Пример #1
        public HelpModule(IPoolManager poolManager, IConfigManager configManager, ISoftwareRepository softwareRepository)
            : base("/help")
            Get["/faq"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.Header = "Frequently Asked Questions";


            Get["/gettingstarted/"] = _ =>
                var model = new GettingStartedModel
                    Stack = configManager.StackConfig,
                    Pool  = poolManager.Get(slug)

                ViewBag.ActiveLink = "help";

                return(View["gettingstarted/index", model]);

            Get["/miningsoftware/"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.ActiveLink = "help";

                return(View["miningsoftware", softwareRepository]);
Пример #2
        // TODO: use base("/api");
        public ApiModule(IStatisticsManager statisticsManager, IPoolManager poolManager, IAlgorithmManager algorithmManager)
            : base("/api")
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                // include common data required by layout.
                ViewBag.Title      = "API";
                ViewBag.Heading    = "Public API";
                ViewBag.Pools      = poolManager;
                ViewBag.LastUpdate = statisticsManager.LastUpdate.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt zz"); // last statistics update.

                // return our view
                return(View["api", new ApiModel
                                BaseUrl = Request.Url.SiteBase,
                                Coin = poolManager.First().Config.Coin

            Get["/pools"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)poolManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/pool/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(_.slug); // query the requested pool.

                var response = pool != null ? (Response)pool.ServiceResponse : PoolNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/algorithms"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)algorithmManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/algorithm/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var algorithm = algorithmManager.Get(_.slug); // query the requested pool.

                var response = algorithm != null ? (Response)algorithm.ServiceResponse : AlgorithmNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/global"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)statisticsManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
Пример #3
        public ApiModule(IStatisticsManager statisticsManager, IPoolManager poolManager, IAlgorithmManager algorithmManager)
            : base("/api")
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                // include common data required by layout.
                ViewBag.Header = "Public API";

                // return our view
                return(View["api", new ApiModel
                                BaseUrl = Request.Url.SiteBase,
                                Coin = poolManager.First().Config.Coin

            Get["/pools"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)poolManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/pool/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // query the requested pool.

                var response = pool != null ? (Response)pool.ServiceResponse : PoolNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/algorithms"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)algorithmManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/algorithm/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var algorithm = algorithmManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // query the requested pool.

                var response = algorithm != null ? (Response)algorithm.ServiceResponse : AlgorithmNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";

            Get["/global"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)statisticsManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
Пример #4
        public ApiModule(IStatisticsManager statisticsManager, IPoolManager poolManager, IAlgorithmManager algorithmManager)
            : base("/api")
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                // include common data required by layout.
                ViewBag.Header = "Public API";

                // return our view
                return View["api", new ApiModel
                    BaseUrl = Request.Url.SiteBase,
                    Coin = poolManager.First().Config.Coin

            Get["/pools"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response) poolManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                return response;

            Get["/pool/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // query the requested pool.

                var response = pool != null ? (Response)pool.ServiceResponse : PoolNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                return response;

            Get["/algorithms"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response)algorithmManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                return response;

            Get["/algorithm/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var algorithm = algorithmManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // query the requested pool.

                var response = algorithm != null ? (Response)algorithm.ServiceResponse : AlgorithmNotFound;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                return response;

            Get["/global"] = _ =>
                var response = (Response) statisticsManager.ServiceResponse;
                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                return response;
Пример #5
        public HelpModule(IPoolManager poolManager, IConfigManager configManager, ISoftwareRepository softwareRepository)
            : base("/help")
            Get["/faq"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.Header = "Frequently Asked Questions";


            Get["/gettingstarted/"] = _ =>
                var model = new GettingStartedModel
                    Stack = configManager.StackConfig,
                    Pools = poolManager.GetAllAsReadOnly()

                return(View["gettingstarted/index", model]);

            Get["/gettingstarted/pool/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                var model = new GettingStartedPoolModel
                    Stack = configManager.StackConfig,
                    Pool  = pool

                return(View["gettingstarted/pool", model]);

            Get["/miningsoftware/"] = _ =>
                return(View["miningsoftware", softwareRepository]);
Пример #6
        public HelpModule(IPoolManager poolManager, IConfigManager configManager, ISoftwareRepository softwareRepository)
            : base("/help")
            Get["/faq"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.Header = "Frequently Asked Questions";

                return View["faq"];

            Get["/gettingstarted/"] = _ =>
                var model = new GettingStartedModel
                    Stack = configManager.StackConfig,
                    Pools = poolManager.GetAllAsReadOnly()

                return View["gettingstarted/index", model];

            Get["/gettingstarted/pool/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                var model = new GettingStartedPoolModel
                    Stack = configManager.StackConfig,
                    Pool = pool

                return View["gettingstarted/pool", model];

