Пример #1
        /// <summary>Performs necessary initialization of the device, like mapping to the equation system.</summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The equation system builder.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void Initialize(IEquationSystemAdapter adapter, ISimulationContext context)
            stamper.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, cprimeNode, eprimeNode);

            voltageBc.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, cprimeNode);
            voltageBe.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, eprimeNode);
            voltageCs.Register(adapter, cprimeNode, Substrate);

            capacbe.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, eprimeNode);
            capacbc.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, cprimeNode);
            capaccs.Register(adapter, cprimeNode, Substrate);

            chargebe = context.SimulationParameters.IntegrationMethodFactory.CreateInstance();
            chargebc = context.SimulationParameters.IntegrationMethodFactory.CreateInstance();
            chargecs = context.SimulationParameters.IntegrationMethodFactory.CreateInstance();

            gb.Register(adapter, bprimeNode, Base);
            gc.Register(adapter, cprimeNode, Collector);
            ge.Register(adapter, eprimeNode, Emitter);

            vT = PhysicalConstants.Boltzmann *
                 PhysicalConstants.CelsiusToKelvin(Parameters.NominalTemperature) /

            VoltageBaseEmitter = DeviceHelpers.PnCriticalVoltage(Parameters.SaturationCurrent, vT);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>This method is called each time an equation is solved.</summary>
 /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
 public override void OnEquationSolution(ISimulationContext context)
     foreach (var model in devices)
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Applies device impact on the circuit equation system. If behavior of the device is nonlinear, this method is
        ///   called once every Newton-Raphson iteration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void ApplyModelValues(ISimulationContext context)
            vt = Parameters.EmissionCoefficient * PhysicalConstants.Boltzmann *
                 PhysicalConstants.CelsiusToKelvin(Parameters.NominalTemperature) /

            gmin = Parameters.MinimalResistance ?? context.SimulationParameters.MinimalResistance;
            smallBiasTreshold   = -5 * vt;
            capacitanceTreshold = Parameters.ForwardBiasDepletionCapacitanceCoefficient * Parameters.JunctionPotential;

            var vd = Voltage - Parameters.SeriesResistance * Current;

            var(id, geq, cd) = GetModelValues(vd);
            var ieq = id - geq * vd;

            // Diode
            stamper.Stamp(geq, -ieq);

            // Capacitance
            var(cieq, cgeq) = IntegrationMethod.GetEquivalents(cd / context.TimeStep);

            if (initialConditionCapacitor)             // initial condition
                capacitorStamper.Stamp(0, 0);
                capacitorStamper.Stamp(cieq, cgeq);

            Current     = id + ic;
            Conductance = geq;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this method before calling Execute(), to initialize the actor
        /// with details like the device model and message type to simulate.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Init(ISimulationContext simulationContext,
                               string deviceId,
                               DeviceModel deviceModel,
                               IDeviceConnectionActor context)

            this.simulationContext = simulationContext;
            this.deviceModel       = deviceModel;
            this.deviceId          = deviceId;
            this.deviceContext     = context;
            this.actorLogger.Init(deviceId, "Replay");

            string fileId = simulationContext.ReplayFileId;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileId))
                    var data = await this.replayFileService.GetAsync(fileId);

                    this.file       = data.Content;
                    this.fileReader = new StringReader(this.file);
                    this.status     = ActorStatus.ReadLine;
            catch (Exception e)
                this.log.Error("Failed to read line", () => new { this.deviceId, e });

Пример #5
        private ISimulationContext CreateContext(IConfigurationSection algorithmConfig)
            //если никакие настройки не указаны - создаем первый попавшийся алгоритм без параметров
            if (algorithmConfig == null)
                return(new SimpleBruteAlgorithm());
            //получим название класса, который нужно создать
            string className = algorithmConfig.GetValue <string>("class");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(className))
                throw new ArgumentException("algorithm class name not specified in 'class' config section");
            Assembly whereToSearch = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(SimpleBruteAlgorithm));
            //поищем его в текущей сборке
            object createdType = whereToSearch.CreateInstance(className);

            if (createdType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("class '{0}' not found in assembly {1}. Loading from a different assembly is currently not supported", className, whereToSearch.FullName));
            //и убедимся, что он реализовывает нужный интерфейс
            ISimulationContext context = createdType as ISimulationContext;

