Пример #1
        public IEnumerable<DMethod> FindFitting(ResolverContextStack ctxt, CodeLocation currentLocation, ISemantic firstArgument, string nameFilter = null)
            if (IsProcessing)
                return null;

            var preMatchList = new List<DMethod>();

            bool dontUseNameFilter = nameFilter == null;

                foreach (var kv in CachedMethods)
                    // First test if arg is matching the parameter
                    if ((dontUseNameFilter || kv.Key.Name == nameFilter) &&
                        ResultComparer.IsImplicitlyConvertible(firstArgument, kv.Value, ctxt))

            // Then filter out methods which cannot be accessed in the current context
            // (like when the method is defined in a module that has not been imported)
            var mv = new MatchFilterVisitor<DMethod>(ctxt, preMatchList);


            return mv.filteredList;
Пример #2
        internal static IOpenView SelectFromSemantic(ISemantic query)
            var subject = ((ISemantic)query).Subject;
            var context = new SemqContext(subject, subject.QueryRoot);

            return(((ISelect)query.Translate(context, null)).Select());
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles mathemathical operation.
        /// If l and r are both primitive values, the MathOp delegate is executed.
        /// TODO: Operator overloading.
        /// </summary>
        ISemantic HandleSingleMathOp(IExpression x, ISemantic l, ISemantic r, MathOp m)
            if (l == null || r == null)

            var pl = l as PrimitiveValue;
            var pr = r as PrimitiveValue;

            //TODO: imaginary/complex parts

            if (pl != null && pr != null)
                // If one
                if (pl.IsNaN || pr.IsNaN)
                    return(PrimitiveValue.CreateNaNValue(x, pl.IsNaN ? pl.BaseTypeToken : pr.BaseTypeToken));

                return(new PrimitiveValue(pl.BaseTypeToken, m(pl, pr), x));

            throw new NotImplementedException("Operator overloading not implemented yet.");
        static ISymbolValue HandleSingleMathOp(OperatorBasedExpression x, ISemantic l, ISemantic r, MathOp2 m, bool UnorderedCheck = true)
            if (l == null || r == null)

            var pl = l as PrimitiveValue;
            var pr = r as PrimitiveValue;

            //TODO: imaginary/complex parts

            if (pl != null && pr != null)
                if (UnorderedCheck && (pl.IsNaN || pr.IsNaN))
                    return(PrimitiveValue.CreateNaNValue(x, pl.IsNaN ? pl.BaseTypeToken : pr.BaseTypeToken));

                return(m(pl, pr, x));

            //throw new NotImplementedException("Operator overloading not implemented yet.");
Пример #5
 UFCSResolver(ResolutionContext ctxt, ISemantic firstArg, int nameHash = 0, ISyntaxRegion sr = null)
     : base(ctxt)
     this.firstArgument = firstArg;
     this.nameFilterHash = nameHash;
     this.sr = sr;
        bool Handle(TemplateTypeParameter p, ISemantic arg)
            // if no argument given, try to handle default arguments
            if (arg == null)

            // If no spezialization given, assign argument immediately
            if (p.Specialization == null)
                return(Set(p, arg, 0));

            bool handleResult = HandleDecl(null, p.Specialization, arg);

            if (!handleResult)

            // Apply the entire argument to parameter p if there hasn't been no explicit association yet
            TemplateParameterSymbol tps;

            if (!TargetDictionary.TryGetValue(p, out tps) || tps == null)
                TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, arg);

Пример #7
        public static DNode GetResultMember(ISemantic res, bool keepAliases = false)
            var t = AbstractType.Get(res);

            if (t == null)

            if (keepAliases)
                var aliasTag = t.Tag as TypeResolution.TypeDeclarationResolver.AliasTag;
                if (aliasTag != null &&
                    (!(aliasTag.aliasDefinition is ImportSymbolAlias) ||                     // Only if the import symbol alias definition was selected, go to its base
                     (aliasTag.typeBase != null && aliasTag.aliasDefinition.NameLocation != aliasTag.typeBase.Location)))

            if (t is DSymbol)

        public static void AddFloatingTypeProperties(int TypeToken, ISemantic rr, ICompletionDataGenerator cdg, INode relatedNode = null, bool DontAddInitProperty = false)
            var intType = new DTokenDeclaration(TypeToken);

            if (!DontAddInitProperty)
                var prop_Init = new DVariable()
                    Type        = intType,
                    Initializer = new PostfixExpression_Access()
                        PostfixForeExpression = new TokenExpression(TypeToken),
                        AccessExpression      = new IdentifierExpression("nan")

                if (relatedNode != null)

                // Override the initializer variable's name and description
                prop_Init.Name        = "init";
                prop_Init.Description = "A type's or variable's static initializer expression";


            CreateArtificialProperties(FloatingTypeProps, cdg, intType);
        ISemantic E(OperatorBasedExpression x, ISemantic lValue=null)
            if (x is AssignExpression)
                return E((AssignExpression)x,lValue);

