Пример #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public V1Pod BuildFrom(ImprovementContext context, IRecipe recipe)
            var pod = new V1Pod {
                Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta {
                    Name = context.Improvement.Id.ToString(),
                    NamespaceProperty = "dolittle-builds",
                    Labels            = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { PodLabels.RecipeType, recipe.GetType().Name },
                        { PodLabels.Version, context.Version },
                        { PodLabels.Tenant, context.Tenant.ToString() },
                        { PodLabels.Improvement, context.Improvement.Id.ToString() },
                        { PodLabels.Improvable, context.Improvement.Improvable.ToString() },

                Spec = new V1PodSpec {
                    RestartPolicy = "Never",

                    Containers = new [] {
                        new V1Container {
                            Name    = "done",
                            Image   = "alpine:3.9",
                            Command = new [] { "/bin/true" },

                    Volumes = new [] {
                        new V1Volume {
                            Name      = "azure",
                            AzureFile = new V1AzureFileVolumeSource {
                                ShareName        = "continuousimprovement",
                                SecretName       = "azure-storage-secret",
                                ReadOnlyProperty = false,
                        new V1Volume {
                            Name     = "workdir",
                            EmptyDir = new V1EmptyDirVolumeSource {

            var containers = pod.Spec.InitContainers = new List <V1Container>();

            // Copy the loghandler binary to the workdir before anything else
            containers.Add(new V1Container {
                Name         = "copy-loghandler-to-workdir",
                Image        = "alpine:3.9",
                Command      = new [] { "/bin/cp", "/azure-binaries/loghandler", "/workdir-binaries/loghandler" },
                VolumeMounts = new [] {
                    new V1VolumeMount {
                        Name      = "azure",
                        SubPath   = "binaries",
                        MountPath = "/azure-binaries/",
                    new V1VolumeMount {
                        Name      = "workdir",
                        SubPath   = "binaries",
                        MountPath = "/workdir-binaries/",

            // Prepare the actual build steps
            StepNumber stepNumber = 0;

            recipe.GetStepsFor(context).ForEach(step => {
                StepNumber subStepNumber = 0;
                step.GetContainersFor(stepNumber, context).ForEach(subStep => {

                    // Prepend the name of the container with step-N-M- to identify the step later
                    subStep.Name = $"step-{stepNumber}-{subStepNumber}-{subStep.Name}";

                    // Use the log handler to run the actual command
                    subStep.Command = subStep.Command.Prepend("/dolittle/loghandler").ToList();

                    if (subStep.Env == null)
                        subStep.Env = new List <V1EnvVar>();
                    subStep.Env.Add(new V1EnvVar {
                        Name = "DOLITTLE_BUILD_LOG_RAW_PATH", Value = $"/steps/{stepNumber}.log"
                    subStep.Env.Add(new V1EnvVar {
                        Name = "DOLITTLE_BUILD_LOG_PARSED_PATH", Value = $"/steps/{stepNumber}.json"
                    subStep.Env.Add(new V1EnvVar {
                        Name = "DOLITTLE_BUILD_LOG_PARSER", Value = step.GetLogParserNameFor(stepNumber, context)

                    if (subStep.VolumeMounts == null)
                        subStep.VolumeMounts = new List <V1VolumeMount>();
                    subStep.VolumeMounts = subStep.VolumeMounts.Concat(new []   {
                        new V1VolumeMount {
                            Name      = "azure",
                            SubPath   = context.GetImprovementSubPath("steps"),
                            MountPath = "/steps/",
                        new V1VolumeMount {
                            Name      = "workdir",
                            SubPath   = "binaries",
                            MountPath = "/dolittle/",