            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("class '{0}' does not implement necessary interface {1}", className, typeof(ISimulationContext).Name));
Пример #6
        private void HandleOptions(ISimulationContext context, IConfigurationSection algorithmConfig)
            IContextWithOptions withOptions = context as IContextWithOptions;

            if (withOptions == null)
            { //нет настроек в алгоритме
                logger.LogDebug("Algorithm doesn't support options ");
            logger.LogDebug("Algorithm may require options to run.");
            IConfigurationSection optionsSection = (algorithmConfig != null)
                ? algorithmConfig.GetSection("options")
                : null;

            if (optionsSection == null)
                logger.LogWarning("no options specified in config");
            //настройки все есть, передаем в алгоритм
            object options = optionsSection.Get(withOptions.OptionClass);

            logger.LogDebug("options passed to algorithm");
Пример #7
 public override void Initialize(IEquationSystemAdapter adapter, ISimulationContext context)
     // get proxies
     voltage.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
     currentStamper.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
     conductanceStamper.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>Performs necessary initialization of the device, like mapping to the equation system.</summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The equation system builder.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
 public override void Initialize(IEquationSystemAdapter adapter, ISimulationContext context)
     stamper.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
     voltage.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
     firstDcPoint      = true;
     IntegrationMethod = context.SimulationParameters.IntegrationMethodFactory.CreateInstance();
Пример #9
            public override bool CanComplete(ISimulationContext context, out long?skipFurtherChecksUntilTimePeriod)
                HasCanCompleteBeenCalled = true;

                skipFurtherChecksUntilTimePeriod = CanCompleteNextTimePeriodResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this method before calling Execute(), to initialize the actor
        /// with details like the device model and message type to simulate.
        /// Init() should be called only once.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(
            ISimulationContext simulationContext,
            string deviceId,
            DeviceModel deviceModel,
            IDeviceStateActor deviceStateActor,
            ConnectionLoopSettings loopSettings)

            this.simulationContext = simulationContext;
            this.deviceModel       = deviceModel;
            this.deviceId          = deviceId;
            this.deviceStateActor  = deviceStateActor;
            this.loopSettings      = loopSettings;

            this.credentialsSetupLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.fetchFromRegistryLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.registerLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.connectLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.deregisterLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.disconnectLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.actorLogger.Init(deviceId, "Connection");

            this.status = ActorStatus.ReadyToStart;

Пример #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
                string msg = "This console application is intended to run as a batch file "
                             + " using input files specified in app.json configuration file "
                             + " and writes output to specified file. Details can be found in log and "
                             + " only few messages pass through to the console.\r\n";

                logger.LogInformation("starting application");

                //получим контекст моделирования, передавая настройки для входных параметров
                //и для самого алгоритма
                ISimulationContext algorithm = contextFactory.GetSimulationContext(
                    configRoot.GetSection("input").Get <ConfigParams>(),
                ISimulationResult result = algorithm.Simulate();

            catch (Exception ex) {
                string msg = string.Format("Exception {0} with message : {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message);
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.LogCritical(ex, msg);
                Console.WriteLine("See log for more details");
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 ///   Applies device impact on the circuit equation system. If behavior of the device is nonlinear, this method is
 ///   called once every Newton-Raphson iteration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
 public override void ApplyModelValues(ISimulationContext context)
     foreach (var model in devices)
Пример #13
        public SimulationManager(
            ISimulationContext simulationContext,
            IDevicePartitions devicePartitions,
            IClusterNodes clusterNodes,
            IDeviceModels deviceModels,
            IFactory factory,
            IClusteringConfig clusteringConfig,
            ILogger logger,
            IInstance instance,
            ISimulationStatistics simulationStatistics,
            ISimulations simulations)
            this.simulationContext    = simulationContext;
            this.devicePartitions     = devicePartitions;
            this.clusterNodes         = clusterNodes;
            this.deviceModels         = deviceModels;
            this.simulationStatistics = simulationStatistics;
            this.factory          = factory;
            this.log              = logger;
            this.instance         = instance;
            this.maxDevicePerNode = clusteringConfig.MaxDevicesPerNode;
            this.simulations      = simulations;

