Пример #1
 public EntityCollisionSystem(IScriptManager scriptManager)
     : base(Aspect.All(typeof(Position),
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
Пример #2
 public EnemySystem(IScriptManager scriptManager)
     : base(Aspect.All(typeof(Hostile), 
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
Пример #3
        public void Initialize()
            var container = TestBase.ConstructContainerForTests();
            var mr        = container.Resolve <IMouseRobot>();

            ScriptManager = container.Resolve <IScriptManager>();
Пример #4
        private void TransferToCurrentPage(Page page)
            HttpRequest requestInternal = page.RequestInternal;

            if (requestInternal == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("PropertyCannotBeNull", new object[] { "WebPartManager.Page.Request" }));
            string currentExecutionFilePath = requestInternal.CurrentExecutionFilePath;

            if ((page.Form == null) || string.Equals(page.Form.Method, "post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                string clientQueryString = page.ClientQueryString;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientQueryString))
                    currentExecutionFilePath = currentExecutionFilePath + "?" + clientQueryString;
            IScriptManager scriptManager = page.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.IsInAsyncPostBack)
                page.Server.Transfer(currentExecutionFilePath, false);
Пример #5
            private void CompileAndExecute(string file, string[] args, string[] strReferenceAssembliesToAdd, IScriptManagerCallback callback)
                    //Create an AppDomain to compile and execute the code
                    //This enables us to cancel the execution if needed
                    executionDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("ExecutionDomain");
                    IScriptManager manager = (IScriptManager)executionDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(typeof(BaseApp).Assembly.Location, typeof(ScriptManager).FullName);

                    manager.CompileAndExecuteFile(file, args, strReferenceAssembliesToAdd, this);
                catch (UnsupportedLanguageExecption e)
                    ShowErrorMessage("UnsupportedLanguage (from resource):" + e.Extension);
                catch (AppDomainUnloadedException e)
                catch (Exception e)

Пример #6
 public ShellViewModel(IHighlightingDefinition highlighting, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _highlighting  = highlighting;
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
     DisplayName    = "ScriptCsPad";
     StatusBar      = new StatusBarViewModel();
Пример #7
 protected override void Awake()
     this.AssertRequiredObjects(buttonsContainer, playButtonPrototype);
     Player        = Engine.GetService <IScriptPlayer>();
     ScriptManager = Engine.GetService <IScriptManager>();
Пример #8
        private static void HandleEngineInitialized()
            if (!(Engine.Behaviour is RuntimeBehaviour))

            if (configuration is null)
                configuration = ProjectConfigurationProvider.LoadOrDefault <ScriptsConfiguration>();
            if (editorResources is null)
                editorResources = EditorResources.LoadOrDefault();

            if (!configuration.HotReloadScripts)

            scriptManager  = Engine.GetService <IScriptManager>();
            player         = Engine.GetService <IScriptPlayer>();
            stateManager   = Engine.GetService <IStateManager>();
            player.OnPlay += HandleStartPlaying;
Пример #9
 public GoogleAnalyticsFilter(
     IOptions <PlatoGoogleOptions> googleOptionsAccessor,
     IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _googleOptions = googleOptionsAccessor.Value;
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
Пример #10
 public ScriptController(EphItContext dbContext, IEphItUser ephItUser, IUserAuthorization userAuth, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _ephItUser     = ephItUser;
     _userAuth      = userAuth;
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
 public BarclaysLoginManager(
     IBrowserBot browserBot,
     IScriptManager scriptManager)
     this.browserBot    = browserBot;
     this.scriptManager = scriptManager;
 public LloydsLoginManager(
     IBrowserBot browserBot,
     IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _browserBot    = browserBot;
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
Пример #13
        // Transfers execution to a new instance of the same page. We need to clear the form collection,
        // since it should not carry over to the page in the new scope (i.e. ViewState). If the form
        // method is GET, then we must not include the query string, since the entire form collection
        // is in the query string.  If the form method is POST (or there is no form), then we must
        // include the query string, since the developer could be using the query string to drive the
        // logic of their page (VSWhidbey 444385 and 527117).
        private void TransferToCurrentPage(Page page)
            HttpRequest request = page.RequestInternal;

            if (request == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyCannotBeNull, "WebPartManager.Page.Request"));

            string path = request.CurrentExecutionFilePath;

            if (page.Form == null || String.Equals(page.Form.Method, "post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                string queryString = page.ClientQueryString;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))
                    path += "?" + queryString;

