Пример #1
        public dynamic Insert(QuantityPricing model)
                if (!AuthenticationModel.IsAllowed("Create", Core.Constants.Constant.MenuName.QuantityPricing, Core.Constants.Constant.MenuGroupName.Master))
                    Dictionary <string, string> Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    Errors.Add("Generic", "You are Not Allowed to Add record");

                    }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                model = _quantityPricingService.CreateObject(model, _itemTypeService);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LOG.Error("Insert Failed", ex);
                Dictionary <string, string> Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Errors.Add("Generic", "Error " + ex);

                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

Пример #2
        public void PopulateMasterData()
            localWarehouse = new Warehouse()
                Name        = "Sentral Solusi Data",
                Description = "Kali Besar Jakarta",
                Code        = "LCL"
            localWarehouse = _warehouseService.CreateObject(localWarehouse, _warehouseItemService, _itemService);

            Pcs = new UoM()
                Name = "Pcs"

            Boxes = new UoM()
                Name = "Boxes"

            Tubs = new UoM()
                Name = "Tubs"

            blanket1 = new Item()
                ItemTypeId   = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Name         = "Blanket1",
                Category     = "Blanket",
                Sku          = "BLK1",
                UoMId        = Pcs.Id,
                SellingPrice = 10000,
                AvgPrice     = 10000,

            blanket1 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket1, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService);

            blanket2 = new Item()
                ItemTypeId   = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Name         = "Blanket2",
                Category     = "Blanket",
                Sku          = "BLK2",
                UoMId        = Pcs.Id,
                SellingPrice = 20000,
                AvgPrice     = 20000

            blanket2 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket2, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService);

            blanket3 = new Item()
                ItemTypeId   = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Name         = "Blanket3",
                Category     = "Blanket",
                Sku          = "BLK3",
                UoMId        = Pcs.Id,
                SellingPrice = 30000,
                AvgPrice     = 30000

            blanket3 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket3, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService);

            qp1 = new QuantityPricing()
                ItemTypeId            = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Discount              = 10,
                MinQuantity           = 20,
                MaxQuantity           = 40,
                IsInfiniteMaxQuantity = false
            _quantityPricingService.CreateObject(qp1, _itemTypeService);

            qp2 = new QuantityPricing()
                ItemTypeId            = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Discount              = 25,
                MinQuantity           = 30,
                MaxQuantity           = 50,
                IsInfiniteMaxQuantity = false
            _quantityPricingService.CreateObject(qp2, _itemTypeService);

            qp3 = new QuantityPricing()
                ItemTypeId            = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id,
                Discount              = 50,
                MinQuantity           = 51,
                IsInfiniteMaxQuantity = true
            _quantityPricingService.CreateObject(qp3, _itemTypeService);

            contact = new Contact()
                Name         = "President of Indonesia",
                Address      = "Istana Negara Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat",
                ContactNo    = "021 3863777",
                PIC          = "Mr. President",
                PICContactNo = "021 3863777",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**"
            _contactService.CreateObject(contact, _contactGroupService);

            contact2 = new Contact()
                Name         = "Wakil President of Indonesia",
                Address      = "Istana Negara Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat",
                ContactNo    = "021 3863777",
                PIC          = "Mr. Wakil President",
                PICContactNo = "021 3863777",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**"
            _contactService.CreateObject(contact2, _contactGroupService);

            contact3 = new Contact()
                Name           = "Roma Irama",
                Address        = "Istana Negara Jl. Veteran No.20 Jakarta Pusat",
                ContactNo      = "021 5551234",
                PIC            = "Mr. King",
                PICContactNo   = "021 5551234",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                ContactGroupId = group2.Id,
            _contactService.CreateObject(contact3, _contactGroupService);

            cashBank = new CashBank()
                Name        = "Kontan",
                Description = "Bayar kontan",
                IsBank      = false
            _cashBankService.CreateObject(cashBank, _accountService);

            cashBank2 = new CashBank()
                Name        = "Rekening BRI",
                Description = "Untuk cashflow",
                IsBank      = true
            _cashBankService.CreateObject(cashBank2, _accountService);

            cashBankAdjustment = new CashBankAdjustment()
                CashBankId     = cashBank.Id,
                Amount         = 1000000000,
                AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Today,
            _cashBankAdjustmentService.CreateObject(cashBankAdjustment, _cashBankService);

            cashBankAdjustment2 = new CashBankAdjustment()
                CashBankId     = cashBank2.Id,
                Amount         = 1000000000,
                AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Today,
            _cashBankAdjustmentService.CreateObject(cashBankAdjustment2, _cashBankService);

            _cashBankAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(cashBankAdjustment, DateTime.Now, _cashMutationService, _cashBankService,
                                                     _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService);
            _cashBankAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(cashBankAdjustment2, DateTime.Now, _cashMutationService, _cashBankService,
                                                     _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService);

            StockAdjustment sa = new StockAdjustment()
                AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Now,
                Code           = "SA001",
                WarehouseId    = localWarehouse.Id

            _stockAdjustmentService.CreateObject(sa, _warehouseService);

            StockAdjustmentDetail sad1 = new StockAdjustmentDetail()
                StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id,
                ItemId            = blanket1.Id,
                Quantity          = 100000,
                Code  = "SAD001",
                Price = 50000

            _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad1, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService);

            StockAdjustmentDetail sad2 = new StockAdjustmentDetail()
                StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id,
                ItemId            = blanket2.Id,
                Quantity          = 100000,
                Code  = "SAD002",
                Price = 50000

            _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad2, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService);

            StockAdjustmentDetail sad3 = new StockAdjustmentDetail()
                StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id,
                ItemId            = blanket3.Id,
                Quantity          = 100000,
                Code  = "SAD003",
                Price = 50000

            _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad3, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService);

            _stockAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(sa, DateTime.Today, _stockAdjustmentDetailService, _stockMutationService, _itemService, _barringService,
                                                  _warehouseItemService, _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService);