Пример #1
        public async Task <IMember> GetValueFromPropertyAsync(IPythonPropertyType p, IPythonInstance instance, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // Function may not have been walked yet. Do it now.
            await SymbolTable.EvaluateAsync(p.FunctionDefinition, cancellationToken);

            return(instance.Call(p.Name, ArgumentSet.Empty));
        public override IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
            // Now we can go and find overload with matching arguments.
            var overload = FindOverload(args);

            return(overload?.GetReturnValue(instance?.Location ?? LocationInfo.Empty, args) ?? DeclaringModule.Interpreter.UnknownType);
Пример #3
        private ArgumentSet FindOverload(IPythonFunctionType fn, IPythonInstance instance, CallExpression expr)
            if (fn.Overloads.Count == 1)

            var sets = new List <ArgumentSet>();

            for (var i = 0; i < fn.Overloads.Count; i++)
                var a    = new ArgumentSet(fn, i, instance, expr, this);
                var args = a.Evaluate();

            var orderedSets     = sets.OrderBy(s => s.Errors.Count);
            var noErrorsMatches = sets.OrderBy(s => s.Errors.Count).TakeWhile(e => e.Errors.Count == 0).ToArray();
            var result          = noErrorsMatches.Any()
                ? noErrorsMatches.FirstOrDefault(args => IsMatch(args, fn.Overloads[args.OverloadIndex].Parameters))
                : null;

            // Optimistically pick the best available.
            return(result ?? orderedSets.FirstOrDefault());
 public static VariableModel FromInstance(string name, IPythonInstance inst, IServiceContainer services) => new VariableModel
     Id            = name.GetStableHash(),
     Name          = name,
     QualifiedName = name,
     Value         = inst.GetPersistentQualifiedName(services)
Пример #5
        public override IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
            // Now we can go and find overload with matching arguments.
            var overload = Overloads[args.OverloadIndex];

            return(overload?.Call(args, instance?.GetPythonType() ?? DeclaringType));
        private IMember GetValueFromMember(MemberExpression expr)
            if (expr?.Target == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(expr.Name))

            IPythonInstance instance = null;
            var             m        = GetValueFromExpression(expr.Target);

            if (m is IPythonType typeInfo)
                var member = typeInfo.GetMember(expr.Name);
                // If container is class/type info rather than the instance, then the method is an unbound function.
                // Example: C.f where f is a method of C. Compare to C().f where f is bound to the instance of C.
                if (member is PythonFunctionType f && !f.IsStatic && !f.IsClassMethod)
                instance = new PythonInstance(typeInfo);

            instance = instance ?? m as IPythonInstance;
            var type  = m?.GetPythonType(); // Try inner type
            var value = type?.GetMember(expr.Name);

            if (type is IPythonModule)

            // Class type GetMember returns a type. However, class members are
            // mostly instances (consider self.x = 1, x is an instance of int).
            // However, it is indeed possible to have them as types, like in
            //  class X ...
            //  class C: ...
            //      self.x = X
            // which is somewhat rare as compared to self.x = X() but does happen.

            switch (value)
            case IPythonClassType _:

            case IPythonPropertyType prop:
                return(prop.Call(instance, prop.Name, ArgumentSet.Empty));

            case IPythonType p:
                return(new PythonBoundType(p, instance, GetLoc(expr)));

            case null:
                Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Unknown member {expr.ToCodeString(Ast).Trim()}");

        public override IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args)
            var defaultReturn = base.Index(instance, args);
            var fromBases     = Bases
                                .Select(b => b.Index(instance, args))
                                .Except(new[] { defaultReturn, UnknownType })

            return(fromBases ?? defaultReturn);
        public IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, object index)
            IPythonType[] types;
            lock (_lock) {
                types = _types.ToArray();
            // Check if any types support indexing
            var result = types
                         .Select(t => t.Index(instance, index))
                         .FirstOrDefault(r => !r.IsUnknown() && r.GetPythonType() != this);

            return(result ?? DeclaringModule.Interpreter.UnknownType);
        public IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
            IPythonType[] types;
            lock (_lock) {
                types = _types.ToArray();
            // Check if any types support calls
            var result = types
                         .Select(t => t.Call(instance, memberName, args))
                         .FirstOrDefault(r => !r.IsUnknown() && r.GetPythonType() != this);

            return(result ?? DeclaringModule.Interpreter.UnknownType);
Пример #10
        public override IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, object index)
            var n = PythonCollection.GetIndex(index);

            if (n < 0)
                n = ItemTypes.Count + n; // -1 means last, etc.
            if (n >= 0 && n < ItemTypes.Count)
Пример #11
        public override IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args)
            var n = PythonCollection.GetIndex(args);

            if (n < 0)
                n = ItemTypes.Count + n; // -1 means last, etc.
            if (n >= 0 && n < ItemTypes.Count)
                var t = ItemTypes[n];
Пример #12
        private async Task <IMember> GetValueFromMemberAsync(MemberExpression expr, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (expr?.Target == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(expr.Name))