            IScriptManager scriptManager = page.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.IsInAsyncPostBack)
                page.Server.Transfer(path, /* preserveForm */ false);
Пример #14
        public static int GetIndex(this Command command, IScriptManager ScriptManager)
            var script = ScriptManager.GetScriptFromCommand(command);
            var node   = script.Commands.GetNodeFromValue(command);

Пример #15
 public DeployService(ILogger <DeployService> logger, IFeedbackChannel feedbackChannel, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _logger          = logger;
     _feedbackChannel = feedbackChannel;
     _config          = new DeployServiceConfiguration();
     _scriptManager   = scriptManager;
Пример #16
 public LloydsAccountManager(
     IBrowserBot browserBot,
     IScriptManager scriptManager)
     this.browserBot = browserBot;
     this.scriptManager = scriptManager;
Пример #17
        public DatePickerTagHelper(
            IAssetManager assetManager,
            IScriptManager scriptManager)
            _scriptManager = scriptManager;

            // Register JavasScript and CSS with asset manager
            assetManager.SetAssets(new List <AssetEnvironment>
                new AssetEnvironment(TargetEnvironment.Development,
                                     new List <Asset>()
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/css/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.css",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeCss,
                        Section = AssetSection.Header
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/js/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.js",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeJavaScript,
                        Section = AssetSection.Footer
                new AssetEnvironment(TargetEnvironment.Staging,
                                     new List <Asset>()
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/css/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.css",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeCss,
                        Section = AssetSection.Header
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/js/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.js",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeJavaScript,
                        Section = AssetSection.Footer
                new AssetEnvironment(TargetEnvironment.Production,
                                     new List <Asset>()
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/css/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.css",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeCss,
                        Section = AssetSection.Header
                    new Asset()
                        Url     = "/js/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker.js",
                        Type    = AssetType.IncludeJavaScript,
                        Section = AssetSection.Footer
Пример #18
 public HeartbeatSystem(IScriptManager scriptManager,
     EntityWorld world)
     : base(Aspect.All(typeof(Heartbeat),
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
     _world = world;
Пример #19
        public ScriptPlaylist(Script script, IScriptManager scriptManager = null)
            ScriptName = script.Name;
            var localizationScript = scriptManager?.GetLocalizationScriptFor(script);
            var commands           = script.ExtractCommands(localizationScript);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MigrationManager"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">Provides access to core services.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptManager">Provides the ability to invoke scripts.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="service"/> is null
        /// or
        /// <paramref name="scriptManager"/> is null.
        /// </exception>
        public MigrationManager(IMigrationService service, IScriptManager scriptManager)

            this.scriptManager = scriptManager;
            this.service       = service;
Пример #21
        protected override void Awake ()

            scriptManager = Engine.GetService<IScriptManager>();
            titleScriptName = scriptManager.Configuration.TitleScript;
            scriptPlayer = Engine.GetService<IScriptPlayer>();
Пример #22
 public HeartbeatSystem(IScriptManager scriptManager,
                        EntityWorld world)
     : base(Aspect.All(typeof(Heartbeat),
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
     _world         = world;
Пример #23
 internal CacheManager(IEngine engine, IScriptManager scriptManager, FilePath configDllPath, FilePath configHashPath, FilePath outputScriptPath)
     _engine          = engine;
     _scriptManager   = scriptManager;
     ConfigDllPath    = configDllPath;
     ConfigHashPath   = configHashPath;
     OutputScriptPath = outputScriptPath;
        private void RegisterStartupScript(string clientID)
            string menuItemStyleCss      = String.Empty;
            string menuItemHoverStyleCss = String.Empty;

