Пример #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the book section group label.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void UpdateBookSectionGroupLabel()
            IScrBook book = m_scr.FindBook(m_nBookForSections);

            m_grpSectionRange.Text = string.Format(m_sRangeBookFmt,
Пример #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the texts for each Scripture book title, section, footnote, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void LoadScriptureTexts(FdoCache cache, IBookImporter bookImporter)
            m_bookImporter     = bookImporter;
            m_associatedPtText = bookImporter != null?ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(cache.ProjectId) : null;

            m_scr = cache.LanguageProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            if (m_scr == null)
            List <TreeNode> otBooks = new List <TreeNode>();
            List <TreeNode> ntBooks = new List <TreeNode>();

            for (int bookNum = 1; bookNum <= BCVRef.LastBook; bookNum++)
                var    bookName = cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[bookNum - 1].UIBookName;
                object book     = m_scr.FindBook(bookNum);
                if (book == null)
                    if (m_associatedPtText != null && m_associatedPtText.BookPresent(bookNum))
                        book = bookNum;

                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(bookName);
                node.Tag  = book;
                node.Name = "Book";                 // help us query for books.
                if (bookNum < ScriptureTags.kiNtMin)

            TreeNode bibleNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidBibleNode);

            bibleNode.Name = "Bible";
            if (otBooks.Count > 0)
                TreeNode testamentNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidOtNode, otBooks.ToArray());
                testamentNode.Name = "Testament";                 // help us query for Testaments

            if (ntBooks.Count > 0)
                TreeNode testamentNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidNtNode, ntBooks.ToArray());
                testamentNode.Name = "Testament";                 // help us query for Testaments
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Scripture reference of the specified annotation as string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ann">The specified annotation.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private string GetRefAsString(IScrScriptureNote ann)
            BCVRef   startRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
            IScrBook book     = m_scr.FindBook(startRef.Book);
            string   bookName;

            // Book for note may not be in the project.
            if (book != null)
                bookName = book.BestUIName;
                IScrBookRef bookRef = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[startRef.Book - 1];
                ITsString   tsName  = bookRef.BookName.get_String(Cache.DefaultUserWs);
                if (tsName.Length == 0)
                    tsName = bookRef.BookName.BestAnalysisAlternative;
                bookName = tsName.Text;

            string titleText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle");
            string introText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureIntro");

            return(BCVRef.MakeReferenceString(bookName, startRef, new BCVRef(ann.EndRef),
                                              m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge, titleText, introText));
Пример #4
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the scripture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progressDlg">The progress dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters. (ignored)</param>
        /// <returns>always <c>null</c></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private object ExportScripture(IAdvInd4 progressDlg, params object[] parameters)
            switch (m_what)
            case ExportWhat.AllBooks:
                // Export all of the Scripture books in the project.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_scr.ScriptureBooksOS.Count && !m_cancel; ++i)
                    ExportBook(m_scr.ScriptureBooksOS[i], progressDlg);

            case ExportWhat.FilteredBooks:
                // Export all of the Scripture books in the filter
                for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < m_bookFilter.BookCount && !m_cancel; bookIndex++)
                    ExportBook(m_bookFilter.GetBook(bookIndex), progressDlg);

            case ExportWhat.SingleBook:
                // Export a single book.
                ExportBook(m_scr.FindBook(m_nBookSingle), progressDlg);
Пример #5
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:ImportedBooks"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="importVersion">The ScrDraft containing the imported books.</param>
        /// <param name="backupVersion">where to store stuff overwritten or merged.</param>
        /// <param name="booksImported">The canonical numbers of the books which were
        /// imported (unordered).</param>
        /// <param name="helpTopicProvider">The help topic provider.</param>
        /// <param name="app">The application.</param>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ImportedBooks(LcmCache cache,
                             IScrDraft importVersion, IScrDraft backupVersion, IEnumerable <int> booksImported,
                             IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app) :
            this(cache, importVersion, backupVersion, helpTopicProvider, app)
            foreach (int bookId in booksImported)
                IScrBook rev = importVersion.FindBook(bookId);

                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(
                    new[] { rev.Name.UserDefaultWritingSystem.Text, GetBookInfo(rev) });