            Get["/miningsoftware/"] = _ =>
                return View["miningsoftware", softwareRepository];
Пример #7
        public IndexModule(IPoolManager poolManager)
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                ViewBag.Title   = string.Format("{0} Mining Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);
                ViewBag.Heading = string.Format("{0} Mining Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["pool", new PoolModel
                                Pool = pool

            Get["/workers"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                 // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("{0} Workers", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["workers", new WorkersModel
                                Workers = pool.MinerManager.Miners

            Get["/round"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                 // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("{0} Current Round", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["round", new RoundModel
                                Round = pool.NetworkInfo.Round,
                                Shares = pool.RoundShares

            Get["/blocks/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                        // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                var blocks = pool.BlockRepository.GetBlocks(paginationQuery);

                if (blocks.Count == 0)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = "No more blocks exist"

                var model = new BlocksModel
                    Blocks          = blocks,
                    Coin            = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Filter          = BlockFilter.All,
                    PaginationQuery = paginationQuery

                return(View["blocks", model]);

            Get["/blocks/paid/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                        // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                var blocks = pool.BlockRepository.GetPaidBlocks(paginationQuery);

                if (blocks.Count == 0)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = "No more blocks exist"

                var model = new BlocksModel
                    Blocks          = blocks,
                    Coin            = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Filter          = BlockFilter.PaidOnly,
                    PaginationQuery = paginationQuery

                return(View["blocks", model]);

            Get["/block/{height:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                        // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                var block = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint)_.height);

                if (block == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested block does not exist: {0}", _.height)

                var model = new BlockModel
                    Block    = block,
                    Coin     = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Payments = pool.PaymentRepository.GetPaymentDetailsForBlock((uint)_.height)

                ViewBag.Header    = string.Format("Block {0}", block.Height);
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0} block", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                return(View["block", model]);

            Get["/tx/{id:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                        // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                var details = pool.PaymentRepository.GetPaymentDetailsByTransactionId((uint)_.id);

                if (details == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested transaction does not exist.")

                var account = pool.AccountManager.GetAccountById(details.AccountId);
                var block   = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint)details.Block);

                ViewBag.Header    = string.Format("Transaction Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0}", details.TransactionId);

                var model = new PaymentDetailsModel
                    Details = details,
                    Account = account,
                    Block   = block,
                    Coin    = pool.Config.Coin

                return(View["paymentdetails", model]);

            Get["/payment/{id:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                        // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                var details = pool.PaymentRepository.GeyPaymentDetailsByPaymentId((uint)_.id);

                if (details == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested payment does not exist.")

                var account = pool.AccountManager.GetAccountById(details.AccountId);
                var block   = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint)details.Block);

                ViewBag.Header    = string.Format("Payment Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0}", details.PaymentId);

                var model = new PaymentDetailsModel
                    Details = details,
                    Account = account,
                    Block   = block,
                    Coin    = pool.Config.Coin

                return(View["paymentdetails", model]);

            Get["/account/username/{username}/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", slug)

                var account = (IAccount)pool.AccountManager.GetAccountByUsernameOrAddress(_.username);

                if (account == null)
                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested account does not exist: {0}", _.username)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                // get the payments for the account.
                var payments = pool.AccountManager.GetPaymentsForAccount(account.Id, paginationQuery);

                ViewBag.Header    = string.Format("Account Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = account.Username;

                // return our view
                return(View["account", new AccountModel
                                Account = account,
                                Coin = pool.Config.Coin,
                                Payments = payments,
                                PaginationQuery = paginationQuery
Пример #8
        public PoolModule(IPoolManager poolManager)
            : base("/pool")
            Get["/{slug}"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Title = string.Format("{0} Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);
                ViewBag.Heading = string.Format("{0} Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return View["pool", new PoolModel
                    Pool = pool

            Get["/{slug}/workers"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("{0} Workers", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return View["workers", new WorkersModel
                    Workers = pool.MinerManager.Miners

            Get["/{slug}/round"] = _ =>
                var pool = poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("{0} Current Round", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return View["round", new RoundModel
                    Round = pool.NetworkInfo.Round,
                    Shares = pool.RoundShares

            Get["/{slug}/blocks/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                var blocks = pool.BlockRepository.GetBlocks(paginationQuery);

                if (blocks.Count == 0)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = "No more blocks exist"

                var model = new BlocksModel
                    Blocks = blocks,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Filter = BlockFilter.All,
                    PaginationQuery = paginationQuery

                return View["blocks", model];

