Пример #1
        public void MetaTest_Test_MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals()
            // Create a subgrid to hold the segment
            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();

            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];

            // Check all cells have exactly 10 passes
            VSS.TRex.SubGridTrees.Core.Utilities.SubGridUtilities.SubGridDimensionalIterator((x, y) =>
                Assert.True(segment.PassesData.PassCount(x, y) == 10,
                            $"Cell in segment at {x},{y} does not have 10 cell passes");

            //Check the total number of passes is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 10
            segment.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount, out _, out int maximumPassCount);

            Assert.True(10240 == totalPassCount, "Initial total pass count not 10240");
            Assert.True(10240 == segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount,
                        $"segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount does not equal 10240 (it is {segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount})");
            Assert.True(10 == maximumPassCount, "Initial maximum pass count not 10");

            // Check the time range is as expected
            segment.PassesData.CalculateTimeRange(out DateTime startSegmentTime, out DateTime endSegmentTime);
            Assert.True(endSegmentTime > startSegmentTime, $"End time {endSegmentTime} not greater than startTime {startSegmentTime}");

            Assert.True(startSegmentTime == startTime, $"Start time {startSegmentTime} not equal to {startTime} as expected");
            Assert.True(endSegmentTime == startTime.AddSeconds(10239), $"End time {endSegmentTime} not equal to {startTime.AddSeconds(10239)} as expected");
Пример #2
        private void IntegrateIntoLiveGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                           ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator,
                                           Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier)
            var targetSubGrid = LocateOrCreateSubGrid(_target, sourceSubGrid.OriginX, sourceSubGrid.OriginY);

                if (targetSubGrid == null)
                    _log.LogError("Failed to locate or create sub grid in IntegrateIntoLiveGrid");

                if (!IntegrateIntoLiveDatabase(sourceSubGrid, targetSubGrid, segmentIterator, subGridChangeNotifier))
                    _log.LogError("Integration into live database failed");
                // At this point TargetSubGrid is of no further interest. The site model will be dropped in-toto once all
                // changes have been integrated into the live sub grids and releasing it's resources here alleviates memory
                // pressure that occurs if all sub grids are integrated before any resource freeing occurs
                // This is not mediated by a using block as we want the sub grid to remain in the sub grid tree (ie:
                // removing it is messy and not necessary here, it can be delegated to the DropSiteModel() phase.
Пример #3
        public ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment AddNewSegment(IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                                           ISubGridCellPassesDataSegmentInfo segmentInfo)
            if (segmentInfo == null)
                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Null segment info passed to AddNewSegment for sub grid {subGrid.Moniker()}");

            if (segmentInfo.Segment != null)
                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Segment info passed to AddNewSegment for sub grid {subGrid.Moniker()} already contains an allocated segment");

            var Result = new SubGridCellPassesDataSegment
                Owner       = subGrid,
                SegmentInfo = segmentInfo

            segmentInfo.Segment = Result;

            for (int I = 0; I < Count; I++)
                if (segmentInfo.EndTime <= Items[I].SegmentInfo.StartTime)
                    Items.Insert(I, Result);

                    if (_performSegmentAdditionIntegrityChecks)
                        for (int J = 0; J < Count - 1; J++)
                            if (Items[J].SegmentInfo.StartTime >= Items[J + 1].SegmentInfo.StartTime)
                                _log.LogError($"Segment passes list out of order {Items[J].SegmentInfo.StartTime} versus {Items[J + 1].SegmentInfo.StartTime}. Segment count = {Count}");
                                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Segment passes list out of order {Items[J].SegmentInfo.StartTime} versus {Items[J + 1].SegmentInfo.StartTime}. Segment count = {Count}");


            // if we get to here, then the new segment is at the end of the list, so just add it to the end

Пример #4
        private bool IntegrateIntoLiveDatabase(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                               IServerLeafSubGrid targetSubGrid,
                                               ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator,
                                               Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier)
            // Note the fact that this sub grid will be changed and become dirty as a result
            // of the cell pass integration
            targetSubGrid.Integrate(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, false);

            subGridChangeNotifier?.Invoke(targetSubGrid.OriginX, targetSubGrid.OriginY);

            // Save the integrated state of the sub grid segments to allow Ignite to store & socialize the update
            // within the cluster.

            // Failure to save a piece of data aborts the entire integration
            var result = false;

            if (_target.SaveLeafSubGrid(targetSubGrid, _storageProxySubGrids, _storageProxySubGridSegments, InvalidatedSpatialStreams))
                // Successfully saving the sub grid directory information is the point at which this sub grid may be recognized to exist
                // in the site model. Note this by including it within the SiteModel existence map

                _siteModel.ExistenceMap.SetCell(targetSubGrid.OriginX >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel,
                                                targetSubGrid.OriginY >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel,
                result = true;
                _log.LogError($"Sub grid leaf save failed for {targetSubGrid}, existence map not modified.");

            // Finally, mark the source sub grid as not being dirty. We need to do this to allow
            // the sub grid to permit its destruction as all changes have been merged into the target.
            if (result)

