reason != "")
                OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
            return success;