            Style itemStyle = _menuUser.ItemStyle;

            if (itemStyle != null)
                menuItemStyleCss = itemStyle.GetStyleAttributes(_menuUser.UrlResolver).Value;

            Style itemHoverStyle = _menuUser.ItemHoverStyle;

            if (itemHoverStyle != null)
                menuItemHoverStyleCss = itemHoverStyle.GetStyleAttributes(_menuUser.UrlResolver).Value;

            string labelHoverColor = String.Empty;
            string labelHoverClass = String.Empty;

            Style labelHoverStyle = _menuUser.LabelHoverStyle;

            if (labelHoverStyle != null)
                Color foreColor = labelHoverStyle.ForeColor;
                if (foreColor.IsEmpty == false)
                    labelHoverColor = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(foreColor);
                labelHoverClass = labelHoverStyle.RegisteredCssClass;

            // Using concatenation instead of String.Format for perf
            // (here, the compiler will build an object[] and call String.Concat only once).
            string script = @"
<script type=""text/javascript"">
var menu" + clientID + " = new WebPartMenu(document.getElementById('" + clientID + "'), document.getElementById('" + clientID + "Popup'), document.getElementById('" + clientID + @"Menu'));
menu" + clientID + ".itemStyle = '" + Util.QuoteJScriptString(menuItemStyleCss) + @"';
menu" + clientID + ".itemHoverStyle = '" + Util.QuoteJScriptString(menuItemHoverStyleCss) + @"';
menu" + clientID + ".labelHoverColor = '" + labelHoverColor + @"';
menu" + clientID + ".labelHoverClassName = '" + labelHoverClass + @"';

            if (_menuUser.Page != null)
                _menuUser.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript((Control)_menuUser, typeof(WebPartMenu), clientID, script, false);

                IScriptManager scriptManager = _menuUser.Page.ScriptManager;
                if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering)
                                                  "document.getElementById('" + clientID + "').__menu.Dispose();");
Пример #25
        public ScriptEditor()
            _scriptManager = IoC.Get<IScriptManager>();

            ShowLineNumbers = true;

            TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextEntering;
            TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextEntered;
Пример #26
        public ScriptEditor()
            _scriptManager = IoC.Get <IScriptManager>();

            ShowLineNumbers = true;

            TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextEntering;
            TextArea.TextEntered  += OnTextEntered;
Пример #27
        protected override void Awake()

            syncImage = GetComponentInChildren <Image>();

            scriptManager            = Engine.GetService <IScriptManager>();
            UIComponent.interactable = false;
Пример #28
        protected override void Awake()

            scriptManager   = Engine.GetService <IScriptManager>();
            startScriptName = scriptManager.StartGameScriptName;
            titleScriptName = scriptManager.Configuration.TitleScript;
            titleMenu       = GetComponentInParent <TitleMenu>();
            scriptPlayer    = Engine.GetService <IScriptPlayer>();
            stateManager    = Engine.GetService <IStateManager>();
            Debug.Assert(titleMenu && scriptPlayer != null);
Пример #29
        internal void RegisterExpandoAttribute(Control control, string controlId, string attributeName, string attributeValue, bool encode)
            IScriptManager scriptManager = this._owner.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering)
                scriptManager.RegisterExpandoAttribute(control, controlId, attributeName, attributeValue, encode);
                this.RegisterExpandoAttribute(controlId, attributeName, attributeValue, encode);
Пример #30
        internal void RegisterHiddenField(Control control, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldValue)
            IScriptManager scriptManager = this._owner.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering)
                scriptManager.RegisterHiddenField(control, hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldValue);
                this.RegisterHiddenField(hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldValue);
Пример #31
        internal void RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Control control, Type type, string key, string script)
            IScriptManager scriptManager = this._owner.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering)
                scriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(control, type, key, script);
                this.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(type, key, script);
Пример #32
        internal void RegisterStartupScript(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)
            IScriptManager scriptManager = this._owner.ScriptManager;

