Пример #1
 public static IRasterDataset createFileRasterDataset(IRasterWorkspace2 irasterWorkspace2_0, string string_0,
                                                      int int_0, rstPixelType rstPixelType_0, ISpatialReference ispatialReference_0)
         IRasterDataset dataset = null;
         IPoint         origin  = new Point();
         origin.PutCoords(0.0, 0.0);
         if (ispatialReference_0 == null)
             ispatialReference_0 = new UnknownCoordinateSystem() as ISpatialReference;
         dataset = irasterWorkspace2_0.CreateRasterDataset(string_0, "IMAGINE Image", origin, 200, 100, 1.0, 1.0,
                                                           int_0, rstPixelType_0, ispatialReference_0, true);
         IRawPixels            pixels = null;
         IPixelBlock3          block  = null;
         IPnt                  tlc    = null;
         IPnt                  size   = null;
         IRasterBandCollection bands  = (IRasterBandCollection)dataset;
         pixels = (IRawPixels)bands.Item(0);
         IRasterProps props = (IRasterProps)pixels;
         tlc = new DblPnt();
         tlc.SetCoords(0.0, 0.0);
         size = new DblPnt();
         size.SetCoords((double)props.Width, (double)props.Height);
         block = (IPixelBlock3)pixels.CreatePixelBlock(size);
         pixels.Read(tlc, (IPixelBlock)block);
         object[,] objArray = (object[, ])block.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
         for (int i = 0; i < props.Width; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < props.Height; j++)
                 objArray[i, j] = (i * j) % 255;
         object cache = pixels.AcquireCache();
         pixels.Write(tlc, (IPixelBlock)block);
     catch (Exception exception)
Пример #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string jieguo2;

            for (int i = 0; i < frm.mainMapControl.LayerCount; i++)
                ////////    if (frm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(i).Name == input)
                ////////    {
                ////////        temp = i;
                ////////        break;
                ////////    }
                ////////IRasterLayer pRasterLayer = frm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(temp) as IRasterLayer;
                string inputname = frm.mainMapControl.get_Layer(i).Name;
                int    location2 = inputname.LastIndexOf('.');
                string sss2      = inputname;
                jieguo2 = sss2.Substring(0, location2);////"."后文件名称
                IRasterLayer pRasterLayer = frm.mainMapControl.get_Layer(i) as IRasterLayer;

                IRaster2 raster = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;

                System.Array array;
                //IRaster2 raster = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
                IRasterDataset rasterDataset = raster.RasterDataset;
                IPoint         pPointOrign   = new PointClass();
                pPointOrign.X = 0;
                pPointOrign.Y = 0;
                IPnt pixelBlockOrigin = null;
                pixelBlockOrigin = new DblPntClass();
                pixelBlockOrigin.SetCoords(pPointOrign.X, pPointOrign.Y);
                IRasterBandCollection dirBandCollection = (IRasterBandCollection)rasterDataset;
                IRasterBand           dirRasterBand     = dirBandCollection.Item(0);
                IRawPixels            dirRawPixels      = (IRawPixels)dirRasterBand;
                IRasterProps          dirProps          = (IRasterProps)dirRawPixels;
                int    dirColumns   = dirProps.Width;                 //列数
                int    dirRows      = dirProps.Height;                //行数
                double cellSizeX    = dirProps.MeanCellSize().X;      //得到x方向栅格大小
                double cellSizeY    = dirProps.MeanCellSize().Y;      ////得到y方向栅格大小
                IPnt   dirBlockSize = new DblPntClass();
                dirBlockSize.X = dirColumns;
                dirBlockSize.Y = dirRows;
                IPixelBlock3 dirPixelBlock = (IPixelBlock3)dirRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(dirBlockSize);
                dirRawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)dirPixelBlock);
                array = (System.Array)dirPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

                string ss = "";
                double[,] b = new double[dirRows, dirColumns];
                for (int row = dirRows - 1; row < dirRows; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns; col++)
                        b[row, col] = Convert.ToSingle(array.GetValue(col, row));

                int minnum, maxnum, chuangkou;

                if (textBox1.Text == "")
                    minnum = 2;
                    minnum = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);

                if (textBox2.Text == "")
                    maxnum = 1;
                    maxnum = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);
                chuangkou = minnum;

                if (textBox3.Text == "")