                IScrBook curBook = m_scr.FindBook(rev.CanonicalNum);
                if (curBook == null)
                    SetItemStatus(item, ImportedBookStatus.New);
                    // User should not see this undo task so we don't need to localize the strings.
                    UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do("Add book", "Add book",
                                                m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IActionHandler>(), () =>
                    item.Tag = new BookMerger(m_cache, rev);
            lstImportedBooks.Items[0].Selected = true;
Пример #6
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Attaches the annotated objects to the specifed annotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private static void AttachAnnotatedObjects(IScripture scr, int bookNum,
                                                   IScrScriptureNote scrNote)
            int          iSection, iPara, ichStart, ichEnd;
            ScrReference scrRef = new ScrReference(scrNote.BeginRef, scr.Versification);

            if (TeEditingHelper.FindTextInVerse(scr, scrNote.CitedTextTss,
                                                scrRef, true, out iSection, out iPara, out ichStart, out ichEnd))
                IScrBook book = scr.FindBook(bookNum);
                Debug.Assert(book != null);
                scrNote.BeginOffset = ichStart;
                scrNote.EndOffset   = ichEnd;

                if (iSection == -1)
                    scrNote.BeginObjectRA = scrNote.EndObjectRA = book.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS[iPara];
                    scrNote.BeginObjectRA = scrNote.EndObjectRA =
Пример #7
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the text for the specified book number.
        /// ENHANCE: For our initial implementation, we'll see how it performs if we don't
        /// do the parsing ahead of time. We'll just set up the enumerators...Parse into Tokens.
        /// The tokens are accessed via the TextTokens() method.
        /// We split this operation into two parts since we often want to create
        /// the tokens list once and then present them to several different checks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNum">Canonical number of book, as returned in list from call to
        /// BooksPresent.</param>
        /// <param name="chapterNum">0=read whole book, else specified chapter number</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool GetText(int bookNum, int chapterNum)
            m_bookBeingChecked = (IScrBook)m_scr.FindBook(bookNum);

            SetParameterValue("Book ID", m_bookBeingChecked.BookId);
            SetParameterValue("Chapter Number", chapterNum.ToString());

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the ScrBook object from the DB corresponding to the specified book index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nBook">one-based index of the book (Genesis = 1).</param>
        /// <returns>The ScrBook DB object corresponding to a book index.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook GetBookFromDB(int nBook)
            if (m_scripture == null)

Пример #9
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Scripture reference of the specified annotation as string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ann">The specified annotation.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private string GetRefAsString(ScrScriptureNote ann)
            BCVRef   startRef  = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
            IScrBook book      = m_scr.FindBook(startRef.Book);
            string   titleText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle");
            string   introText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureIntro");

            return(ScrReference.MakeReferenceString(book.BestUIName, startRef, new BCVRef(ann.EndRef),
                                                    m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge, titleText, introText));
        /// <summary>
        /// This class creates text, it must delete it here when UNDO is commanded
        /// so it can update InterestingTexts.
        /// </summary>

/*		public override void PropChanged(int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel)
 *              {
 *                      if (cvDel != 1)
 *                              return;
 *                      SaveOnChangeRecord();
 *                      SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = true;
 *                      try
 *                      {
 *                              m_list.DeleteCurrentObject();
 *                      }
 *                      finally
 *                      {
 *                              SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = false;
 *                      }
 *                      GetInterestingTextList().UpdateInterestingTexts();
 *              } */

        #region IBookImporter Members
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified book.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNum">The canonical book number.</param>
        /// <param name="owningForm">Form that can be used as the owner of progress dialogs and
        /// message boxes.</param>
        /// <param name="importBt">True to import only the back translation, false to import
        /// only the main translation</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The ScrBook created to hold the imported data
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook Import(int bookNum, Form owningForm, bool importBt)
            IScripture scr = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            bool       haveSomethingToImport = NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(Cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
                IScrImportSet importSettings   = scr.FindOrCreateDefaultImportSettings(TypeOfImport.Paratext6);
                importSettings.StyleSheet      = ScriptureStylesheet;
                IScrText paratextProj          = ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(Cache.ProjectId);
                importSettings.ParatextScrProj = paratextProj.Name;
                importSettings.StartRef        = new BCVRef(bookNum, 0, 0);
                int chapter           = paratextProj.Versification.LastChapter(bookNum);
                importSettings.EndRef = new BCVRef(bookNum, chapter, paratextProj.Versification.LastVerse(bookNum, chapter));
                if (!importBt)
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = true;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = false;
                    List <IScrText> btProjects = ParatextHelper.GetBtsForProject(paratextProj).ToList();
                    if (btProjects.Count > 0 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj) ||
                                                 !btProjects.Any(st => st.Name == importSettings.ParatextBTProj)))
                        importSettings.ParatextBTProj = btProjects[0].Name;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj))
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = false;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = true;
                ScrMappingList importMap     = importSettings.GetMappingListForDomain(ImportDomain.Main);
                ImportMappingInfo figureInfo = importMap[@"\fig"];
                if (figureInfo != null)
                    figureInfo.IsExcluded = true;

            if (haveSomethingToImport && ReflectionHelper.GetBoolResult(ReflectionHelper.GetType("TeImportExport.dll",
                                                                                                 "SIL.FieldWorks.TE.TeImportManager"), "ImportParatext", owningForm, ScriptureStylesheet,
Пример #11
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a selection change in the tree view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void m_treeArchives_AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
            bool enableCompare = false;