Пример #5
        private void IntegrateSubGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid,
                                      SubGridTreeIntegrationMode integrationMode,
                                      Action <int, int> subGridChangeNotifier,
                                      ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator)
            // Locate a matching sub grid in this tree. If there is none, then create it
            // and assign the sub grid from the iterator to it. If there is one, process
            // the cell pass stacks merging the two together

            var integratingIntoIntermediaryGrid = integrationMode == SubGridTreeIntegrationMode.UsingInMemoryTarget;

            if (integratingIntoIntermediaryGrid)
                IntegrateIntoIntermediaryGrid(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator);
                IntegrateIntoLiveGrid(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, subGridChangeNotifier);
Пример #6
        public void Test_SubgridSegment_Cleaver()
            // Create a sub grid to hold the segment
            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();

            // Exercise the cleaver!
            // Instruct the segment container to cleave the segment
            // Set the segment to not dirty - it should be ignored
            subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].Dirty = false;

            var cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();

            cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(StorageProxy.Instance(StorageMutability.Mutable), subGrid, 10000);

            Assert.True(1 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving with no dirty segments there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected one segments");

            // Set the segment to not dirty - it should be ignored
            subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].Dirty = true;
            cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();
            cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(StorageProxy.Instance(StorageMutability.Mutable), subGrid, 10000);

            //Check there are now two segments in total
            Assert.True(2 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected two segments");

            //Check the total number of passes across the two segments is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 5
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment1 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment2 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[1];

            segment1.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount1, out _, out int maximumPassCount1);
            segment2.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount2, out _, out int maximumPassCount2);

            Assert.True(10240 == (totalPassCount1 + totalPassCount2), $"Totals ({totalPassCount1} and {totalPassCount2} don't add up to 10240 after cleaving");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount1, $"Maximum pass count 1 {maximumPassCount1}, is not 5");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount2, $"Maximum pass count 2 {maximumPassCount2}, is not 5");

            // Check the segment pass count in the segment is correct
            Assert.True(totalPassCount1 == segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 1 {totalPassCount1} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
            Assert.True(totalPassCount2 == segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 2 {totalPassCount2} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
Пример #7
        private void IntegrateIntoIntermediaryGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid sourceSubGrid, ISubGridSegmentIterator segmentIterator)
            var targetSubGrid = _target.ConstructPathToCell(sourceSubGrid.OriginX, sourceSubGrid.OriginY,
                                                            SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf) as IServerLeafSubGrid;


            // If the node is brand new (ie: it does not have any cell passes committed to it yet)
            // then create and select the default segment
            if (targetSubGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Count == 0)

            if (targetSubGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].PassesData == null)
                _log.LogCritical("No segment passes data in new segment");

            targetSubGrid.Integrate(sourceSubGrid, segmentIterator, true);
Пример #8
        public void Test_SubgridSegmentCleaving()
            // Create a sub grid to hold the segment. the subGrid retains the limit in the subGrid constructor in MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals()
            IServerLeafSubGrid            subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];

            // Instruct the segment container to cleave the segment with a limit of 100000
            var newSegmentsFromCleaving = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>();
            var persistedClovenSegments = new List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey>();

            Assert.False(subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, newSegmentsFromCleaving, persistedClovenSegments, 100000), "Segment was cloven when cell pass count was below limit");

            // Set the cleaving limit to 10000 to force the segment TO BE cloven = the cleave result should be true
            subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();
            segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            newSegmentsFromCleaving = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>();
            persistedClovenSegments = new List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey>();
            Assert.True(subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, newSegmentsFromCleaving, persistedClovenSegments, 10000), "Segment failed to cleave with pass count above limit");

            //Check there are now two segments in total
            Assert.True(2 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected two segments");

            //Check the total number of passes across the two segments is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 5
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment1 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment2 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[1];

            segment1.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount1, out _, out int maximumPassCount1);
            segment2.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount2, out _, out int maximumPassCount2);

            Assert.True(10240 == totalPassCount1 + totalPassCount2, $"Totals ({totalPassCount1} and {totalPassCount2} don't add up to 10240 after cleaving");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount1, $"Maximum pass count 1 {maximumPassCount1}, is not 5");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount2, $"Maximum pass count 2 {maximumPassCount2}, is not 5");

            // Check the segment pass count in the segment is correct
            Assert.True(totalPassCount1 == segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 1 {totalPassCount1} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
            Assert.True(totalPassCount2 == segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 2 {totalPassCount2} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
Пример #9
        public static void AddMultipleCellsWithPasses(ISiteModel siteModel, int cellX, int cellY,
                                                      List <CellPass[]> passesList, int expectedCellCount = -1, int expectedPassCount = -1)
            // Construct the sub grid to hold the cell being tested
            IServerLeafSubGrid leaf = siteModel.Grid.ConstructPathToCell(cellX, cellY, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf) as IServerLeafSubGrid;



            // Add the leaf to the site model existence map
            siteModel.ExistenceMap[leaf.OriginX >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel, leaf.OriginY >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel] = true;

            long totalCells = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < passesList.Count; i++)
                //CellPass[] _passes = passes.ToArray();

                byte subGridX = (byte)(cellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);
                byte subGridY = (byte)(cellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                foreach (var pass in passesList[i])
                    leaf.AddPass(subGridX, subGridY, pass);

                var cellPasses = leaf.Cells.PassesData[i].PassesData.ExtractCellPasses(subGridX, subGridY);
                if (expectedPassCount > -1)

                // Assign global latest cell pass to the appropriate pass
                leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells[subGridX, subGridY] = cellPasses.Passes.Last();

