Пример #1
        public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy,
                                               string alternateButton1Label,
                                               ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed,
                                               string message)
            if (!policy.ShouldShowMessage(message))

            if (ErrorReport.IsOkToInteractWithUser)
                var dlg = new ProblemNotificationDialog(message, UsageReporter.AppNameToUseInDialogs + " Problem")
                    ReoccurenceMessage = policy.ReoccurenceMessage
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alternateButton1Label))
                    dlg.EnableAlternateButton1(alternateButton1Label, GetDialogResultForErrorResult(resultIfAlternateButtonPressed));
                throw new ErrorReport.ProblemNotificationSentToUserException(message);
        public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy,
									string alternateButton1Label,
									ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed,
									string message)
            if (!policy.ShouldShowMessage(message))
                return ErrorResult.OK;

            if (ErrorReport.IsOkToInteractWithUser)
                var dlg = new ProblemNotificationDialog(message, UsageReporter.AppNameToUseInDialogs + " Problem")
                    ReoccurenceMessage = policy.ReoccurenceMessage

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alternateButton1Label))
                    dlg.EnableAlternateButton1(alternateButton1Label, GetDialogResultForErrorResult(resultIfAlternateButtonPressed));
                return GetErrorResultForDialogResult(dlg.ShowDialog());
                throw new ErrorReport.ProblemNotificationSentToUserException(message);
 public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy, string alternateButton1Label,
                                        ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, string message)
     return(policy.ShouldShowMessage(message) &&
            ErrorReporter.ReportException(new Exception(message), m_registryKey, m_supportEmailAddress, m_parentForm, false) ?
            ErrorResult.Abort : ErrorResult.Ignore);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the user of a problem, using a browser-based dialog.
        /// Note: This is designed to be called by LibPalaso's ErrorReport class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="policy">Checks if we should notify the user, based on the contents of {message}</param>
        /// <param name="alternateButton1Label">The text that goes on the Report button. However, if speicfied, this.ReportButtonLabel takes precedence over this parameter</param>
        /// <param name="resultIfAlternateButtonPressed">This is the value that this method should return so that the caller (mainly LibPalaso ErrorReport)
        /// can know if the alternate button was pressed, and if so, invoke whatever actions are desired.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to show to the user</param>
        /// <returns>If closed normally, returns ErrorResult.OK
        /// If the report button was pressed, returns {resultIfAlternateButtonPressed}.
        /// If the secondary action button was pressed, returns {this.SecondaryActionResult} if that is non-null; otherwise falls back to {resultIfAlternateButtonPressed}
        /// If an exception is throw while executing this function, returns ErrorResult.Abort.
        /// </returns>
        public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy, string alternateButton1Label, ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, string message)
            // Let this thread try to acquire the lock, if necessary
            // Note: It is expected that sometimes this function will need to acquire the lock for this thread,
            //       and sometimes it'll already be acquired.
            //       The reason is because for legacy code that calls ErrorReport directly, this function is the first entry point into this class.
            //       But for code that needs the new secondaryAction functionality, it needs to enter through CustomNotifyUser*().
            //       That function wants to acquire a lock so that the instance variables it sets aren't modified by any other thread before
            //       entering this NotifyUserOfProblem() function.
            bool wasAlreadyLocked = System.Threading.Monitor.IsEntered(_lock);

            if (!wasAlreadyLocked)

                ErrorResult result = ErrorResult.OK;
                if (policy.ShouldShowMessage(message))
                    ErrorReport.OnShowDetails = null;
                    var reportButtonLabel = GetReportButtonLabel(alternateButton1Label);
                    result = ShowNotifyDialog(ProblemLevel.kNotify, message, null, reportButtonLabel, resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, this.SecondaryActionButtonLabel, this.SecondaryActionResult);


            catch (Exception e)
                var fallbackReporter = new WinFormsErrorReporter();
                fallbackReporter.ReportNonFatalException(e, new ShowAlwaysPolicy());

                // NOTE: Each thread needs to make sure it calls Exit() the same number of times as it calls Enter()
                // in order for other threads to be able to acquire the lock later.
                if (!wasAlreadyLocked)
Пример #5
        public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy, string alternateButton1Label,
                                               ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, string message)
            if (!policy.ShouldShowMessage(message))

            if (ErrorReport.IsOkToInteractWithUser)

            throw new ErrorReport.ProblemNotificationSentToUserException(message);
Пример #6
		public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy, string alternateButton1Label,
			ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, string message)
			if (!policy.ShouldShowMessage(message))
				return ErrorResult.OK;

			if (ErrorReport.IsOkToInteractWithUser)
				return ErrorResult.OK;

			throw new ErrorReport.ProblemNotificationSentToUserException(message);
        public ErrorResult NotifyUserOfProblem(IRepeatNoticePolicy policy, string alternateButton1Label,
			ErrorResult resultIfAlternateButtonPressed, string message)
            return policy.ShouldShowMessage(message) &&
                ErrorReporter.ReportException(new Exception(message), m_registryKey, m_supportEmailAddress, m_parentForm, false) ?
                ErrorResult.Abort : ErrorResult.Ignore;