            // TODO: Implement operator precedence (see http://forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected] )

            if (x is XorExpression || // a ^ b
                x is OrExpression || // a | b
                x is AndExpression || // a & b
                x is ShiftExpression || // a << 8
                x is AddExpression || // a += b; a -= b;
                x is MulExpression || // a *= b; a /= b; a %= b;
                x is CatExpression || // a ~= b;
                x is PowExpression) // a ^^ b;
                return E_MathOp(x, lValue);

            else if (x is EqualExpression) // a==b
                return E((EqualExpression)x, lValue);

            else if (x is OrOrExpression || // a || b
                x is AndAndExpression || // a && b
                x is IdendityExpression || // a is T
                x is RelExpression) // a <= b
                return E_BoolOp(x, lValue as ISymbolValue);

            else if (x is InExpression) // a in b
                return E((InExpression)x, lValue);

            throw new WrongEvaluationArgException();
Пример #10
 static bool CheckAndDeduceTypeAgainstTplParameter(TemplateParameter handledParameter,
                                                   ISemantic argumentToCheck,
                                                   DeducedTypeDictionary deducedTypes,
                                                   ResolutionContext ctxt)
     return(new Templates.TemplateParameterDeduction(deducedTypes, ctxt).Handle(handledParameter, argumentToCheck));
        bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p, IdentifierDeclaration id, ISemantic r)
            // Bottom-level reached
            if (id.InnerDeclaration == null && Contains(id.IdHash) && !id.ModuleScoped)
                // Associate template param with r
                return(Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, r, id.IdHash));

            var deducee = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(r)) as DSymbol;

            if (id.InnerDeclaration != null && deducee != null && deducee.Definition.NameHash == id.IdHash)
                var physicalParentType = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatch(deducee.Definition.Parent, ctxt, null, id.InnerDeclaration);
                if (HandleDecl(p, id.InnerDeclaration, physicalParentType))
                    if (Contains(id.IdHash))
                        Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, deducee, id.IdHash);

             * If not stand-alone identifier or is not required as template param, resolve the id and compare it against r
            var _r = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(id, ctxt);

            return(_r != null && (EnforceTypeEqualityWhenDeducing ?
                                  ResultComparer.IsEqual(r, _r) :
                                  ResultComparer.IsImplicitlyConvertible(r, _r)));
Пример #12
        static AbstractTooltipContent BuildTooltipContent(ISemantic res)
            if (res is ISymbolValue)
                var sv = res as ISymbolValue;

                if (sv is TypeValue)
                    return new AbstractTooltipContent {
                               ResolveResult = res, Title = sv.RepresentedType.ToString()

                return(new AbstractTooltipContent {
                    ResolveResult = res,
                    Title = "(" + sv.RepresentedType + ") " + sv.ToCode()

            // Only show one description for items sharing descriptions
            string description = res is DSymbol ? ((DSymbol)res).Definition.Description : "";

            return(new AbstractTooltipContent
                ResolveResult = res,
                Title = (res is ModuleSymbol ? ((ModuleSymbol)res).Definition.FileName : res.ToString()),
                Description = description
Пример #13
 public TemplateParameterSymbol(TemplateParameter tpn, ISemantic typeOrValue, ISyntaxRegion paramIdentifier = null)
     : base(tpn != null ? tpn.Representation : null, AbstractType.Get(typeOrValue), paramIdentifier)
     IsKnowinglyUndetermined = TemplateInstanceHandler.IsNonFinalArgument(typeOrValue);
     this.Parameter          = tpn;
     this.ParameterValue     = typeOrValue as ISymbolValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns false if the item has already been set before and if the already set item is not equal to 'r'.
        /// Inserts 'r' into the target dictionary and returns true otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        bool Set(ITemplateParameter p, ISemantic r, string name = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = p.Name;

            TemplateParameterSymbol rl = null;

            if (!TargetDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out rl) || rl == null)
                TargetDictionary[name] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r, null, TargetDictionary.ParameterOwner);
                if (rl != null)
                    if (ResultComparer.IsEqual(rl.Base, r))
                        // Error: Ambiguous assignment

                TargetDictionary[name] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r, null, TargetDictionary.ParameterOwner);

        public bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p ,ITypeDeclaration td, ISemantic rr)
            if (td is IdentifierDeclaration)
                return HandleDecl(p,(IdentifierDeclaration)td, rr);

            //HACK Ensure that no information gets lost by using this function
            // -- getting a value but requiring an abstract type and just extract it from the value - is this correct behaviour?
            var at = AbstractType.Get(rr);

            if (td is ArrayDecl)
                return HandleDecl(p,(ArrayDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as AssocArrayType);
            else if (td is DTokenDeclaration)
                return HandleDecl((DTokenDeclaration)td, at);
            else if (td is DelegateDeclaration)
                return HandleDecl(p, (DelegateDeclaration)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as DelegateType);
            else if (td is PointerDecl)
                return HandleDecl(p, (PointerDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as PointerType);
            else if (td is MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)
                return HandleDecl(p,(MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)td, at);
            else if (td is TypeOfDeclaration)
                return HandleDecl((TypeOfDeclaration)td, at);
            else if (td is VectorDeclaration)
                return HandleDecl((VectorDeclaration)td, at);
            else if (td is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                return HandleDecl(p,(TemplateInstanceExpression)td, at);

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds init, max, min to the completion list
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddIntegralTypeProperties(int TypeToken, ISemantic rr, ICompletionDataGenerator cdg, INode relatedNode = null, bool DontAddInitProperty = false)
            var intType = new DTokenDeclaration(TypeToken);

            if (!DontAddInitProperty)
                var prop_Init = new DVariable()
                    Type = intType, Initializer = new IdentifierExpression(0, LiteralFormat.Scalar)

                if (relatedNode != null)