                // Ensure the pass data existence map records the existence of a non null value in the cell
                leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells.PassDataExistenceMap[subGridX, subGridY] = true;

                if (expectedCellCount > -1)
                    // Count the number of non-null elevation cells to verify a correct setup
                    siteModel.Grid.Root.ScanSubGrids(siteModel.Grid.FullCellExtent(), x =>
                        totalCells += leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells.PassDataExistenceMap.CountBits();

                siteModel.SiteModelExtent.Include(siteModel.Grid.GetCellExtents(cellX, cellY));


            // Save the leaf information just created
            siteModel.Grid.SaveLeafSubGrid(leaf, siteModel.PrimaryStorageProxy, siteModel.PrimaryStorageProxy, new List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey>());

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleaves all dirty segments requiring cleaving within the given sub grid
        /// </summary>
        public void PerformSegmentCleaving(IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGridSegments, IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid, int subGridSegmentPassCountLimit = 0)
            var iterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(subGrid, storageProxyForSubGridSegments)
                IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards,
                ReturnDirtyOnly    = true,
                RetrieveAllPasses  = true

            var origin = new SubGridCellAddress(subGrid.OriginX, subGrid.OriginY);

            if (!iterator.MoveToFirstSubGridSegment())

                var segment = iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment;

                var cleavedTimeRangeStart = segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime;
                var cleavedTimeRangeEnd   = segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime;

                if (!segment.RequiresCleaving(out var totalPassCount, out var maximumPassCount))

                if (subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, NewSegmentsFromCleaving, PersistedClovenSegments, subGridSegmentPassCountLimit))

                    if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                            $"Info: Performed cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {ServerSubGridTree.GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(origin)}. TotalPassCount = {totalPassCount} MaximumPassCount = {maximumPassCount}");
                    // The segment cleave failed. While this is not a serious problem (as the sub grid will be
                    // cleaved at some point in the future when it is modified again via tag file processing etc)
                    // it will be noted in the log.

                        $"Cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {ServerSubGridTree.GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(origin)} failed. TotalPassCount = {totalPassCount} MaximumPassCount = {maximumPassCount}");

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    if (segment.RequiresCleaving(out totalPassCount, out maximumPassCount))
                            $"Cleave on segment ({cleavedTimeRangeStart}-{cleavedTimeRangeEnd}) of sub grid {subGrid.Moniker()} failed to reduce cell pass count below maximums (max passes = {totalPassCount}/{subGridSegmentPassCountLimit}, per cell = {maximumPassCount}/{_subGridMaxSegmentCellPassesLimit})");
            } while (iterator.MoveToNextSubGridSegment());
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Orchestrates all the activities relating to saving the state of a created or modified sub grid, including
        /// cleaving, saving updated elements, creating new elements and arranging for the retirement of
        /// elements that have been replaced in the persistent store as a result of this activity.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SaveLeafSubGrid(IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                    IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                    IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGridSegments,
                                    List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey> invalidatedSpatialStreams)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Saving {subGrid.Moniker()} to persistent store");

                // Perform segment cleaving as the first activity in the action of saving a leaf sub grid
                // to disk. This reduces the number of segment cleaving actions that would otherwise
                // be performed in the context of the aggregated integrator.

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    _log.LogDebug($"About to perform segment cleaving on {subGrid.Moniker()}");

                var cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();

                cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, subGrid);

                // Calculate the cell last pass information here, immediately before it is
                // committed to the persistent store. The reason for this is to remove this
                // compute intensive operation from the critical path in TAG file processing
                // (which is the only writer of this information in the Raptor system).
                // The computer is instructed to do a partial recompute, which will recompute
                // all segments from the first segment marked as dirty.
                subGrid.ComputeLatestPassInformation(false, storageProxyForSubGridSegments);

                if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                    _log.LogInformation($"SaveLeafSubGrid: {subGrid.Moniker()} ({subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments)");

                var modifiedOriginalSegments = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>(100);
                var originAddress            = new SubGridCellAddress(subGrid.OriginX, subGrid.OriginY);

                // The following used to be an assert/exception. However, this is may readily
                // happen if there are no modified segments resulting from processing a
                // process TAG file where the Dirty flag for the sub grid is set but no cell
                // passes are added to segments in that sub grid. As this is not an integrity
                // issue the persistence of the modified sub grid is allowed, but noted in
                // the log for posterity.
                if (subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count == 0)
                        $"Note: Saving a sub grid, {subGrid.Moniker()}, (Segments = {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count}, Dirty = {subGrid.Dirty}) with no cached sub grid segments to the persistent store in SaveLeafSubGrid (possible reprocessing of TAG file with no cell pass changes). " +
                        $"SubGrid.Directory.PersistedClovenSegments.Count={cleaver.PersistedClovenSegments?.Count}, ModifiedOriginalFiles.Count={modifiedOriginalSegments.Count}, NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count={cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count}");

                var iterator = new SubGridSegmentIterator(subGrid, storageProxyForSubGridSegments)
                    IterationDirection = IterationDirection.Forwards,
                    ReturnDirtyOnly    = true,

                //***Construct list of original segment files that have been modified***
                //*** These files may be updated in-situ with no sub grid/segment    ***
                //*** integrity issues wrt the segment directory in the sub grid     ***

                while (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment != null)
                    if (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore && iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.Dirty)