            this.assignedPartitions = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, DevicesPartition>();
            this.nodeCount          = 1;
            this.deviceCount        = 0;
 public void Init(
     ISimulationContext simulationContext,
     string deviceId,
     DeviceModel deviceModel,
     int deviceCounter)
     // TODO: will be implemented when SimulationManager is integrated
 public void Init(
     ISimulationContext simulationContext,
     string deviceId,
     DeviceModel deviceModel,
     IDeviceStateActor deviceStateActor,
     ConnectionLoopSettings loopSettings)
     // TODO: will be implemented when SimulationManager is integrated.
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   Notifies model class that DC bias for given timepoint is established (i.e after Newton-Raphson iterations
        ///   converged).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void OnDcBiasEstablished(ISimulationContext context)

            foreach (var model in devices)
Пример #17
        public void Init(IDeviceConnectionActor context, string deviceId, DeviceModel deviceModel)

            this.deviceContext     = context;
            this.simulationContext = context.SimulationContext;
            this.deviceId          = deviceId;

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// получить пакет "сырых" входных данных из входных файлов
        /// </summary>
        public ISimulationContext GetSimulationContext(ConfigParams inputData,
                                                       IConfigurationSection algorithmConfig = null)
            ISimulationContext context = CreateContext(algorithmConfig);

            context.LoggerFactory = this.loggerFactory;
            context.InputParams   = CreateBundle(inputData);
            //если в данном классе алгоритма есть настройки, загружаем их
            HandleOptions(context, algorithmConfig);

Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 ///   Applies device impact on the circuit equation system. If behavior of the device is nonlinear, this method is
 ///   called once every Newton-Raphson iteration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
 public override void ApplyModelValues(ISimulationContext context)
     if (firstDcPoint)             // initial dc bias
         var(veq, req) = IntegrationMethod.GetEquivalents(DefinitionDevice.Inductance / context.TimeStep);
         stamper.Stamp(-veq, req);
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        ///   Notifies model class that DC bias for given timepoint is established (i.e after Newton-Raphson iterations
        ///   converged).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void OnDcBiasEstablished(ISimulationContext context)
            ic = capacitorStamper.GetCurrent();
            if (Math.Abs(context.TimeStep) < double.Epsilon)             // set initial condition for the capacitor
                ic = Current;
            vc = Voltage;

            IntegrationMethod.SetState(ic, vc);
            initialConditionCapacitor = false;             // capacitor no longer needs initial condition
Пример #21
            public override void OnEquationSolution(ISimulationContext context)
                var newVoltage = voltage.GetValue();
                var abstol     = context.SimulationParameters.AbsoluteTolerance;
                var reltol     = context.SimulationParameters.RelativeTolerance;

                // Check if converged
                if (!MathHelper.InTollerance(newVoltage, Voltage, abstol, reltol))

                // update voltage for reading
                Voltage = newVoltage;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this method before calling Start(), to initialize the actor
        /// with details such as the device model and message type to simulate.
        /// If this method is not called before Run(), the application will
        /// throw an exception.
        /// Init() should be called only once, typically after the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(
            ISimulationContext simulationContext,
            string deviceId,
            DeviceModel deviceModel,
            int deviceCounter)

            this.simulationContext = simulationContext;
            this.deviceModel       = deviceModel;
            this.deviceId          = deviceId;

            // Distribute actors start over 10 secs
            this.startDelayMsecs = deviceCounter % START_DISTRIBUTION_WINDOW_MSECS;

Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        ///   Notifies model class that DC bias for given timepoint is established (i.e after Newton-Raphson iterations
        ///   converged).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void OnDcBiasEstablished(ISimulationContext context)