                String savename = textBox3.Text + "\\" + jieguo2 + ".txt";

                for (int c = 0; c < maxnum; c++)
                    double result, sum, mean, fangcha, ste, a;////////修改程序2011年11月15日
                    a       = 0;
                    ste     = 0;
                    sum     = 0;
                    fangcha = 0;

                    for (int row = dirRows - 1; row < dirRows; row++)              ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                        for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns - chuangkou + 1; col++) ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                            for (int k = row; k < row + 1; k++)                    ////窗口大小与图像栅格和的关系
                                for (int l = col; l < col + chuangkou; l++)
                                    sum = sum + b[k, l];
                            mean = sum / (chuangkou);/////一维图像就像是窗口大小

                            for (int m = row; m < row + 1; m++)
                                for (int n = col; n < col + chuangkou; n++)
                                    fangcha = fangcha + (b[m, n] - mean) * (b[m, n] - mean);

                            result = System.Math.Sqrt(fangcha / (chuangkou));/////一维图像就像是窗口大小

                            fangcha = 0;
                            sum     = 0;
                            ste     = ste + result;
                            a       = a + 1;

                    //ss += ste / a + "    " + chuangkou + "\r\n";
                    ss += ste / a + "  " + ste + "  " + a + "\r\n";
                    //string varString = Convert.ToString(chuangkou);

                    String Strsavefile;
                    Strsavefile = savename;
                    ////////FileStream fs = new FileStream(Strsavefile);

                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Strsavefile);
                    chuangkou = chuangkou + 1;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// TIN数据转栅格数据并进行坡度分析      张琪    20110614
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pTinAdvanced"></param>
        /// <param name="pRastConvType"></param>
        /// <param name="sDir"></param>
        /// <param name="sName"></param>
        /// <param name="ePixelType"></param>
        /// <param name="cellsize"></param>
        /// <param name="pExtent"></param>
        /// <param name="bPerm"></param>
        /// <param name="strType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IRasterDataset TinToRaster(ITinAdvanced pTinAdvanced, esriRasterizationType pRastConvType, String sDir, String sName, rstPixelType ePixelType, Double cellsize, IEnvelope pExtent, bool bPerm, String strType)
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint pOrigin = pExtent.LowerLeft;
                pOrigin.X = pOrigin.X - (cellsize * 0.5);
                pOrigin.Y = pOrigin.Y - (cellsize * 0.5);
                int nCol, nRow;
                nCol = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(pExtent.Width / cellsize)) + 1;
                nRow = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(pExtent.Height / cellsize)) + 1;
                IGeoDataset         pGeoDataset        = pTinAdvanced as IGeoDataset;
                ISpatialReference2  pSpatialReference2 = pGeoDataset.SpatialReference as ISpatialReference2;
                IRasterDataset      pRasterDataset     = CreateRasterSurf(sDir, sName, strType, pOrigin, nCol, nRow, cellsize, cellsize, ePixelType, pSpatialReference2, bPerm);
                IRawPixels          pRawPixels         = GetRawPixels(pRasterDataset, 0);
                object              pCache             = pRawPixels.AcquireCache();
                ITinSurface         pTinSurface        = pTinAdvanced as ITinSurface;
                IGeoDatabaseBridge2 pbridge2           = (IGeoDatabaseBridge2) new GeoDatabaseHelperClass();

                IRasterProps pRasterProps = pRawPixels as IRasterProps;
                //float nodataFloat;
                //int nodataInt;
                double dZMin = pTinAdvanced.Extent.ZMin;
                object vNoData;
                if (ePixelType.ToString() == "PT_FLOAT")
                    vNoData = (dZMin - 1).ToString();
                    vNoData = Convert.ToInt32((dZMin - 1));
                pRasterProps.NoDataValue = vNoData;
                IPnt pOffset    = new DblPntClass();
                int  lMaxBlockX = 2048;
                if (nCol < lMaxBlockX)
                    lMaxBlockX = nCol;
                int lMaxBlockY = 2048;
                if (nRow < lMaxBlockY)
                    lMaxBlockY = nRow;
                IPnt pBlockSize = new DblPntClass();
                pBlockSize.X = lMaxBlockX;
                pBlockSize.Y = lMaxBlockY;
                IPixelBlock3 pPixelBlock = pRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize) as IPixelBlock3;
                object       blockArray  = pPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
                ITrackCancel pCancel     = new CancelTrackerClass();
                pCancel.CancelOnClick    = false;
                pCancel.CancelOnKeyPress = true;
                int lBlockCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((nCol / lMaxBlockX) + 0.49) * Math.Round((nRow / lMaxBlockY) + 0.49));
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint pBlockOrigin = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.PointClass();
                int lColOffset, lRowOffset;