            if ((scriptManager != null) && scriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering)
                scriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
                this.RegisterStartupScript(type, key, script, addScriptTags);
 public MainPresenter(IMainView view,IScriptManager sm)
     _mainForm = view;
     _sm = sm;
     _mainForm.FormLoad += _mainForm_FormLoad;
     _mainForm.ScriptPanelActionClick += _mainForm_ScriptPanelActionClick;
     _mainForm.ScriptPanelCheckedChanged += _mainForm_ScriptPanelCheckedChanged;
     _mainForm.ScriptPanelDragDrop += _mainForm_ScriptPanelDragDrop;
     _mainForm.AddFileToolstripClick += _mainForm_AddFileToolstripClick;
     _mainForm.AddFolderToolstripClick += _mainForm_AddFolderToolstripClick;
     _mainForm.FormStop += _mainForm_FormClosing;
Пример #34
        public RecordingManager(IScriptManager ScriptManager, ISettingsManager SettingsManager, ICroppingManager CroppingManager, IAssetManager AssetManager, IProfiler Profiler,
                                IFeatureDetectorFactory FeatureDetectorFactory, IInputCallbacks InputCallbacks)
            this.ScriptManager          = ScriptManager;
            this.SettingsManager        = SettingsManager;
            this.CroppingManager        = CroppingManager;
            this.AssetManager           = AssetManager;
            this.Profiler               = Profiler;
            this.FeatureDetectorFactory = FeatureDetectorFactory;
            this.InputCallbacks         = InputCallbacks;

            InputCallbacks.InputEvent += OnInputEvent;
Пример #35
        public MainForm(IPathResolver pathResolver, IScriptManager scriptManager, Settings settings)
            m_settings = settings;
              m_pathResolver = pathResolver;
              m_scriptMgr = scriptManager;


              // Window manager
              m_windowMgr = new WindowManager(m_pathResolver, dockPanel, m_settings);
              m_windowMgr.OnCaretChanged += new EventHandler<CaretChangedEventArgs>(WindowManagerOnCaretChanged);

              // Post component initialization
              openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = m_pathResolver.BaseDirectory;

              // Load output window
              m_outputContent = new OutputContentBox();
              m_outputContent.Show(dockPanel, DockState.DockBottom);

              // Load error window
              m_errorContent = new ErrorContentBox();
              m_errorContent.Show(dockPanel, DockState.DockBottom);
              m_errorContent.ErrorSelected += new EventOnErrorSelected(OnErrorSelected);

              // Adjust bottom panel
              dockPanel.DockBottomPortion = m_settings.DockBottom;
              dockPanel.DockRightPortion = m_settings.DockRight;
              dockPanel.DockLeftPortion = m_settings.DockLeft;
              dockPanel.DockTopPortion = m_settings.DockTop;

              // Attach event handlers
              m_scriptMgr.CompileFinished += new EventHandler(OnCompileFinished);
              m_scriptMgr.CompileInterrupted += new EventHandler(OnCompileInterrupted);
              m_scriptMgr.CompileStarting += new EventHandler(OnCompileStarting);
              m_scriptMgr.ScriptError += new EventHandler<ScriptErrorEventArgs>(OnScriptError);
              m_scriptMgr.ScriptOutput += new EventHandler<ScriptOutputEventArgs>(OnScriptOutput);

              m_scriptMgr.ScriptEngineRestarted += new EventHandler(OnScriptEngineRestarted);
              m_scriptMgr.ScriptEngineRestarting += new EventHandler(OnScriptEngineRestarting);