            // update capacitances
            var vbe = voltageBe.GetValue();

            chargebe.SetState(vbe * cgeqbe, vbe);

            var vbc = voltageBc.GetValue();

            chargebc.SetState(vbc * cgeqbc, vbc);

            var vcs = voltageCs.GetValue();

            chargecs.SetState(vcs * cgeqcs, vcs);
Пример #24
            public override void ApplyModelValues(ISimulationContext context)
                var Is = DefinitionDevice.Param.SaturationCurrent;
                var Vt = DefinitionDevice.Param.ThermalVoltage;
                var n  = DefinitionDevice.Param.IdealityCoefficient;

                var Vd = voltage.GetValue();

                // calculates current through the diode and it's derivative
                DeviceHelpers.PnJunction(Is, Vd, Vt * n, out var Id, out var Geq);
                Current = Id;

                // stamp the equivalent circuit
                var Ieq = Id - Geq * Vd;

Пример #25
        /// <summary>Performs necessary initialization of the device, like mapping to the equation system.</summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The equation system builder.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void Initialize(IEquationSystemAdapter adapter, ISimulationContext context)
            stamper.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
            capacitorStamper.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);
            voltage.Register(adapter, Anode, Cathode);

            initialConditionCapacitor = true;
            IntegrationMethod         = context.SimulationParameters.IntegrationMethodFactory.CreateInstance();

            vt = Parameters.EmissionCoefficient * PhysicalConstants.Boltzmann *
                 PhysicalConstants.CelsiusToKelvin(Parameters.NominalTemperature) /

            var iS = Parameters.SaturationCurrent;
            var n  = Parameters.EmissionCoefficient;

            Voltage = DefinitionDevice.VoltageHint ?? 0;
Пример #26
        /// <summary>This method is called each time an equation is solved.</summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void OnEquationSolution(ISimulationContext context)
            var iS = Parameters.SaturationCurrent;

            var nF       = Parameters.ForwardEmissionCoefficient;
            var nR       = Parameters.ReverseEmissionCoefficient;
            var polarity = Parameters.IsPnp ? -1 : +1;

            // critical voltages to prevent numerical overflow
            var vbecrit = DeviceHelpers.PnCriticalVoltage(iS, nF * vT);
            var vbccrit = DeviceHelpers.PnCriticalVoltage(iS, nR * vT);

            var vvbe = voltageBe.GetValue() * polarity;
            var vvbc = voltageBc.GetValue() * polarity;

            var(vbe, limited)  = DeviceHelpers.PnLimitVoltage(vvbe, VoltageBaseEmitter, nF * vT, vbecrit);
            var(vbc, limited2) = DeviceHelpers.PnLimitVoltage(vvbc, VoltageBaseCollector, nR * vT, vbccrit);

            // calculate current deltas
            var delvbe = vbe - VoltageBaseEmitter;
            var delvbc = vbc - VoltageBaseCollector;
            var cchat  = CurrentCollector + (Transconductance + OutputConductance) * delvbe -
                         (OutputConductance + ConductanceMu) * delvbc;
            var cbhat = CurrentBase + ConductancePi * delvbe + ConductanceMu * delvbc;
            var cc    = CurrentCollector;
            var cb    = CurrentBase;

            var reltol = context.SimulationParameters.RelativeTolerance;
            var abstol = context.SimulationParameters.AbsoluteTolerance;

            // request another iteration if not converged
            if (limited || limited2 ||
                !MathHelper.InTollerance(cchat, cc, abstol, reltol) ||
                !MathHelper.InTollerance(cbhat, cb, abstol, reltol))