            IPythonInstance instance = null;
            var             m        = await GetValueFromExpressionAsync(expr.Target, cancellationToken);

            if (m is IPythonType typeInfo)
                var member = typeInfo.GetMember(expr.Name);
                // If container is class/type info rather than the instance, then the method is an unbound function.
                // Example: C.f where f is a method of C. Compare to C().f where f is bound to the instance of C.
                if (member is PythonFunctionType f && !f.IsStatic && !f.IsClassMethod)
                instance = new PythonInstance(typeInfo);

            instance = instance ?? m as IPythonInstance;
            var type  = m.GetPythonType(); // Try inner type
            var value = type?.GetMember(expr.Name);

            switch (value)
            case IPythonClassType _:

            case IPythonPropertyType prop:
                return(prop.Call(instance, prop.Name, ArgumentSet.Empty));

            case IPythonType p:
                return(new PythonBoundType(p, instance, GetLoc(expr)));

            case null:
                Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Unknown member {expr.ToCodeString(Ast).Trim()}");

Пример #13
        public async Task <IMember> GetValueFromInstanceCall(IPythonInstance pi, CallExpression expr, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // Call on an instance such as 'a = 1; a()'
            // If instance is a function (such as an unbound method), then invoke it.
            var type = pi.GetPythonType();

            if (type is IPythonFunctionType pft)
                return(await GetValueFromFunctionTypeAsync(pft, pi, expr, cancellationToken));

            // Try using __call__
            var call = type.GetMember("__call__").GetPythonType <IPythonFunctionType>();

            if (call != null)
                return(await GetValueFromFunctionTypeAsync(call, pi, expr, cancellationToken));

        public IMember GetValueFromInstanceCall(IPythonInstance pi, CallExpression expr)
            // Call on an instance such as 'a = 1; a()'
            // If instance is a function (such as an unbound method), then invoke it.
            var type = pi.GetPythonType();

            if (type is IPythonFunctionType pft)
                return(GetValueFromFunctionType(pft, pi, expr));

            // Try using __call__
            var call = type.GetMember("__call__").GetPythonType <IPythonFunctionType>();

            if (call != null)
                return(GetValueFromFunctionType(call, pi, expr));

            // Optimistically return the instance itself. This happens when the call is
            // over 'function' that was actually replaced by a instance of a type.
 public IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args) => GetMember(memberName);
 public IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args) => Interpreter.UnknownType;
Пример #17
 public override IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args)
 => (instance as IPythonCollection)?.Index(args) ?? UnknownType;
Пример #18
 public override IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
 => DeclaringModule.Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(TypeId)?.Call(instance, memberName, args);
Пример #19
 public virtual IPythonIterator GetIterator(IPythonInstance instance) => (instance as IPythonCollection)?.GetIterator();
Пример #20
 public virtual IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args) => DeclaringModule.Interpreter.UnknownType;
Пример #21
 public virtual IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args) => DeclaringModule.Interpreter.UnknownType;
Пример #22
 public ArgumentSet(IPythonFunctionType fn, int overloadIndex, IPythonInstance instance, CallExpression callExpr, ExpressionEval eval) :
     this(fn, overloadIndex, instance, callExpr, eval.Module, eval)
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates set of arguments for a function call based on the call expression
        /// and the function signature. The result contains expressions
        /// for arguments, but not actual values. <see cref="Evaluate"/> on how to
        /// get values for actual parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fn">Function type.</param>
        /// <param name="overloadIndex">Function overload to call.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">Type instance the function is bound to. For derived classes it is different from the declared type.</param>
        /// <param name="callExpr">Call expression that invokes the function.</param>
        /// <param name="module">Module that contains the call expression.</param>
        /// <param name="eval">Evaluator that can calculate values of arguments from their respective expressions.</param>
        public ArgumentSet(IPythonFunctionType fn, int overloadIndex, IPythonInstance instance, CallExpression callExpr, IPythonModule module, IExpressionEvaluator eval)
            Eval            = eval;
            OverloadIndex   = overloadIndex;
            DeclaringModule = fn.DeclaringModule;

            var overload = fn.Overloads[overloadIndex];
            var fd       = overload.FunctionDefinition;

            if (fd == null || fn.IsSpecialized)
                // Typically specialized function, like TypeVar() that does not actually have AST definition.
                // Make the arguments from the call expression. If argument does not have name,
                // try using name from the function definition based on the argument position.
                _arguments = new List <Argument>();
                for (var i = 0; i < callExpr.Args.Count; i++)
                    var name = callExpr.Args[i].Name;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        name = fd != null && i < fd.Parameters.Length ? fd.Parameters[i].Name : null;
                    name = name ?? $"arg{i}";
                    var parameter = fd != null && i < fd.Parameters.Length ? fd.Parameters[i] : null;
                    _arguments.Add(new Argument(name, ParameterKind.Normal, callExpr.Args[i].Expression, null, parameter));

            if (callExpr == null)
                // Typically invoked by specialization code without call expression in the code.
                // Caller usually does not care about arguments.
                _evaluated = true;
            var callLocation = callExpr.GetLocation(module);

