private List <SemanticExceptionItem> CheckObjectSelectionPathInEnvironment(Class selectedClass, IQueryTree osp, Environment ev, out Class cls) { List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); cls = selectedClass; if (osp != null && cls != null) { string attributeName = osp.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenValue; if (selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == attributeName).Count() == 0) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(osp.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenName, string.Format("Unknown attribute name '{0}'", attributeName), osp.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenLine, osp.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenCol)); } else { string newClass = cls.fields.Where(p => == attributeName).Single().type; cls = GetClassFromEnvironment(newClass, ev); if (cls == null) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(osp.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown type {0}", newClass), osp.TokenLine, osp.TokenCol)); } else { IQueryTree tail = osp.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Path_Tail").Single(); exceptions.AddRange(CheckPathTailInEnvironment(cls, tail, ev, out cls)); } } } return(exceptions); }
protected string GetNumber(IQueryTree numerQueryTree) { if (numerQueryTree.ProductionsList == null) { return(numerQueryTree.TokenValue); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); numerQueryTree.ProductionsList.ToList().ForEach(q => sb.Append(GetNumber(q))); return(sb.ToString()); }
protected object GetLiteral(IQueryTree literalQueryTree) { switch (literalQueryTree.TokenName) { case TokenName.LITERAL: return(GetLiteral(literalQueryTree.ProductionsList.Single())); case TokenName.NUMBER: var IsFloat = literalQueryTree.ProductionsList.Any(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.FLOAT_PRESICION); var number = GetNumber(literalQueryTree); return(IsFloat ? (object)Double.Parse(number, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : Int32.Parse(number, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); case TokenName.STRING_VALUE: return(literalQueryTree.TokenValue); case TokenName.BOOL_VALUE: if (literalQueryTree.TokenValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE") { return(true); } else if (literalQueryTree.TokenValue.ToUpper() == "FALSE") { return(false); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown BOOL_VALUE token value: " + literalQueryTree.TokenValue); } case TokenName.NULL_VALUE: return(null); default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown LITERAL token: " + literalQueryTree.TokenName); } }
internal override DTOQueryResult Execute(IQueryTree queryTree) { switch (queryTree.TokenName) { case TokenName.STATEMENT: DTOQueryResult qr = null; DTOQueryResult lastQr = null; foreach (var subTree in queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName != TokenName.SEMICOLON)) { var res = Execute(subTree); if (qr == null) { lastQr = qr = res; } else { lastQr.NextResult = res; lastQr = lastQr.NextDTOResult; } } return(qr); case TokenName.SYSTEM_OPERATION: return(Execute(queryTree.ProductionsList[0])); case TokenName.GET_SYSTEM_INFO: var sb = new StringBuilder(); var sw = new StringWriter(sb); var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SystemInfo)); xmlSerializer.Serialize(sw, _systemInfo); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.SystemInfo, StringOutput = sb.ToString() }); case TokenName.CREATE_DATABASE: try { var dbName = queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; var did = _storage.CreateDatabase(new DatabaseParameters(dbName, _settingsManager)); _log(string.Format("new database created as {0}", did), MessageLevel.Info); var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); var sw2 = new StringWriter(sb2); var xmlSerializer2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInfo)); var db = _storage.GetDatabase(did); xmlSerializer2.Serialize(sw2, new DatabaseInfo() { Name = db.Name, Classes = db.Schema.Classes.Select(c => new DatabaseClass { Name = c.Value.Name, Interface = c.Value.Interface, Fields = db.Schema.Properties.Values.Where(p => p.ParentClassId == c.Value.ClassId.Id) .Select(f => new Field { Name = f.Name, Type = f.Type }) .ToList(), Methods = db.Schema.Methods.ContainsKey(c.Key) ? db.Schema.Methods[c.Key] : new List <string>() }).ToList() }); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.DatabaseInfo, StringOutput = sb2.ToString() }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Error during database creation: " + ex.ToString() }); } case TokenName.CLASS_DECLARATION: case TokenName.INTERFACE_DECLARATION: if (_database == null) { _log("Database is required!", MessageLevel.Error); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Error ocured while class creation" }); } bool isClass = queryTree.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_DECLARATION; var desc = isClass ? "Class" : "Interface"; var newClassName = (queryTree.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_DECLARATION ? queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_NAME) : queryTree) .ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; if (_database.Schema.Classes.Any(c => c.Value.Name.ToUpper() == newClassName.ToUpper())) { return new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = desc + " with name: " + newClassName + " arleady exists!" } } ; var classId = new ClassId { Name = newClassName, Id = (_database.Schema.Classes.Max(d => (long?)d.Key.Id) ?? 