                // Override the initializer variable's name and description
                prop_Init.Name        = "init";
                prop_Init.Description = "A type's or variable's static initializer expression";


            CreateArtificialProperties(IntegralProps, cdg, intType);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks given results for type equality
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsEqual(ISemantic r1, ISemantic r2)
            if (r1 is ISymbolValue && r2 is ISymbolValue)
                return SymbolValueComparer.IsEqual((ISymbolValue)r1, (ISymbolValue)r2);

            else if (r1 is TemplateIntermediateType && r2 is TemplateIntermediateType)
                var tr1 = (TemplateIntermediateType)r1;
                var tr2 = (TemplateIntermediateType)r2;

                if (tr1.Definition != tr2.Definition)
                    return false;

                //TODO: Compare deduced types
                return true;
            else if (r1 is PrimitiveType && r2 is PrimitiveType)
                return ((PrimitiveType)r1).TypeToken == ((PrimitiveType)r2).TypeToken;
            else if (r1 is ArrayType && r2 is ArrayType)
                var ar1 = (ArrayType)r1;
                var ar2 = (ArrayType)r2;

                if (!IsEqual(ar1.KeyType, ar2.KeyType))
                    return false;

                return IsEqual(ar1.Base, ar2.Base);

            //TODO: Handle other types

            return false;
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Joins the nodes in a graph instructing the builder to use the specified synonym for the join query in the relational code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of a synonym node.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        /// <param name="synonym">A synonym of a graph.</param>
        public static DbTable <T> JoinAs <T>(this ISemantic graph, DbTable <T> synonym)
            where T : DbRow
            graph.CheckNullAndThrow(Text.Free.Graph, Text.Method.Join);
            synonym.CheckNullAndThrow("synonym", Text.Method.Join);


            var  node  = graph.Subject;
            bool found = false;

                if (((DbNode)(object)synonym).Equals(node))
                    found = true;
            } while ((node = node.Next) != null);
            if (!found)
                throw new QueryTalkException(".JoinAs<T>", QueryTalkExceptionType.InvalidSynonym,
                                             String.Format("synonym = {0}", synonym), Text.Method.JoinSynonym);

Пример #19
 internal void EvalError(IExpression x, string msg, ISemantic lastResult)
     if (!ignoreErrors)
         Errors.Add(new EvaluationException(x, msg, new[] { lastResult }));
        ISemantic E(InExpression x, ISemantic l = null)
            // The return value of the InExpression is null if the element is not in the array;
            // if it is in the array it is a pointer to the element.

		bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p, IdentifierDeclaration id, ISemantic r)
			// Bottom-level reached
			if (id.InnerDeclaration == null && Contains(id.IdHash) && !id.ModuleScoped)
				// Associate template param with r
				return Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, r, id.IdHash);

			var deducee = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(r)) as DSymbol;
			if (id.InnerDeclaration != null && deducee != null && deducee.Definition.NameHash == id.IdHash)
				var physicalParentType = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatch(deducee.Definition.Parent, ctxt, null, id.InnerDeclaration);
				if (HandleDecl(p, id.InnerDeclaration, physicalParentType))
					if (Contains(id.IdHash))
						Set((p != null && id.IdHash == p.NameHash) ? p : null, deducee, id.IdHash);
					return true;

			 * If not stand-alone identifier or is not required as template param, resolve the id and compare it against r
			var _r = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(id, ctxt);

			return _r != null && (EnforceTypeEqualityWhenDeducing ?
				ResultComparer.IsEqual(r,_r) :
Пример #22
        public static List <AbstractType> TryResolveUFCS(
            ISemantic firstArgument,
            PostfixExpression_Access acc,
            ResolutionContext ctxt)
            if (firstArgument == null || acc == null || ctxt == null)
                return(new List <AbstractType>());

            int name;

            if (acc.AccessExpression is IdentifierExpression)
                name = ((IdentifierExpression)acc.AccessExpression).ValueStringHash;
            else if (acc.AccessExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                name = ((TemplateInstanceExpression)acc.AccessExpression).TemplateIdHash;
                return(new List <AbstractType> ());

            return(TryResolveUFCS(firstArgument, name, acc.PostfixForeExpression.Location, ctxt, acc));
        public bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p, ITypeDeclaration td, ISemantic rr)
            if (td is IdentifierDeclaration)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (IdentifierDeclaration)td, rr));

            if (TemplateInstanceHandler.IsNonFinalArgument(rr))
                foreach (var tp in this.TargetDictionary.Keys.ToList())
                    if (TargetDictionary[tp] == null)
                        TargetDictionary[tp] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(tp, null);


            //HACK Ensure that no information gets lost by using this function
            // -- getting a value but requiring an abstract type and just extract it from the value - is this correct behaviour?
            var at = AbstractType.Get(rr);

            if (td is ArrayDecl)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (ArrayDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as AssocArrayType));
            else if (td is DTokenDeclaration)
                return(HandleDecl((DTokenDeclaration)td, at));
            else if (td is DelegateDeclaration)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (DelegateDeclaration)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as DelegateType));
            else if (td is PointerDecl)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (PointerDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as PointerType));
            else if (td is MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)td, at));
            else if (td is TypeOfDeclaration)
                return(HandleDecl((TypeOfDeclaration)td, at));
            else if (td is VectorDeclaration)
                return(HandleDecl((VectorDeclaration)td, at));
            else if (td is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                return(HandleDecl(p, (TemplateInstanceExpression)td, at));

Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks given results for type equality
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsEqual(ISemantic r1, ISemantic r2)
            if(r1 is TemplateParameterSymbol)
                r1 = ((TemplateParameterSymbol)r1).Base;
            if(r2 is TemplateParameterSymbol)
                r2 = ((TemplateParameterSymbol)r2).Base;

            if (r1 is ISymbolValue && r2 is ISymbolValue)
                return SymbolValueComparer.IsEqual((ISymbolValue)r1, (ISymbolValue)r2);

            else if (r1 is TemplateIntermediateType && r2 is TemplateIntermediateType)
                var tr1 = (TemplateIntermediateType)r1;
                var tr2 = (TemplateIntermediateType)r2;

                if (tr1.Definition != tr2.Definition)
                    return false;

                //TODO: Compare deduced types
                return true;
            else if (r1 is PrimitiveType && r2 is PrimitiveType)
                return ((PrimitiveType)r1).TypeToken == ((PrimitiveType)r2).TypeToken;
            else if (r1 is ArrayType && r2 is ArrayType)
                var ar1 = (ArrayType)r1;
                var ar2 = (ArrayType)r2;

                if (!IsEqual(ar1.KeyType, ar2.KeyType))
                    return false;

                return IsEqual(ar1.Base, ar2.Base);
            else if(r1 is DelegateType && r2 is DelegateType)
                var dg1 = r1 as DelegateType;
                var dg2 = r2 as DelegateType;

                if(dg1.IsFunctionLiteral != dg2.IsFunctionLiteral ||
                   !IsEqual(dg1.ReturnType, dg2.ReturnType))
                    return false;

                if(dg1.Parameters == null || dg1.Parameters.Length == 0)
                    return dg2.Parameters == null || dg2.Parameters.Length==0;
                else if(dg2.Parameters == null)
                    return dg1.Parameters == null || dg1.Parameters.Length==0;
                else if(dg1.Parameters.Length == dg2.Parameters.Length)
                    for(int i = dg1.Parameters.Length-1; i != 0; i--)
                        if(!IsEqual(dg1.Parameters[i], dg2.Parameters[i]))
                            return false;
                    return true;

            //TODO: Handle other types

            return false;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends the semantic sentence creating the Procedure object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sentence">A semantic sentence.</param>
        public static Procedure EndProc(this ISemantic sentence)
            var query = _Translate((DbNode)sentence);
            var proc  = ((IEndProc)query).EndProcInternal();

Пример #26
 public static AbstractType Get(ISemantic s)
     if (s is ISymbolValue)
     return(s as AbstractType);
Пример #27
 public static AbstractType Convert(ISemantic s)
     if (s is AbstractType)
         return (AbstractType)s;
     else if(s is ISymbolValue)
         return ((ISymbolValue)s).RepresentedType;
     return null;
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns false if the item has already been set before and if the already set item is not equal to 'r'.
        /// Inserts 'r' into the target dictionary and returns true otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        bool Set(TemplateParameter p, ISemantic r, int nameHash)
            if (p == null)
                if (nameHash != 0 && TargetDictionary.ExpectedParameters != null)
                    foreach (var tpar in TargetDictionary.ExpectedParameters)
                        if (tpar.NameHash == nameHash)
                            p = tpar;

            if (p == null)
                ctxt.LogError(null, "no fitting template parameter found!");

            // void call(T)(T t) {}
            // call(myA) -- T is *not* myA but A, so only assign myA's type to T.
            if (p is TemplateTypeParameter)
                var newR = Resolver.TypeResolution.DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(r));
                if (newR != null)
                    r = newR;

            TemplateParameterSymbol rl;

            if (!TargetDictionary.TryGetValue(p, out rl) || rl == null)
                TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r);
                if (ResultComparer.IsEqual(rl.Base, r))
                    TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r);
                else if (rl == null)
                    TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r);

                // Error: Ambiguous assignment

		bool Handle(TemplateAliasParameter p, ISemantic arg)
			#region Handle parameter defaults
			if (arg == null)
				if (p.DefaultExpression != null)
					var eval = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(p.DefaultExpression, ctxt);

					if (eval == null)
						return false;

					return Set(p, eval, 0);
				else if (p.DefaultType != null)
					var res = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(p.DefaultType, ctxt);

					return res != null && Set(p, res, 0);
				return false;

			#region Given argument must be a symbol - so no built-in type but a reference to a node or an expression
			var t=AbstractType.Get(arg);
			if (t == null)
				return false;
			if(!(t is DSymbol))
				while (t != null)
					if (t is PrimitiveType) // arg must not base on a primitive type.
						return false;
					if (t is DerivedDataType)
						t = ((DerivedDataType)t).Base;