                for (lRowOffset = 0; lRowOffset < (nRow - 1);)
                    for (lColOffset = 0; lColOffset < (nCol - 1);)
                        if ((nCol - lColOffset) < lMaxBlockX)
                            pBlockSize.X = (nCol - lColOffset);
                            pPixelBlock  = pRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize) as IPixelBlock3;
                            blockArray   = pPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
                        pBlockOrigin.X = pOrigin.X + (lColOffset * cellsize) + (cellsize * 0.5);
                        pBlockOrigin.Y = pOrigin.Y + ((nRow - lRowOffset) * cellsize) - (cellsize * 0.5);
                        pbridge2.QueryPixelBlock(pTinSurface, pBlockOrigin.X, pBlockOrigin.Y, cellsize, cellsize, pRastConvType, vNoData, ref blockArray);
                        //pTinSurface.QueryPixelBlock(pBlockOrigin.X, pBlockOrigin.Y, cellsize, cellsize, pRastConvType, vNoData, blockArray);
                        pOffset.X = lColOffset;
                        pOffset.Y = lRowOffset;
                        pPixelBlock.set_PixelData(0, (System.Object)blockArray);
                        pRawPixels.Write(pOffset, pPixelBlock as IPixelBlock);
                        if (lBlockCount > 1)
                            if (!pCancel.Continue())
                            else if (pTinAdvanced.ProcessCancelled)
                        lColOffset = lColOffset + lMaxBlockX;
                    bool bReset = false;
                    if (pBlockSize.X != lMaxBlockX)
                        pBlockSize.X = lMaxBlockX;
                        bReset       = true;
                    if ((nRow - lRowOffset) < lMaxBlockY)
                        pBlockSize.Y = (nRow - lRowOffset);
                        bReset       = true;
                    if (bReset)
                        pPixelBlock.set_PixelData(0, blockArray);
                        pPixelBlock = pRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize) as IPixelBlock3;
                        blockArray  = pPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
                    lRowOffset = lRowOffset + lMaxBlockY;

                pCache         = null;
                pRawPixels     = null;
                pPixelBlock    = null;
                pRasterProps   = null;
                blockArray     = 0;
                pRasterDataset = OpenRasterDataset(sDir, sName);
                if (lBlockCount == 1)
                    pTinAdvanced.TrackCancel = null;
Пример #4
        public IRasterDataset TinToRaster2(ITinAdvanced pTinAdvanced, esriRasterizationType pRastConvType, String sDir, String sName, rstPixelType ePixelType, Double cellsize, IEnvelope pExtent, bool bPerm, String strType)
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint pOrigin = pExtent.LowerLeft;
                pOrigin.X = pOrigin.X - (cellsize * 0.5);
                pOrigin.Y = pOrigin.Y - (cellsize * 0.5);
                int nCol, nRow;
                nCol = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(pExtent.Width / cellsize)) + 1;
                nRow = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(pExtent.Height / cellsize)) + 1;
                IGeoDataset        pGeoDataset        = pTinAdvanced as IGeoDataset;
                ISpatialReference2 pSpatialReference2 = pGeoDataset.SpatialReference as ISpatialReference2;
                IRasterDataset     pRasterDataset     = CreateRasterSurf(sDir, sName, strType, pOrigin, nCol, nRow, cellsize, cellsize, ePixelType, pSpatialReference2, bPerm);
                IRawPixels         pRawPixels         = GetRawPixels(pRasterDataset, 0);
                IPnt pBlockSize = new DblPntClass();
                pBlockSize.X = nCol;
                pBlockSize.Y = nRow;
                IPixelBlock3        pPixelBlock = pRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize) as IPixelBlock3;
                object              blockArray  = pPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
                ITinSurface         pTinSurface = pTinAdvanced as ITinSurface;
                IGeoDatabaseBridge2 pbridge2    = (IGeoDatabaseBridge2) new GeoDatabaseHelperClass();

                IRasterProps pRasterProps = pRawPixels as IRasterProps;
                object       nodataFloat;
                object       nodataInt;
                pOrigin.X = pOrigin.X + (cellsize * 0.5);
                pOrigin.Y = pOrigin.Y + (cellsize * nRow) - (cellsize * 0.5);

                if (ePixelType.ToString() == "PT_FLOAT")
                    nodataFloat = pRasterProps.NoDataValue;
                    pTinSurface.QueryPixelBlock(pOrigin.X, pOrigin.Y, cellsize, cellsize, pRastConvType, nodataFloat, blockArray);
                    nodataInt = pRasterProps.NoDataValue;
                    pTinSurface.QueryPixelBlock(pOrigin.X, pOrigin.Y, cellsize, cellsize, pRastConvType, nodataInt, blockArray);