0) + 1 }; var classDef = new Class { ClassId = classId, Name = newClassName }; foreach (var attr in queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.ATTRIBUTE_DEC_STM) ) { var attrName = (isClass ? attr.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.ATTRIBUTE_NAME) : attr) .ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; var typeName = attr.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.DATA_TYPE) .ProductionsList.Single(); var propertyId = new PropertyId { Id = 1 + _database.Schema.Properties.Max(p => (long?)p.Key.Id) ?? 0, Name = attrName, ParentClassId = classId.Id }; _database.Schema.Properties.TryAdd(propertyId, new Property { ParentClassId = classId.Id, Name = attrName, PropertyId = propertyId, Type = typeName.TokenValue, IsValueType = typeName.TokenName != TokenName.NAME }); } _database.Schema.Methods.TryAdd(classId, new List <string>()); foreach (var meth in queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.METHOD_DEC_STM)) { var methName = (isClass ? meth.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.METHOD_NAME) : meth) .ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; _database.Schema.Methods[classId].Add(methName); } foreach (var rel in queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.RELATION_DEC_STM)) { var attrName = rel.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; string typeName = rel.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.DATA_TYPE) .ProductionsList.Single() .TokenValue; var propertyId = new PropertyId { Id = 1 + (_database.Schema.Properties.Max(p => (long?)p.Key.Id) ?? 0), Name = attrName, ParentClassId = classId.Id }; _database.Schema.Properties.TryAdd(propertyId, new Property { ParentClassId = classId.Id, Name = attrName, PropertyId = propertyId, Type = typeName, IsValueType = false }); } if (!_database.Schema.Classes.TryAdd(classId, classDef)) { _log("Could not define new " + desc.ToLower(), MessageLevel.Error); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Error ocured while class creation" }); } _storage.SaveSchema(_database.Schema); _log("Defined new class: " + newClassName, MessageLevel.QueryExecution); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "New " + desc.ToLower() + ": " + newClassName + " created." }); case TokenName.DROP: if (_database == null) { _log("Database is required!", MessageLevel.Error); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Error ocured while class droping" }); } var className = queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_NAME) .ProductionsList.Single(t => t.TokenName == TokenName.NAME).TokenValue; Class classToDrop = GetClass(className); Class dropedClass; if (!_database.Schema.Classes.TryRemove(classToDrop.ClassId, out dropedClass)) { _log("Could not define new", MessageLevel.Error); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Error ocured while class droping" }); } _storage.SaveSchema(_database.Schema); _log("Droped class: " + dropedClass.Name, MessageLevel.QueryExecution); return(new DTOQueryResult() { NextResult = null, QueryResults = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Class:" + dropedClass.Name + " droped." }); case TokenName.NEW_OBJECT: return(base.Execute(queryTree)); default: //if (_doOnDataServers != null) // _doOnDataServers(queryTree); return(base.Execute(queryTree)); } }
private List <SemanticExceptionItem> CheckClauseExpressionInEnvironment(Class selectedClass, IQueryTree clause, Environment ev) { List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); Class cls = selectedClass; foreach (IQueryTree qt in clause.ProductionsList) { if (qt.TokenName == "Clause") { foreach (IQueryTree q in qt.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenValue == string.Empty)) { if (q.TokenName == "Expression_Factor") { exceptions.AddRange(CheckExpressionFactorInEnvironment(cls, q, ev, out cls)); } else if (q.TokenName == "Collection_Source") { exceptions.AddRange(analize(q.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Get_Expression").Single(), ev)); exceptions.AddRange(CheckExpressionFactorInEnvironment(cls, q.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Expression_Factor").Single(), ev, out cls)); } } } else if (qt.TokenName == "Clause_Tail") { exceptions.AddRange(CheckClauseExpressionInEnvironment(cls, qt.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Clause_Expr").Single(), ev)); } } return(exceptions); }
private List <SemanticExceptionItem> CheckExpressionFactorInEnvironment(Class selectedClass, IQueryTree query, Environment ev, out Class cls) { List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); cls = selectedClass; IQueryTree qt = query.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenValue == string.Empty).Single(); switch (qt.TokenName) { case "Expression_Atom": IQueryTree atom = qt.ProductionsList.First(); switch (atom.TokenName) { case "NAME": if (!CheckClassForField(cls, atom.TokenValue)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(atom.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown field '{0}'", atom.TokenValue), atom.TokenLine, atom.TokenCol)); } else { cls = GetClassFromEnvironment(selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == atom.TokenValue).Single().type, ev); } break; case "Literal": IQueryTree constant = atom.ProductionsList.First(); switch (constant.TokenName) { case "STRING_VALUE": cls = GetClassFromEnvironment("String", ev); break; case "INTEGER_VALUE": cls = GetClassFromEnvironment("Int", ev); break; case "FLOAT_VALUE": cls = GetClassFromEnvironment("Float", ev); break; case "BOOL_VALUE": cls = GetClassFromEnvironment("Bool", ev); break; } break; default: break; } break; case "Object_Selection_Path": exceptions.AddRange(CheckObjectSelectionPathInEnvironment(cls, qt, ev, out cls)); break; case "Binary_Expr": foreach (IQueryTree q in qt.ProductionsList) { if (q.TokenName == "Expression_Factor") { exceptions.AddRange(CheckExpressionFactorInEnvironment(cls, q, ev, out cls)); } else if (q.TokenName == "Right_Expr") { exceptions.AddRange(CheckExpressionFactorInEnvironment(cls, q.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Expression_Factor").Single(), ev, out cls)); } } break; default: break; } return(exceptions); }