			#region Specialization check
			if (p.SpecializationExpression != null)
				// LANGUAGE ISSUE: Can't do anything here - dmd won't let you use MyClass!(2) though you have class MyClass(alias X:2)
				return false;
			else if (p.SpecializationType != null)
				// ditto
				return false;

			return Set(p,arg,0);
        ISymbolValue TryGetValue(ISemantic s)
            if (s is VariableValue)

            return(s as ISymbolValue);
Пример #31
        public static DNode GetResultMember(ISemantic res)
            if (res is DSymbol)

        bool Handle(TemplateValueParameter p, ISemantic arg)
            // Handle default arg case
            if (arg == null)
                if (p.DefaultExpression != null)
                    var eval = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(p.DefaultExpression, ctxt);

                    if (eval == null)

                    return(Set(p, eval));

            var valueArgument = arg as ISymbolValue;

            // There must be a constant expression given!
            if (valueArgument == null)

            // Check for param type <-> arg expression type match
            var paramType = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(p.Type, ctxt);

            if (paramType == null || paramType.Length == 0)

            if (valueArgument.RepresentedType == null ||
                !ResultComparer.IsImplicitlyConvertible(paramType[0], valueArgument.RepresentedType))

            // If spec given, test for equality (only ?)
            if (p.SpecializationExpression != null)
                var specVal = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(p.SpecializationExpression, ctxt);

                if (specVal == null || !SymbolValueComparer.IsEqual(specVal, valueArgument))

            return(Set(p, arg));
        ISemantic E(EqualExpression x, ISemantic lValue = null, ISemantic rValue = null)
            var l = TryGetValue(lValue ?? E(x.LeftOperand));
            var r = TryGetValue(rValue ?? E(x.RightOperand));

            var isEq = SymbolValueComparer.IsEqual(l, r);

            return(new PrimitiveValue(x.OperatorToken == DTokens.Equal ? isEq : !isEq, x));
        ISymbolValue TryGetValue(ISemantic s)
            if (s is VariableValue)
                return(EvaluateValue(s as VariableValue, ValueProvider));

            return(s as ISymbolValue);
Пример #35
        public static List <ISemantic> PreResolveTemplateArgs(TemplateInstanceExpression tix, ResolverContextStack ctxt)
            // Resolve given argument expressions
            var templateArguments = new List <ISemantic>();

            if (tix != null && tix.Arguments != null)
                foreach (var arg in tix.Arguments)
                    if (arg is TypeDeclarationExpression)
                        var tde = (TypeDeclarationExpression)arg;

                        var res = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(tde.Declaration, ctxt);

                        if (ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(res, tde.Declaration) || res != null)
                            var mr = res[0] as MemberSymbol;
                            if (mr != null && mr.Definition is DVariable)
                                var dv = (DVariable)mr.Definition;

                                if (dv.IsAlias || dv.Initializer == null)

                                ISemantic eval = null;

                                    eval = new StandardValueProvider(ctxt)[dv];
                                catch (System.Exception ee)                                // Should be a non-const-expression error here only
                                    ctxt.LogError(dv.Initializer, ee.Message);

                                templateArguments.Add(eval == null ? (ISemantic)mr : eval);
                        templateArguments.Add(Evaluation.EvaluateValue(arg, ctxt));

Пример #36
 public UfcsMatchScanner(ResolutionContext ctxt,
                         ConcurrentDictionary <DMethod, AbstractType> CachedMethods,
                         ISemantic firstArgument,
                         int nameFilterHash = 0)
     : base(ctxt)
     this.firstArgument  = firstArgument;
     this.nameFilterHash = nameFilterHash;
     this.cache          = CachedMethods;
Пример #37
 public TemplateParameterSymbol(ITemplateParameter tp,
                                ISemantic representedTypeOrValue,
                                ISyntaxRegion originalParameterIdentifier = null,
                                DNode parentNode = null)
     : base(new TemplateParameterNode(tp) { Parent = parentNode },
            AbstractType.Get(representedTypeOrValue), originalParameterIdentifier ?? tp)
     this.Parameter      = tp;
     this.ParameterValue = representedTypeOrValue as ISymbolValue;
Пример #38
		public static MemberSymbol[] TryResolveUFCS(
			ISemantic firstArgument, 
			PostfixExpression_Access acc, 
			ResolutionContext ctxt)
			if (ctxt == null)
				return null;
			int name=0;

			if (acc.AccessExpression is IdentifierExpression)
				name = ((IdentifierExpression)acc.AccessExpression).ValueStringHash;
			else if (acc.AccessExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
				name = ((TemplateInstanceExpression)acc.AccessExpression).TemplateIdHash;
				return null;

			var methodMatches = new List<MemberSymbol>();
				foreach (var pc in ctxt.ParseCache)
					var tempResults=pc.UfcsCache.FindFitting(ctxt, acc.Location, firstArgument, name);

					if (tempResults != null)
						foreach (var m in tempResults)

							if (m.TemplateParameters != null && m.TemplateParameters.Length != 0)
								var ov = TemplateInstanceHandler.DeduceParamsAndFilterOverloads(
									new[] { new MemberSymbol(m, null, acc) }, 
									new[] { firstArgument }, true, ctxt);

								if (ov == null || ov.Length == 0)

								var ms = (DSymbol)ov[0];
							var mr = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatch(m, ctxt, null, acc) as MemberSymbol;
							if (mr!=null)
								mr.FirstArgument = firstArgument;
								mr.DeducedTypes = ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters.ToReadonly();
								mr.IsUFCSResult = true;

