static void ValidateDrop(bool inSceneView, Transform transformInInspector) { if (currentDragTool != null) { currentDragTool.Reset(); } currentDragTool = null; currentDragToolActive = false; currentTransformInInspector = transformInInspector; if (materialDragTool.ValidateDrop(inSceneView)) { currentDragTool = materialDragTool; } else if (brushDragTool.ValidateDrop(inSceneView)) { currentDragTool = brushDragTool; } else if (meshDragTool.ValidateDrop(inSceneView)) { currentDragTool = meshDragTool; } }
internal static void UpdateDragAndDrop() { // TODO: never use drag & drop code when dropping into inspector // instead: // find 'new' components, check if they're part of a prefab, // check if that prefab has a copy flag, and replace it with a copy if (currentTransformInInspector) { if (currentDragTool != null) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic; if (currentDragToolActive) { currentDragTool.Reset(); } currentDragTool = null; currentTransformInInspector = null; draggingInScene = false; } currentTransformInInspector = null; } }
internal static void OnHandleDragAndDrop(bool inSceneView, Transform transformInInspector = null, Rect?selectionRect = null) { switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.DragUpdated: { if (!draggingInScene) { ValidateDrop(inSceneView, transformInInspector); } if (currentDragTool != null) { if (!currentDragTool.ValidateDropPoint(inSceneView)) { if (currentDragTool != null && currentDragToolActive) { currentDragTool.DragExited(inSceneView); } currentDragToolActive = false; } else { currentDragToolActive = true; IsDraggingObjectInScene = true; DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic; if (inSceneView) { if (currentDragTool.DragUpdated()) { HandleUtility.Repaint(); } } else { if (currentDragTool.DragUpdated(transformInInspector, selectionRect.Value)) { CSG_EditorGUIUtility.RepaintAll(); } } Event.current.Use(); draggingInScene = true; } } break; } case EventType.DragPerform: { if (currentDragTool != null) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic; if (currentDragToolActive) { currentDragTool.DragPerform(inSceneView); currentDragTool.Reset(); Event.current.Use(); } currentDragTool = null; currentTransformInInspector = null; draggingInScene = false; } break; } case EventType.DragExited: //case EventType.MouseMove: { if (currentDragTool != null) { currentDragTool.DragExited(inSceneView); Event.current.Use(); IsDraggingObjectInScene = false; currentDragTool = null; currentTransformInInspector = null; draggingInScene = false; CSG_EditorGUIUtility.RepaintAll(); } break; } } }