/// <inheritdoc /> public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() { lock (synchronizationLock) { if (disposed) { return; } disposed = true; } logger.LogTrace("Disposing..."); if (!released) { process.Terminate(); byondLock.Dispose(); } process.Dispose(); bridgeRegistration?.Dispose(); reattachInformation.Dmb?.Dispose(); // will be null when released chatTrackingContext.Dispose(); reattachTopicCts.Dispose(); if (!released) { // finish the async callback await Lifetime.ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public void Stop() { if (!IsRunning) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No job is running."); } UnsubscribeFromEvents(_process); _process.Kill(); _process.WaitForExit(500); _process.Dispose(); _process = null; _sourceDuration = TimeSpan.Zero; }
public void Dispose() { _tcs.TrySetCanceled(); _process.Dispose(); _ctRegistration.Dispose(); _timeoutCts?.Dispose(); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // Do not Kill() the process; we didn't start it. process.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); }
private void DisposeBrokerProcess() { try { _brokerProcess?.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } _brokerProcess?.Dispose(); }
private async Task ConnectToBrokerWorkerAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Trace.Assert(_brokerProcess == null); var fs = _services.FileSystem(); var locator = new BrokerExecutableLocator(fs); var rhostBrokerExe = locator.GetBrokerExecutablePath(); // _services.UI().LogMessage($"R Host broker: {rhostBrokerExe}"); if (!fs.FileExists(rhostBrokerExe)) { throw new RHostBrokerBinaryMissingException(); } IProcess process = null; try { var pipeName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(Debugger.IsAttached ? 500000 : 100000); using (var processConnectCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, cts.Token)) using (var serverUriPipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.In, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous)) { var psi = GetProcessStartInfo(rhostBrokerExe, pipeName); // _services.UI().LogMessage($"Starting R Host broker: {rhostBrokerExe}"); process = StartBroker(psi); process.Exited += delegate { cts.Cancel(); _brokerProcess = null; _connectLock.EnqueueReset(); }; var uri = await GetBrokerUri(serverUriPipe, processConnectCts.Token, cts.Token); CreateHttpClient(uri); } if (DisposableBag.TryAdd(DisposeBrokerProcess)) { _brokerProcess = process; } } catch (Exception ex) { _services.UI().LogMessage($"Unable to start R Host broker process. Exception {ex.Message}"); throw; } finally { if (_brokerProcess == null) { try { process?.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { process?.Dispose(); } } } }
public void OpenInBrowser(Uri url) { IProcess start = null; try { start = _processWrapper.Start(url.ToString()); } catch (TimeoutException) { //TODO: Remove this code as it is never used start?.Kill(); start?.Dispose(); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { //TODO: Remove this code as it is never used start?.Kill(); start?.Dispose(); } }
protected override void DetachProfilingInternal() { if (ProcessId != 0) { IProcess process = _processProvider.GetProcessById(ProcessId); if (!process.HasExited) { process.Kill(); process.Dispose(); } } }
private void DisposeImpl(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { if (disposing) { _process.WriteStandardInput(QuitLine); _process.WaitForExit(); _process.Dispose(); } _disposable.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } }
private void DisposeProcess(IProcess process) { lock (_mediaEncoder._runningProcesses) { _mediaEncoder._runningProcesses.Remove(this); } try { process.Dispose(); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Implements the <see cref="IDisposable"/> pattern /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">If this function was NOT called by the finalizer</param> void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (synchronizationLock) { if (disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { if (!released) { process.Terminate(); byondLock.Dispose(); } process.Dispose(); bridgeRegistration.Dispose(); Dmb?.Dispose(); // will be null when released chatTrackingContext.Dispose(); reattachTopicCts.Dispose(); disposed = true; } else { if (logger != null) { logger.LogError("Being disposed via finalizer!"); } if (!released) { if (process != null) { process.Terminate(); } else if (logger != null) { logger.LogCritical("Unable to terminate active DreamDaemon session due to finalizer ordering!"); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Implements the <see cref="IDisposable"/> pattern /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">If this function was NOT called by the finalizer</param> void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (this) { if (disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { if (!released) { process.Terminate(); byondLock.Dispose(); } process.Dispose(); interopContext.Dispose(); Dmb?.Dispose(); // will be null when released chatJsonTrackingContext.Dispose(); disposed = true; } else { if (logger != null) { logger.LogError("Being disposed via finalizer!"); } if (!released) { if (process != null) { process.Terminate(); } else if (logger != null) { logger.LogCritical("Unable to terminate active DreamDaemon session due to finalizer ordering!"); } } } } }
