//private decimal paycash = 0; public ShellOut() { InitializeComponent(); // define the dialog buttons this.Buttons = new Button[] {}; //setting decimal separator if (StaticClass.GeneralClass.app_settings["decimalSeparator"].ToString() == "1") { btnpoint.Content = ","; } //setting standard calculator if (StaticClass.GeneralClass.app_settings["CalStandard"].ToString() == "1") { mnuiStandard_Click(null, null); } else { mnuiExtend_Click(null, null); } //create pay template new Thread(() => { this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { CreatePayTemplate(); })); }).Start(); IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; }
private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UsernameTextBox.Focus(); UsernameTextBox.SelectAll(); IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; }
public GiftCard_Add(int param) { InitializeComponent(); // define the dialog buttons this.Buttons = new Button[] { }; GiftCard_AddViewModel.RequestClose += (s, e) => this.Close(); IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; }
public PaymentScan(Int32 _scanId, string _strRef, string _strComp) { InitializeComponent(); // define the dialog buttons this.Buttons = new Button[] { }; PaymentScanViewModel.RequestClose += (s, e) => this.Close(); IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; PaymentScanViewModel.ScanIndex = _scanId; PaymentScanViewModel.ScanRef = _strRef; PaymentScanViewModel.StrCompare = _strComp; }
public GiftCard_View(List <Int32> param) { InitializeComponent(); // define the dialog buttons this.Buttons = new Button[] { }; GiftCard_AddViewModel.RequestClose += (s, e) => this.Close(); GiftCard_AddViewModel.getId = param[0]; GiftCard_AddViewModel.printId.Clear(); foreach (Int32 j in param) { GiftCard_AddViewModel.printId.Add(j); } IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; }
public LoginSystem() { InitializeComponent(); // define the dialog buttons this.Buttons = new Button[] { }; IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += OnFocusRequested; ViewModel.Home.LoginSystem_VM.RequestClose += (s, e) => this.Close(); if (LoginSystemSuccessHandler == null) { LoginSystemSuccessHandler += onLoginSystemSuccessHandler; } if (LoginCancelHandler == null) { LoginCancelHandler += onLoginCancelHandler; } if (AdminForgotHandler == null) { AdminForgotHandler += onAdminForgotHandler; } }
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequested += Focus_FocusRequested; }
private void ShellView_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IRequestFocus focus = (IRequestFocus)DataContext; focus.FocusRequsted += OnFocusRequest; }