Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Take responsibility for a new queues that was assigned to me via a new range.
        /// We first store the new queue in our internal data structure, try to initialize it and start a pumping timer.
        /// ERROR HANDLING:
        ///     The resposibility to handle initializatoion and shutdown failures is inside the INewQueueAdapterReceiver code.
        ///     The agent will call Initialize once and log an error. It will not call initiliaze again.
        ///     The receiver itself may attempt later to recover from this error and do initialization again.
        ///     The agent will assume initialization has succeeded and will subsequently start calling pumping receive.
        ///     Same applies to shutdown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qAdapter"></param>
        /// <param name="queueAdapterCache"></param>
        /// <param name="failureHandler"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Initialize(Immutable <IQueueAdapter> qAdapter, Immutable <IQueueAdapterCache> queueAdapterCache, Immutable <IStreamFailureHandler> failureHandler)
            if (qAdapter.Value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("qAdapter", "Init: queueAdapter should not be null");
            if (failureHandler.Value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("failureHandler", "Init: streamDeliveryFailureHandler should not be null");

            logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Init of {0} {1} on silo {2} for queue {3}.",
                        GetType().Name, GrainId.ToDetailedString(), Silo, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());

            // Remove cast once we cleanup
            queueAdapter         = qAdapter.Value;
            streamFailureHandler = failureHandler.Value;

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, String.Format("Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver."), exc);

                if (queueAdapterCache.Value != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.Value.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, String.Format("Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache."), exc);

                var task = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => receiver.Initialize(initQueueTimeout));
                task = task.LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_03, String.Format("QueueAdapterReceiver {0} failed to Initialize.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode()));
                await task;
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Initialize has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Initialize. No need to log again.
            // Setup a reader for a new receiver.
            // Even if the receiver failed to initialise, treat it as OK and start pumping it. It's receiver responsibility to retry initialization.
            var randomTimerOffset = safeRandom.NextTimeSpan(queueGetPeriod);

            timer = providerRuntime.RegisterTimer(AsyncTimerCallback, QueueId, randomTimerOffset, queueGetPeriod);

            logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_04, "Taking queue {0} under my responsibility.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
        private async Task AsyncTimerCallback(object state)
                var myQueueId = (QueueId)(state);
                if (timer == null)
                    return;                // timer was already removed, last tick
                IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr = receiver;

                // loop through the queue until it is empty.
                while (true)
                    // Retrive one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events.
                    IEnumerable <IBatchContainer> msgsEnumerable = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync();

                    List <IBatchContainer> multiBatch = null;
                    if (msgsEnumerable != null)
                        multiBatch = msgsEnumerable.ToList();

                    if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0)
                        return;                                              // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
                    numMessages += multiBatch.Count;
                    if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                        logger.Verbose2((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_11, "Got {0} messages from queue {1}. So far {2} msgs from this queue.",
                                        multiBatch.Count, myQueueId.ToStringWithHashCode(), numMessages);

                    foreach (var group in multiBatch.Where(m => m != null)
                             .GroupBy(container => new Tuple <Guid, string>(container.StreamGuid, container.StreamNamespace)))
                        var streamId = StreamId.GetStreamId(group.Key.Item1, queueAdapter.Name, group.Key.Item2);
                        StreamConsumerCollection streamData;
                        if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))
                            StartInactiveCursors(streamId, streamData); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
                            RegisterStream(streamId, group.First().SequenceToken); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system
            catch (Exception exc)
                             String.Format("Exception while PersistentStreamPullingAgentGrain.AsyncTimerCallback"), exc);
        private void InitializeInternal()
                "Init of {Name} {Id} on silo {Silo} for queue {Queue}.",

            lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (queueAdapterCache != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.LogError((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, exc, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache.");

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.LogError((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, exc, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver.");

                receiverInitTask = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => receiver.Initialize(this.options.InitQueueTimeout))
                                   .LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_03, $"QueueAdapterReceiver {QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode()} failed to Initialize.");
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Initialize has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Initialize. No need to log again.