			return methodMatches.Count == 0 ? null : methodMatches.ToArray();
        public static void AddArrayProperties(ISemantic rr, ICompletionDataGenerator cdg, ArrayDecl ArrayDecl = null)
            CreateArtificialProperties(ArrayProps, cdg, ArrayDecl);

            cdg.Add(new DVariable
                Name        = "ptr",
                Description = "Returns pointer to the array",
                Type        = new PointerDecl(ArrayDecl == null ? new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Void) : ArrayDecl.ValueType)
		ISemantic E(AssignExpression x, ISemantic lValue=null)
			if (!eval)
				return E(x.LeftOperand);

			var l = TryGetValue(lValue ?? E(x.LeftOperand));


			return null;
        public static void AddArrayProperties(ISemantic rr, ICompletionDataGenerator cdg, ArrayDecl ArrayDecl = null)
            CreateArtificialProperties(ArrayProps, cdg, ArrayDecl);

            cdg.Add(new DVariable
                Name = "ptr",
                Description = "Returns pointer to the array",
                Type = new PointerDecl(ArrayDecl == null ? new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Void) : ArrayDecl.ValueType)
Пример #42
        public static List<AbstractType> TryResolveUFCS(
			ISemantic firstArgument,int nameHash,CodeLocation nameLoc,
			ResolutionContext ctxt, ISyntaxRegion nameSr = null)
            if (firstArgument == null || ctxt == null)
                return new List<AbstractType>();

            var us = new UFCSResolver (ctxt, firstArgument, nameHash, nameSr);
            us.IterateThroughScopeLayers (nameLoc, MemberFilter.Methods | MemberFilter.Templates);
            return us.matches;
Пример #43
 internal TopChainer(ISemantic prev, Nullable <long> top, bool isWithTies, int overloader)
     : base(((ISelect)prev.Translate(new SemqContext(((DbNode)prev).Root), null)).Select())
     if (top != null)
         Prev.SetTop((long)top, isWithTies);
         SkipBuild = true;
Пример #44
        static AbstractTooltipContent BuildTooltipContent(ISemantic res)
            // Only show one description for items sharing descriptions
            string description = res is DSymbol ? ((DSymbol)res).Definition.Description : "";

            return new AbstractTooltipContent
                ResolveResult = res,
                Title = (res is ModuleSymbol ? ((ModuleSymbol)res).Definition.FileName : res.ToString()),
                Description = description
Пример #45
 public static void Generate(ISemantic rr, ResolutionContext ctxt, IEditorData ed, ICompletionDataGenerator gen)
         foreach (var pc in ed.ParseCache)
             if (pc != null && pc.UfcsCache != null && pc.UfcsCache.CachedMethods != null)
                 var r=pc.UfcsCache.FindFitting(ctxt, ed.CaretLocation, rr);
                     foreach (var m in r)
Пример #46
        public static bool IsUfcsResult(AbstractType t, out ISemantic firstArgument)
            var o = t.Tag as UfcsTag;

            if (o == null) {
                firstArgument = null;
                return false;

            firstArgument = o.firstArgument;
            return true;
Пример #47
        public static AbstractType Get(ISemantic s)
            //FIXME: What to do with the other overloads?
            if (s is InternalOverloadValue)
                return (s as InternalOverloadValue).Overloads[0];
            if (s is VariableValue)
                return (s as VariableValue).Member;
            if (s is ISymbolValue)
                return (s as ISymbolValue).RepresentedType;

            return s as AbstractType;
Пример #48
        static AbstractTooltipContent BuildTooltipContent(ISemantic res)
            // Only show one description for items sharing descriptions
            var ds = res as DSymbol;
            var description = ds != null ? ds.Definition.Description : "";

            return new AbstractTooltipContent
                ResolveResult = res,
                Title = BuildTooltipTitle(res),
                Description = description
        public bool Handle(TemplateParameter parameter, ISemantic argumentToAnalyze)
            // Packages aren't allowed at all
            if (argumentToAnalyze is PackageSymbol)
                return false;

            // Module symbols can be used as alias only
            if (argumentToAnalyze is ModuleSymbol &&
                !(parameter is TemplateAliasParameter))
                return false;

            //TODO: Handle __FILE__ and __LINE__ correctly - so don't evaluate them at the template declaration but at the point of instantiation

             * Introduce previously deduced parameters into current resolution context
             * to allow value parameter to be of e.g. type T whereas T is already set somewhere before
            DeducedTypeDictionary _prefLocalsBackup = null;
            if (ctxt != null && ctxt.CurrentContext != null)
                _prefLocalsBackup = ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters;

                var d = new DeducedTypeDictionary();
                foreach (var kv in TargetDictionary)
                    if (kv.Value != null)
                        d[kv.Key] = kv.Value;
                ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters = d;

            bool res = false;

            if (parameter is TemplateAliasParameter)
                res = Handle((TemplateAliasParameter)parameter, argumentToAnalyze);
            else if (parameter is TemplateThisParameter)
                res = Handle((TemplateThisParameter)parameter, argumentToAnalyze);
            else if (parameter is TemplateTypeParameter)
                res = Handle((TemplateTypeParameter)parameter, argumentToAnalyze);
            else if (parameter is TemplateValueParameter)
                res = Handle((TemplateValueParameter)parameter, argumentToAnalyze);
            else if (parameter is TemplateTupleParameter)
                res = Handle((TemplateTupleParameter)parameter, new[] { argumentToAnalyze });

            if (ctxt != null && ctxt.CurrentContext != null)
                ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters = _prefLocalsBackup;

            return res;
		bool Handle(TemplateValueParameter p, ISemantic arg)
			// Handle default arg case
			if (arg == null)
				if (p.DefaultExpression != null)
					var eval = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(p.DefaultExpression, ctxt);

					if (eval == null)
						return false;

					return Set(p, eval, 0);
					return false;

			var valueArgument = arg as ISymbolValue;

