Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this config file handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configHanlderDefNode">The BASE.Config file node that defines this handler</param>
        public void Init(XmlNode configHanlderDefNode)
            //Setup section handlers
            _sectionHandlers = new Dictionary <string, ISectionHandler>();

            _extension    = configHanlderDefNode.Attributes["extension"].Value;
            _relativePath = configHanlderDefNode.Attributes["relativePath"].Value;

            //Loop thru section handlers and load.
            foreach (XmlNode ch in configHanlderDefNode.ChildNodes)
                if (ch.Name != "sectionHandler")

                string section = ch.Attributes["section"].Value;
                string type    = ch.Attributes["type"].Value;

                //CReate the SectionHandlers defined
                object handler = TypeHelper.CreateTypeFromConfigString(type);
                if (handler is ISectionHandler)
                    //Initia;lize them and add them to the list of section handlers
                    ISectionHandler ihand = (ISectionHandler)handler;
                    _sectionHandlers.Add(section, ihand);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileToHandle"></param>
        public void HandleFile(string fileToHandle)
            //Check to make sure the files are correct and exist
            if (!fileToHandle.EndsWith(".def"))
                throw new XmlDefinitionParsingException("Invalid file format", fileToHandle);
            if (!File.Exists(fileToHandle))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("def file not found", fileToHandle);

            //Load the xml document
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            //Go through each section and call the registered handler
            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                string sectionName = node.Name;
                //Make sure this section has a handler installed, if not, log and ignore
                if (!_sectionHandlers.ContainsKey(sectionName))
                    Logging.Logger.Log("Unknown Node[" + sectionName + "] in file: " + fileToHandle, BASE.Logging.LogPriority.Debug);

                //Section has a registered handler, so Handle it
                ISectionHandler sectionHandler = _sectionHandlers[sectionName];
                sectionHandler.HandleSection(node, fileToHandle);
        public override ConfigurationSection ProcessConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection configSection)
            // Expand mode only works on the raw string input
            if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Expand)

            // See if we know how to process this section
            ISectionHandler handler = SectionHandlersSection.GetSectionHandler(configSection);

            if (handler == null)

            if (configSection.SectionInformation?.SectionName == "appSettings")
                _appSettings = configSection as AppSettingsSection;

            // Strict Mode. Only replace existing key/values.
            if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Strict)
                foreach (var configItem in handler)
                    // Presumably, UpdateKey will preserve casing appropriately, so newKey is cased as expected.
                    string newKey   = UpdateKey(configItem.Key);
                    string newValue = GetValueInternal(configItem.Key);

                    if (newValue != null)
                        handler.InsertOrUpdate(newKey, newValue, configItem.Key, configItem.Value);

            // Greedy Mode. Insert all key/values.
            else if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Greedy)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in _cachedValues)
                    if (kvp.Value != null)
                        // Here, kvp.Key is not from the config file, so it might not be correctly cased. Get the correct casing for UpdateKey.
                        string oldKey = TrimPrefix(kvp.Key);
                        string newKey = UpdateKey(handler.TryGetOriginalCase(oldKey));
                        handler.InsertOrUpdate(newKey, kvp.Value, oldKey);

Пример #4
        public override ConfigurationSection ProcessConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection configSection)
            // Expand mode only works on the raw string input
            if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Expand)

            // See if we know how to process this section
            ISectionHandler handler = SectionHandlersSection.GetSectionHandler(configSection);

            if (handler == null)

            _appSettings = configSection as AppSettingsSection;

            // Strict Mode. Only replace existing key/values.
            if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Strict)
                foreach (var configItem in handler)
                    string newValue = GetValueInternal(configItem.Key);
                    string newKey   = UpdateKey(configItem.Key);

                    if (newValue != null)
                        handler.InsertOrUpdate(newKey, newValue, configItem.Key, configItem.Value);

            // Greedy Mode. Insert all key/values.
            else if (Mode == KeyValueMode.Greedy)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in _cachedValues)
                    if (kvp.Value != null)
                        string oldKey = TrimPrefix(kvp.Key);
                        string newKey = UpdateKey(oldKey);
                        handler.InsertOrUpdate(newKey, kvp.Value, oldKey);

        static internal ISectionHandler GetSectionHandler <T>(T configSection) where T : ConfigurationSection
            if (configSection == null)

            SectionHandlersSection handlerSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(handlerSectionName) as SectionHandlersSection;

            if (handlerSection == null)
                handlerSection = new SectionHandlersSection();

            // Look at each handler to see if it works on this section. Reverse order so last match wins.
            // .IsSubclassOf() requires an exact type match. So SectionHandler<BaseConfigSectionType> won't work.
            Type sectionHandlerGenericTemplate = typeof(SectionHandler <>);
            Type sectionHandlerDesiredType     = sectionHandlerGenericTemplate.MakeGenericType(configSection.GetType());

            for (int i = handlerSection.Handlers.Count; i-- > 0;)
                Type handlerType = Type.GetType(handlerSection.Handlers[i].Type);
                if (handlerType != null && handlerType.IsSubclassOf(sectionHandlerDesiredType))
                    ISectionHandler handler = Activator.CreateInstance(handlerType) as ISectionHandler;
                    if (handler != null)
                        ProviderSettings    settings     = handlerSection.Handlers[i];
                        NameValueCollection clonedParams = new NameValueCollection(settings.Parameters.Count);
                        foreach (string key in settings.Parameters)
                            clonedParams[key] = settings.Parameters[key];

                        MethodInfo init = sectionHandlerDesiredType.GetMethod("Initialize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        init.Invoke(handler, new object[] { settings.Name, configSection, clonedParams });


            throw new Exception($"Error in Configuration: Cannot find ISectionHandler for '{configSection.SectionInformation.Name}' section.");
        static internal ISectionHandler GetSectionHandler <T>(T configSection) where T : ConfigurationSection
            if (configSection == null)

            SectionHandlersSection handlerSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(handlerSectionName) as SectionHandlersSection;

            if (handlerSection == null)
                handlerSection = new SectionHandlersSection();

            // Look at each handler to see if it works on this section. Reverse order so last match wins.
            // .IsSubclassOf() requires an exact type match. So SectionHandler<BaseConfigSectionType> won't work.
            Type sectionHandlerGenericTemplate = typeof(SectionHandler <>);
            Type sectionHandlerDesiredType     = sectionHandlerGenericTemplate.MakeGenericType(configSection.GetType());

            for (int i = handlerSection.Handlers.Count; i-- > 0;)
                Type handlerType = Type.GetType(handlerSection.Handlers[i].Type);
                if (handlerType != null && handlerType.IsSubclassOf(sectionHandlerDesiredType))
                    ISectionHandler handler = Activator.CreateInstance(handlerType) as ISectionHandler;
                    if (handler != null)
                        sectionHandlerDesiredType.GetProperty("ConfigSection").SetValue(handler, configSection);