private List <SemanticExceptionItem> CheckPathTailInEnvironment(Class selectedClass, IQueryTree tail, Environment ev, out Class cls) { List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); cls = selectedClass; var firstElem = tail.ProductionsList.First(); switch (firstElem.TokenName) { case "NAME": if (selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == tail.TokenValue).Count() != 1) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(tail.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown attribute name '{0}'", tail.TokenValue), tail.TokenLine, tail.TokenCol)); } else { cls = GetClassFromEnvironment(selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == tail.TokenValue).Single().type, ev); } break; case "Executable_Method": string methodName = firstElem.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenValue; if (selectedClass.methods.Where(p => == methodName).Count() == 0) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(firstElem.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown method name '{0}'", methodName), firstElem.ProductionsList.First().TokenLine, firstElem.ProductionsList.First().TokenCol)); } /* * UWAGA: uproszczenie! * brak sprawdzania argumentów dla wywoływanych metod * jeżeli istnieje więcej, niż jedna metoda o identycznej nazwie, to uznaję, że zwracanym typem * przez jej wszystkie implmentacje jest typ, który wystąpi jako pierwszy w modelu */ else { cls = GetClassFromEnvironment(selectedClass.methods.Where(p => == methodName).First().returnedType, ev); if (tail.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Path_Tail").Count() == 1) { exceptions.AddRange(CheckPathTailInEnvironment(cls, tail.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Path_Tail").Single(), ev, out cls)); } } break; case "Object_Selection_Path": exceptions.AddRange(CheckObjectSelectionPathInEnvironment(selectedClass, firstElem, ev, out cls)); break; default: break; } return(exceptions); }
private List <SemanticExceptionItem> CheckGetListItemsInEnvironment(Class selectedClass, IQueryTree qt, Environment ev) { if (selectedClass == null) { throw new Exception("Unexcpected operation!"); } List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); Class newClass = null; if (qt == null) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(qt.TokenName, "Get list can not be empty", qt.TokenLine, qt.TokenCol)); } else { IQueryTree gli = qt.ProductionsList.First(); switch (gli.TokenName) { case "NAME": if (selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == gli.TokenValue).Count() != 1) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(gli.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown attribute name '{0}'", gli.TokenValue), gli.TokenLine, gli.TokenCol)); } else { string newCls = selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == gli.TokenValue).Single().type; newClass = GetClassFromEnvironment(newCls, ev); } break; case "Object_Selection_Path": exceptions.AddRange(CheckObjectSelectionPathInEnvironment(selectedClass, gli, ev, out newClass)); break; case "Agregation_Function": if (qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenName == "NAME") { if (selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenValue).Count() == 0) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenName, string.Format("Unknown attribute name '{0}'", qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenValue), qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenLine, qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenCol)); } else { string newCls = selectedClass.fields.Where(p => == gli.TokenValue).Single().type; newClass = GetClassFromEnvironment(newCls, ev); } } else if (qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenName == "Object_Selection_Path") { exceptions.AddRange(CheckObjectSelectionPathInEnvironment(selectedClass, qt.ProductionsList[2], ev, out newClass)); } else { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenName, "Unknown token", qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenLine, qt.ProductionsList[2].TokenCol)); } break; case "MUL": break; case "COUNT": break; default: break; } if (qt.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Get_List_Item").Count() == 1) { exceptions.AddRange(CheckGetListItemsInEnvironment(newClass, qt.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Get_List_Item").Single(), ev)); } } return(exceptions); }