              // Disable Windows-XP default theme; use system colours
              ToolStripProfessionalRenderer renderer = new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer();
              renderer.ColorTable.UseSystemColors = true;
              renderer.RoundedEdges = true;
              ToolStripManager.Renderer = renderer;
Пример #36
 public GameManager(
     EntityWorld world,
     SpriteBatch spriteBatch,
     IGraphicsManager graphicsManager,
     ISystemLoader systemLoader,
     IScreenManager screenManager,
     IScreenFactory screenFactory,
     IInputManager inputManager,
     ICameraManager cameraManager,
     IScriptManager scriptManager
     _world = world;
     _spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     _graphicsManager = graphicsManager;
     _systemLoader = systemLoader;
     _screenManager = screenManager;
     _screenFactory = screenFactory;
     _inputManager = inputManager;
     _cameraManager = cameraManager;
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
 public ScriptManagerController(IScriptManager scriptManager)
     _scriptManager = scriptManager;
 internal static string GetWebResourceUrl(Type type, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     Assembly assemblyFromType = GetAssemblyFromType(type);
     if (assemblyFromType == typeof(AssemblyResourceLoader).Assembly)
         if (string.Equals(resourceName, "WebForms.js", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             if (!_webFormsScriptChecked)
                 _webFormsScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                 _webFormsScriptChecked = true;
             if (_webFormsScriptLocation != null)
                 return _webFormsScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;
         else if (string.Equals(resourceName, "WebUIValidation.js", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             if (!_webUIValidationScriptChecked)
                 _webUIValidationScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                 _webUIValidationScriptChecked = true;
             if (_webUIValidationScriptLocation != null)
                 return _webUIValidationScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;
         else if (string.Equals(resourceName, "SmartNav.htm", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             if (!_smartNavPageChecked)
                 _smartNavPageLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                 _smartNavPageChecked = true;
             if (_smartNavPageLocation != null)
                 return _smartNavPageLocation.VirtualPathString;
         else if (string.Equals(resourceName, "SmartNav.js", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             if (!_smartNavScriptChecked)
                 _smartNavScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                 _smartNavScriptChecked = true;
             if (_smartNavScriptLocation != null)
                 return _smartNavScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;
     return GetWebResourceUrlInternal(assemblyFromType, resourceName, htmlEncoded, false, scriptManager);
 internal static string GetWebResourceUrlInternal(Assembly assembly, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, bool forSubstitution, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     bool isSecureConnection;
     if (!_handlerExists)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_HandlerNotRegistered"));
     Assembly resourceAssembly = assembly;
     string str = resourceName;
     bool enableCdn = false;
     bool debuggingEnabled = false;
     if (scriptManager != null)
         enableCdn = scriptManager.EnableCdn;
         debuggingEnabled = scriptManager.IsDebuggingEnabled;
         isSecureConnection = scriptManager.IsSecureConnection;
         isSecureConnection = ((HttpContext.Current != null) && (HttpContext.Current.Request != null)) && HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection;
     int num = CreateWebResourceUrlCacheKey(assembly, resourceName, htmlEncoded, forSubstitution, enableCdn, debuggingEnabled, isSecureConnection);
     string s = (string) _urlCache[num];
     if (s == null)
         IScriptResourceDefinition definition = null;
         if (ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping != null)
             definition = ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping.GetDefinition(resourceName, assembly);
             if (definition != null)
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ResourceName))
                     str = definition.ResourceName;
                 if (definition.ResourceAssembly != null)
                     resourceAssembly = definition.ResourceAssembly;
         string debugPath = null;
         if (definition != null)
             if (enableCdn)
                 if (debuggingEnabled)
                     debugPath = isSecureConnection ? definition.CdnDebugPathSecureConnection : definition.CdnDebugPath;
                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                         debugPath = definition.DebugPath;
                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                             if (!isSecureConnection || string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CdnDebugPath))
                                 debugPath = GetCdnPath(str, resourceAssembly, isSecureConnection);
                             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                                 debugPath = definition.Path;
                     debugPath = isSecureConnection ? definition.CdnPathSecureConnection : definition.CdnPath;
                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                         if (!isSecureConnection || string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CdnPath))
                             debugPath = GetCdnPath(str, resourceAssembly, isSecureConnection);
                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                             debugPath = definition.Path;
             else if (debuggingEnabled)
                 debugPath = definition.DebugPath;
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
                     debugPath = definition.Path;
                 debugPath = definition.Path;
         else if (enableCdn)
             debugPath = GetCdnPath(str, resourceAssembly, isSecureConnection);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPath))
             if (UrlPath.IsAppRelativePath(debugPath))
                 if (_applicationRootPath == null)
                     s = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(debugPath);
                     s = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(debugPath, _applicationRootPath);
                 s = debugPath;
             if (htmlEncoded)
                 s = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s);
             string str4;
             Pair assemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(resourceAssembly);
             AssemblyName first = (AssemblyName) assemblyInfo.First;
             long second = (long) assemblyInfo.Second;
             string str5 = first.Version.ToString();
             if (resourceAssembly.GlobalAssemblyCache)
                 if (resourceAssembly == HttpContext.SystemWebAssembly)
                     str4 = "s";
                     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                     if (first.CultureInfo != null)
                     byte[] publicKeyToken = first.GetPublicKeyToken();
                     for (int i = 0; i < publicKeyToken.Length; i++)
                         builder.Append(publicKeyToken[i].ToString("x2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                     str4 = builder.ToString();
                 str4 = "p" + first.Name;
             s = FormatWebResourceUrl(str4, str, second, htmlEncoded);
             if (!forSubstitution && (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString != null))
                 s = UrlPath.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString, s);
         _urlCache[num] = s;
     return s;
 internal static string GetWebResourceUrl(Page owner, Type type, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, IScriptManager scriptManager)
     if (type == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceName");
     if ((owner == null) || !owner.DesignMode)
         return AssemblyResourceLoader.GetWebResourceUrl(type, resourceName, htmlEncoded, scriptManager);
     ISite site = owner.Site;
     if (site != null)
         IResourceUrlGenerator service = site.GetService(typeof(IResourceUrlGenerator)) as IResourceUrlGenerator;
         if (service != null)
             return service.GetResourceUrl(type, resourceName);
     return resourceName;
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Gets a URL resource reference to a client-side resource
        /// </devdoc>
        internal static string GetWebResourceUrl(Type type, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, IScriptManager scriptManager, bool enableCdn) {
            Assembly assembly = GetAssemblyFromType(type);
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null, "Type.Assembly should never be null.");