            // Enable the Delete, Diff and Copy to Current buttons based on whether the selection is on
            // a book node and whether the corresponding book is present in the current version.
            TreeNode node = m_treeArchives.SelectedNode;

            m_btnDelete.Enabled = (node != null);
            if (node != null && node.Tag is IScrBook)
                m_btnDelete.Enabled = m_btnCopyToCurr.Enabled = true;
                int      bookId       = ((IScrBook)node.Tag).CanonicalNum;
                IScrBook sameBookInDB = m_scr.FindBook(bookId);
                enableCompare = (sameBookInDB != null);
                m_btnCopyToCurr.Enabled = false;

            m_btnDiff.Enabled = enableCompare;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This class creates text, it must delete it here when UNDO is commanded
        /// so it can update InterestingTexts.
        /// </summary>

/*		public override void PropChanged(int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel)
 *              {
 *                      if (cvDel != 1)
 *                              return;
 *                      SaveOnChangeRecord();
 *                      SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = true;
 *                      try
 *                      {
 *                              m_list.DeleteCurrentObject();
 *                      }
 *                      finally
 *                      {
 *                              SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = false;
 *                      }
 *                      GetInterestingTextList().UpdateInterestingTexts();
 *              } */

        #region IBookImporter Members
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified book.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNum">The canonical book number.</param>
        /// <param name="owningForm">Form that can be used as the owner of progress dialogs and
        /// message boxes.</param>
        /// <param name="importBt">True to import only the back translation, false to import
        /// only the main translation</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The ScrBook created to hold the imported data
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook Import(int bookNum, Form owningForm, bool importBt)
            IScripture scr = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            bool       haveSomethingToImport = NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(Cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
                IScrImportSet importSettings   = scr.FindOrCreateDefaultImportSettings(TypeOfImport.Paratext6);
                ScrText paratextProj           = ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(Cache.ProjectId);
                importSettings.ParatextScrProj = paratextProj.Name;
                importSettings.IncludeBooks(bookNum, bookNum, paratextProj.Versification);
                if (!importBt)
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = true;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = false;
                    List <ScrText> btProjects = ParatextHelper.GetBtsForProject(paratextProj).ToList();
                    if (btProjects.Count > 0 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj) ||
                                                 !btProjects.Any(st => st.Name == importSettings.ParatextBTProj)))
                        importSettings.ParatextBTProj = btProjects[0].Name;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj))
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = false;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = true;

            if (haveSomethingToImport && ReflectionHelper.GetBoolResult(ReflectionHelper.GetType("TeImportExport.dll",
                                                                                                 "SIL.FieldWorks.TE.TeImportManager"), "ImportParatext", owningForm, ScriptureStylesheet,
Пример #13
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when we are about to import a book but are not importing the main translation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCanonicalBookNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="fMakeBackup">This should be true if we are importing a back
        /// translation.</param>
        /// <returns>The version of the book in the imported version if available; otherwise
        /// the current version of the book (in which case a backup will be made first if
        /// <c>fMakeBackup</c> is <c>true</c>.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook PrepareBookNotImportingVern(int nCanonicalBookNumber, bool fMakeBackup)
            IActionHandler actionHandler = SetCurrentBookInternal(nCanonicalBookNumber);
            IScrBook       cvBook        = m_scr.FindBook(nCanonicalBookNumber);

            if (ImportedSavedVersion != null)
                IScrBook isvBook = ImportedSavedVersion.FindBook(nCanonicalBookNumber);
                if (isvBook != null)
                    // We won't make a new undo action in this case. The import of a BT for an
                    // imported book will be undone if the import of the book is undone.
            if (cvBook != null && fMakeBackup &&
                m_savedVersion.FindBook(nCanonicalBookNumber) == null)
                actionHandler.AddAction(new UndoImportModifiedBookAction(this, cvBook));
Пример #14
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when we are about to import a book but are not importing the main translation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCanonicalBookNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="fMakeBackup">This should be true if we are importing a back
        /// translation.</param>
        /// <returns>The version of the book in the imported version if available; otherwise
        /// the current version of the book (in which case a backup will be made first if
        /// <c>fMakeBackup</c> is <c>true</c>.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook PrepareBookNotImportingVern(int nCanonicalBookNumber, bool fMakeBackup)
            IScrBook isvBook = SetCurrentBook(nCanonicalBookNumber, false);

            if (isvBook != null && m_importedBooks.ContainsKey(nCanonicalBookNumber))

