Пример #1
		public ActivateAbilityOrder(IReferrableAbilityObject source, Ability ability, IReferrable target)
			Owner = Empire.Current;
			Source = source;
			Ability = ability;
			Target = target;
Пример #2
 public SetPlayerNoteCommand(IReferrable target, string note)
     : base(Empire.Current)
     Target = target;
     Note   = note;
Пример #3
 public ClearPlayerNoteCommand(IReferrable target)
     : base(Empire.Current)
     Target = target;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies an object's data to another object. Skips the ID property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to copy.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="src">The object to copy.</param>
 /// <param name="dest">The object to copy the source object's data to.</param>
 public static void CopyToExceptID(this IReferrable src, IReferrable dest, IDCopyBehavior subordinateBehavior)
     src.CopyTo(dest, IDCopyBehavior.PreserveDestination, subordinateBehavior);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Does this object's ID match what the galaxy says it is?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool HasValidID(this IReferrable r)
     return(Galaxy.Current.referrables.ContainsKey(r.ID) && Galaxy.Current.referrables[r.ID] == r);
Пример #6
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var selRows = gridAbilities.SelectedRows.Cast <DataGridViewRow>();

            if (selRows.Count() != 1)
                // TODO - allow activation of multiple abilities at once
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a single ability to activate.");
                dynamic      sel = selRows.Single().DataBoundItem;
                DialogResult result;
                // TODO - "Space Object Destroyed On Use" ability
                if (sel.IsDestroyedOnUse)
                    IAbilityObject toBeDestroyed = sel.Source is IHull ? sobj : sel.Source;
                    result = MessageBox.Show("Activate this ability of " + sel.Source + "?\n" + sel.Ability + "\n" + toBeDestroyed + " will be destroyed!", "Confirm Activation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    result = MessageBox.Show("Activate this ability of " + sel.Source + "?\n" + sel.Ability, "Confirm Activation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    bool needsTarget;
                    IEnumerable <IReferrable> targets = Enumerable.Empty <IReferrable>();
                    IReferrable target     = null;
                    string      targetType = "targets";
                    var         abil       = sel.Ability as Ability;
                    var         src        = sel.Source as IAbilityObject;

                    Func <string> customCheck = () => null;                    // custom check for space objects being able to do stuff
                    // TODO - move custom check functions into a utility class for use on the server side too
                    if (abil.Rule.Matches("Emergency Resupply"))
                        // TODO - allow resupplying other ships nearby?
                        needsTarget = false;
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Emergency Energy"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Self-Destruct"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Open Warp Point"))
                        // find systems in range
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations.Where(l => sobj.StarSystem != l.Item && sobj.StarSystem.Coordinates.EightWayDistance(l.Location) <= abil.Value1.ToInt()).Select(l => l.Item);
                        targetType  = "star systems within {0} light-years".F(abil.Value1);
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Close Warp Point"))
                        // find warp points in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <WarpPoint>();
                        targetType  = "warp points";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Planet"))
                        // find asteroids in sector, and make sure there's at least one star
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <AsteroidField>();
                        targetType  = "asteroid fields";
                        customCheck = () =>
                            if (!sobj.StarSystem.FindSpaceObjects <Star>().Any())
                                return("We can't create a planet in a system without a star.");
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Destroy Planet"))
                        // find planets in sector that are small enough to destroy
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Planet>().Where(p => (int)p.StellarSize <= abil.Value1.ToInt());
                        targetType  = "planets not exceeding size {0}".F(abil.Value1);
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Star"))
                        // make sure this isn't a special star system but it doesn't have any stars in it
                        needsTarget = false;
                        customCheck = () =>
                            // TODO - implement star system physical type

                             * if (sobj.StarSystem.PhysicalType != StarSystemPhysicalType.Empty)
                             *      return "We can only create a star in an empty system.";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Destroy Star"))
                        // find stars in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Star>();
                        targetType  = "stars";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Storm"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Destroy Storm"))
                        // find storms in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Storm>();
                        targetType  = "storms";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Nebula"))
                        // don't need to pick a star, just make sure one exists
                        needsTarget = false;
                        customCheck = () =>
                            if (!sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Star>().Any())
                                return("Creating a nebula requires a star in the sector.");
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Destroy Nebula"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                        customCheck = () =>
                            // TODO - implement star system physical type

                             * if (sobj.StarSystem.PhysicalType != StarSystemPhysicalType.Nebulae)
                             *      return "There is no nebula in this system to destroy.";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Black Hole"))
                        // don't need to pick a star, just make sure one exists
                        needsTarget = false;
                        customCheck = () =>
                            if (!sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Star>().Any())
                                return("Creating a black hole requires a star in the sector.");
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Destroy Black Hole"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                        customCheck = () =>
                            // TODO - implement star system physical type

                             * if (sobj.StarSystem.PhysicalType != StarSystemPhysicalType.BlackHole)
                             *      return "There is no black hole in this system to destroy.";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Star"))
                        // find stars in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Star>();
                        targetType  = "stars";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Planet"))
                        // find planets in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Planet>();
                        targetType  = "planets";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Storm"))
                        // find storms in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <Storm>();
                        targetType  = "storms";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Warp Point"))
                        // find warp points in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <WarpPoint>();
                        targetType  = "warp points";
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Asteroids"))
                        // find asteroids in sector
                        needsTarget = true;
                        targets     = sobj.Sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <AsteroidField>();
                    else if (abil.Rule.Matches("Create Constructed Planet From Space"))
                        needsTarget = false;
                        MessageBox.Show(abil + " cannot be activated.");

                    // check for targets
                    if (needsTarget)
                        if (!targets.Any())
                            MessageBox.Show("There are no suitable {0} available.".F(targetType));

                    // check custom conditions
                    var error = customCheck();
                    if (error != null)

                    // pick target
                    if (needsTarget)
                        var picker = new GenericPickerForm(targets);
                        if (picker.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                            target = picker.SelectedObject as IReferrable;

                    // issue command
                    var order = new ActivateAbilityOrder(sel.Source, sel.Ability, target);
                    var cmd   = new AddOrderCommand(sobj, order);