Пример #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <IPipelineProcess <Post> > Process(IPipelineProcess <Post> input, IMvcForumContext context)
            // Refresh contexts for all services

                // Get the Current user from ExtendedData
                var username     = input.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Username] as string;
                var loggedOnUser = await context.MembershipUser.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == username);

                // Is this an edit? If so, create a post edit
                var isEdit = false;
                if (input.ExtendedData.ContainsKey(Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.IsEdit))
                    isEdit = input.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.IsEdit] as bool? == true;

                if (isEdit)
                    // Get the original post
                    var originalPost = await context.Post.Include(x => x.Topic).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == input.EntityToProcess.Id);

                    // Get content from Extended data
                    var postedContent = input.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Content] as string;
                    input.EntityToProcess.PostContent = postedContent;

                    // This is an edit of a post
                    input.EntityToProcess.DateEdited = DateTime.Now;

                    // Grab the original name out the extended data
                    var topicName = input.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Name] as string;
                    if (!originalPost.PostContent.Equals(postedContent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || !originalPost.Topic.Name.Equals(topicName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Create a post edit
                        var postEdit = new PostEdit
                            Post                = input.EntityToProcess,
                            DateEdited          = input.EntityToProcess.DateEdited,
                            EditedBy            = loggedOnUser,
                            OriginalPostContent = originalPost.PostContent,
                            OriginalPostTitle   = originalPost.IsTopicStarter ? originalPost.Topic.Name : string.Empty

                        // Add the post edit too
                    // Add the post

                // Now do a save
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Update the users points score and post count for posting a new post
                if (!isEdit)
                    // make it last post if this is a new post
                    input.EntityToProcess.Topic.LastPost = input.EntityToProcess;

                    await _membershipUserPointsService.Add(new MembershipUserPoints
                        Points      = _settingsService.GetSettings().PointsAddedPerPost,
                        User        = input.EntityToProcess.User,
                        PointsFor   = PointsFor.Post,
                        PointsForId = input.EntityToProcess.Id

                    // Add post activity if it's not an edit, or topic starter and it's not pending
                    if (input.EntityToProcess.IsTopicStarter == false && input.EntityToProcess.Pending != true)

                if (input.EntityToProcess.IsTopicStarter == false && input.EntityToProcess.Pending != true)
                    // Send notifications
                    _notificationService.Notify(input.EntityToProcess.Topic, loggedOnUser, NotificationType.Post);

                // Now do a final save
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                input.ProcessLog.Add("Post created successfully");
            catch (Exception ex)