private List <SemanticExceptionItem> analize(IQueryTree queryTree, Environment environment) { List <SemanticExceptionItem> exceptions = new List <SemanticExceptionItem>(); string label; int value; string className; string parentClassName; Environment innerSection; switch (queryTree.TokenName) { case "Target": case "TermBlockTail": case "Attributes_Block_Tail": case "Loop": exceptions.AddRange(analize(queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(), environment)); break; case "Block_Expr": case "Expression": if (queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenValue == string.Empty).Count() == 1) { exceptions.AddRange(analize(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenValue == string.Empty).Single(), environment)); } break; case "Term_Block": case "Expr": case "Get_Expression": foreach (QueryTree qt in queryTree.ProductionsList) { exceptions.AddRange(analize(qt, environment)); } break; case "COMMIT": case "ROLLBACK": case "Transaction_Expr": break; case "Goto_Expr": label = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Label_Name").Single().ProductionsList.Single().TokenValue; if (!CheckEnvironmentForLabel(label, environment)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown label '{0}'", label), queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } break; case "Label_Statement": label = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Label_Name").Single().ProductionsList.Single().TokenValue; IQueryTree labelQuery = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Label_Name").Single().ProductionsList.Single(); switch (environment.section) { case Section.Class_Declaration: exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, "Label declaration is forbidden", queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); break; case Section.Method_Declaration: case Section.For_Statement: case Section.Foreach_Statement: case Section.If_Statement: case Section.Target: case Section.Try_Catch: case Section.While_Statement: case Section.Parallel: if (environment.labelList.Contains(label)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(labelQuery.TokenName, string.Format("Duplicated label name '{0}'", label), labelQuery.TokenLine, labelQuery.TokenCol)); } else { environment.labelList.Add(label); } break; default: throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected section '{0}'", environment.section.ToString())); } break; case "Parallel_Statement": if (Int32.Parse(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "INTEGER_VALUE").Single().TokenValue) <= 0) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, "Parallel number must be positive", queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } innerSection = new Environment { parent = environment, section = Section.Parallel, labelList = new List <string>(), fields = new Dictionary <string, string>(), classList = new List <Class>() }; exceptions.AddRange(analize(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Term_Block").Single(), innerSection)); break; case "Class_Declaration": exceptions.AddRange(analize(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Class_Header").Single(), environment)); break; case "Class_Header": className = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().ProductionsList.Single().TokenValue; if (CheckEnvironmentForClass(className, environment)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, string.Format("Duplicated class name '{0}'", className), queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } if (queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Base_Class").Count() > 0) { parentClassName = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Base_Class").Single().ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenValue; if (!CheckEnvironmentForClass(parentClassName, environment)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown type '{0}'", parentClassName), queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } } break; case "Get_Factor": foreach (QueryTree qt in queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => (p.ProductionsList == null ? 0 : p.ProductionsList.Count) > 0)) { exceptions.AddRange(analize(qt, environment)); } break; case "Element_Cardinality": if (Int32.Parse(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Cardinality_Expr").Single().ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "INTEGER_VALUE").Single().TokenValue) <= 0) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, "Number of objects must be positive", queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } break; case "Get_Statement": if (queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Element_Cardinality").Count() > 0) { exceptions.AddRange(analize(queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Element_Cardinality").Single(), environment)); } className = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenValue; if (!CheckEnvironmentForClass(className, environment)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(queryTree.TokenName, string.Format("Unknown class name '{0}'", className), queryTree.TokenLine, queryTree.TokenCol)); } else { Class selectedClass = GetClassFromEnvironment(className, environment); if (selectedClass != null) { IQueryTree getListItems = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Get_List").Single().ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Get_List_Item").Single(); exceptions.AddRange(CheckGetListItemsInEnvironment(selectedClass, getListItems, environment)); if (queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Where_Clause").Count() > 0) { exceptions.AddRange(CheckClauseExpressionInEnvironment(selectedClass, queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Where_Clause").Single().ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Clause_Expr").Single(), environment)); } } } break; case "Foreach_Statement": innerSection = new Environment { parent = environment, section = Section.Foreach_Statement, labelList = new List <string>(), fields = new Dictionary <string, string>(), classList = new List <Class>() }; IQueryTree forachHead = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Foreach_Head").Single(); if (CheckEnvironmentForClass(forachHead.