                if (pTinAdvanced.ProcessCancelled == false)
                IPnt pOffset = new DblPntClass();
                pOffset.X = 0;
                pOffset.Y = 0;
                pRawPixels.Write(pOffset, pPixelBlock  as IPixelBlock);
                if (!bPerm && ePixelType.ToString() == "PT_FLOAT")
                    IRasterBand       pBand  = pRawPixels as IRasterBand;
                    IRasterStatistics pStats = pBand.Statistics;
                if (bPerm)
                    pRawPixels     = null;
                    pPixelBlock    = null;
                    pRasterProps   = null;
                    blockArray     = 0;
                    pRasterDataset = OpenRasterDataset(sDir, sName);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建栅格数据集,本地
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryName"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IRasterDataset CreateFileRasterDataset(string directoryName, string fileName)
            // This function creates a new img file in the given workspace
            // and then assigns pixel values
                IRasterDataset rasterDataset = null;
                IPoint         originPoint   = new PointClass();
                originPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);

                // Create the dataset
                IRasterWorkspace2 rasterWorkspace2 = null;
                rasterWorkspace2 = CreateRasterWorkspace(directoryName);

                rasterDataset = rasterWorkspace2.CreateRasterDataset(fileName, "IMAGINE Image", originPoint, 200, 100, 1, 1, 1, rstPixelType.PT_UCHAR, new UnknownCoordinateSystemClass(), true);

                IRawPixels            rawPixels        = null;
                IPixelBlock3          pixelBlock3      = null;
                IPnt                  pixelBlockOrigin = null;
                IPnt                  pixelBlockSize   = null;
                IRasterBandCollection rasterBandCollection;
                IRasterProps          rasterProps;

                // QI for IRawPixels and IRasterProps
                rasterBandCollection = (IRasterBandCollection)rasterDataset;
                rawPixels            = (IRawPixels)rasterBandCollection.Item(0);
                rasterProps          = (IRasterProps)rawPixels;

                // Create pixelblock
                pixelBlockOrigin = new DblPntClass();
                pixelBlockOrigin.SetCoords(0, 0);

                pixelBlockSize = new DblPntClass();
                pixelBlockSize.SetCoords(rasterProps.Width, rasterProps.Height);

                pixelBlock3 = (IPixelBlock3)rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockSize);

                // Read pixelblock
                rawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)pixelBlock3);

                // Get pixeldata array
                System.Object[,] pixelData;
                pixelData = (System.Object[, ])pixelBlock3.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

                // Loop through all the pixels and assign value
                for (int i = 0; i < rasterProps.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < rasterProps.Height; j++)
                        pixelData[i, j] = (i * j) % 255;

                // Write the pixeldata back
                System.Object cachePointer;

                cachePointer = rawPixels.AcquireCache();

                rawPixels.Write(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)pixelBlock3);


                // Return raster dataset
            catch (Exception ex)
                //guozheng added
                if (ModData.SysLog != null)
                    ModData.SysLog.Write(ex, null, DateTime.Now);
                    ModData.SysLog = new SysCommon.Log.clsWriteSystemFunctionLog();
                    ModData.SysLog.Write(ex, null, DateTime.Now);

Пример #6
        public static IRasterDataset TinToRaster(ITinAdvanced itinAdvanced_0,
                                                 esriRasterizationType esriRasterizationType_0, string string_0, string string_1, string string_2,
                                                 rstPixelType rstPixelType_0, double double_0, IEnvelope ienvelope_0, bool bool_0)
            object obj3;
            IPoint lowerLeft = ienvelope_0.LowerLeft;

            lowerLeft.X -= double_0 * 0.5;
            lowerLeft.Y -= double_0 * 0.5;
            int                num              = ((int)Math.Round((double)(ienvelope_0.Width / double_0))) + 1;
            int                num2             = ((int)Math.Round((double)(ienvelope_0.Height / double_0))) + 1;
            IGeoDataset        dataset          = itinAdvanced_0 as IGeoDataset;
            ISpatialReference2 spatialReference = dataset.SpatialReference as ISpatialReference2;
            IRasterDataset     dataset2         = CreateRasterSurf(string_0, string_1, string_2, lowerLeft, num, num2, double_0,
                                                                   double_0, 1, rstPixelType_0, spatialReference, bool_0);
            IRawPixels   rawPixels = GetRawPixels(dataset2, 0);
            object       cache     = rawPixels.AcquireCache();
            ITinSurface  pSurface  = itinAdvanced_0 as ITinSurface;
            IRasterProps o         = rawPixels as IRasterProps;
            double       zMin      = itinAdvanced_0.Extent.ZMin;

