public void KITFixedUpdate(IResourceManager resMan)
            CurrentPowerReq = 0;

            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || !refinery_is_enabled || CurrentActivity == null)
                lastActivityName = string.Empty;

            CurrentPowerReq = PowerReqMult * CurrentActivity.PowerRequirements * BaseProduction;

            var powerRequest = CurrentPowerReq * (powerPercentage / 100);

            ConsumedPowerMw = CheatOptions.InfiniteElectricity
                ? powerRequest
                : resMan.Consume(ResourceName.ElectricCharge, ConsumedPowerMw);

            var powerRatio = CurrentPowerReq > 0 ? ConsumedPowerMw / CurrentPowerReq : 0;

            UtilisationPercentage = powerRatio * 100;

            var productionModifier = ProductionMult * BaseProduction;

            CurrentActivity.UpdateFrame(resMan, powerRatio * productionModifier, powerRatio, productionModifier, _overflowAllowed);

            lastPowerRatio       = powerRatio;                   // save the current power ratio in case the vessel is unloaded
            lastOverflowSettings = _overflowAllowed;             // save the current overflow settings in case the vessel is unloaded
            lastActivityName     = CurrentActivity.ActivityName; // take the string with the name of the current activity, store it in persistent string
            lastClassName        = CurrentActivity.GetType().Name;
        public void FixedUpdate()
            currentPowerReq = 0;

            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || !refinery_is_enabled || currentActivity == null)
                lastActivityName = string.Empty;

            currentPowerReq = powerReqMult * currentActivity.PowerRequirements * baseProduction;

            var requestedPowerRatio = powerPercentage / 100;

            var powerRequest = currentPowerReq * requestedPowerRatio;

            consumedPowerMW = CheatOptions.InfiniteElectricity
                ? powerRequest
                : powerSupply.ConsumeMegajoulesPerSecond(powerRequest);

            var shortage = Math.Max(powerRequest - consumedPowerMW, 0);

            var fixedDeltaTime = (double)(decimal)Math.Round(TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, 7);

            var receivedElectricCharge = part.RequestResource(ResourceSettings.Config.ElectricPowerInKilowatt, shortage *
                                                              GameConstants.ecPerMJ * fixedDeltaTime) / fixedDeltaTime;

            consumedPowerMW += receivedElectricCharge / GameConstants.ecPerMJ;

            var receivedPowerRatio = currentPowerReq > 0 ? consumedPowerMW / currentPowerReq : 0;

            utilisationPercentage = receivedPowerRatio * 100;

            var productionModifier = productionMult * baseProduction;

            currentActivity.UpdateFrame(requestedPowerRatio * receivedPowerRatio * productionModifier, requestedPowerRatio * receivedPowerRatio, requestedPowerRatio * productionModifier, _overflowAllowed, fixedDeltaTime);

            lastPowerRatio       = receivedPowerRatio;           // save the current power ratio in case the vessel is unloaded
            lastOverflowSettings = _overflowAllowed;             // save the current overflow settings in case the vessel is unloaded
            lastActivityName     = currentActivity.ActivityName; // take the string with the name of the current activity, store it in persistent string
            lastClassName        = currentActivity.GetType().Name;
            lastActiveTime       = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();