Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the Grep class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		07/12/2006	Created
        /// [Andrew_Radford]    13/08/2009  Added Const. dependency on ISearchSpec, IFileFilterSpec
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		05/28/2015	FIX: 69, Created for speed improvements for encoding detection
        /// </history>
        public Grep(ISearchSpec searchSpec, IFileFilterSpec filterSpec)
            if (searchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ISearchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions", "EncodingDetectionOptions must not be null");

             SearchSpec = searchSpec;
             FileFilterSpec = filterSpec;
             MatchResults = new List<MatchResult>();

             if (FileFilterSpec.FilterItems != null)
            // get first file->minimum hit count filter (should only be 1)
            var fileCountFilter = (from f in FileFilterSpec.FilterItems where f.FilterType.Category == FilterType.Categories.File && f.FilterType.SubCategory == FilterType.SubCategories.MinimumHitCount select f).FirstOrDefault();

            if (fileCountFilter != null)
               int.TryParse(fileCountFilter.Value, out userFilterCount);

             if (SearchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions.DetectFileEncoding && SearchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions.UseEncodingCache)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the given file for the given search text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">FileInfo object</param>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">ISearchSpec interface value</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception holder if error occurs</param>
        /// <returns>Hitobject containing grep results, null if on error</returns>

        public MatchResult Grep(FileInfo file, ISearchSpec searchSpec, ref Exception ex)
            // initialize Exception object to null
            ex = null;
            MatchResult match = null;

            if (Parser.IsParseable(file.FullName))
                string fileContent = Parser.Parse(file.FullName);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent))
                    string[] lines = fileContent.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' });
                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                        string line = lines[i];

                        int             posInStr = -1;
                        Regex           reg      = null;
                        MatchCollection regCol   = null;

                        if (searchSpec.UseRegularExpressions)
                            string       pattern = string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching ? "\\b" : string.Empty, searchSpec.SearchText);
                            RegexOptions options = searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
                            reg    = new Regex(pattern, options);
                            regCol = reg.Matches(line);

                            if (regCol.Count > 0)
                                posInStr = 1;
                            // If we are looking for whole worlds only, perform the check.
                            if (searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching)
                                reg = new Regex("\\b" + Regex.Escape(searchSpec.SearchText) + "\\b", searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                                // if match is found, also check against our internal line hit count method to be sure they are in sync
                                Match mtc = reg.Match(line);
                                if (mtc != null && mtc.Success && libbSearch.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec).Count > 0)
                                    posInStr = mtc.Index;
                                posInStr = line.IndexOf(searchSpec.SearchText, searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                        if (posInStr > -1)
                            if (match == null)
                                match = new MatchResult(file);

                                // found hit in file so just return
                                if (searchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames)

                            var matchLineFound = new MatchResultLine()
                                Line = line, LineNumber = -1, HasMatch = true

                            if (searchSpec.UseRegularExpressions)
                                posInStr = regCol[0].Index;

                                foreach (Match regExMatch in regCol)
                                    matchLineFound.Matches.Add(new MatchResultLineMatch(regExMatch.Index, regExMatch.Length));
                                var lineMatches = libbSearch.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec);
                                matchLineFound.Matches = lineMatches;
                            matchLineFound.ColumnNumber = 1;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the given file for the given search text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">FileInfo object</param>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">ISearchSpec interface value</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception holder if error occurs</param>
        /// <returns>Hitobject containing grep results, null if on error</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      07/28/2006  Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      05/25/2007  ADD: support for Exception object
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      03/31/2015	CHG: rework Grep/Matches
        /// </history>
        public MatchResult Grep(FileInfo file, ISearchSpec searchSpec, ref Exception ex)
            // initialize Exception object to null
             ex = null;

             if (IsAvailable && IsUsable)
               if (file.Exists)
                  //const int MARGINSIZE = 4;
                  int count = 0;
                  MatchResult match = null;
                  int prevLine = 0;
                  int prevPage = 0;
                  //string _spacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);
                  //string _contextSpacer = string.Empty;

                  //if (searchSpec.ContextLines > 0)
                  //   _contextSpacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);
                  //   _spacer = _contextSpacer.Substring(_contextSpacer.Length - MARGINSIZE - 2) + "> ";
                  //   _spacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);

                  // Open a given Word document as readonly
                  // Note: Word 2003+ requires write mode since reading mode doesn't allow use of home/end keys to select text)
                  object appversion = __WordApplication.GetType().InvokeMember("Version", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, __WordApplication, null);
                  double version = 0;
                  double.TryParse(appversion.ToString(), out version);
                  bool useReadOnly = version >= 12.00 ? false : true;
                  object wordDocument = OpenDocument(file.FullName, useReadOnly);

                  // Get Selection Property
                  __WordSelection = __WordApplication.GetType().InvokeMember("Selection", BindingFlags.GetProperty,
                     null, __WordApplication, null);