            IScrBook cvBook = m_scr.FindBook(nCanonicalBookNumber);

            if (cvBook != null && fMakeBackup)
                // Replace any existing book with the imported one.
                IScrBook oldBook = m_backupVersion.FindBook(nCanonicalBookNumber);
                if (oldBook != null)

Пример #15
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Attaches the annotated objects to the specifed annotation.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static void AttachAnnotatedObjects(IScripture scr, int bookNum,
			IScrScriptureNote scrNote)
			int iSection, iPara, ichStart, ichEnd;
			ScrReference scrRef = new ScrReference(scrNote.BeginRef, scr.Versification);
			if (TeEditingHelper.FindTextInVerse(scr, scrNote.CitedTextTss,
				 scrRef, true, out iSection, out iPara, out ichStart, out ichEnd))
				IScrBook book = scr.FindBook(bookNum);
				Debug.Assert(book != null);
				scrNote.BeginOffset = ichStart;
				scrNote.EndOffset = ichEnd;

				if (iSection == -1)
					scrNote.BeginObjectRA = scrNote.EndObjectRA = book.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS[iPara];
					scrNote.BeginObjectRA = scrNote.EndObjectRA =
Пример #16
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find a verse and return the text of the verse in one or more
		/// <see cref="VerseTextSubstring"/> objects.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="scr">The scripture.</param>
		/// <param name="targetRef">The verse reference to look for</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The <see cref="VerseTextSubstring"/> objects, each representing
		/// one paragraph worth of verse text (e.g., to deal with poetry)
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>Verses would not normally be split across sections, but there are a few
		/// places, such as the end of I Cor. 12, where it can happen.
		/// ENHANCE: Logicially, this method probably really belongs on Scripture, but currently
		/// that FDO doesn't reference ScrUtils (which is where ScrReference is). It probably
		/// could reference it, if we wanted it to. Another option would be to create an
		/// extension method for it, but I'm not sure where it would go.
		/// </remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static IEnumerable<VerseTextSubstring> GetVerseText(IScripture scr, ScrReference targetRef)
			if (scr.Versification != targetRef.Versification)
				targetRef = new ScrReference(targetRef, scr.Versification);

			List<VerseTextSubstring> verseText = new List<VerseTextSubstring>();

			// Find the book that the reference is in
			IScrBook book = scr.FindBook(targetRef.Book);
			if (book == null)
				return verseText;

			if (targetRef.IsBookTitle)
				foreach (IStTxtPara para in book.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS)
					verseText.Add(new VerseTextSubstring(para.Contents, -1,
						para.IndexInOwner, 0, ScrBookTags.kflidTitle));
				return verseText;

			int iSection = 0;
			// Look through the sections for the target reference
			foreach (IScrSection section in book.SectionsOS)
				if (!section.ContainsReference(targetRef))
					if (verseText.Count > 0)
						return verseText;
					int iPara = 0;
					// Look through each paragraph in the section
					foreach (IScrTxtPara para in section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS)
						// Search for target reference in the verses in the paragraph
						using (ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSet(para))
							foreach (ScrVerse verse in verseSet)
								if (verse.StartRef <= targetRef && targetRef <= verse.EndRef)
									// If the paragraph has a chapter number, the verse iterator
									// returns this as a separate string with the same reference
									// as the following verse.
									// We want to return the verse string, not the chapter number
									// run, so we skip a string that has only numeric characters.
									ITsString verseTextInPara = verse.Text;
									if (verse.Text.RunCount > 0 &&
										verse.Text.Style(0) == ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber)
										verseTextInPara = verseTextInPara.Substring(verse.Text.get_LimOfRun(0));

									if (!IsNumber(verseTextInPara.Text)) // skip chapter number strings
										int ichStart = (verseText.Count == 0) ? verse.TextStartIndex : 0;
										verseText.Add(new VerseTextSubstring(verseTextInPara, iSection,
											iPara, ichStart, ScrSectionTags.kflidContent));
								else if (verseText.Count > 0)
									return verseText;