			// There must be a constant expression given!
			if (valueArgument == null)
				return false;

			// Check for param type <-> arg expression type match
			var paramType = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(p.Type, ctxt);

			if (paramType == null || paramType.Length == 0)
				return false;

			if (valueArgument.RepresentedType == null ||
				!ResultComparer.IsImplicitlyConvertible(paramType[0], valueArgument.RepresentedType))
				return false;

			// If spec given, test for equality (only ?)
			if (p.SpecializationExpression != null) 
				var specVal = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(p.SpecializationExpression, ctxt);

				if (specVal == null || !SymbolValueComparer.IsEqual(specVal, valueArgument))
					return false;

			return Set(p, arg, 0);
Пример #51
        public static List<AbstractType> TryResolveUFCS(
			ISemantic firstArgument, 
			PostfixExpression_Access acc, 
			ResolutionContext ctxt)
            if (firstArgument == null || acc == null || ctxt == null)
                return new List<AbstractType>();

            int name;

            if (acc.AccessExpression is IdentifierExpression)
                name = ((IdentifierExpression)acc.AccessExpression).ValueStringHash;
            else if (acc.AccessExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                name = ((TemplateInstanceExpression)acc.AccessExpression).TemplateIdHash;
                return new List<AbstractType> ();

            return TryResolveUFCS (firstArgument, name, acc.PostfixForeExpression.Location, ctxt, acc);
		bool Handle(TemplateTypeParameter p, ISemantic arg)
			// if no argument given, try to handle default arguments
			if (arg == null)
				return TryAssignDefaultType(p);

			// If no spezialization given, assign argument immediately
			if (p.Specialization == null)
				return Set(p, arg, 0);

			bool handleResult= HandleDecl(null,p.Specialization,arg);

			if (!handleResult)
				return false;

			// Apply the entire argument to parameter p if there hasn't been no explicit association yet
			if (TargetDictionary[p.NameHash] == null)
				TargetDictionary[p.NameHash] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, arg);

			return true;
Пример #53
        public static MemberSymbol[] TryResolveUFCS(
			ISemantic firstArgument, 
			PostfixExpression_Access acc, 
			ResolverContextStack ctxt)
            if (ctxt == null)
                return null;

            var name="";

            if (acc.AccessExpression is IdentifierExpression)
                name = ((IdentifierExpression)acc.AccessExpression).Value as string;
            else if (acc.AccessExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                name = ((TemplateInstanceExpression)acc.AccessExpression).TemplateIdentifier.Id;
                return null;

            var methodMatches = new List<MemberSymbol>();
                foreach (var pc in ctxt.ParseCache)
                    var tempResults=pc.UfcsCache.FindFitting(ctxt, acc.Location, firstArgument, name);

                    if (tempResults != null)
                        foreach (var m in tempResults)
                            var mr = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatch(m, ctxt, TypeDeclarationResolver.Convert(firstArgument), acc) as MemberSymbol;

                            if (mr!=null)
                                mr.IsUFCSResult = true;

            return methodMatches.Count == 0 ? null : methodMatches.ToArray();
		public bool HandleDecl(TemplateTypeParameter p ,ITypeDeclaration td, ISemantic rr)
			if (td is IdentifierDeclaration)
				return HandleDecl(p,(IdentifierDeclaration)td, rr);

			if (TemplateInstanceHandler.IsNonFinalArgument(rr))
				foreach (var tp in this.TargetDictionary.Keys.ToList())
					if (TargetDictionary[tp] == null)
						TargetDictionary[tp] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(tp, null);

				return true;

			//HACK Ensure that no information gets lost by using this function 
			// -- getting a value but requiring an abstract type and just extract it from the value - is this correct behaviour?
			var at = AbstractType.Get(rr);

			if (td is ArrayDecl)
				return HandleDecl(p,(ArrayDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as AssocArrayType);
			else if (td is DTokenDeclaration)
				return HandleDecl((DTokenDeclaration)td, at);
			else if (td is DelegateDeclaration)
				return HandleDecl(p, (DelegateDeclaration)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as DelegateType);
			else if (td is PointerDecl)
				return HandleDecl(p, (PointerDecl)td, DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(at) as PointerType);
			else if (td is MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)
				return HandleDecl(p,(MemberFunctionAttributeDecl)td, at);
			else if (td is TypeOfDeclaration)
				return HandleDecl((TypeOfDeclaration)td, at);
			else if (td is VectorDeclaration)
				return HandleDecl((VectorDeclaration)td, at);
			else if (td is TemplateInstanceExpression)
				return HandleDecl(p,(TemplateInstanceExpression)td, at);