            // If the resource request is for System.Web.dll and more specifically
            // it is for a file that we shipped in v1.x, we have to check if a
            // customized copy of the file exists. See notes at the top of the file
            // regarding this.
            if (assembly == typeof(AssemblyResourceLoader).Assembly) {
                if (String.Equals(resourceName, "WebForms.js", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    if (!_webFormsScriptChecked) {
                        _webFormsScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                        _webFormsScriptChecked = true;
                    if (_webFormsScriptLocation != null) {
                        return _webFormsScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;
                else if (String.Equals(resourceName, "WebUIValidation.js", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    if (!_webUIValidationScriptChecked) {
                        _webUIValidationScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                        _webUIValidationScriptChecked = true;
                    if (_webUIValidationScriptLocation != null) {
                        return _webUIValidationScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;
                else if (String.Equals(resourceName, "SmartNav.htm", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    if (!_smartNavPageChecked) {
                        _smartNavPageLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                        _smartNavPageChecked = true;
                    if (_smartNavPageLocation != null) {
                        return _smartNavPageLocation.VirtualPathString;
                else if (String.Equals(resourceName, "SmartNav.js", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    if (!_smartNavScriptChecked) {
                        _smartNavScriptLocation = GetDiskResourcePath(resourceName);
                        _smartNavScriptChecked = true;
                    if (_smartNavScriptLocation != null) {
                        return _smartNavScriptLocation.VirtualPathString;

