Пример #1
        private void BuildPaths(MapArgs e, IEnumerable <IFeature> features, out List <GraphicsPath> borderPaths)
            borderPaths = new List <GraphicsPath>();
            Rectangle          clipRect    = ComputeClippingRectangle(e);
            Extent             drawExtents = e.PixelToProj(clipRect);
            SoutherlandHodgman shClip      = new SoutherlandHodgman(clipRect);

            for (int selectState = 0; selectState < 2; selectState++)
                foreach (IPolygonCategory category in Symbology.Categories)
                    // Determine the subset of the specified features that are visible and match the category
                    IPolygonCategory polygonCategory = category;
                    int i = selectState;
                    Func <IDrawnState, bool> isMember = state =>
                                                        state.SchemeCategory == polygonCategory &&
                                                        state.IsVisible &&
                                                        state.IsSelected == (i == 1);

                    var drawnFeatures = from feature in features
                                        where isMember(DrawingFilter[feature])
                                        select feature;

                    GraphicsPath borderPath = new GraphicsPath();
                    foreach (IFeature f in drawnFeatures)
                        BuildPolygon(DataSet.Vertex, f.ShapeIndex, borderPath, e,
                                     drawExtents.Contains(f.Envelope) ? null : shClip);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the specified category
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">The category to remove</param>
        public override void RemoveCategory(ICategory category)
            IPolygonCategory pc = category as IPolygonCategory;

            if (pc != null)
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the category at the specified index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The integer index where the category should be inserted</param>
        /// <param name="category">The category to insert</param>
        public override void InsertCategory(int index, ICategory category)
            IPolygonCategory pc = category as IPolygonCategory;

            if (pc != null)
                _categories.Insert(index, pc);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new scheme, assuming that the new scheme is the correct type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">The category to add</param>
        public override void AddCategory(ICategory category)
            IPolygonCategory pc = category as IPolygonCategory;

            if (pc != null)
Пример #5
        public void ConvertLayerProperties_MapPolygonDataWithThemeAndMetaDataNameNotInFeatures_OnlyAddsDefaultCategory()
            // Setup
            const string metadataAttribute = "Meta";
            var          random            = new Random(21);
            var          theme             = new MapTheme <PolygonCategoryTheme>("Other Meta", new[]
                new PolygonCategoryTheme(ValueCriterionTestFactory.CreateValueCriterion(),
                                         new PolygonStyle
                    FillColor       = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeColor     = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeThickness = random.Next(1, 48)

            var polygonStyle = new PolygonStyle
                FillColor       = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                StrokeColor     = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                StrokeThickness = random.Next(1, 48)
            var mapPolygonData = new MapPolygonData("test", polygonStyle, theme)
                Features = new[]

            var mapPolygonLayer = new MapPolygonLayer();

            var converter = new MapPolygonDataConverter();

            // Call
            converter.ConvertLayerProperties(mapPolygonData, mapPolygonLayer);

            // Assert
            IPolygonSymbolizer expectedSymbolizer = CreateExpectedSymbolizer(polygonStyle);

            IPolygonScheme appliedScheme = mapPolygonLayer.Symbology;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, appliedScheme.Categories.Count);

            IPolygonCategory baseCategory = appliedScheme.Categories[0];

            AssertAreEqual(expectedSymbolizer, baseCategory.Symbolizer);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            _wasDoubleClick = true;
            Point loc = new Point(e.X + ControlRectangle.X, e.Location.Y + ControlRectangle.Top);