                //*** Construct list of spatial streams that will be deleted or replaced
                //*** in the FS file. These will be passed to the call that saves the
                //*** sub grid directory file as an instruction to place them into the
                //*** deferred deletion list

                lock (invalidatedSpatialStreams)
                    if (cleaver.PersistedClovenSegments != null)

                    invalidatedSpatialStreams.AddRange(modifiedOriginalSegments.Select(x => x.SegmentInfo.AffinityKey(ID)));

                if (cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count > 0)
                    //***    Write new segment files generated by cleaving               ***
                    //*** File system integrity failures here will have no effect on the ***
                    //*** sub grid/segment directory as they are not referenced by it.   ***
                    //*** At worst they become orphans they may be cleaned by in the FS  ***
                    //*** recovery phase                                                 ***

                    if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                        _log.LogInformation($"Sub grid has {cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving.Count} new segments from cleaving");

                    foreach (var segment in cleaver.NewSegmentsFromCleaving)
                        // Update the version of the segment as it is about to be written

                        segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError);
                        segment.Dirty = false;

                        if (fsError == FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                            if (_segmentCleavingOperationsToLog)
                                _log.LogInformation($"Saved new cloven grid segment file: {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}");
                            _log.LogWarning($"Failed to save cloven grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                if (modifiedOriginalSegments.Count > 0)
                    //***    Write modified segment files                                ***
                    //*** File system integrity failures here will have no effect on the ***
                    //*** sub grid/segment directory as the previous version of the      ***
                    //*** modified file being written will be recovered.                 ***

                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Sub grid has {modifiedOriginalSegments.Count} modified segments");

                    foreach (var segment in modifiedOriginalSegments)
                        // Update the version of the segment as it is about to be written
                        segment.Dirty = false;

                        if (segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError))
                            segment.Dirty = false;
                            if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                                _log.LogTrace($"Saved modified grid segment file: {segment}");
                            _log.LogError($"Failed to save modified original grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                // Any remaining dirty segments in the sub grid will be due to previously empty sub grids with newly
                // created segments from ingest processing that have not required cleaving. These segments do not require any
                // special treatment are jsut saved to persistent store

                foreach (var segment in subGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Select(x => x.Segment).Where(x => (x?.Dirty ?? false)))
                    if (segment.SaveToFile(storageProxyForSubGridSegments, GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo), out var fsError))
                        segment.Dirty = false;
                        if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            _log.LogTrace($"Saved new sub grid segment file: {segment}");
                        _log.LogError($"Failed to save new sub grid segment {GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(originAddress, segment.SegmentInfo)}: Error:{fsError}");

                //***                 Write the sub grid directory file              ***

                 * There is no need to add the sub grid directory stream to the segment retirement
                 * queue as this will be automatically replaced when the new version of the
                 * sub grid directory is written to persistent store.
                 * // Add the stream representing the sub grid directory file to the list of
                 * // invalidated streams as this stream will be replaced with the stream
                 * // containing the updated directory information. Note: This only needs to
                 * // be done if the sub grid has previously been read from the FS file (if not
                 * // it has been created and not yet persisted to the store.
                 * if (subGrid.Directory.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                 * {
                 * // Include an additional invalidated spatial stream for the sub grid directory stream
                 * lock (invalidatedSpatialStreams)
                 * {
                 *  invalidatedSpatialStreams.Add(subGrid.AffinityKey());
                 * }
                 * }

                if (subGrid.SaveDirectoryToFile(storageProxyForSubGrids, GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)))
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Saved grid directory file: {GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)}");
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.LogTrace($"Failed to save grid: {GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(originAddress)}");

                //***                   Reset segment dirty flags                    ***

                while (iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment != null)
                    iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.Dirty = false;
                    iterator.CurrentSubGridSegment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore = true;


                //Log.LogInformation($"Completed saving {subGrid.Moniker()} to persistent store");

            catch (Exception e)
                _log.LogError(e, "Exception raised in SaveLeafSubGrid");

Пример #12
        public bool LoadLeafSubGrid(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                    SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                    bool loadAllPasses, bool loadLatestPasses,
                                    IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid)
            var fullFileName = string.Empty;
            var result       = false;

                // Loading contents into a dirty sub grid (which should happen only on the mutable nodes), or
                // when there is already content in the segment directory are strictly forbidden and break immutability
                // rules for sub grids
                if (subGrid.Dirty)
                    throw new TRexSubGridIOException("Leaf sub grid directory loads may not be performed while the sub grid is dirty. The information should be taken from the cache instead.");

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                // Briefly lock this sub grid just for the period required to read its contents
                lock (subGrid)
                    // If more than thread wants this sub grid then they may concurrently attempt to load it.
                    // Make a check to see if this has happened and another thread has already loaded this sub grid directory.
                    // If so, just return success. Previously the commented out assert was enforced causing exceptions
                    // Debug.Assert(SubGrid.Directory?.SegmentDirectory?.Count == 0, "Loading a leaf sub grid directory when there are already segments present within it.");

                    // Check this thread is the winner of the lock to be able to load the contents
                    if (subGrid.Directory?.SegmentDirectory?.Count == 0)
                        // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                        if (loadAllPasses)

                        if (loadLatestPasses)

                        fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridFullFileName(cellAddress);

                        // Briefly lock this sub grid just for the period required to read its contents
                        result = subGrid.LoadDirectoryFromFile(storageProxy, fullFileName);
                        // A previous thread has already read the directory so there is nothing more to do, return a true result.
                if (result && RecordSubGridFileReadingToLog)
                    _log.LogDebug($"Sub grid file {fullFileName} read from persistent store containing {subGrid.Directory.SegmentDirectory.Count} segments (Moniker: {subGrid.Moniker()}");