			return false;
Пример #55
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dm"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="baseValueProvider">Required for evaluating missing default parameters.</param>
        public static bool AssignCallArgumentsToIC(DMethod dm, ISymbolValue[] args, AbstractSymbolValueProvider baseValueProvider,
			out Dictionary<DVariable,ISymbolValue> targetArgs)
            targetArgs = new Dictionary<DVariable, ISymbolValue>();
            var argsRemaining = args != null ? args.Length : 0;
            int argu = 0;

            for (int para = 0; para < dm.Parameters.Count; para++)
                var par = dm.Parameters[para] as DVariable;

                if (par.Type is VarArgDecl && argsRemaining > 0)
                    var va_args = new ISemantic[argsRemaining];
                    args.CopyTo(va_args, argu);
                    //TODO: Assign a value tuple to par
                    if (++para < dm.Parameters.Count)
                        return false;

                if (argsRemaining > 0)
                    targetArgs[par] = args[argu++];
                else if (par.Initializer != null)
                    targetArgs[par] = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(par.Initializer, baseValueProvider);
                    return false;

            return argsRemaining == 0;
Пример #56
        static AbstractTooltipContent BuildTooltipContent(ISemantic res)
            if (res is ISymbolValue) {
                var sv = res as ISymbolValue;

                if (sv is TypeValue)
                    return new AbstractTooltipContent { ResolveResult = res, Title = sv.RepresentedType.ToString() };

                return new AbstractTooltipContent {
                    ResolveResult = res,
                    Title = "(" + sv.RepresentedType + ") "+sv.ToCode()

            // Only show one description for items sharing descriptions
            string description = res is DSymbol ? ((DSymbol)res).Definition.Description : "";

            return new AbstractTooltipContent
                ResolveResult = res,
                Title = (res is ModuleSymbol ? ((ModuleSymbol)res).Definition.FileName : res.ToString()),
                Description = description
        bool Handle(TemplateTypeParameter p, ISemantic arg)
            // if no argument given, try to handle default arguments
            if (arg == null)
                if (p.Default == null)
                    return false;
                    IStatement stmt = null;
                    ctxt.PushNewScope(DResolver.SearchBlockAt(ctxt.ScopedBlock.NodeRoot as IBlockNode, p.Default.Location, out stmt));
                    ctxt.ScopedStatement = stmt;
                    var defaultTypeRes = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(p.Default, ctxt);
                    bool b = false;
                    if (defaultTypeRes != null)
                        b = Set(p, defaultTypeRes.First());
                    return b;

            // If no spezialization given, assign argument immediately
            if (p.Specialization == null)
                return Set(p, arg);

            bool handleResult= HandleDecl(p,p.Specialization,arg);

            if (!handleResult)
                return false;

            // Apply the entire argument to parameter p if there hasn't been no explicit association yet
            if (!TargetDictionary.ContainsKey(p.Name) || TargetDictionary[p.Name] == null)
                TargetDictionary[p.Name] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, arg);

            return true;
Пример #58
        static string BuildTooltipTitle(ISemantic res)
            if (res is TypeValue)
                res = (res as TypeValue).RepresentedType;
            else if (res is ISymbolValue) {
                var sv = res as ISymbolValue;
                return "(" + BuildTooltipTitle(sv.RepresentedType) + ") " + sv.ToCode ();
            else if (res is PackageSymbol)
                return "(Package) " + (res as PackageSymbol).Package.ToString ();

            var ds = res as DSymbol;
            if (ds == null)
                return string.Empty;

            if (ds is ModuleSymbol)
                return "(Module) " + (ds as ModuleSymbol).Definition.FileName;

            var bt = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols (ds.Base);
            if ((ds is MemberSymbol || ds is TemplateParameterSymbol) && bt != null) {
                return string.Format("{1}\r\n(Deduced Type: {0})", bt.ToString(), ds.Definition.ToString());
            } else
                return ds.ToCode ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns false if the item has already been set before and if the already set item is not equal to 'r'.
        /// Inserts 'r' into the target dictionary and returns true otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        bool Set(TemplateParameter p, ISemantic r, int nameHash)
            if (p == null) {
                if (nameHash != 0 && TargetDictionary.ExpectedParameters != null) {
                    foreach (var tpar in TargetDictionary.ExpectedParameters)
                        if (tpar.NameHash == nameHash) {
                            p = tpar;

            if (p == null) {
                ctxt.LogError (null, "no fitting template parameter found!");
                return false;

            // void call(T)(T t) {}
            // call(myA) -- T is *not* myA but A, so only assign myA's type to T.
            if (p is TemplateTypeParameter)
                var newR = Resolver.TypeResolution.DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(AbstractType.Get(r));
                if (newR != null)
                    r = newR;

            TemplateParameterSymbol rl;
            if (!TargetDictionary.TryGetValue(p, out rl) || rl == null)
                TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r);
                return true;
                if (ResultComparer.IsEqual(rl.Base, r))
                    return true;
                    // Error: Ambiguous assignment

                TargetDictionary[p] = new TemplateParameterSymbol(p, r);

                return false;
 bool Handle(TemplateThisParameter p, ISemantic arg)
     // Only special handling required for method calls
     return Handle(p.FollowParameter,arg);