            foreach (LegendBox lb in _legendBoxes)
                if (!lb.Bounds.Contains(loc) || lb.CheckBox.Contains(loc))
                ILineCategory lc = lb.Item as ILineCategory;
                if (lc != null)
                    DetailedLineSymbolDialog lsDialog = new DetailedLineSymbolDialog(lc.Symbolizer);
                    ILineSymbolizer sel = lc.Symbolizer.Copy();
                    lc.SelectionSymbolizer = sel;
                IPointCategory pc = lb.Item as IPointCategory;
                if (pc != null)
                    DetailedPointSymbolDialog dlg = new DetailedPointSymbolDialog(pc.Symbolizer);
                    IPointSymbolizer ps = pc.Symbolizer.Copy();
                    pc.SelectionSymbolizer = ps;
                IPolygonCategory polyCat = lb.Item as IPolygonCategory;
                if (polyCat != null)
                    DetailedPolygonSymbolDialog dlg = new DetailedPolygonSymbolDialog(polyCat.Symbolizer);
                    IPolygonSymbolizer ps = polyCat.Symbolizer.Copy();
                    polyCat.SelectionSymbolizer = ps;
                IFeatureLayer fl = lb.Item as IFeatureLayer;
                if (fl != null)
                    LayerDialog layDialog = new LayerDialog(fl, new FeatureCategoryControl());
                IRasterLayer rl = lb.Item as IRasterLayer;
                if (rl != null)
                    LayerDialog dlg = new LayerDialog(rl, new RasterCategoryControl());
                IColorCategory cb = lb.Item as IColorCategory;
                if (cb != null)
                    _tabColorDialog = new TabColorDialog();
                    _tabColorDialog.ChangesApplied += TabColorDialogChangesApplied;
                    _tabColorDialog.StartColor      = cb.LowColor;
                    _tabColorDialog.EndColor        = cb.HighColor;
                    _editCategory = cb;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Before a shape is selected, moving the mouse over a shape will highlight that shape by changing
        /// its appearance. This tests features to determine the first feature to qualify as the highlight.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The GeoMouseArgs parameter contains information about the mouse location
        /// and geographic coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>A value indicating whether the shape was successfully highlighted.</returns>
        private bool ShapeHighlight(GeoMouseArgs e)
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e", "e is null.");

            Rectangle mouseRect          = new Rectangle(_mousePosition.X - 3, _mousePosition.Y - 3, 6, 6);
            Extent    ext                = Map.PixelToProj(mouseRect);
            IPolygon  env                = ext.ToEnvelope().ToPolygon();
            bool      requiresInvalidate = false;

            foreach (IFeature feature in _featureSet.Features)
                if (_featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Point || _featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.MultiPoint)
                    MapPointLayer mpl = _layer as MapPointLayer;
                    if (mpl != null)
                        int           w  = 3;
                        int           h  = 3;
                        PointCategory pc = mpl.GetCategory(feature) as PointCategory;
                        if (pc != null)
                            if (pc.Symbolizer.ScaleMode != ScaleMode.Geographic)
                                Size2D size = pc.Symbolizer.GetSize();
                                w = (int)size.Width;
                                h = (int)size.Height;
                        _imageRect = new Rectangle(e.Location.X - (w / 2), e.Location.Y - (h / 2), w, h);
                        if (_imageRect.Contains(Map.ProjToPixel(feature.Geometry.Coordinates[0])))
                            _activeFeature = feature;
                            _oldCategory   = mpl.GetCategory(feature);
                            if (_selectedCategory == null)
                                _selectedCategory = _oldCategory.Copy();
                                _selectedCategory.LegendItemVisible = false;
                            mpl.SetCategory(_activeFeature, _selectedCategory);
                    requiresInvalidate = true;
                    if (feature.Geometry.Intersects(env))
                        _activeFeature = feature;
                        _oldCategory   = _layer.GetCategory(_activeFeature);

                        if (_featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Polygon)
                            IPolygonCategory pc = _activeCategory as IPolygonCategory;
                            if (pc == null)
                                _activeCategory = new PolygonCategory(Color.FromArgb(55, 255, 0, 0), Color.Red, 1)
                                    LegendItemVisible = false
                        if (_featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Line)
                            ILineCategory pc = _activeCategory as ILineCategory;
                            if (pc == null)
                                _activeCategory = new LineCategory(Color.Red, 3)
                                    LegendItemVisible = false
                        _layer.SetCategory(_activeFeature, _activeCategory);
                        requiresInvalidate = true;
Пример #8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnMouseDown(GeoMouseArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                _mousePosition = e.Location;
                if (_dragging)
                    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                        _dragging = false;
                        Map.IsBusy = false;
                    if (_selectedFeature != null)
                        Rectangle mouseRect = new Rectangle(_mousePosition.X - 3, _mousePosition.Y - 3, 6, 6);

                        Envelope env = Map.PixelToProj(mouseRect).ToEnvelope();

                        if (CheckForVertexDrag(e))

                        // No vertex selection has occured.
                        if (!_selectedFeature.Geometry.Intersects(env.ToPolygon()))
                            // We are clicking down outside of the given polygon, so clear our selected feature

                    if (_activeFeature != null)
                        // Don't start dragging a vertices right away for polygons and lines.
                        // First you select the polygon, which displays the vertices, then they can be moved.
                        if (_featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Polygon)
                            _selectedFeature = _activeFeature;
                            _activeFeature   = null;
                            IPolygonCategory sc = _selectedCategory as IPolygonCategory;
                            if (sc == null)
                                _selectedCategory = new PolygonCategory(Color.FromArgb(55, 0, 255, 255), Color.Blue, 1)
                                    LegendItemVisible = false