            // https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3102/#id5
            // For each formal parameter, there is a slot which will be used to contain
            // the value of the argument assigned to that parameter. Slots which have
            // had values assigned to them are marked as 'filled'.Slots which have
            // no value assigned to them yet are considered 'empty'.

            var slots = fd.Parameters.Select(p => new Argument(p, p)).ToArray();
            // Locate sequence argument, if any
            var sa = slots.Where(s => s.Kind == ParameterKind.List).ToArray();

            if (sa.Length > 1)
                // Error should have been reported at the function definition location by the parser.

            var da = slots.Where(s => s.Kind == ParameterKind.Dictionary).ToArray();

            if (da.Length > 1)
                // Error should have been reported at the function definition location by the parser.

            _listArgument = sa.Length == 1 && sa[0].Name.Length > 0 ? new ListArg(sa[0].Name, sa[0].ValueExpression, sa[0].Location) : null;
            _dictArgument = da.Length == 1 ? new DictArg(da[0].Name, da[0].ValueExpression, da[0].Location) : null;

            // Class methods
            var formalParamIndex = 0;

            if (fn.DeclaringType != null && fn.HasClassFirstArgument() && slots.Length > 0)
                slots[0].Value = instance != null?instance.GetPythonType() : fn.DeclaringType;


            try {
                // Positional arguments
                var callParamIndex = 0;
                for (; callParamIndex < callExpr.Args.Count; callParamIndex++, formalParamIndex++)
                    var arg = callExpr.Args[callParamIndex];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg.Name) && !arg.Name.StartsWithOrdinal("**"))
                        // Keyword argument. Done with positionals.

                    if (formalParamIndex >= fd.Parameters.Length)
                        // We ran out of formal parameters and yet haven't seen
                        // any sequence or dictionary ones. This looks like an error.
                        _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_TooManyFunctionArguments, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                         ErrorCodes.TooManyFunctionArguments, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                    var formalParam = fd.Parameters[formalParamIndex];
                    if (formalParam.IsList)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formalParam.Name))
                            // If the next unfilled slot is a vararg slot, and it does not have a name, then it is an error.
                            _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_TooManyPositionalArgumentBeforeStar, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                             ErrorCodes.TooManyPositionalArgumentsBeforeStar, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                        // If the next unfilled slot is a vararg slot then all remaining
                        // non-keyword arguments are placed into the vararg slot.
                        if (_listArgument == null)
                            _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_TooManyFunctionArguments, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                             ErrorCodes.TooManyFunctionArguments, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                        for (; callParamIndex < callExpr.Args.Count; callParamIndex++)
                            arg = callExpr.Args[callParamIndex];
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg.Name))
                                // Keyword argument. Done here.


                        break; // Sequence or dictionary parameter found. Done here.

                    if (formalParam.IsDictionary)
                        // Next slot is a dictionary slot, but we have positional arguments still.
                        _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_TooManyPositionalArgumentBeforeStar, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                         ErrorCodes.TooManyPositionalArgumentsBeforeStar, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                    // Regular parameter
                    slots[formalParamIndex].ValueExpression = arg.Expression;

                // Keyword arguments
                for (; callParamIndex < callExpr.Args.Count; callParamIndex++)
                    var arg = callExpr.Args[callParamIndex];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg.Name))
                        _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_PositionalArgumentAfterKeyword, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                         ErrorCodes.PositionalArgumentAfterKeyword, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                    var nvp = slots.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.EqualsOrdinal(arg.Name));
                    if (nvp == null)
                        // 'def f(a, b)' and then 'f(0, c=1)'. Per spec:
                        // if there is a 'keyword dictionary' argument, the argument is added
                        // to the dictionary using the keyword name as the dictionary key,
                        // unless there is already an entry with that key, in which case it is an error.
                        if (_dictArgument == null)
                            _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_UnknownParameterName, arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                             ErrorCodes.UnknownParameterName, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                        if (_dictArgument.Arguments.ContainsKey(arg.Name))
                            _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_ParameterAlreadySpecified.FormatUI(arg.Name), arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                             ErrorCodes.ParameterAlreadySpecified, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                        _dictArgument._Expressions[arg.Name] = arg.Expression;

                    if (nvp.ValueExpression != null || nvp.Value != null)
                        // Slot is already filled.
                        _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_ParameterAlreadySpecified.FormatUI(arg.Name), arg.GetLocation(module).Span,
                                                         ErrorCodes.ParameterAlreadySpecified, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));