            return GetWebResourceUrlInternal(assembly, resourceName, htmlEncoded, false, scriptManager, enableCdn);
Пример #42
        internal static string GetWebResourceUrl(Page owner, Type type, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, IScriptManager scriptManager, bool enableCdn) {
            if (type == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName)) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceName");

            if (owner != null && owner.DesignMode) {
                ISite site = ((IComponent)owner).Site;
                if (site != null) {
                    IResourceUrlGenerator urlGenerator = site.GetService(typeof(IResourceUrlGenerator)) as IResourceUrlGenerator;
                    if (urlGenerator != null) {
                        return urlGenerator.GetResourceUrl(type, resourceName);

                return resourceName;
            else {
                return AssemblyResourceLoader.GetWebResourceUrl(type, resourceName, htmlEncoded, scriptManager, enableCdn: enableCdn);
Пример #43
 internal static string GetWebResourceUrl(Page owner, Type type, string resourceName, bool htmlEncoded, IScriptManager scriptManager) {
     bool enableCdn = scriptManager != null && scriptManager.EnableCdn;
     return GetWebResourceUrl(owner, type, resourceName, htmlEncoded, scriptManager, enableCdn);
        internal static string GetWebResourceUrlInternal(Assembly assembly, string resourceName,
                bool htmlEncoded, bool forSubstitution, IScriptManager scriptManager) {

            bool enableCdn = (scriptManager != null && scriptManager.EnableCdn);
            return GetWebResourceUrlInternal(assembly, resourceName, htmlEncoded, forSubstitution, scriptManager, enableCdn: enableCdn);
        internal static string GetWebResourceUrlInternal(Assembly assembly, string resourceName,
            bool htmlEncoded, bool forSubstitution, IScriptManager scriptManager, bool enableCdn) {
            // When this url is being inserted as a substitution in another resource,
            // it should just be "WebResource.axd?d=..." since the resource is already coming
            // from the app root (i.e. no need for a full absolute /app/WebResource.axd).
            // Otherwise we must return a path that is absolute (starts with '/') or
            // a full absolute uri (http://..) as in the case of a CDN Path.
            if (!_handlerExists) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_HandlerNotRegistered));
            Assembly effectiveAssembly = assembly;
            string effectiveResourceName = resourceName;

            bool debuggingEnabled = false;
            bool secureConnection;
            if (scriptManager != null) {
                debuggingEnabled = scriptManager.IsDebuggingEnabled;
                secureConnection = scriptManager.IsSecureConnection;
            else {
                secureConnection = ((HttpContext.Current != null) && (HttpContext.Current.Request != null) &&
                debuggingEnabled = (HttpContext.Current != null) && HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled;
            int urlCacheKey = CreateWebResourceUrlCacheKey(assembly, resourceName, htmlEncoded,
                forSubstitution, enableCdn, debuggingEnabled, secureConnection);

            string url = (string)_urlCache[urlCacheKey];