            // Setup a reader for a new receiver.
            // Even if the receiver failed to initialise, treat it as OK and start pumping it. It's receiver responsibility to retry initialization.
            var randomTimerOffset = ThreadSafeRandom.NextTimeSpan(this.options.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            timer = RegisterGrainTimer(AsyncTimerCallback, QueueId, randomTimerOffset, this.options.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_PUBSUB_CACHE_SIZE, StatisticUniquePostfix), () => pubSubCache.Count);

            logger.LogInformation((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_04, "Taking queue {Queue} under my responsibility.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
        private void InitializeInternal(IQueueAdapter qAdapter, IQueueAdapterCache queueAdapterCache, IStreamFailureHandler failureHandler)
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Init of {0} {1} on silo {2} for queue {3}.",
                        GetType().Name, ((ISystemTargetBase)this).GrainId.ToDetailedString(), Silo, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());

            // Remove cast once we cleanup
            queueAdapter               = qAdapter;
            streamFailureHandler       = failureHandler;
            lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = DateTime.UtcNow;

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver.", exc);

                if (queueAdapterCache != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache.", exc);

                receiverInitTask = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => receiver.Initialize(config.InitQueueTimeout))
                                   .LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_03, $"QueueAdapterReceiver {QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode()} failed to Initialize.");
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Initialize has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Initialize. No need to log again.
            // Setup a reader for a new receiver.
            // Even if the receiver failed to initialise, treat it as OK and start pumping it. It's receiver responsibility to retry initialization.
            var randomTimerOffset = safeRandom.NextTimeSpan(config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            timer = RegisterTimer(AsyncTimerCallback, QueueId, randomTimerOffset, config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_04, "Taking queue {0} under my responsibility.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
        /// <summary>
        /// Read from queue.
        /// Returns true, if data was read, false if it was not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myQueueId"></param>
        /// <param name="rcvr"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCacheAddCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <bool> ReadFromQueue(QueueId myQueueId, IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr, int maxCacheAddCount)
            if (rcvr == null)

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Try to cleanup the pubsub cache at the cadence of 10 times in the configurable StreamInactivityPeriod.
            if ((now - lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache) >= config.StreamInactivityPeriod.Divide(StreamInactivityCheckFrequency))
                lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = now;

            if (queueCache != null)
                IList <IBatchContainer> purgedItems;
                if (queueCache.TryPurgeFromCache(out purgedItems))
                        await rcvr.MessagesDeliveredAsync(purgedItems);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                                    $"Exception calling MessagesDeliveredAsync on queue {myQueueId}. Ignoring.", exc);

            if (queueCache != null && queueCache.IsUnderPressure())
                // Under back pressure. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
                logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_24, "Stream cache is under pressure. Backing off.");

            // Retrieve one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events.
            IList <IBatchContainer> multiBatch = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync(maxCacheAddCount);

            if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0)
                return(false);                                             // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
            numMessages += multiBatch.Count;
            if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                logger.Verbose2(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_11, "Got {0} messages from queue {1}. So far {2} msgs from this queue.",
                                multiBatch.Count, myQueueId.ToStringWithHashCode(), numMessages);

            foreach (var group in
                     .Where(m => m != null)
                     .GroupBy(container => new Tuple <Guid, string>(container.StreamGuid, container.StreamNamespace)))
                var streamId = StreamId.GetStreamId(group.Key.Item1, queueAdapter.Name, group.Key.Item2);
                StreamSequenceToken      startToken = group.First().SequenceToken;
                StreamConsumerCollection streamData;
                if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))
                    StartInactiveCursors(streamData, startToken); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
                    RegisterStream(streamId, startToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system
        public async Task Shutdown()
            // Stop pulling from queues that are not in my range anymore.
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_05, "Shutdown of {0} responsible for queue: {1}", GetType().Name, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());

            if (timer != null)
                IDisposable tmp = timer;
                timer = null;

            this.queueCache = null;

            Task localReceiverInitTask = receiverInitTask;

            if (localReceiverInitTask != null)
                    await localReceiverInitTask;
                    receiverInitTask = null;
                catch (Exception)
                    receiverInitTask = null;
                    // squelch

                IQueueAdapterReceiver localReceiver = this.receiver;
                this.receiver = null;
                if (localReceiver != null)
                    var task = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => localReceiver.Shutdown(config.InitQueueTimeout));
                    task = task.LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_07,
                                             $"QueueAdapterReceiver {QueueId} failed to Shutdown.");
                    await task;
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Shutdown has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Shutdown. No need to log again.