                    // OK keyword parameter
                    nvp.ValueExpression = arg.Expression;

                // We went through all positionals and keywords.
                // For each remaining empty slot: if there is a default value for that slot,
                // then fill the slot with the default value. If there is no default value,
                // then it is an error.
                foreach (var slot in slots.Where(s => s.Kind != ParameterKind.List && s.Kind != ParameterKind.Dictionary && s.Value == null))
                    if (slot.ValueExpression == null)
                        var parameter = fd.Parameters.First(p => p.Name == slot.Name);
                        if (parameter.DefaultValue == null)
                            // TODO: parameter is not assigned and has no default value.
                            _errors.Add(new DiagnosticsEntry(Resources.Analysis_ParameterMissing.FormatUI(slot.Name), callLocation.Span,
                                                             ErrorCodes.ParameterMissing, Severity.Warning, DiagnosticSource.Analysis));
                        // Note that parameter default value expression is from the function definition AST
                        // while actual argument values are from the calling file AST.
                        slot.ValueExpression = parameter.DefaultValue;
                        slot.ValueIsDefault  = true;
            } finally {
                // Optimistically return what we gathered, even if there are errors.
                _arguments = slots.Where(s => s.Kind != ParameterKind.List && s.Kind != ParameterKind.Dictionary).ToList();
Пример #24
 // NamedTuple does not create instances, it defines a type.
 public override IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args) => this;
Пример #25
 public virtual IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
 => InnerType.Call(instance, memberName, args);
        public IMember GetValueFromFunctionType(IPythonFunctionType fn, IPythonInstance instance, CallExpression expr)
            // If order to be able to find matching overload, we need to know
            // parameter types and count. This requires function to be analyzed.
            // Since we don't know which overload we will need, we have to
            // process all known overloads for the function.
            foreach (var o in fn.Overloads)

            // Pick the best overload.
            FunctionDefinition fd;
            ArgumentSet        args;
            var instanceType = instance?.GetPythonType();

            if (fn.Overloads.Count == 1)
                fd   = fn.Overloads[0].FunctionDefinition;
                args = new ArgumentSet(fn, 0, instanceType, expr, this);
                args = args.Evaluate();
                args = FindOverload(fn, instanceType, expr);
                if (args == null)
                fd = fn.Overloads.Count > 0 ? fn.Overloads[args.OverloadIndex].FunctionDefinition : null;

            // Re-declare parameters in the function scope since originally
            // their types might not have been known and now argument set
            // may contain concrete values.
            if (fd != null && EvaluateFunctionBody(fn))
                using (OpenScope(fn.DeclaringModule, fn.FunctionDefinition, out _)) {

            // If instance type is not the same as the declaring type, then call most probably comes
            // from the derived class which means that the original 'self' and 'cls' variables
            // are no longer valid and function has to be re-evaluated with new arguments.
            // Note that there is nothing to re-evaluate in stubs.
            if (instanceType == null || fn.DeclaringType == null || fn.IsSpecialized ||
                instanceType.IsSpecialized || fn.DeclaringType.IsSpecialized ||
                instanceType.Equals(fn.DeclaringType) ||
                fn.IsStub || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fn.Overloads[args.OverloadIndex].GetReturnDocumentation()))

                var m = instance?.Call(fn.Name, args) ?? fn.Call(null, fn.Name, args);
                if (!m.IsUnknown())

            // We could not tell the return type from the call. Here we try and evaluate with specific arguments.
            // Note that it does not make sense evaluating stubs or compiled/scraped modules since they
            // should be either annotated or static return type known from the analysis.
            // Also, we do not evaluate library code with arguments for performance reasons.
            // This will prevent cases like
            //      def func(a, b): return a + b
            // from working in libraries, but this is small sacrifice for significant performance
            // increase in library analysis.
            if (fn.DeclaringModule is IDocument && EvaluateFunctionBody(fn))
                // Stubs are coming from another module.
                return(TryEvaluateWithArguments(fn, args));
 public IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, object index) => Interpreter.UnknownType;
Пример #28
 public override IMember Call(IPythonInstance instance, string memberName, IArgumentSet args)
 => _getter.Call(args, instance?.GetPythonType() ?? DeclaringType);
 private IMember GetValueFromProperty(IPythonPropertyType p, IPythonInstance instance, CallExpression expr)
     // Function may not have been walked yet. Do it now.
     return(instance.Call(p.Name, ArgumentSet.Empty(expr, this)));
Пример #30
 public virtual IMember Index(IPythonInstance instance, IArgumentSet args)
 => InnerType.Index(instance, args);