Пример #13
        public FileSystemErrorStatus LoadLeafSubGridSegment(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                                            SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                                            bool loadLatestData,
                                                            bool loadAllPasses,
                                                            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                                            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress}:{Segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime}-{Segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime} beginning, loadLatestData = {loadLatestData}, loadAllPasses = {loadAllPasses}");

            var needToLoadLatestData = loadLatestData && !segment.HasLatestData;
            var needToLoadAllPasses  = loadAllPasses && !segment.HasAllPasses;

            if (!needToLoadLatestData && !needToLoadAllPasses)
                //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as neither latest nor all passes required");
                return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

            // Lock the segment briefly while its contents is being loaded
            lock (segment)
                if (!(needToLoadLatestData ^ segment.HasLatestData) && !(needToLoadAllPasses ^ segment.HasAllPasses))
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} leaving quietly as a previous thread has performed the load");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // The load operation was performed on another thread. Leave quietly

                // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                if (needToLoadLatestData)

                if (needToLoadAllPasses)

                if (!segment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as segment does not exist in persistent store");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

                // Locate the segment file and load the data from it
                var fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(cellAddress, segment.SegmentInfo);

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                var fsError = subGrid.LoadSegmentFromStorage(storageProxy, fullFileName, segment, needToLoadLatestData, needToLoadAllPasses);

                if (fsError != FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} failed, performing allocation cleanup activities");

                    // Something bad happened. Remove the segment from the list. Return failure to the caller.
                    if (loadAllPasses)

                    if (loadLatestData)


            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} succeeded, AllPasses?={Segment.HasAllPasses}, Segment.PassesData?Null={Segment.PassesData==null} ");

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Orchestrates the mainline work of analyzing cell and cell pass information to create a client sub grid (heights, CMV, MDP etc)
        /// based on filter and other information established in the class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="cellOverrideMask"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual ServerRequestResult RetrieveSubGrid(IClientLeafSubGrid clientGrid,
                                                           SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits cellOverrideMask,
                                                           out bool sieveFilterInUse,
                                                           Func <ServerRequestResult> computeSpatialFilterMaskAndClientProdDataMap)
            sieveFilterInUse = false;

            if (!Utilities.DerivedGridDataTypesAreCompatible(_gridDataType, clientGrid.GridDataType))
                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Grid data type of client leaf sub grid [{clientGrid.GridDataType}] is not compatible with the grid data type of retriever [{_gridDataType}]");

            var result = ServerRequestResult.UnknownError;

            //  SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Nil, Format('In RetrieveSubGrid: Active pass filters = %s, Active cell filters = %s', [PassFilter.ActiveFiltersText, CellFilter.ActiveFiltersText]));

            // Set up class local state for other methods to access
            _clientGrid       = clientGrid;
            _clientGridAsLeaf = clientGrid as ClientLeafSubGrid;

            _canUseGlobalLatestCells &=
                !(_gridDataType == GridDataType.CCV ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.CCVPercent) &&
                _liftParams.CCVSummaryTypes != CCVSummaryTypes.None &&
                !(_gridDataType == GridDataType.MDP ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.MDPPercent) &&
                _liftParams.MDPSummaryTypes != MDPSummaryTypes.None &&
                !(_gridDataType == GridDataType.CCA || _gridDataType == GridDataType.CCAPercent) &&
                !(_gridDataType == GridDataType.CellProfile ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.PassCount ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.CellPasses ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.MachineSpeed ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.CCVPercentChange ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.MachineSpeedTarget ||
                  _gridDataType == GridDataType.CCVPercentChangeIgnoredTopNullValue);

            // Support for lazy construction of any required profiling infrastructure
            if (_clientGrid.WantsLiftProcessingResults() && _profiler == null)
                // Some display types require lift processing to be able to select the
                // appropriate cell pass containing the filtered value required.

                _profiler = DIContext.Obtain <IProfilerBuilder <ProfileCell> >();

                //TODO: should referenceDesignWrapper be null here or be passed through from args?
                _profiler.Configure(ProfileStyle.CellPasses, _siteModel, _pdExistenceMap, _gridDataType, new FilterSet(_filter),
                                    null, _populationControl, new CellPassFastEventLookerUpper(_siteModel), VolumeComputationType.None, _overrides, _liftParams);

                _cellProfile = new ProfileCell();

                // Create and configure the assignment context which is used to contain
                // a filtered pass and its attendant machine events and target values
                // prior to assignment to the client sub grid.
                _assignmentContext.CellProfile = _cellProfile;

                // Ensure pass type filter is set correctly
                if (_filter.AttributeFilter.HasPassTypeFilter)
                    if ((_filter.AttributeFilter.PassTypeSet & (PassTypeSet.Front | PassTypeSet.Rear)) == PassTypeSet.Front)
                        _filter.AttributeFilter.PassTypeSet |= PassTypeSet.Rear; // these two types go together as half passes
                // ... unless we can use the last pass grid to satisfy the query
                if (_canUseGlobalLatestCells &&
                    !_filter.AttributeFilter.HasElevationRangeFilter &&
                    !_clientGrid.WantsLiftProcessingResults() &&
                    !_filter.AttributeFilter.HasElevationMappingModeFilter &&
                    !(_filter.AttributeFilter.HasElevationTypeFilter &&
                      (_filter.AttributeFilter.ElevationType == ElevationType.Highest ||
                       _filter.AttributeFilter.ElevationType == ElevationType.Lowest)) &&
                    !(_gridDataType == GridDataType.PassCount || _gridDataType == GridDataType.Temperature ||
                      _gridDataType == GridDataType.CellProfile || _gridDataType == GridDataType.CellPasses ||
                      _gridDataType == GridDataType.MachineSpeed))
                    _useLastPassGrid = true;