			return verseText;
Пример #17
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the texts for each Scripture book title, section, footnote, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void LoadScriptureTexts()
            if (!m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrBookRepository>().AllInstances().Any() &&
                (m_associatedPtText == null || !m_associatedPtText.AssociatedLexicalProject.ProjectId.Any()))
                return;                 // Nobody home, so skip them.
            var otBooks = new List <TreeNode>();
            var ntBooks = new List <TreeNode>();

            for (var bookNum = 1; bookNum <= BCVRef.LastBook; bookNum++)
                var    bookName = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[bookNum - 1].UIBookName;
                object book     = m_scr.FindBook(bookNum);
                if (book == null)
                    if (m_associatedPtText != null && m_associatedPtText.BookPresent(bookNum))
                        book = bookNum;

                var node = new TreeNode(bookName)
                    Tag  = book,
                    Name = "Book"
                // help us query for books.
                if (bookNum < ScriptureTags.kiNtMin)

            var bibleNode = new TreeNode(ITextStrings.kstidBibleNode)
                Name = "Bible"

            if (otBooks.Count > 0)
                var testamentNode = new TreeNode(ITextStrings.kstidOtNode, otBooks.ToArray())
                    Name = "Testament"
                // help us query for Testaments

            if (ntBooks.Count > 0)
                var testamentNode = new TreeNode(ITextStrings.kstidNtNode, ntBooks.ToArray())
                    Name = "Testament"
                // help us query for Testaments
Пример #18
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the m_btnCopyToCurr control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event
        /// data.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void m_btnCopyToCurr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If nothing or a complete archive is selected, do nothing.
            TreeNode node = m_treeArchives.SelectedNode;

            if (node == null || !(node.Tag is ScrBook))

            ScrBook            savedBook        = node.Tag as ScrBook;
            ScrBook            originalBook     = (ScrBook)m_scr.FindBook(savedBook.CanonicalNum);
            TreeNode           parentNode       = node.Parent;
            ScrDraft           archive          = parentNode.Tag as ScrDraft;
            OverwriteType      typeOfOverwrite  = OverwriteType.FullNoDataLoss;
            List <IScrSection> sectionsToRemove = null;

            if (originalBook != null)
                string     sDetails;
                List <int> missingBtWs;
                typeOfOverwrite = originalBook.DetermineOverwritability(savedBook, out sDetails,
                                                                        out sectionsToRemove, out missingBtWs);
                if (typeOfOverwrite == OverwriteType.DataLoss)
                    // There will be data loss if the user overwrites so we don't allow them
                    // to continue.
                    ImportedBooks.ReportDataLoss(originalBook, ScrDraftType.SavedVersion, this, sDetails);

                if (missingBtWs != null && !ImportedBooks.ConfirmBtOverwrite(originalBook,
                                                                             ScrDraftType.SavedVersion, sectionsToRemove, missingBtWs, this))
                    // The user might lose back translation(s) if they proceed and they decided
                    // against it.

            string stUndo;
            string stRedo;

            TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidOverwriteCurrentWithSaved", out stUndo, out stRedo);
            using (new WaitCursor(this))
                using (UndoTaskHelper helper = new UndoTaskHelper(m_cache.MainCacheAccessor, null, stUndo, stRedo, true))
                        if (typeOfOverwrite == OverwriteType.Partial)
                            // Perform an automerge of the original book and the saved version.
                            using (BookMerger merger = new BookMerger(m_cache, m_styleSheet, savedBook))
                                using (ProgressDialogWithTask progress = new ProgressDialogWithTask(this))
                                    progress.Title = DlgResources.ResourceString("kstidOverwriteCaption");
                                    progress.RunTask(true, new BackgroundTaskInvoker(merger.DoPartialOverwrite), sectionsToRemove);
                                if (!merger.AutoMerged)
                                    throw new Exception("Partial Overwrite was not successful.");
                            if (originalBook != null)
                                if (m_cache.ActionHandlerAccessor != null)
                                    // When Undoing, we need to first resurrect the deleted book, then
                                    // put it back in the book filter...so we need a RIFF in the sequence
                                    // BEFORE the delete.
                                    ReplaceInFilterFixer fixer1 = new ReplaceInFilterFixer(originalBook.Hvo, 0, m_cache);
                            int hvoNew = (m_scr as Scripture).CopyBookToCurrent(savedBook);
                            ReplaceInFilterFixer fixer = new ReplaceInFilterFixer(0, hvoNew, m_cache);
                            if (m_cache.ActionHandlerAccessor != null)
                        helper.EndUndoTask = false;