            if (url == null) {
                IScriptResourceDefinition definition = null;
                if (ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping != null) {
                    definition = ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping.GetDefinition(resourceName, assembly);
                    if (definition != null) {
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ResourceName)) {
                            effectiveResourceName = definition.ResourceName;
                        if (definition.ResourceAssembly != null) {
                            effectiveAssembly = definition.ResourceAssembly;
                string path = null;
                // if a resource mapping exists, take it's settings into consideration
                // it might supply a path or a cdnpath.
                if (definition != null) {
                    if (enableCdn) {
                        // Winner is first path defined, falling back on the effectiveResourceName/Assembly
                        // Debug Mode  : d.CdnDebugPath, d.DebugPath, *wra.CdnPath, d.Path
                        // Release Mode: d.CdnPath                  , *wra.CdnPath, d.Path
                        // * the WebResourceAttribute corresponding to the resource defined in the definition, not the
                        //  the original resource.
                        // Also, if the definition has a CdnPath but it cannot be converted to a secure one during https,
                        // the WRA's CdnPath is not considered.
                        if (debuggingEnabled) {
                            path = secureConnection ? definition.CdnDebugPathSecureConnection : definition.CdnDebugPath;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                path = definition.DebugPath;
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                    // Get CDN Path from the redirected resource name/assembly, not the original one,
                                    // but not if this is a secure connection and the only reason we didn't use the definition
                                    // cdn path is because it doesnt support secure connections.
                                    if (!secureConnection || String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CdnDebugPath)) {
                                        path = GetCdnPath(effectiveResourceName, effectiveAssembly, secureConnection);
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                        path = definition.Path;
                        else {
                            path = secureConnection ? definition.CdnPathSecureConnection : definition.CdnPath;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                // Get CDN Path from the redirected resource name/assembly, not the original one
                                // but not if this is a secure connection and the only reason we didn't use the definition
                                // cdn path is because it doesnt support secure connections.
                                if (!secureConnection || String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CdnPath)) {
                                    path = GetCdnPath(effectiveResourceName, effectiveAssembly, secureConnection);
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                    path = definition.Path;
                    } // cdn
                    else {
                        // Winner is first path defined, falling back on the effectiveResourceName/Assembly
                        // Debug Mode  : d.DebugPath, d.Path
                        // Release Mode: d.Path
                        if (debuggingEnabled) {
                            path = definition.DebugPath;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                                path = definition.Path;
                        else {
                            path = definition.Path;
                } // does not have definition
                else if (enableCdn) {
                    path = GetCdnPath(effectiveResourceName, effectiveAssembly, secureConnection);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
                    // assembly based resource has been overridden by a path,
                    // whether that be a CDN Path or a definition.Path or DebugPath.
                    // We must return a path that is absolute (starts with '/') or
                    // a full absolute uri (http://..) as in the case of a CDN Path.
                    // An overridden Path that is not a CDN Path is required to be absolute
                    // or app relative.
                    if (UrlPath.IsAppRelativePath(path)) {
                        // expand ~/. If it is rooted (/) or an absolute uri, no conversion needed
                        if (_applicationRootPath == null) {
                            url = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path);
                        else {
                            url = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path, _applicationRootPath);
                    else {
                        // must be a full uri or already rooted.
                        url = path;
                    if (htmlEncoded) {
                        url = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(url);
                else {
                    string urlAssemblyName;
                    Pair assemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(effectiveAssembly);
                    AssemblyName assemblyName = (AssemblyName)assemblyInfo.First;
                    long assemblyDate = (long)assemblyInfo.Second;
                    string assemblyVersion = assemblyName.Version.ToString();

                    if (effectiveAssembly.GlobalAssemblyCache) {
                        // If the assembly is in the GAC, we need to store a full name to load the assembly later
                        if (effectiveAssembly == HttpContext.SystemWebAssembly) {
                            urlAssemblyName = "s";
                        else {
                            // Pack the necessary values into a more compact format than FullName
                            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                            if (assemblyName.CultureInfo != null) {
                            byte[] token = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
                            for (int i = 0; i < token.Length; i++) {
                                builder.Append(token[i].ToString("x2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                            urlAssemblyName = builder.ToString();
                    else {
                        // Otherwise, we can just use a partial name
                        urlAssemblyName = "p" + assemblyName.Name;
                    url = FormatWebResourceUrl(urlAssemblyName, effectiveResourceName, assemblyDate, htmlEncoded);
                    if (!forSubstitution && (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString != null)) {
                        // When this url is being inserted as a substitution in another resource,
                        // it should just be "WebResource.axd?d=..." since the resource is already coming
                        // from the app root (i.e. no need for a full absolute /app/WebResource.axd).
                        url = UrlPath.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString, url);
                _urlCache[urlCacheKey] = url;
            return url;