                // First get the sub grid we are interested in
                // SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Nil, Format('Begin LocateSubGridContaining at %dx%d', [clientGrid.OriginX, clientGrid.OriginY]));

                _subGrid = SubGridTrees.Server.Utilities.SubGridUtilities.LocateSubGridContaining(_storageProxy, _siteModel.Grid, clientGrid.OriginX, clientGrid.OriginY, _siteModel.Grid.NumLevels, false, false);

                //  SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Nil, Format('End LocateSubGridContaining at %dx%d', [clientGrid.OriginX, clientGrid.Origin]));

                if (_subGrid == null) // This should never really happen, but we'll be polite about it
                        $"Sub grid address (CellX={clientGrid.OriginX}, CellY={clientGrid.OriginY}) passed to LocateSubGridContaining() from RetrieveSubGrid() did not match an existing sub grid in the data model. Returning SubGridNotFound as response with a null sub grid reference.");

                // Now process the contents of that sub grid into the sub grid to be returned to the client.

                if (!_subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid())
                    Log.LogInformation("Requests of node sub grids in the server sub grid are not yet supported");

                if (!(_subGrid is IServerLeafSubGrid))
                    Log.LogError($"_SubGrid {_subGrid.Moniker()} is not a server grid leaf node");

                // SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Nil, Format('Getting sub grid leaf at %dx%d', [clientGrid.OriginX, clientGrid.OriginY]));

                _subGridAsLeaf     = (IServerLeafSubGrid)_subGrid;
                _globalLatestCells = _subGridAsLeaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells;

                if (PruneSubGridRetrievalHere())

                // SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Nil, Format('Setup for stripe iteration at %dx%d', [clientGrid.OriginX, clientGrid.OriginY]));


                // Determine if a sieve filter is required for the sub grid where the sieve matches
                // the X and Y pixel world size (used for WMS tile computation)
                _subGrid.CalculateWorldOrigin(out var subGridWorldOriginX, out var subGridWorldOriginY);

                sieveFilterInUse = _areaControlSet.UseIntegerAlgorithm
          ? GridRotationUtilities.ComputeSieveBitmaskInteger(subGridWorldOriginX, subGridWorldOriginY, _subGrid.Moniker(), _areaControlSet, _siteModel.CellSize, out _sieveBitmask)
          : GridRotationUtilities.ComputeSieveBitmaskFloat(subGridWorldOriginX, subGridWorldOriginY, _areaControlSet, _siteModel.CellSize, _assignmentContext, out _sieveBitmask);

                //if (Debug_ExtremeLogSwitchC) Log.LogDebug($"Performing stripe iteration at {clientGrid.OriginX}x{clientGrid.OriginY}");

                if (computeSpatialFilterMaskAndClientProdDataMap != null)
                    var innerResult = computeSpatialFilterMaskAndClientProdDataMap();
                    if (innerResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)

                // Before iterating over stripes of this sub grid, compute a scan map detailing to the best of our current
                // knowledge, which cells need to be visited so that only cells the filter wants and which are actually
                // present in the data set are requested. If the intent is to store the result in a cache then ensure the
                // entire content is requested for the sub grid.
                if (_prepareGridForCacheStorageIfNoSieving)

                    if (sieveFilterInUse)
                        _aggregatedCellScanMap.AndWith(_sieveBitmask);             // ... and which are required by any sieve mask
                    _aggregatedCellScanMap.AndWith(_clientGridAsLeaf.ProdDataMap); // ... and which are in the required production data map
                    _aggregatedCellScanMap.AndWith(_clientGridAsLeaf.FilterMap);   // ... and which are in the required filter map

                // Iterate over the stripes in the sub grid processing each one in turn.
                for (byte i = 0; i < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; i++)

                //if Debug_ExtremeLogSwitchC then Log.LogDebug($"Stripe iteration complete at {clientGrid.OriginX}x{clientGrid.OriginY}");

                result = ServerRequestResult.NoError;
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.LogError(e, $"Exception occurred in {nameof(RetrieveSubGrid)}");

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the sub grid in the sub grid tree that contains the cell identified by CellX and CellY in the global
        /// sub grid tree cell address space. The tree level for the sub grid returned is specified in Level.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISubGrid LocateSubGridContaining(IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                                       IServerSubGridTree forSubGridTree,
                                                       //const GridDataCache : TICDataStoreCache;
                                                       int cellX,
                                                       int cellY,
                                                       byte level,
                                                       bool lookInCacheOnly,
                                                       bool acceptSpeculativeReadFailure)
            IServerLeafSubGrid leafSubGrid = null;
            var createdANewSubGrid         = false;

            ISubGrid result = null;

            if (forSubGridTree == null)
                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Sub grid tree null in {nameof(LocateSubGridContaining)}");

            // Note: Sub grid tree specific interlocks are no longer used. The tree now internally
            // manages fine grained locks across structurally mutating activities such as node/leaf
            // sub grid addition and reading content from the persistent store.