                  // create range and find objects
                  object range = GetProperty(wordDocument, "Content");
                  object find = GetProperty(range, "Find");

                  // setup find
                  RunRoutine(find, "ClearFormatting", null);
                  SetProperty(find, "Forward", true);
                  SetProperty(find, "Text", searchSpec.SearchText);
                  SetProperty(find, "MatchWholeWord", searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching);
                  SetProperty(find, "MatchCase", searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity);

                  // start find

                  // keep finding text
                  while ((bool)GetProperty(find, "Found") == true)
                     count += 1;

                     if (count == 1)
                        // create hit object
                        match = new MatchResult(file);

                     // since a hit was found and only displaying file names, quickly exit
                     if (searchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames)

                     // retrieve find information
                     int start = (int)GetProperty(range, "Start");
                     int colNum = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterColumnNumber);
                     int lineNum = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterLineNumber);
                     int pageNum = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber);
                     string line = GetFindTextLine(start);

                     // don't add a hit if on same line
                     if (!(prevLine == lineNum && prevPage == pageNum))
                        // check for line numbers
                        //if (searchSpec.IncludeLineNumbers)
                        //   // setup line header
                        //   _spacer = "(" + string.Format("{0},{1}", lineNum, pageNum);
                        //   if (_spacer.Length <= 5)
                        //   {
                        //      _spacer = _spacer + new string(' ', 6 - _spacer.Length);
                        //   }
                        //   _spacer = _spacer + ") ";
                        //   //_contextSpacer = "(" + new string(' ', _spacer.Length - 3) + ") ";

                        //  remove any odd characters from the text
                        line = RemoveSpecialCharacters(line);

                        // add context lines before
                        // if (__contextLines > 0){
                        //    For i As int = __contextLines To 1 Step -1
                        //       SetProperty(__WordSelection, "Start", start)
                        //       SelectionMoveUp(WdUnits.wdLine, i, WdMovementType.wdMove)
                        //       Dim cxt As string = GetFindTextLine()
                        //       cxt = RemoveSpecialCharacters(cxt)

                        //       if (Not HitExists(cxt, hit)){
                        //          hit.Add(_contextSpacer & cxt & NEW_LINE, lineNum - i, 1)
                        //       End If
                        //    Next
                        // End If

                        // add line
                        MatchResultLine matchLine = new MatchResultLine()
                           HasMatch = true,
                           ColumnNumber = colNum,
                           LineNumber = lineNum,
                           Line = line
                        var lineMatches = libAstroGrep.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec);
                        matchLine.Matches = lineMatches;
                        //match.Add(_spacer, line, lineNum, colNum);

                        // add context lines after
                        // if (__contextLines > 0){
                        //    For i As int = 1 To __contextLines
                        //       SetProperty(__WordSelection, "Start", start)
                        //       SelectionMoveDown(WdUnits.wdLine, i, WdMovementType.wdMove)
                        //       Dim cxt As string = GetFindTextLine()
                        //       cxt = RemoveSpecialCharacters(cxt)

                        //       if (Not HitExists(cxt, hit)){
                        //          hit.Add(_contextSpacer & cxt & NEW_LINE, lineNum + i, 1)
                        //       End If
                        //    Next
                        // End If

                     prevLine = lineNum;
                     prevPage = pageNum;

                     // find again


                  return match;
                  string msg = string.Format("File does not exist: {0}", file.FullName);
                  ex = new Exception(msg);
            catch (Exception mainEx)
               ex = mainEx;
            ex = new Exception("Plugin not available or usable.");
            Trace("Plugin not available or usable.");

             return null;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the number of instances of searchText in the given line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Line of text to search</param>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">Current ISearchSpec interface</param>
        /// <returns>Count of how many instances</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      12/06/2005	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      01/12/2007	FIX: check for correct position of IndexOf
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      03/05/2015	FIX: cleanup logic for whole word/case sensitive
        /// </history>
        public static List<MatchResultLineMatch> RetrieveLineMatches(string line, ISearchSpec searchSpec)
            List<MatchResultLineMatch> lineMatches = new List<MatchResultLineMatch>();
             int pos = line.IndexOf(searchSpec.SearchText, searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

             while (pos > -1)
            // retrieve parts of text
            string begin = line.Substring(0, pos);
            string end = line.Substring(pos + searchSpec.SearchText.Length);

            // do a check to see if begin and end are valid for wholeword searches
            bool _highlight = true;
            if (searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching)
               _highlight = WholeWordOnly(begin, end);

            // found a hit
            if (_highlight)
               MatchResultLineMatch lineMatch = new MatchResultLineMatch(pos, searchSpec.SearchText.Length);