            if (rstPixelType_0 == rstPixelType.PT_FLOAT)
                obj3 = (float)(zMin - 1.0);
                obj3 = (int)(zMin - 1.0);
            o.NoDataValue = obj3;
            IPnt tlc  = new DblPnt();
            int  num4 = 2048;

            if (num < 2048)
                num4 = num;
            int num5 = 2048;

            if (num2 < 2048)
                num5 = num2;
            IPnt size = new DblPnt
                X = num4,
                Y = num5
            IPixelBlock3 block  = rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(size) as IPixelBlock3;
            ITrackCancel cancel = new CancelTracker
                CancelOnClick    = false,
                CancelOnKeyPress = true
            int num6 = (int)(Math.Round((double)((num / num4) + 0.49)) * Math.Round((double)((num2 / num5) + 0.49)));

            if (num6 == 1)
                itinAdvanced_0.TrackCancel = cancel;
            IPoint point2 = new Point();
            object obj4   = block.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < num2; i += num5)
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j += num4)
                    if ((num - j) < num4)
                        size.X = num - j;
                        block  = rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(size) as IPixelBlock3;
                        obj4   = block.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
                    point2.X = (lowerLeft.X + (j * double_0)) + (double_0 * 0.5);
                    point2.Y = (lowerLeft.Y + ((num2 - i) * double_0)) - (double_0 * 0.5);
                    IGeoDatabaseBridge2 bridge = new GeoDatabaseHelper() as IGeoDatabaseBridge2;
                    bridge.QueryPixelBlock(pSurface, point2.X, point2.Y, double_0, double_0, esriRasterizationType_0,
                                           obj3, ref obj4);
                    tlc.X = j;
                    tlc.Y = i;
                    block.set_PixelData(0, obj4);
                    rawPixels.Write(tlc, block as IPixelBlock);
                bool flag = false;
                if (size.X != num4)
                    size.X = num4;
                    flag   = true;
                if ((num2 - i) < num5)
                    size.Y = num2 - i;
                    flag   = true;
                if (flag)
                    block = rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(size) as IPixelBlock3;
                    obj4  = block.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
            cache = null;
            rawPixels = null;
            block = null;
            o    = null;
            obj4 = 0;
Пример #7
        public static IRasterDataset CreateRasterDataset(string filePath, string fileName, IRasterLayer rasterLayer,
                                                         StructRasterMetaData structRasterMetaData, int[,] data, int noDataValue)
                IRasterWorkspace2 rasterWorkspace2 = OpenRasterWorkspace(filePath);
                //Define the origin for the raster dataset, which is the lower left corner of the raster.
                IPoint originPoint = new PointClass();
                originPoint.PutCoords(structRasterMetaData.XMin, structRasterMetaData.YMin);
                //Define the dimensions of the raster dataset.
                int                 width            = structRasterMetaData.RowCount;    //This is the width of the raster dataset.
                int                 height           = structRasterMetaData.ColumnCount; //This is the height of the raster dataset.
                IRaster             r                = rasterLayer.Raster;
                IRasterDefaultProps rdp              = r as IRasterDefaultProps;
                double              xCellSize        = rdp.DefaultPixelWidth;  //This is the cell size in x direction.
                double              yCellSize        = rdp.DefaultPixelHeight; //This is the cell size in y direction.
                ISpatialReference   spatialReference = rdp.DefaultSpatialReference;
                int                 bandCount        = 1;                      // This is the number of bands the raster dataset contains.
                //Create a raster dataset in TIFF format.
                IRasterDataset rasterDataset = rasterWorkspace2.CreateRasterDataset(fileName, "IMAGINE Image",
                                                                                    originPoint, height, width, xCellSize, yCellSize, bandCount, rstPixelType.PT_UCHAR, spatialReference,

                //If you need to set NoData for some of the pixels, you need to set it on band
                //to get the raster band.
                IRasterBandCollection rasterBands = (IRasterBandCollection)rasterDataset;
                IRasterBand           rasterBand;
                IRasterProps          rasterProps;
                rasterBand  = rasterBands.Item(0);
                rasterProps = (IRasterProps)rasterBand;
                //Set NoData if necessary. For a multiband image, a NoData value needs to be set for each band.
                rasterProps.NoDataValue = -9999f;
                //Create a raster from the dataset.
                IRaster raster = rasterDataset.CreateDefaultRaster();