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Type").Single().ProductionsList.First().TokenValue, environment)) { string typeName = forachHead.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Type").Single().ProductionsList.First().TokenValue; string classN = forachHead.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "NAME").Single().TokenValue; innerSection.fields.Add(classN, typeName); } IQueryTree collSource = forachHead.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Collection_Source").Single(); foreach (QueryTree q in collSource.ProductionsList) { if (q.TokenName == "Get_Expression") { exceptions.AddRange(analize(q, environment)); } else if (q.TokenName == "Expression_Factor") { IQueryTree exItem = q.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenValue != string.Empty).First(); switch (exItem.TokenName) { case "Expression_Atom": if (!CheckEnvironmentForFields(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue, environment)) { exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenName, String.Format("Incorrect data collection: {}", exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue), exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenLine, exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenCol)); } break; case "Object_Selection_Path": Class returnedClass; if (CheckEnvironmentForClass(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue, environment)) { Class newClass = GetClassFromEnvironment(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue, environment); exceptions.AddRange(CheckPathTailInEnvironment(newClass, exItem.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Path_Tail").Single(), environment, out returnedClass)); } else if (CheckEnvironmentForFields(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue, environment)) { string fieldType = environment.fields[exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue]; Class newClass = GetClassFromEnvironment(fieldType, environment); exceptions.AddRange(CheckPathTailInEnvironment(newClass, exItem.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Path_Tail").Single(), environment, out returnedClass)); } break; case "Binary_Expr": exceptions.Add(new SemanticExceptionItem(exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenName, String.Format("Incorrect data collection: {}", exItem.ProductionsList.First().TokenValue), q.ProductionsList.First().TokenLine, q.ProductionsList.First().TokenCol + 1)); break; } } } if (queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Term_Block").Count() == 1) { IQueryTree term = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(p => p.TokenName == "Term_Block").Single(); exceptions.AddRange(analize(term, innerSection)); } break; default: break; } return(exceptions); }
private string GetClassName(IQueryTree queryTree) { return(queryTree.ProductionsList.Single().TokenValue); }
internal virtual DTOQueryResult Execute(IQueryTree queryTree) { switch (queryTree.TokenName) { case TokenName.NEW_OBJECT: var className = GetClassName(queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_NAME)); var objectClass = GetClass(className); if (objectClass == null) { return new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Unknown class: " + className } } ; var propeteries = _database.Schema.Properties.Select(p => p.Value) .Where(p => p.ParentClassId == objectClass.ClassId.Id) .ToList(); var oid = new Oid(Guid.NewGuid(), _database.DatabaseId.Dli); var toStore = new Storable { Oid = oid }; var attr = queryTree.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault( q => q.TokenName == TokenName.OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_ATTRIBUTES_LIST); if (attr != null) { foreach ( var attrToSet in attr.ProductionsList.Where(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_ELEMENT)) { var field = attrToSet.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.ATTRIBUTE_NAME) .ProductionsList.Single() .TokenValue; var property = propeteries.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == field); if (property == null) { return new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Unknown field: " + field } } ; var literal = attrToSet.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.LITERAL); if (literal != null) { toStore.Properties.Add(property, GetLiteral(literal)); } } } _storage.Save(_database.DatabaseId, toStore); _log("new object saved with id: " + oid, MessageLevel.QueryExecution); return(new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "new object saved with id: " + oid }); case TokenName.GET: var get_stm = queryTree.ProductionsList.Where(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.GET_STM); if (get_stm.Count() == 1) { return(Execute(get_stm.Single())); } goto default; case TokenName.GET_STM: var classNameToGet = GetClassName( queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.GET_HEADER) .ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.CLASS_NAME)); var classToGet = GetClass(classNameToGet); if (classToGet == null) { return new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Unknown class: " + classNameToGet } } ; var objs = _storage.GetAll(_database.DatabaseId); objs = objs.Where(s => s.Properties.All(p => p.Key.ParentClassId == classToGet.ClassId.Id)); var seachCriteria = queryTree.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.WHERE_CLAUSE); if (seachCriteria != null) { var wc = BuildWhereCriteria(seachCriteria); objs = objs.Where(s => wc.All(f => f(s))); } var deref = queryTree.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.K_DEREF); if (deref != null) { return new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.Default, StringOutput = ToXml(objs, classToGet).OuterXml } } ; return(new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.ReferencesOnly, QueryResults = objs.Select(o => o.Oid).ToList() }); default: return(new DTOQueryResult { NextResult = null, QueryResultType = ResultType.StringResult, StringOutput = "Your query is correct. The execution is not ready yet" }); } }