                            _layer.SetCategory(_selectedFeature, _selectedCategory);
                        else if (_featureSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Line)
                            _selectedFeature = _activeFeature;
                            _activeFeature   = null;
                            ILineCategory sc = _selectedCategory as ILineCategory;
                            if (sc == null)
                                _selectedCategory = new LineCategory(Color.Cyan, 1)
                                    LegendItemVisible = false
                            _layer.SetCategory(_selectedFeature, _selectedCategory);
                            _dragging  = true;
                            Map.IsBusy = true;
                            _dragCoord = _activeFeature.Geometry.Coordinates[0];
                            MapPointLayer mpl = _layer as MapPointLayer;
                            if (mpl != null)
                                mpl.SetVisible(_activeFeature, false);
                            IPointCategory sc = _selectedCategory as IPointCategory;
                            if (sc == null)
                                IPointSymbolizer ps =
                                    _layer.GetCategory(_activeFeature).Symbolizer.Copy() as IPointSymbolizer;
                                if (ps != null)
                                    _selectedCategory = new PointCategory(ps);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-orders the specified member by attempting to exchange it with the next higher
        /// index category.  If there is no higher index, this does nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">The category to increase the index of</param>
        public override bool IncreaseCategoryIndex(ICategory category)
            IPolygonCategory pc = category as IPolygonCategory;

            return(pc != null && Categories.IncreaseIndex(pc));
Пример #10
        public void ConvertLayerProperties_MapPolygonDataWithThemeAndMetaDataNameInFeatures_ConvertDataToMapPolygonLayer()
            // Setup
            const string metadataAttribute = "Meta";
            var          random            = new Random(21);

            var unequalCriterion = new ValueCriterion(ValueCriterionOperator.UnequalValue,
                                                      "unequal value");
            var equalCriterion = new ValueCriterion(ValueCriterionOperator.EqualValue,
                                                    "equal value");
            var theme = new MapTheme <PolygonCategoryTheme>(metadataAttribute, new[]
                new PolygonCategoryTheme(equalCriterion, new PolygonStyle
                    FillColor       = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeColor     = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeThickness = random.Next(1, 48)
                new PolygonCategoryTheme(unequalCriterion, new PolygonStyle
                    FillColor       = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeColor     = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                    StrokeThickness = random.Next(1, 48)

            var polygonStyle = new PolygonStyle
                FillColor       = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                StrokeColor     = Color.FromKnownColor(random.NextEnum <KnownColor>()),
                StrokeThickness = random.Next(1, 48)
            var mapPolygonData = new MapPolygonData("test", polygonStyle, theme)
                Features = new[]

            var mapPolygonLayer = new MapPolygonLayer();

            var converter = new MapPolygonDataConverter();

            // Call
            converter.ConvertLayerProperties(mapPolygonData, mapPolygonLayer);

            // Assert
            PolygonSymbolizer expectedSymbolizer = CreateExpectedSymbolizer(polygonStyle);

            IPolygonScheme appliedScheme = mapPolygonLayer.Symbology;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, appliedScheme.Categories.Count);

            IPolygonCategory baseCategory = appliedScheme.Categories[0];

            AssertAreEqual(expectedSymbolizer, baseCategory.Symbolizer);

            IPolygonCategory equalSchemeCategory = appliedScheme.Categories[1];
            string           expectedFilter      = $"[1] = '{equalCriterion.Value}'";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFilter, equalSchemeCategory.FilterExpression);
            PolygonStyle expectedCategoryStyle = theme.CategoryThemes.ElementAt(0).Style;

            expectedSymbolizer = CreateExpectedSymbolizer(expectedCategoryStyle);
            AssertAreEqual(expectedSymbolizer, equalSchemeCategory.Symbolizer);

            IPolygonCategory unEqualSchemeCategory = appliedScheme.Categories[2];

            expectedFilter = $"NOT [1] = '{unequalCriterion.Value}'";
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFilter, unEqualSchemeCategory.FilterExpression);
            expectedCategoryStyle = theme.CategoryThemes.ElementAt(1).Style;
            expectedSymbolizer    = CreateExpectedSymbolizer(expectedCategoryStyle);
            AssertAreEqual(expectedSymbolizer, unEqualSchemeCategory.Symbolizer);