            // First check to see if the requested cell is present in a leaf sub grid
            var subGrid = forSubGridTree.LocateClosestSubGridContaining(cellX, cellY, level);

            if (subGrid == null) // Something bad happened
                _log.LogWarning($"Failed to locate sub grid at {cellX}:{cellY}, level {level}, data model ID:{forSubGridTree.ID}");

            if (!subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() && !lookInCacheOnly && level == forSubGridTree.NumLevels)
                if (forSubGridTree.CachingStrategy == ServerSubGridTreeCachingStrategy.CacheSubGridsInTree)
                    // Create the leaf sub grid that will be used to read in the sub grid from the disk.
                    // In the case where the sub grid isn't present on the disk this reference will be destroyed
                    subGrid = forSubGridTree.ConstructPathToCell(cellX, cellY, Types.SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf);
                else if (forSubGridTree.CachingStrategy == ServerSubGridTreeCachingStrategy.CacheSubGridsInIgniteGridCache)
                    // Create the leaf sub grid without constructing elements in the grid to represent it other than the
                    // path in the tree to the parent of the sub grid.
                    // Note: Setting owner and parent relationship from the sub grid to the tree in this fashion permits
                    // business logic in th sub grid that require knowledge of it parent and owner relationships to function
                    // correctly while not including a reference to the sub grid from the tree.
                    subGrid = forSubGridTree.CreateNewSubGrid(forSubGridTree.NumLevels);
                    subGrid.SetAbsoluteOriginPosition(cellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, cellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);
                    subGrid.Owner  = forSubGridTree;
                    subGrid.Parent = forSubGridTree.ConstructPathToCell(cellX, cellY, Types.SubGridPathConstructionType.CreatePathToLeaf);

                if (subGrid != null)
                    createdANewSubGrid = true;
                    _log.LogError($"Failed to create leaf sub grid in LocateSubGridContaining for sub grid at {cellX}x{cellY}");

            if (subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid())
                leafSubGrid = subGrid as IServerLeafSubGrid;

            if (leafSubGrid == null) // Something bad happened
                _log.LogError($"Sub grid request result for {cellX}:{cellY} is not a leaf sub grid, it is a {subGrid.GetType().Name}.");

            if (!createdANewSubGrid)
                if (lookInCacheOnly)
                    if (subGrid.Level == level)

                    // If the returned sub grid is a leaf sub grid then it was already present in the
                    // cache. If the level of the returned sub grid matches the request level parameter
                    // then there is nothing more to do here.
                    if (subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() &&
                        ((leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails || leafSubGrid.Dirty) &&
                         leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData()) ||
                        (!subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() && subGrid.Level == level))

            if ((!leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails && !leafSubGrid.Dirty) ||
                !(leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData()))
                // The requested cell is either not present in the sub grid tree (cache),
                // or it is residing on disk, and a newly created sub grid has been constructed
                // to contain the data read from disk.

                // The underlying assumption is that this method is only called if the caller knows
                // that the sub grid exists in the sub grid tree (this is known via the sub grid existence
                // map available to the caller). In cases where eventual consistency
                // may mean that a sub grid was removed from the sub grid tree since the caller retrieved
                // its copy of the sub grid existence map this function will fail gracefully with a null sub grid.
                // The exception to this rule is the tag file processor service which may speculatively
                // attempt to read a sub grid that doesn't exist.
                // This is a different approach to desktop systems where the individual node sub grids
                // contain mini existence maps for the sub grids below them.

                if (forSubGridTree.LoadLeafSubGrid(storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                                   new SubGridCellAddress(cellX, cellY),
                                                   true, true,
                    // We've loaded it - get the reference to the new sub grid and return it
                    result = leafSubGrid;
                    // The sub grid could not be loaded. This is likely due to it not ever existing
                    // in the model, or it may have been deleted. Failure here does not necessarily
                    // constitute evidence of corruption in the data model. Examination of the
                    // spatial existence map in conjunction with the requested sub grid index is
                    // required to determine that. Advise the caller nothing was read by sending back
                    // a null sub grid reference.
                    // The failed sub grid is not proactively deleted and will remain so the normal cache
                    // expiry mechanism can remove it in its normal operations

                    if (acceptSpeculativeReadFailure)
                        // Return the otherwise empty sub grid back to the caller and integrate it into the cache
                        if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            _log.LogTrace($"Speculative read failure accepted for sub grid {leafSubGrid.Moniker()}. Blank sub grid returned to caller.");

                        result = leafSubGrid;
                        _log.LogWarning($"Failed to read leaf sub grid {leafSubGrid.Moniker()} in model {forSubGridTree.ID}. Failed sub grid is NOT removed from the tree");

                        // Empty the sub grid leaf based data to encourage it to be read on a secondary attempt

            // Ignite special case - allow Dirty leaf sub grids to be returned
            if (result == null)
                if (leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails && leafSubGrid.Dirty && leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData())
                    result = leafSubGrid;

            // IGNITE: Last gasp - if the sub grid is in memory and has directory details then just return it
            if (result == null && leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails)
                result = leafSubGrid;

Пример #16
        ///  <summary>
        ///  Builds a fully analyzed vector of profiled cells from the list of cell passed to it
        ///  </summary>
        public override bool Analyze(List <SummaryVolumeProfileCell> profileCells, ISubGridSegmentCellPassIterator cellPassIterator)
            Log.LogDebug($"Analyze Summary Volume ProfileCells. Processing {profileCells.Count}");

            var                CurrentSubgridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            ISubGrid           SubGrid        = null;
            IServerLeafSubGrid _SubGridAsLeaf = null;

            profileCell = null;