                //Create a pixel block using the weight and height of the raster dataset.
                //If the raster dataset is large, a smaller pixel block should be used.
                //Refer to the topic "How to access pixel data using a raster cursor".
                IPnt blocksize = new PntClass();
                blocksize.SetCoords(height, width);
                IPixelBlock3 pixelblock = raster.CreatePixelBlock(blocksize) as IPixelBlock3;

                object temp = pixelblock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

                System.Byte[,] pixelData = (System.Byte[, ])temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                        if (data[i, j] == -9999f)
                            pixelData[j, i] = (System.Byte)noDataValue;
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "+" + j.ToString());
                            if (pixelData[j, i] != Convert.ToByte(data[i, j]))
                                pixelData[j, i] = Convert.ToByte(data[i, j]);
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString());

                pixelblock.set_PixelData(0, pixelData);

                //Define the location that the upper left corner of the pixel block is to write.
                IPnt upperLeft = new PntClass();
                upperLeft.SetCoords(0, 0);

                //Write the pixel block.
                IRasterEdit rasterEdit = (IRasterEdit)raster;
                rasterEdit.Write(upperLeft, (IPixelBlock)pixelblock);

                //Release rasterEdit explicitly.

            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 写入栅格数据。
        /// </summary>
        public static void WriteRaster(IRasterLayer rasterLayer, float[,] datas)
            int columnCount = rasterLayer.ColumnCount;
            int rowCount    = rasterLayer.RowCount;

            IRaster2 raster  = rasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
            IPnt     fromPnt = new PntClass();

            fromPnt.SetCoords(0, 0);
            IPnt blockSize = new PntClass();

            blockSize.SetCoords(columnCount, rowCount);
            IPixelBlock pixelBlock = ((IRaster)raster).CreatePixelBlock(blockSize);

            rasterLayer.Raster.Read(fromPnt, pixelBlock);

            IPixelBlock3 pixelBlock3 = (IPixelBlock3)pixelBlock;
            object       temp        = pixelBlock3.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

            if ((pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_CLONG) || (pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_ULONG))
                System.Int32[,] pixelData = (System.Int32[, ])temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                        if (datas[i, j] == -9999f)
                            pixelData[j, i] = 0;
                            if (pixelData[j, i] != Convert.ToInt32(datas[i, j]))
                                pixelData[j, i] = Convert.ToInt32(datas[i, j]);
                pixelBlock3.set_PixelData(0, pixelData);
            else if ((pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_SHORT) || (pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_USHORT))
                System.Int16[,] pixelData = (System.Int16[, ])temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                        if (datas[i, j] == -9999f)
                            pixelData[j, i] = 0;
                            if (pixelData[j, i] != Convert.ToInt16(datas[i, j]))
                                pixelData[j, i] = Convert.ToInt16(datas[i, j]);
                pixelBlock3.set_PixelData(0, pixelData);
            else if ((pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_CHAR) || (pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_UCHAR))
                System.Byte[,] pixelData = (System.Byte[, ])temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                        if (datas[i, j] == -9999f)
                            //pixelData[j, i] = 0;
                            if (pixelData[j, i] != Convert.ToByte(datas[i, j]))
                                pixelData[j, i] = Convert.ToByte(datas[i, j]);
                pixelBlock3.set_PixelData(0, pixelData);
            else if (pixelBlock3.get_PixelType(0) == rstPixelType.PT_FLOAT)
                System.Single[,] pixelData = (System.Single[, ])temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                        if (datas[i, j] == -9999f)
                            //pixelData[j, i] =0;
                            if (pixelData[j, i] != Convert.ToSingle(datas[i, j]))
                                pixelData[j, i] = Convert.ToSingle(datas[i, j]);
                pixelBlock3.set_PixelData(0, pixelData);

            ((IRasterEdit)rasterLayer.Raster).Write(fromPnt, (IPixelBlock)pixelBlock3);
Пример #9
        private List <byte> GetBlockUniqueValue(IRasterLayer rasterLyr, IElement element)
            //get top visable raster
            if (rasterLyr == null)
            IRaster2 raster2 = rasterLyr.Raster as IRaster2;
            //if(element.Geometry.SpatialReference ==null)
            //    element.Geometry.SpatialReference = EnviVars.instance.MapControl.SpatialReference ;
            IRasterBandCollection rasterBandCollection = raster2.RasterDataset as IRasterBandCollection;
            IRasterBand           rasterBand           = rasterBandCollection.Item(0);
            IRawPixels            rawPixels            = rasterBand as IRawPixels;