            // Check remaining string for other hits in same line
            pos = line.IndexOf(searchSpec.SearchText, pos + 1, searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

             return lineMatches;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs a start search message to log file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">Current search specification</param>
        /// <param name="fileFilterSpec">Current file filter specification</param>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]		05/15/2015	Initial
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   05/26/2015	FIX: 69, add performance setting, cache for file encoding detection
        /// </history>
        private void LogStartSearchMessage(ISearchSpec searchSpec, IFileFilterSpec fileFilterSpec)
            StringBuilder searchTextOptions = new StringBuilder();
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.UseRegularExpressions, "regex");
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity, "case sensitive");
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching, "whole word");
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.UseNegation, "negation");
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames, "only file names");
             LogSearchOptionHelper(searchTextOptions, searchSpec.ContextLines > 0, string.Format("{0} context lines", searchSpec.ContextLines));

             if (searchTextOptions.Length > 0)
            searchTextOptions.Insert(0, "[");

             StringBuilder fileEncoding = new StringBuilder();
             if (searchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions.DetectFileEncoding)
            fileEncoding.Append("detect encoding");
            fileEncoding.AppendFormat(", performance set at {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(EncodingOptions.Performance), GeneralSettings.EncodingPerformance).ToLower());

            if (searchSpec.EncodingDetectionOptions.UseEncodingCache)
               fileEncoding.Append(", cache enabled");


             LogClient.Instance.Logger.Info("Search started in '{0}'{1} against {2}{3} for {4}{5}",
            searchSpec.StartFilePaths != null && searchSpec.StartFilePaths.Length > 0 ? string.Join(", ", searchSpec.StartFilePaths) : string.Join(", ", searchSpec.StartDirectories),
            searchSpec.SearchInSubfolders ? "[include sub folders]" : "",
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the given file for the given search text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">FileInfo object</param>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">ISearchSpec interface value</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception holder if error occurs</param>
        /// <returns>Hitobject containing grep results, null if on error</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      07/28/2006  Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      05/25/2007  ADD: support for Exception object
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      03/31/2015	CHG: rework Grep/Matches
        /// </history>
        public MatchResult Grep(FileInfo file, ISearchSpec searchSpec, ref Exception ex)
            // initialize Exception object to null
            ex = null;

            if (IsAvailable && IsUsable)
                    if (file.Exists)
                        //const int MARGINSIZE = 4;
                        int         count    = 0;
                        MatchResult match    = null;
                        int         prevLine = 0;
                        int         prevPage = 0;
                        //string _spacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);
                        //string _contextSpacer = string.Empty;

                        //if (searchSpec.ContextLines > 0)
                        //   _contextSpacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);
                        //   _spacer = _contextSpacer.Substring(_contextSpacer.Length - MARGINSIZE - 2) + "> ";
                        //   _spacer = new string(' ', MARGINSIZE);

                        // Open a given Word document as readonly
                        // Note: Word 2003+ requires write mode since reading mode doesn't allow use of home/end keys to select text)
                        object appversion = __WordApplication.GetType().InvokeMember("Version", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, __WordApplication, null);
                        double version    = 0;
                        double.TryParse(appversion.ToString(), out version);
                        bool   useReadOnly  = version >= 12.00 ? false : true;
                        object wordDocument = OpenDocument(file.FullName, useReadOnly);

                        // Get Selection Property
                        __WordSelection = __WordApplication.GetType().InvokeMember("Selection", BindingFlags.GetProperty,
                                                                                   null, __WordApplication, null);

                        // create range and find objects
                        object range = GetProperty(wordDocument, "Content");
                        object find  = GetProperty(range, "Find");

                        // setup find
                        RunRoutine(find, "ClearFormatting", null);
                        SetProperty(find, "Forward", true);
                        SetProperty(find, "Text", searchSpec.SearchText);
                        SetProperty(find, "MatchWholeWord", searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching);
                        SetProperty(find, "MatchCase", searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity);

                        // start find

                        // keep finding text
                        while ((bool)GetProperty(find, "Found") == true)
                            count += 1;

                            if (count == 1)
                                // create hit object
                                match = new MatchResult(file);

                            // since a hit was found and only displaying file names, quickly exit
                            if (searchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames)

                            // retrieve find information
                            int    start   = (int)GetProperty(range, "Start");
                            int    colNum  = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterColumnNumber);
                            int    lineNum = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterLineNumber);
                            int    pageNum = (int)Information(range, WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber);
                            string line    = GetFindTextLine(start);

                            // don't add a hit if on same line
                            if (!(prevLine == lineNum && prevPage == pageNum))
                                // check for line numbers
                                //if (searchSpec.IncludeLineNumbers)
                                //   // setup line header
                                //   _spacer = "(" + string.Format("{0},{1}", lineNum, pageNum);
                                //   if (_spacer.Length <= 5)
                                //   {
                                //      _spacer = _spacer + new string(' ', 6 - _spacer.Length);
                                //   }
                                //   _spacer = _spacer + ") ";
                                //   //_contextSpacer = "(" + new string(' ', _spacer.Length - 3) + ") ";