            var unregisterTasks    = new List <Task>();
            var meAsStreamProducer = this.AsReference <IStreamProducerExtension>();

            foreach (var tuple in pubSubCache)
                var streamId = tuple.Key;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_06, "Unregister PersistentStreamPullingAgent Producer for stream {0}.", streamId);
                unregisterTasks.Add(pubSub.UnregisterProducer(streamId, streamProviderName, meAsStreamProducer));

                await Task.WhenAll(unregisterTasks);
            catch (Exception exc)
                            "Failed to unregister myself as stream producer to some streams that used to be in my responsibility.", exc);
            IntValueStatistic.Delete(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_PUBSUB_CACHE_SIZE, StatisticUniquePostfix));
            //IntValueStatistic.Delete(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_QUEUE_CACHE_SIZE, StatisticUniquePostfix));
        private async Task AsyncTimerCallback(object state)
                var myQueueId = (QueueId)(state);
                if (IsShutdown) return; // timer was already removed, last tick
                IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr = receiver;
                int maxCacheAddCount = queueCache != null ? queueCache.MaxAddCount : QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG;

                // loop through the queue until it is empty.
                while (!IsShutdown) // timer will be set to null when we are asked to shudown. 
                    var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // Try to cleanup the pubsub cache at the cadence of 10 times in the configurable StreamInactivityPeriod.
                    if ((now - lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache) >= config.StreamInactivityPeriod.Divide(StreamInactivityCheckFrequency))
                        lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = now;

                    if (queueCache != null)
                        IList<IBatchContainer> purgedItems;
                        if (queueCache.TryPurgeFromCache(out purgedItems))
                                await rcvr.MessagesDeliveredAsync(purgedItems);
                            catch (Exception exc)
                                    String.Format("Exception calling MessagesDeliveredAsync on queue {0}. Ignoring.", myQueueId), exc);

                    if (queueCache != null && queueCache.IsUnderPressure())
                        // Under back pressure. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
                        logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_24, "Stream cache is under pressure. Backing off.");

                    // Retrive one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events.
                    IList<IBatchContainer> multiBatch = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync(maxCacheAddCount);
                    if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0) return; // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.

                    if (queueCache != null)
                    numMessages += multiBatch.Count;
                    if (logger.IsVerbose2) logger.Verbose2((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_11, "Got {0} messages from queue {1}. So far {2} msgs from this queue.",
                        multiBatch.Count, myQueueId.ToStringWithHashCode(), numMessages);
                    foreach (var group in 
                        .Where(m => m != null)
                        .GroupBy(container => new Tuple<Guid, string>(container.StreamGuid, container.StreamNamespace)))
                        var streamId = StreamId.GetStreamId(group.Key.Item1, queueAdapter.Name, group.Key.Item2);
                        StreamConsumerCollection streamData;
                        if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))
                            StartInactiveCursors(streamData); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
                            RegisterStream(streamId, group.First().SequenceToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_12, "Exception while PersistentStreamPullingAgentGrain.AsyncTimerCallback", exc);
        /// <summary>
        /// Take responsibility for a new queues that was assigned to me via a new range.
        /// We first store the new queue in our internal data structure, try to initialize it and start a pumping timer.
        /// ERROR HANDLING:
        ///     The resposibility to handle initializatoion and shutdown failures is inside the INewQueueAdapterReceiver code.
        ///     The agent will call Initialize once and log an error. It will not call initiliaze again.
        ///     The receiver itself may attempt later to recover from this error and do initialization again. 
        ///     The agent will assume initialization has succeeded and will subsequently start calling pumping receive.
        ///     Same applies to shutdown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qAdapter"></param>
        /// <param name="queueAdapterCache"></param>
        /// <param name="failureHandler"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Initialize(Immutable<IQueueAdapter> qAdapter, Immutable<IQueueAdapterCache> queueAdapterCache, Immutable<IStreamFailureHandler> failureHandler)
            if (qAdapter.Value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("qAdapter", "Init: queueAdapter should not be null");
            if (failureHandler.Value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("failureHandler", "Init: streamDeliveryFailureHandler should not be null");

            logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Init of {0} {1} on silo {2} for queue {3}.",
                GetType().Name, GrainId.ToDetailedString(), Silo, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
            // Remove cast once we cleanup
            queueAdapter = qAdapter.Value;
            streamFailureHandler = failureHandler.Value;
            lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = DateTime.UtcNow;