            IPnt         pixelBlockOrigin = new DblPntClass();
            IPnt         pixelBlockSize   = new DblPntClass();
            IPixelBlock3 pixelBlock3      = null;
            //calculate element column and row in raster
            int       startColum, startRow, endColum, endRow = -1;
            IEnvelope envelope = element.Geometry.Envelope;
            IPoint            upleft        = new PointClass();
            IPoint            lowright      = new PointClass();
            ISpatialReference fromReference = EnviVars.instance.MapControl.Map.SpatialReference;
            ISpatialReference toReference   = (raster2 as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference;

            upleft.X = envelope.XMin;
            upleft.Y = envelope.YMax;
            upleft.SpatialReference = fromReference;
            lowright.X = envelope.XMax;
            lowright.Y = envelope.YMin;
            lowright.SpatialReference = fromReference;
            if (!GFS.Common.EngineAPI.IsEqualSpatialReference(fromReference, toReference))
            raster2.MapToPixel(upleft.X, upleft.Y, out startColum, out startRow);
            //raster2.MapToPixel(envelope.XMin, envelope.YMax, out startColum, out startRow);
            if (startColum < 0 && startRow < 0)
            pixelBlockOrigin.SetCoords(startColum, startRow);
            raster2.MapToPixel(lowright.X, lowright.Y, out endColum, out endRow);
            //raster2.MapToPixel(envelope.XMax, envelope.YMin, out endColum, out endRow);
            if (endColum < 0 && endRow < 0)
            pixelBlockSize.SetCoords(endColum - startColum + 1, endRow - startRow + 1);
            pixelBlock3 = rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockSize) as IPixelBlock3;
            //read pixel
            rawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, pixelBlock3 as IPixelBlock);
            byte[,] pixelData = (byte[, ])pixelBlock3.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
            //get unique value
            List <byte> uniqueValue = new List <byte>();

            foreach (byte value in pixelData)
                if (!uniqueValue.Contains(value))
Пример #10
        private void BtnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int i = 0; int j = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ComboBoxInLayer.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("请选择需要二值化的图层!", "栅格二值化", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            int intLyrCount = frm.mainMapControl.LayerCount;

            for (i = 0; i <= intLyrCount - 1; i++)
                if ((frm.mainMapControl.Map.get_Layer(i).Name == this.ComboBoxInLayer.Text.Trim()))
                    IRasterLayer   pRasterLayer  = frm.mainMapControl.get_Layer(i) as IRasterLayer;
                    IRaster2       raster        = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
                    IRasterDataset rasterDataset = raster.RasterDataset;

                    IRasterBandCollection dirBandCollection = (IRasterBandCollection)rasterDataset;
                    IRasterBand           dirRasterBand     = dirBandCollection.Item(0);
                    IRawPixels            dirRawPixels      = (IRawPixels)dirRasterBand;

                    IPnt         pixelBlockOrigin = null;
                    IPnt         dirBlockSize     = new DblPntClass();
                    IRasterProps dirProps         = (IRasterProps)dirRawPixels;
                    int          dirColumns       = dirProps.Width;       //列数
                    int          dirRows          = dirProps.Height;      //行数

                    IPixelBlock3 dirPixelBlock = (IPixelBlock3)dirRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(dirBlockSize);
                    dirRawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)dirPixelBlock);

                    System.Array array;
                    array = (System.Array)dirPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);//获取栅格数组

                    int min;
                    if (textBox1.Text == "")
                        min = 20;
                        min = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
                    double[,] b = new double[dirRows, dirColumns];
                    double value;
                    string strExcute = null;
                    for (int row = 0; row < dirRows; row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns; col++)
                            b[row, col] = Convert.ToSingle(array.GetValue(col, row));
                            if (b[row, col] > min)
                                value = 1;
                                value = 0;
                            strExcute = Convert.ToString(value);
                    IGeoDataset   tempGeodata1  = (IGeoDataset)pRster;
                    IMapAlgebraOp pMapAlgebraOp = new RasterMapAlgebraOpClass();

                    IRasterAnalysisEnvironment pRasterAnalysisEnvironment = (IRasterAnalysisEnvironment)pMapAlgebraOp;
                    IWorkspaceFactory          pWorkspaceFactory          = new RasterWorkspaceFactoryClass();

                    string outPath      = null;
                    string outLayerName = null;
                    outPath = this.TxtBox.Text.Trim();
                    j       = this.TxtBox.Text.Trim().LastIndexOf("\\");

                    outPath      = this.TxtBox.Text.Substring(0, j);
                    outLayerName = this.TxtBox.Text.Substring(j + 1);
                    string DataSetName = this.TxtBox.Text.Substring(j + 1);