            // Construct the set of requestors to query elevation sub grids needed for the summary volume calculations.
            var filterSet = FilterUtilities.ConstructFilters(FilterSet, VolumeType);

            IntermediaryFilterRequired = filterSet.Filters.Length == 3;
            var utilities = DIContext.Obtain <IRequestorUtilities>();

            Requestors = utilities.ConstructRequestors(null, SiteModel, Overrides, LiftParams,
                                                       utilities.ConstructRequestorIntermediaries(SiteModel, filterSet, true, GridDataType.HeightAndTime),
                                                       AreaControlSet.CreateAreaControlSet(), PDExistenceMap);

            var cellOverrideMask = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            for (int I = 0; I < profileCells.Count; I++)
                profileCell = profileCells[I];

                // get sub grid origin for cell address
                var thisSubgridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(profileCell.OTGCellX >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel,
                                                               profileCell.OTGCellY >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel);

                if (!CurrentSubgridOrigin.Equals(thisSubgridOrigin)) // if we have a new sub grid to fetch
                    // if we have an existing sub grid and a change in sub grid detected process the current sub grid profile cell list
                    if (SubGrid != null)
                        ProcessSubGroup(new SubGridCellAddress(CurrentSubgridOrigin.X << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel, CurrentSubgridOrigin.Y << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel),
                                        PDExistenceMap[CurrentSubgridOrigin.X, CurrentSubgridOrigin.Y], cellOverrideMask);

                    SubGrid     = null;
                    cellCounter = 0;

                    // Does the sub grid tree contain this node in it's existence map? if so get sub grid
                    if (PDExistenceMap[thisSubgridOrigin.X, thisSubgridOrigin.Y])
                        SubGrid = SubGridTrees.Server.Utilities.SubGridUtilities.LocateSubGridContaining
                                      (SiteModel.PrimaryStorageProxy, SiteModel.Grid, profileCell.OTGCellX, profileCell.OTGCellY, SiteModel.Grid.NumLevels, false, false);

                    _SubGridAsLeaf = SubGrid as ServerSubGridTreeLeaf;
                    if (_SubGridAsLeaf == null)

                    CurrentSubgridOrigin = thisSubgridOrigin; // all good to proceed with this sub grid

                profileCellList[cellCounter++] = profileCell; // add cell to list to process for this sub grid
                cellOverrideMask.SetBit(profileCell.OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, profileCell.OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

            if (cellCounter > 0 && SubGrid != null) // Make sure we process last list
                ProcessSubGroup(new SubGridCellAddress(CurrentSubgridOrigin.X << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel, CurrentSubgridOrigin.Y << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel),
                                PDExistenceMap[CurrentSubgridOrigin.X, CurrentSubgridOrigin.Y], cellOverrideMask);

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up a model with a single sub grid with a single cell containing 3 cell passes
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISiteModel CreateSiteModelWithSingleCellForTesting()
            var siteModel = DIContext.Obtain <ISiteModels>().GetSiteModel(DITagFileFixture.NewSiteModelGuid, true);

            // Switch to mutable storage representation to allow creation of content in the site model

            siteModel.Machines.CreateNew("Test Machine", "", MachineType.Dozer, DeviceTypeEnum.SNM940, false, Guid.NewGuid());

            // vibrationState is needed to get cmv values
            siteModel.MachinesTargetValues[0].VibrationStateEvents.PutValueAtDate(BASE_TIME, VibrationState.On);
            siteModel.MachinesTargetValues[0].AutoVibrationStateEvents.PutValueAtDate(BASE_TIME, AutoVibrationState.Manual);

            // Construct the sub grid to hold the cell being tested
            IServerLeafSubGrid leaf = siteModel.Grid.ConstructPathToCell(SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridTreeConsts.DefaultIndexOriginOffset, SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf) as IServerLeafSubGrid;



            // Add the leaf to the site model existence map
            siteModel.ExistenceMap[leaf.OriginX >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel, leaf.OriginY >> SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridIndexBitsPerLevel] = true;

            // Add three passes, each separated by 10 seconds and descending by 100mm each pass
            for (int i = 0; i < PASSES_IN_DECREMENTING_ELEVATION_LIST; i++)
                leaf.AddPass(0, 0, new CellPass
                    InternalSiteModelMachineIndex = 0,
                    Time                = BASE_TIME.AddSeconds(i * TIME_INCREMENT_SECONDS),
                    Height              = BASE_HEIGHT + i * HEIGHT_DECREMENT,
                    PassType            = PassType.Front,
                    CCV                 = CCV_Test,
                    MDP                 = MDP_Test,
                    MaterialTemperature = Temperature_Test

            var cellPasses = leaf.Cells.PassesData[0].PassesData.ExtractCellPasses(0, 0);


            // Assign global latest cell pass to the appropriate pass
            leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells[0, 0] = cellPasses.Passes.Last();

            // Ensure the pass data existence map records the existence of a non null value in the cell
            leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells.PassDataExistenceMap[0, 0] = true;

            // Count the number of non-null elevation cells to verify a correct setup
            long totalCells = 0;

            siteModel.Grid.Root.ScanSubGrids(siteModel.Grid.FullCellExtent(), x => {
                totalCells += leaf.Directory.GlobalLatestCells.PassDataExistenceMap.CountBits();