public void Dispose() { decoratedProcess.ErrorDataReceived -= this.OnErrorLineReceived; decoratedProcess.OutputDataReceived -= this.OnErrorLineReceived; decoratedProcess.Dispose(); }
public virtual void Dispose() { _process.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Ejecuta dispose del procesador específico /// </summary> public void Dispose() { _processManager.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { serverProcess?.Dispose(); clientStream?.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { _process.Dispose(); _thread.Dispose(); }
private void DisposeProcess() { _process.Dispose(); _ctRegistration.Dispose(); _timeoutCts?.Dispose(); }
private void ExecuteProcess(IProcessDetails pd, HandlerEventArgs hargs) { IProcess process = null; IExecuteResults execRes = null; var transId = Guid.NewGuid(); Stopwatch durWatch = null; long? duration = null; bool hasDuration = false; try { IArguments pargs = null; // if there are any constructors with 1 var ctors = pd.ProcessType.GetConstructors() .Where(c => c.GetParameters().Count() == 1); if (ctors.Any()) { if (hargs is DirWatcherEventArgs) { var wa = (DirWatcherEventArgs)hargs; pargs = new WatcherArguments(new TieFileInfo(wa.FullePath), pd.Id, pd.Name, DateTime.Now, hargs.TriggerId, hargs.TriggerName, transId); process = (TieProcess <WatcherArguments>)Activator.CreateInstance(pd.ProcessType, pargs); } else { var sa = (CronSchedulerEventArgs)hargs; pargs = new SchedulerArguments(sa.QuartzCronExpression, pd.Id, pd.Name, DateTime.Now, hargs.TriggerId, hargs.TriggerName, transId); process = (TieProcess <SchedulerArguments>)Activator.CreateInstance(pd.ProcessType, pargs); } } else { // check if default constructor is present var dctor = pd.ProcessType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (dctor != null) { process = (IProcess)Activator.CreateInstance(pd.ProcessType); } } if (process != null) { this._activeProcesses.Add(process); durWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); execRes = process.Execute(); duration = durWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; durWatch.Stop(); hasDuration = true; } } catch (Exception pex) { // log error if (execRes == null) { execRes = new ExecuteResults(false, ExecutionState.Failed, transId); } execRes.Errors.Add(pex.ToString()); } finally { if (!hasDuration) { duration = durWatch?.ElapsedMilliseconds; } if (execRes == null) {// here for backwards compatibility execRes = new ExecuteResults(true, ExecutionState.ProcessCompatExec, transId); } ProcessExecutionResults(execRes, pd); if (process != null) { this._activeProcesses.TryTake(out process); this._logger.LogMessage(new StatusMessage("tie", $"{this._activeProcesses.Count} active processes"), process.GetHashCode().ToString()); process.Dispose(); process = null; } else { // log that process was null and no work was performed // give hargs details } } }
private async Task ConnectToBrokerWorker(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Trace.Assert(_brokerProcess == null); var rhostExe = Path.Combine(_rhostDirectory, RHostExe); if (!_services.FileSystem().FileExists(rhostExe)) { throw new RHostBinaryMissingException(); } var rhostBrokerExe = Path.Combine(_rhostDirectory, RHostBrokerExe); if (!_services.FileSystem().FileExists(rhostBrokerExe)) { throw new RHostBrokerBinaryMissingException(); } IProcess process = null; try { var pipeName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(100000); using (var processConnectCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, cts.Token)) using (var serverUriPipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.In, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous)) { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = rhostBrokerExe, UseShellExecute = false, Arguments = $" --logging:logFolder \"{Log.Folder.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" + $" --logging:logHostOutput {Log.LogVerbosity >= LogVerbosity.Normal}" + $" --logging:logPackets {Log.LogVerbosity == LogVerbosity.Traffic}" + $" --urls" + // :0 means first available ephemeral port $" --startup:name \"{Name}\"" + $" --startup:writeServerUrlsToPipe {pipeName}" + $" --lifetime:parentProcessId {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}" + $" --security:secret \"{_credentials.Password}\"" + $" --R:autoDetect false" + $" --R:interpreters:{InterpreterId}:name \"{Name}\"" + $" --R:interpreters:{InterpreterId}:basePath \"{_rHome.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" }; if (!ShowConsole) { psi.CreateNoWindow = true; } process = StartBroker(psi); process.Exited += delegate { cts.Cancel(); _brokerProcess = null; _connectLock.EnqueueReset(); }; await serverUriPipe.WaitForConnectionAsync(processConnectCts.Token); var serverUriData = new MemoryStream(); try { // Pipes are special in that a zero-length read is not an indicator of end-of-stream. // Stream.CopyTo uses a zero-length read as indicator of end-of-stream, so it cannot // be used here. Instead, copy the data manually, using PipeStream.IsConnected to detect // when the other side has finished writing and closed the pipe. var buffer = new byte[0x1000]; do { var count = await serverUriPipe.