            // update voltages
            VoltageBaseEmitter      = vbe;
            VoltageBaseCollector    = vbc;
            VoltageCollectorEmitter = vbc - vbe;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>This method is called each time an equation is solved.</summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void OnEquationSolution(ISimulationContext context)
            var vcrit = DeviceHelpers.PnCriticalVoltage(Parameters.SaturationCurrent, vt);

            var(newvolt, limited) = DeviceHelpers.PnLimitVoltage(voltage.GetValue(), Voltage, vt, vcrit);

            var dVolt = newvolt - Voltage;
            var dCurr = Conductance * dVolt;

            var reltol = context.SimulationParameters.RelativeTolerance;
            var abstol = context.SimulationParameters.AbsoluteTolerance;

            if (limited || !MathHelper.InTollerance(Current, Current + dCurr, abstol, reltol))

            Voltage = newvolt;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this method before calling Execute(), to initialize the actor
        /// with details like the device id.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(
            ISimulationContext simulationContext,
            string deviceId,
            IDeviceStateActor deviceStateActor,
            IDeviceConnectionActor deviceConnectionActor,
            PropertiesLoopSettings loopSettings)

            this.simulationContext     = simulationContext;
            this.deviceId              = deviceId;
            this.deviceStateActor      = deviceStateActor;
            this.deviceConnectionActor = deviceConnectionActor;
            this.updatePropertiesLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId);
            this.actorLogger.Init(deviceId, "Properties");
            this.status = ActorStatus.ReadyToStart;

Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        ///   Applies device impact on the circuit equation system. If behavior of the device is nonlinear, this method is
        ///   called once every Newton-Raphson iteration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of current simulation.</param>
        public override void ApplyModelValues(ISimulationContext context)
            double ieq, geq;

            if (firtDcPoint)
                if (DefinitionDevice.InitialVoltage.HasValue)
                    ieq = DefinitionDevice.InitialVoltage.Value;
                    geq = 1;
                    ieq = geq = 0;                     // open circuit
                (ieq, geq) = IntegrationMethod.GetEquivalents(DefinitionDevice.Capacity / context.TimeStep);

            stamper.Stamp(ieq, geq);
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this method before calling Execute(), to initialize the actor
        /// with details like the device model and message type to simulate.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(
            ISimulationContext simulationContext,
            string deviceId,
            DeviceModel deviceModel,
            DeviceModel.DeviceModelMessage message,
            IDeviceStateActor deviceStateActor,
            IDeviceConnectionActor context)

            this.simulationContext = simulationContext;
            this.deviceModel       = deviceModel;
            this.Message           = message;
            this.deviceId          = deviceId;
            this.deviceStateActor  = deviceStateActor;
            this.deviceContext     = context;

            this.sendTelemetryLogic.Init(this, this.deviceId, this.deviceModel);
            this.actorLogger.Init(deviceId, "Telemetry");

            this.status = ActorStatus.ReadyToStart;

 public void RunStrategy_IncorrectStrategy_ReturnsFalse(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Setup(x => x.RunStrategy()).Returns(false);
     sut.Initialize(null, null, null);
 public void RunStrategy_CanceledAfterRun_ReturnsFalse(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Setup(x => x.RunStrategy()).Callback(() => Thread.Sleep(60000)).Returns(true);
     sut.Initialize(null, null, null);
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000);(sut as SimulationContextAsyncDecorator).Cancel();});
     bool result = sut.RunStrategy();
 public void RunStrategy_CanceledBeforeRun_ReturnsFalse(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Setup(x => x.RunStrategy()).Returns(true);
     sut.Initialize(null, null, null);
     (sut as SimulationContextAsyncDecorator).Cancel();
 public void ApplyInteresetRate_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Verify(x => x.ApplyInterestRate(), Times.Once());
 public void RunStrategy_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     sut.Initialize(null, null, null);
     ctx.Verify(x => x.RunStrategy(), Times.Once());
 public void EndStep_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Verify(x => x.EndStep(), Times.Once());
 public void GetLastError_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Verify(x => x.GetLastError(), Times.Once());
 public void ProcessPendingTransactions_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Verify(x => x.ProcessPendingTransactions(), Times.Once());
 public void Dispose_IsCalledOnDecorated(ISimulationContext sut, Mock<ISimulationContext> ctx)
     ctx.Verify(x => x.Dispose(), Times.Once());