            Get["/{slug}/blocks/paid/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                var blocks = pool.BlockRepository.GetPaidBlocks(paginationQuery);

                if (blocks.Count == 0)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = "No more blocks exist"

                var model = new BlocksModel
                    Blocks = blocks,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Filter = BlockFilter.PaidOnly,
                    PaginationQuery = paginationQuery

                return View["blocks", model];

            Get["/{slug}/block/{height:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                var block = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint)_.height);

                if (block == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested block does not exist: {0}", _.height)

                var model = new BlockModel
                    Block = block,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Payments = pool.PaymentRepository.GetPaymentDetailsForBlock((uint)_.height)

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("Block {0}", block.Height);
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0} block", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                return View["block", model];

            Get["/{slug}/tx/{id:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                var details = pool.PaymentRepository.GetPaymentDetailsByTransactionId((uint)_.id);

                if (details == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested transaction does not exist.")

                var account = pool.AccountManager.GetAccountById(details.AccountId);
                var block = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint) details.Block);

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("Transaction Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0}", details.TransactionId);

                var model = new PaymentDetailsModel
                    Details = details,
                    Account = account,
                    Block = block,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin

                return View["paymentdetails", model];

            Get["/{slug}/payment/{id:int}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null) // make sure queried pool exists.
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                var details = pool.PaymentRepository.GeyPaymentDetailsByPaymentId((uint)_.id);

                if (details == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested payment does not exist.")

                var account = pool.AccountManager.GetAccountById(details.AccountId);
                var block = pool.BlockRepository.Get((uint)details.Block);

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("Payment Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = string.Format("{0}", details.PaymentId);

                var model = new PaymentDetailsModel
                    Details = details,
                    Account = account,
                    Block = block,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin

                return View["paymentdetails", model];

            Get["/{slug}/account/address/{address:length(26,34)}/{page?1}"] = _ =>
                var pool = (IPool)poolManager.Get(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug)); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_.slug))

                var account = (IAccount)pool.AccountManager.GetAccountByAddress(_.address);

                if (account == null)
                    return View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                        Details = string.Format("The requested account does not exist: {0}", _.address)

                int page;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(_.page, out page))
                    page = 1;

                var paginationQuery = new PaginationQuery(page);

                // get the payments for the account.
                var payments = pool.AccountManager.GetPaymentsForAccount(account.Id, paginationQuery);

                ViewBag.Header = string.Format("Account Details");
                ViewBag.SubHeader = account.Username;

                // return our view
                return View["account", new AccountModel
                    Account = account,
                    Coin = pool.Config.Coin,
                    Payments = payments,
                    PaginationQuery = paginationQuery
Пример #9
        public PoolModule(IStatisticsManager statisticsManager, IPoolManager poolManager)
            : base("/pool")
            Get["/{slug}"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.LastUpdate = statisticsManager.LastUpdate.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt zz"); // last statistics update.
                ViewBag.Pools      = poolManager;

                var pool = poolManager.Get(_.slug); // find the requested pool. TODO: use IStatistics instead

                if (pool == null)                   // make sure queried pool exists.
                    ViewBag.Title   = "Error";
                    ViewBag.Heading = "An error occured!";

                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Summary = "Pool not found",
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Title   = string.Format("{0} Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);
                ViewBag.Heading = string.Format("{0} Pool", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["pool", new PoolModel
                                Pool = pool

            Get["/{slug}/workers"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.LastUpdate = statisticsManager.LastUpdate.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt zz"); // last statistics update.
                ViewBag.Pools      = poolManager;

                var pool = poolManager.Get(_.slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                   // make sure queried pool exists.
                    ViewBag.Title   = "Error";
                    ViewBag.Heading = "An error occured!";

                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Summary = "Pool not found",
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Title   = string.Format("{0} Workers", pool.Config.Coin.Name);
                ViewBag.Heading = string.Format("{0} Workers", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["workers", new WorkersModel
                                Workers = pool.MinerManager.Miners

            Get["/{slug}/round"] = _ =>
                ViewBag.LastUpdate = statisticsManager.LastUpdate.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt zz"); // last statistics update.
                ViewBag.Pools      = poolManager;

                var pool = poolManager.Get(_.slug); // find the requested pool.

                if (pool == null)                   // make sure queried pool exists.
                    ViewBag.Title   = "Error";
                    ViewBag.Heading = "An error occured!";

                    return(View["error", new ErrorViewModel
                                    Summary = "Pool not found",
                                    Details = string.Format("The requested pool does not exist: {0}", _.slug)

                ViewBag.Title   = string.Format("{0} Current Round", pool.Config.Coin.Name);
                ViewBag.Heading = string.Format("{0} Current Round", pool.Config.Coin.Name);

                // return our view
                return(View["round", new CurrentRoundModel
                                Round = pool.NetworkStats.Round,
                                Shares = pool.RoundShares