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cts.Token); serverUriData.Write(buffer, 0, count); } while (serverUriPipe.IsConnected); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw new RHostDisconnectedException("Timed out while waiting for broker process to report its endpoint URI"); } var serverUriStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serverUriData.ToArray()); Uri[] serverUri; try { serverUri = Json.DeserializeObject <Uri[]>(serverUriStr); } catch (JsonSerializationException ex) { throw new RHostDisconnectedException($"Invalid JSON for endpoint URIs received from broker ({ex.Message}): {serverUriStr}"); } if (serverUri?.Length != 1) { throw new RHostDisconnectedException($"Unexpected number of endpoint URIs received from broker: {serverUriStr}"); } CreateHttpClient(serverUri[0]); } if (DisposableBag.TryAdd(DisposeBrokerProcess)) { _brokerProcess = process; } } finally { if (_brokerProcess == null) { try { process?.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { process?.Dispose(); } } } }
public void Dispose() { _process.Dispose(); }
public async Task StartAsync(Action exited) { var rhostExe = Path.Combine(_rhostDirectory, RHostExe); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(rhostExe)) { throw new RHostBinaryMissingException(); } var rhostBrokerExe = Path.Combine(_rhostBrokerDirectory, RHostBrokerExe); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(rhostBrokerExe)) { throw new RHostBrokerBinaryMissingException(); } var rHome = _installations.GetCompatibleEngines().First().InstallPath; IProcess process = null; try { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = rhostBrokerExe, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = false, Arguments = $" --logging:logFolder \"{_logFolder.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" + $" --logging:logHostOutput true" + $" --logging:logPackets true" + $" --urls" + // :0 means first available ephemeral port $" --startup:name \"{_name}\"" + $" --lifetime:parentProcessId {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}" + $" --security:secret \"{Password}\"" + $" --R:autoDetect false" + $" --R:interpreters:test:name \"{_name}\"" + $" --R:interpreters:test:basePath \"{rHome.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" }; process = StartBroker(psi); process.Exited += (sender, e) => exited(); var port = ProcessUtils.GetPortByProcessId(process.Id).FirstOrDefault(); while (port == 0) { await Task.Delay(100); port = ProcessUtils.GetPortByProcessId(process.Id).FirstOrDefault(); } Address = $"{port}"; _brokerProcess = process; } finally { if (_brokerProcess == null) { try { process?.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { process?.Dispose(); } } } }
public override void Dispose() { _process.Dispose(); }
public static async Task <CMakeConversation> Start(IProcessManager processManager, IBinariesLocator binariesLocator, IOutputFormatterPool formatterPool, VirtualDirectory tempDirectory, bool isWindowsSystem, ExecutionContext executionContext, VirtualDirectory sourceDirectory, VirtualDirectory binaryDirectory) { IProcess process = null; NamedPipeClientStream pipeClient = null; try { string pipeName = isWindowsSystem ? $"{tempDirectory.FullName}\\.cmakeserver" : $"/tmp/cmake-server-{Guid.NewGuid().ToByteString()}"; string serverCommand = isWindowsSystem ? $"-E server --experimental --pipe=\"\\\\?\\pipe\\{pipeName}\"" : $"-E server --experimental --pipe={pipeName}"; process = processManager.StartProcess(binariesLocator.GetExecutableCommand("cmake"), serverCommand, executionContext); pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.Asynchronous, TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation); pipeClient.Connect(CMakeServerTimeout); if (!pipeClient.IsConnected) { throw new FormattableException("Could not connect to server"); } FormatterParameters parameters = new FormatterParameters(); parameters.Add("cmake-json", MessageFormat); IUserInterface jsonCmakeInterface = formatterPool.GetFormatter(parameters, executionContext); CMakeServerStream serverStream = new CMakeServerStream(pipeClient, executionContext); CMakeHelloMessage hello = null; do { foreach (string singleMessage in await serverStream.ReadMessage() .TimeoutAfter(CMakeServerTimeout) .ConfigureAwait(false)) { hello = CMakeMessage.Parse <CMakeMessage>(singleMessage, jsonCmakeInterface) as CMakeHelloMessage; } } while (hello == null); if (hello.SupportedProtocolVersions.All(v => v.Major != 1)) { throw new FormattableException("CMake server does not support the protocol version 1.X. " + $"Supported versions are {string.Join(", ", hello.SupportedProtocolVersions)}"); } CMakeConversation conversation = new CMakeConversation(process, pipeClient, serverStream, jsonCmakeInterface); await conversation.Handshake(sourceDirectory.FullName.Replace('\\', '/'), binaryDirectory.FullName.Replace('\\', '/')) .ConfigureAwait(false); await conversation.Configure().ConfigureAwait(false); return(conversation); } catch (Exception) { pipeClient?.Dispose(); process?.Dispose(); throw; } }