Пример #1
        private void Work()
            long pos = beginSample;

            while (!pleaseTerminate && (endSample < 0 || pos < endSample))
                double[] chunk = sampleSource.GetChunk(chunkSize);
                if (chunk.LongLength == 0)
                    chunk = null;

                if (SamplesRetrieved != null)
                    SamplesRetrieved(this, chunk, pos);

                if (chunk == null)

                pos += chunk.LongLength;

            if (SamplesRetrievingDone != null)
                SamplesRetrievingDone(this, new EventArgs());
Пример #2
        public override void PreviewSelected()
            timePassed = 0;
            doPreview  = true;
            string previewPath = Path.Combine(songContainer.chart.chartPath, songContainer.chart.chartInfo.songPath);

            previewSampleSource = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(previewPath).ChangeSampleRate(AudioManager.sampleRate).ToStereo().ToSampleSource().AppendSource(x => new VolumeSource(x), out previewVol);
            previewAudio        = new AudioTrack("preview", previewSampleSource, previewVol);
            previewVol.Volume = 0;

Пример #3
        public List<Onset> Detect(ISampleSource audio)
            _completed = 0;
            _sliceCount = 0;
            _onsets = new List<float>();
            _amplitudes = new List<float>();
            var onsets = new List<Onset>();

            //init detection specific variables
            int sliceSampleSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(_options.SliceLength * audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate); //the size of each slice's sample
            int slicePaddingSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(_options.SlicePaddingLength * audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            _sliceCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)audio.Length/audio.WaveFormat.Channels / sliceSampleSize); //the number of slices needed
            var samples = (int)audio.Length / audio.WaveFormat.Channels;

            //init parallel specific variables
            var pOptions = new ParallelOptions();
            if (_options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism != -1) pOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism;
            ParallelLoopState loopState;

            List<Wav> wavSlices = new List<Wav>();
            for (int i = 0; i < _sliceCount; i++)
                int baseStart = i * sliceSampleSize;
                int adjustedStart = (baseStart - sliceSampleSize > 0) ? baseStart - slicePaddingSize : 0;
                int count = (sliceSampleSize + slicePaddingSize + baseStart > samples) ? samples - adjustedStart : sliceSampleSize + (baseStart - adjustedStart) + slicePaddingSize;
                float delay = (float)adjustedStart / audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
                float[] buffer = new float[count * audio.WaveFormat.Channels];
                audio.SetPosition(TimeConverter.SampleSourceTimeConverter.ToTimeSpan(audio.WaveFormat, adjustedStart * audio.WaveFormat.Channels));
                audio.Read(buffer, 0, count * audio.WaveFormat.Channels);
                wavSlices.Add(new Wav(buffer, audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate, count, audio.WaveFormat.Channels) {
                    Delay = delay,
                    Padding = ((delay > 0) ? slicePaddingSize : 0) / audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate

            int bucketSize = 5;
            int bucketcount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)wavSlices.Count / bucketSize);
            MemoryAllocator _allocator = new MemoryAllocator();

            for (int i = 0; i < bucketcount; i++)
                int count = bucketSize;
                if ((i + 1) * bucketSize > wavSlices.Count) count = wavSlices.Count - i * bucketSize;

                if (count < 0) continue;

                List<Wav> parallel = wavSlices.GetRange(i * bucketSize, count);
                var ploopResult = Parallel.ForEach(parallel, pOptions, (w, state) => GetOnsets(w, _allocator));
                if (!ploopResult.IsCompleted) throw new Exception();

            onsets = _onsets.Zip(_amplitudes, (onset, amplitude) => new Onset { OnsetTime = onset, OnsetAmplitude = amplitude }).ToList();
            onsets = onsets.OrderBy(f => f.OnsetTime).ToList();

            float prev = 0;
            float combine = 0.03f;
            var ret = new List<Onset>();
            for (int i = 0; i < onsets.Count; i++)
                if (onsets[i].OnsetTime - prev < _options.MinimumTimeDelta / 1000.0f)
                prev = onsets[i].OnsetTime;
            return ret;
Пример #4
        public List <Onset> Detect(ISampleSource audio)
            _completed  = 0;
            _sliceCount = 0;
            _onsets     = new List <float>();
            _amplitudes = new List <float>();
            var onsets = new List <Onset>();

            //init detection specific variables
            int sliceSampleSize  = (int)Math.Ceiling(_options.SliceLength * audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate); //the size of each slice's sample
            int slicePaddingSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(_options.SlicePaddingLength * audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate);

            _sliceCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)audio.Length / audio.WaveFormat.Channels / sliceSampleSize); //the number of slices needed
            var samples = (int)audio.Length / audio.WaveFormat.Channels;

            //init parallel specific variables
            var pOptions = new ParallelOptions();

            if (_options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism != -1)
                pOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism;
            ParallelLoopState loopState;

            List <Wav> wavSlices = new List <Wav>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _sliceCount; i++)
                int     baseStart     = i * sliceSampleSize;
                int     adjustedStart = (baseStart - sliceSampleSize > 0) ? baseStart - slicePaddingSize : 0;
                int     count         = (sliceSampleSize + slicePaddingSize + baseStart > samples) ? samples - adjustedStart : sliceSampleSize + (baseStart - adjustedStart) + slicePaddingSize;
                float   delay         = (float)adjustedStart / audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
                float[] buffer        = new float[count * audio.WaveFormat.Channels];
                audio.SetPosition(TimeConverter.SampleSourceTimeConverter.ToTimeSpan(audio.WaveFormat, adjustedStart * audio.WaveFormat.Channels));
                audio.Read(buffer, 0, count * audio.WaveFormat.Channels);
                wavSlices.Add(new Wav(buffer, audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate, count, audio.WaveFormat.Channels)
                    Delay   = delay,
                    Padding = ((delay > 0) ? slicePaddingSize : 0) / audio.WaveFormat.SampleRate

            int             bucketSize  = 5;
            int             bucketcount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)wavSlices.Count / bucketSize);
            MemoryAllocator _allocator  = new MemoryAllocator();

            for (int i = 0; i < bucketcount; i++)
                int count = bucketSize;
                if ((i + 1) * bucketSize > wavSlices.Count)
                    count = wavSlices.Count - i * bucketSize;

                if (count < 0)

                List <Wav> parallel    = wavSlices.GetRange(i * bucketSize, count);
                var        ploopResult = Parallel.ForEach(parallel, pOptions, (w, state) => GetOnsets(w, _allocator));
                if (!ploopResult.IsCompleted)
                    throw new Exception();

            onsets = _onsets.Zip(_amplitudes, (onset, amplitude) => new Onset {
                OnsetTime = onset, OnsetAmplitude = amplitude
            onsets = onsets.OrderBy(f => f.OnsetTime).ToList();

            float prev    = 0;
            float combine = 0.03f;
            var   ret     = new List <Onset>();

            for (int i = 0; i < onsets.Count; i++)
                if (onsets[i].OnsetTime - prev < _options.MinimumTimeDelta / 1000.0f)
                prev = onsets[i].OnsetTime;