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver.", exc);

                if (queueAdapterCache.Value != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.Value.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache.", exc);

                var task = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => receiver.Initialize(config.InitQueueTimeout));
                task = task.LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_03, String.Format("QueueAdapterReceiver {0} failed to Initialize.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode()));
                await task;
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Initialize has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Initialize. No need to log again.
            // Setup a reader for a new receiver. 
            // Even if the receiver failed to initialise, treat it as OK and start pumping it. It's receiver responsibility to retry initialization.
            var randomTimerOffset = safeRandom.NextTimeSpan(config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);
            timer = base.RegisterTimer(AsyncTimerCallback, QueueId, randomTimerOffset, config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            logger.Info((int) ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_04, "Taking queue {0} under my responsibility.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
        internal PersistentStreamPullingAgent(
            SystemTargetGrainId id,
            string strProviderName,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
            IStreamPubSub streamPubSub,
            IStreamFilter streamFilter,
            QueueId queueId,
            StreamPullingAgentOptions options,
            SiloAddress siloAddress,
            IQueueAdapter queueAdapter,
            IQueueAdapterCache queueAdapterCache,
            IStreamFailureHandler streamFailureHandler)
            : base(id, siloAddress, true, loggerFactory)
            if (strProviderName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("runtime", "PersistentStreamPullingAgent: strProviderName should not be null");

            QueueId                   = queueId;
            streamProviderName        = strProviderName;
            pubSub                    = streamPubSub;
            this.streamFilter         = streamFilter;
            pubSubCache               = new Dictionary <InternalStreamId, StreamConsumerCollection>();
            this.options              = options;
            this.queueAdapter         = queueAdapter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queueAdapter));
            this.streamFailureHandler = streamFailureHandler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(streamFailureHandler));;
            numMessages               = 0;

            logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"{this.GetType().Namespace}.{streamProviderName}");
                        "Created {0} {1} for Stream Provider {2} on silo {3} for Queue {4}.",
                        GetType().Name, ((ISystemTargetBase)this).GrainId.ToString(), streamProviderName, Silo, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
            numReadMessagesCounter = CounterStatistic.FindOrCreate(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_NUM_READ_MESSAGES, StatisticUniquePostfix));
            numSentMessagesCounter = CounterStatistic.FindOrCreate(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_NUM_SENT_MESSAGES, StatisticUniquePostfix));
            // TODO: move queue cache size statistics tracking into queue cache implementation once Telemetry APIs and LogStatistics have been reconciled.
            //IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(new StatisticName(StatisticNames.STREAMS_PERSISTENT_STREAM_QUEUE_CACHE_SIZE, statUniquePostfix), () => queueCache != null ? queueCache.Size : 0);

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver.", exc);

                if (queueAdapterCache != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache.", exc);
Пример #10
        public IQueueAdapterReceiver CreateReceiver(QueueId queueId)
            IQueueAdapterReceiver receiver = (IQueueAdapterReceiver) new MemoryAdapterReceiver(GetQueueGrain(queueId), logger);

        private void InitializeInternal(IQueueAdapter qAdapter, IQueueAdapterCache queueAdapterCache, IStreamFailureHandler failureHandler)
            logger.Info(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Init of {0} {1} on silo {2} for queue {3}.",
                GetType().Name, GrainId.ToDetailedString(), Silo, QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());

            // Remove cast once we cleanup
            queueAdapter = qAdapter;
            streamFailureHandler = failureHandler;
            lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = DateTime.UtcNow;

                receiver = queueAdapter.CreateReceiver(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_02, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapter.CreateNewReceiver.", exc);

                if (queueAdapterCache != null)
                    queueCache = queueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache(QueueId);
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_23, "Exception while calling IQueueAdapterCache.CreateQueueCache.", exc);

                receiverInitTask = OrleansTaskExtentions.SafeExecute(() => receiver.Initialize(config.InitQueueTimeout))
                    .LogException(logger, ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_03, $"QueueAdapterReceiver {QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode()} failed to Initialize.");
                // Just ignore this exception and proceed as if Initialize has succeeded.
                // We already logged individual exceptions for individual calls to Initialize. No need to log again.
            // Setup a reader for a new receiver. 
            // Even if the receiver failed to initialise, treat it as OK and start pumping it. It's receiver responsibility to retry initialization.
            var randomTimerOffset = safeRandom.NextTimeSpan(config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);
            timer = RegisterTimer(AsyncTimerCallback, QueueId, randomTimerOffset, config.GetQueueMsgsTimerPeriod);

            logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_04, "Taking queue {0} under my responsibility.", QueueId.ToStringWithHashCode());
        /// <summary>
        /// Read from queue.
        /// Returns true, if data was read, false if it was not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myQueueId"></param>
        /// <param name="rcvr"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCacheAddCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task<bool> ReadFromQueue(QueueId myQueueId, IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr, int maxCacheAddCount)
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                // Try to cleanup the pubsub cache at the cadence of 10 times in the configurable StreamInactivityPeriod.
                if ((now - lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache) >= config.StreamInactivityPeriod.Divide(StreamInactivityCheckFrequency))
                    lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = now;

                if (queueCache != null)
                    IList<IBatchContainer> purgedItems;
                    if (queueCache.TryPurgeFromCache(out purgedItems))
                            await rcvr.MessagesDeliveredAsync(purgedItems);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                                $"Exception calling MessagesDeliveredAsync on queue {myQueueId}. Ignoring.", exc);

                if (queueCache != null && queueCache.IsUnderPressure())
                    // Under back pressure. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
                    logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_24, "Stream cache is under pressure. Backing off.");
                    return false;

                // Retrive one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events.
                IList<IBatchContainer> multiBatch = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync(maxCacheAddCount);

                if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0) return false; // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.

                numMessages += multiBatch.Count;
                if (logger.IsVerbose2) logger.Verbose2(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_11, "Got {0} messages from queue {1}. So far {2} msgs from this queue.",
                    multiBatch.Count, myQueueId.ToStringWithHashCode(), numMessages);

                foreach (var group in
                    .Where(m => m != null)
                    .GroupBy(container => new Tuple<Guid, string>(container.StreamGuid, container.StreamNamespace)))
                    var streamId = StreamId.GetStreamId(group.Key.Item1, queueAdapter.Name, group.Key.Item2);
                    StreamConsumerCollection streamData;
                    if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))
                        StartInactiveCursors(streamData); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
                        RegisterStream(streamId, group.First().SequenceToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system
                return true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_28, "Exception while reading from queue.", exc);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Read from queue.
        /// Returns true, if data was read, false if it was not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myQueueId"></param>
        /// <param name="rcvr"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCacheAddCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <bool> ReadFromQueue(QueueId myQueueId, IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr, int maxCacheAddCount)
            if (rcvr == null)

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Try to cleanup the pubsub cache at the cadence of 10 times in the configurable StreamInactivityPeriod.
            if ((now - lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache) >= this.options.StreamInactivityPeriod.Divide(StreamInactivityCheckFrequency))
                lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = now;

            if (queueCache != null)
                IList <IBatchContainer> purgedItems;
                if (queueCache.TryPurgeFromCache(out purgedItems))
                        await rcvr.MessagesDeliveredAsync(purgedItems);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                            "Exception calling MessagesDeliveredAsync on queue {MyQueueId}. Ignoring.",

            if (queueCache != null && queueCache.IsUnderPressure())
                // Under back pressure. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
                logger.LogInformation((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_24, "Stream cache is under pressure. Backing off.");

            // Retrieve one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events.
            IList <IBatchContainer> multiBatch = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync(maxCacheAddCount);

            if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0)
                return(false);                                             // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback.
            numMessages += multiBatch.Count;
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                    "Got {ReceivedCount} messages from queue {Queue}. So far {MessageCount} messages from this queue.",

            foreach (var group in
                     .Where(m => m != null)
                     .GroupBy(container => container.StreamId))
                var streamId = new InternalStreamId(queueAdapter.Name, group.Key);
                StreamSequenceToken      startToken = group.First().SequenceToken;
                StreamConsumerCollection streamData;
                if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))
                    if (streamData.StreamRegistered)
                                             startToken); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
                        if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                                $"Pulled new messages in stream {streamId} from the queue, but pulling agent haven't succeeded in" +
                                $"RegisterStream yet, will start deliver on this stream after RegisterStream succeeded");
                    RegisterStream(streamId, startToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system