                                //  remove any odd characters from the text
                                line = RemoveSpecialCharacters(line);

                                // add context lines before
                                // if (__contextLines > 0){
                                //    For i As int = __contextLines To 1 Step -1
                                //       SetProperty(__WordSelection, "Start", start)
                                //       SelectionMoveUp(WdUnits.wdLine, i, WdMovementType.wdMove)
                                //       Dim cxt As string = GetFindTextLine()
                                //       cxt = RemoveSpecialCharacters(cxt)

                                //       if (Not HitExists(cxt, hit)){
                                //          hit.Add(_contextSpacer & cxt & NEW_LINE, lineNum - i, 1)
                                //       End If
                                //    Next
                                // End If

                                // add line
                                MatchResultLine matchLine = new MatchResultLine()
                                    HasMatch     = true,
                                    ColumnNumber = colNum,
                                    LineNumber   = lineNum,
                                    Line         = line
                                var lineMatches = libAstroGrep.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec);
                                matchLine.Matches = lineMatches;
                                //match.Add(_spacer, line, lineNum, colNum);

                                // add context lines after
                                // if (__contextLines > 0){
                                //    For i As int = 1 To __contextLines
                                //       SetProperty(__WordSelection, "Start", start)
                                //       SelectionMoveDown(WdUnits.wdLine, i, WdMovementType.wdMove)
                                //       Dim cxt As string = GetFindTextLine()
                                //       cxt = RemoveSpecialCharacters(cxt)

                                //       if (Not HitExists(cxt, hit)){
                                //          hit.Add(_contextSpacer & cxt & NEW_LINE, lineNum + i, 1)
                                //       End If
                                //    Next
                                // End If

                            prevLine = lineNum;
                            prevPage = pageNum;

                            // find again


                        string msg = string.Format("File does not exist: {0}", file.FullName);
                        ex = new Exception(msg);
                catch (Exception mainEx)
                    ex = mainEx;
                ex = new Exception("Plugin not available or usable.");
                Trace("Plugin not available or usable.");

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the given file for the given search text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">FileInfo object</param>
        /// <param name="searchSpec">ISearchSpec interface value</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception holder if error occurs</param>
        /// <returns>Hitobject containing grep results, null if on error</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      10/17/2012  Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      03/31/2015	CHG: rework Grep/Matches
        /// </history>
        public MatchResult Grep(FileInfo file, ISearchSpec searchSpec, ref Exception ex)
            // initialize Exception object to null
             ex = null;
             MatchResult match = null;

             if (Parser.IsParseable(file.FullName))
            string fileContent = Parser.Parse(file.FullName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent))
               string[] lines = fileContent.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' });
               for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                  string line = lines[i];

                  int posInStr = -1;
                  Regex reg = null;
                  MatchCollection regCol = null;

                  if (searchSpec.UseRegularExpressions)
                     string pattern = string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching ? "\\b" : string.Empty, searchSpec.SearchText);
                     RegexOptions options = searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
                     reg = new Regex(pattern, options);
                     regCol = reg.Matches(line);

                     if (regCol.Count > 0)
                        posInStr = 1;
                     // If we are looking for whole worlds only, perform the check.
                     if (searchSpec.UseWholeWordMatching)
                        reg = new Regex("\\b" + Regex.Escape(searchSpec.SearchText) + "\\b", searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        // if match is found, also check against our internal line hit count method to be sure they are in sync
                        Match mtc = reg.Match(line);
                        if (mtc != null && mtc.Success && libAstroGrep.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec).Count > 0)
                           posInStr = mtc.Index;
                        posInStr = line.IndexOf(searchSpec.SearchText, searchSpec.UseCaseSensitivity ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                  if (posInStr > -1)
                     if (match == null)
                        match = new MatchResult(file);

                        // found hit in file so just return
                        if (searchSpec.ReturnOnlyFileNames)

                     var matchLineFound = new MatchResultLine() { Line = line, LineNumber = -1, HasMatch = true };

                     if (searchSpec.UseRegularExpressions)
                        posInStr = regCol[0].Index;

                        foreach (Match regExMatch in regCol)
                           matchLineFound.Matches.Add(new MatchResultLineMatch(regExMatch.Index, regExMatch.Length));
                        var lineMatches = libAstroGrep.Grep.RetrieveLineMatches(line, searchSpec);
                        matchLineFound.Matches = lineMatches;
                     matchLineFound.ColumnNumber = 1;

             return match;
Пример #8
 public Grep(ISearchSpec searchSpec)
     SearchSpec   = searchSpec;
     MatchResults = new List <MatchResult>();