                    IWorkspace pWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(outPath, 0);
                    pRasterAnalysisEnvironment.OutWorkspace = pWorkspace;
                    IGeoDataset  outGetDataset = pMapAlgebraOp.Execute(strExcute);
                    IRasterLayer pCreatRalyr   = new RasterLayerClass();

                    pCreatRalyr.Name = outLayerName;
Пример #11
        private void btnCaculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FolderBrowserDialog m_FolderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
            string m_DataPathName = "";
            string m_DataName     = "";
            string parentPath     = "";

            if (m_DataPathName != "" || m_DataName != "" || parentPath != "")
                m_DataPathName = m_FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
                DirectoryInfo m_DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(m_DataPathName);
                m_DataName = m_DirectoryInfo.Name;
                DirectoryInfo pDirectoryInfo = m_DirectoryInfo.Parent;
                parentPath = pDirectoryInfo.FullName;
            textBox3.Text = m_DataPathName;


            string jieguo2;

            for (int i = 0; i < frm.mainMapControl.LayerCount; i++)
                string inputname = frm.mainMapControl.get_Layer(i).Name;
                int    location2 = inputname.LastIndexOf('.');
                string sss2      = inputname;
                jieguo2 = sss2.Substring(0, location2);////"."后文件名称
                IRasterLayer   pRasterLayer     = frm.mainMapControl.get_Layer(i) as IRasterLayer;
                IRaster2       raster           = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
                IRasterDataset rasterDataset    = raster.RasterDataset;
                IPnt           pixelBlockOrigin = new DblPntClass();
                pixelBlockOrigin.SetCoords(0, 0);
                IRasterBandCollection dirBandCollection = (IRasterBandCollection)rasterDataset;
                IRasterBand           dirRasterBand     = dirBandCollection.Item(0);
                IRawPixels            dirRawPixels      = (IRawPixels)dirRasterBand;
                IRasterProps          dirProps          = (IRasterProps)dirRawPixels;

                int    dirColumns   = dirProps.Width;                 //列数
                int    dirRows      = dirProps.Height;                //行数
                double cellSizeX    = dirProps.MeanCellSize().X;      //得到x方向栅格大小
                double cellSizeY    = dirProps.MeanCellSize().Y;      //得到y方向栅格大小
                IPnt   dirBlockSize = new DblPntClass();
                dirBlockSize.X = dirColumns;
                dirBlockSize.Y = dirRows;
                IPixelBlock3 dirPixelBlock = (IPixelBlock3)dirRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(dirBlockSize);
                dirRawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)dirPixelBlock);
                System.Array array = (System.Array)dirPixelBlock.get_PixelDataByRef(0);

                string ss = "";
                double[,] b = new double[dirRows, dirColumns];
                for (int row = 0; row < dirRows; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns; col++)
                        b[row, col] = Convert.ToSingle(array.GetValue(col, row));/////得到按行排列的值,注意这个为GetValue(col, row))

                if (textBox3.Text == "")

                String savename = textBox3.Text + "\\" + jieguo2 + ".txt";
                for (int c = 0; c < maxnum; c++)
                    double sum, mean, a;//修改程序2012年7月27日
                    a    = 0;
                    sum  = 0;
                    mean = 0;

                    if (cbBDirection.Text == "左边--->右边")
                        for (int row = 0; row < dirRows; row++)            ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                            for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns - k; col++) ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                                sum += Math.Pow((b[row, col] - b[row, col + k]), 2);
                                a    = a + 1;
                    if (cbBDirection.Text == "上边--->下边")
                        for (int row = 0; row < dirRows - k; row++)    ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                            for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns; col++) ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                                sum = sum + Math.Pow((b[row, col] - b[row + k, col]), 2);
                                a   = a + 1;
                    if (cbBDirection.Text == "左下--->右上")
                        for (int row = 0; row < dirRows - k; row++)        ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                            for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns - k; col++) ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                                sum += Math.Pow((b[row, col] - b[row + k, col + k]), 2);
                                a    = a + 1;
                    if (cbBDirection.Text == "左上--->右下")
                        for (int row = 0; row < dirRows - k; row++)        ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                            for (int col = 0; col < dirColumns - k; col++) ////窗口大小与图像行列数关系
                                sum += Math.Pow((b[row, col + k] - b[row + k, col]), 2);
                                a    = a + 1;
                    mean = sum / (2 * a);
                    ss  += mean + " " + a + " " + k + "\r\n";

                    String       Strsavefile = savename;
                    StreamWriter sw          = new StreamWriter(Strsavefile);
                    k = k + 1;
            MessageBox.Show("程序共运行时间:" + stw.Elapsed.Minutes.ToString() + "分钟" + stw.Elapsed.Seconds.ToString() + "秒");