private List <Func <IStorable, bool> > BuildWhereCriteria(IQueryTree queryTree) { switch (queryTree.TokenName) { case TokenName.WHERE_CLAUSE: var ret = new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(); foreach (var subTree in queryTree.ProductionsList) { BuildWhereCriteria(subTree).ForEach(ret.Add); } return(ret); case TokenName.AND: case TokenName.OR: case TokenName.K_WHERE: return(new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >()); case TokenName.AND_OR_CLAUSE: case TokenName.CLAUSE: var ret2 = new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(); foreach (var subTree in queryTree.ProductionsList) { BuildWhereCriteria(subTree).ForEach(ret2.Add); } return(ret2); case TokenName.WHERE_OPERATION: var wv = queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.WHERE_VALUE); var leftLiteral = wv.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.LITERAL); var leftField = wv.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.NAME); if (leftLiteral == null & leftField == null) { return(new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >()); //TODO! } var wt = queryTree.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.WHERE_TAIL); var wo = wt.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.WHERE_OPERATOR); if (wo.ProductionsList.Count > 1) { throw new ApplicationException( "No support for other tokens then IS_NULL, IS_NOT_NULL and COMPARISON_OPERATOR"); } var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IStorable)); if (wo.ProductionsList.Single().TokenName == TokenName.IS_NULL) { if (leftLiteral != null) { var left = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(leftLiteral)); var clasue = Expression.Equal(left, Expression.Constant(null)); return (new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new[] { Expression.Lambda <Func <IStorable, bool> >(clasue, param).Compile() })); } else { return(new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new Func <IStorable, bool>[] { storable => { var f = storable.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Name == leftField.TokenValue); return !f.Any() || f.Single().Value == null; } })); } } if (wo.ProductionsList.Single().TokenName == TokenName.IS_NOT_NULL) { if (leftLiteral != null) { var left = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(leftLiteral)); var clasue = Expression.NotEqual(left, Expression.Constant(null)); return (new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new[] { Expression.Lambda <Func <IStorable, bool> >(clasue, param).Compile() })); } else { return(new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new Func <IStorable, bool>[] { storable => { var f = storable.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Name == leftField.TokenValue); return f.Count() == 1 && f.Single().Value != null; } })); } } if (wo.ProductionsList.Single().TokenName == TokenName.COMPARISON_OPERATOR) { var rightwv = wt.ProductionsList.Single(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.WHERE_VALUE); var rightLiteral = rightwv.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.LITERAL); var rightField = rightwv.ProductionsList.SingleOrDefault(q => q.TokenName == TokenName.NAME); if (leftLiteral != null && rightLiteral != null) { var left = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(leftLiteral)); var right = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(rightLiteral)); var clasue = GetComparationExpression(wo.ProductionsList.Single().ProductionsList.Single().TokenName, left, right); return (new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new[] { Expression.Lambda <Func <IStorable, bool> >(clasue, param).Compile() })); } else { return(new List <Func <IStorable, bool> >(new Func <IStorable, bool>[] { storable => { Expression left; Expression right; if (leftField != null) { var f = storable.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Name == leftField.TokenValue); if (!f.Any()) { return false; } var prop = f.Single(); left = Expression.Constant(prop.Value, prop.Key.DotNetType); } else { left = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(leftLiteral)); } if (rightField != null) { var f = storable.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Name == rightField.TokenValue); if (!f.Any()) { return false; } var prop = f.Single(); right = Expression.Constant(prop.Value, prop.Key.DotNetType); } else { right = Expression.Constant(GetLiteral(rightLiteral)); } var clasue = GetComparationExpression( wo.ProductionsList.Single().ProductionsList.Single().TokenName, left, right); return Expression.Lambda <Func <IStorable, bool> >(clasue, param) .Compile()(storable); } })); } } else { throw new ApplicationException( "Unknown WHERE_OPERATION token: " + wo.ProductionsList.Single().TokenName); } default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown WHERE_CLAUSE token: " + queryTree.TokenName); } }