Пример #1
        public AnimatedCursor(Context context, IRenderDevice device, iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory, iShaderFactory shaderFactory, iStorageFolder assets)
            constantBuffer = device.CreateDynamicUniformBuffer <AnimatedConstantBuffer>("Animated cursor CB");

            PipelineStateDesc desc = createStateDesc(context);


            initState(stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, "AniCursorVS.hlsl", "AniCursorPS.hlsl", "Animated cursor");

            stateFactory.apply(ref desc);
            pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref desc);

            pipelineState.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "CursorCB").Set(constantBuffer);
            pipelineState.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, "CursorCB").Set(constantBuffer);

            bindings        = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariable = bindings.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, "g_Texture");

            animatedConstants = default;
            timers            = context.animation.timers;
            lastFrameSwitch   = timers[animationTimer];
            lastRendered      = lastFrameSwitch;
            frameDuration     = default;
            animationFrames   = 0;
Пример #2
        public StaticCursor(Context context, IRenderDevice device, iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory, iShaderFactory shaderFactory, iStorageFolder assets, IShader vs)
            constantBuffer = device.CreateDynamicUniformBuffer <Vector4>("Cursor CB");

            PipelineStateDesc desc = createStateDesc(context);


            initState(stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, vs, "CursorPS.hlsl", "Cursor");

            stateFactory.apply(ref desc);
            pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref desc);
            pipelineState.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "CursorCB").Set(constantBuffer);

            bindings        = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariable = bindings.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, "g_Texture");

            position = default;
Пример #3
        public MonoCursor(Context context, IRenderDevice device, iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory, iShaderFactory shaderFactory, iStorageFolder assets, IShader vs)
            constantBuffer = device.CreateDynamicUniformBuffer <Vector4>("Cursor CB");

            PipelineStateDesc desc = createStateDesc(context);

            // === First pass, setup that weird blending to invert colors ===
            RenderTargetBlendDesc blendDesc = new RenderTargetBlendDesc(false)
                BlendEnable = true,
                SrcBlend    = BlendFactor.InvDestColor,
                DestBlend   = BlendFactor.Zero,

            initState(stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, vs, "CursorMaskPS.hlsl", "Invert bits");

            stateFactory.apply(ref desc);
            psoInvert = device.CreatePipelineState(ref desc);
            psoInvert.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "CursorCB").Set(constantBuffer);

            bindingsInvert        = psoInvert.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariableInvert = bindingsInvert.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, "g_Texture");

            // === Second pass, normal alpha blending ===
            initState(stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, vs, "CursorColorPS.hlsl", "Monochrome cursor");

            stateFactory.apply(ref desc);
            psoRgb = device.CreatePipelineState(ref desc);
            psoRgb.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "CursorCB").Set(constantBuffer);

            bindingsRgb        = psoRgb.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariableRgb = bindingsRgb.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, "g_Texture");

            position = default;
Пример #4
        void createPipelineState(IRenderDevice device, iStorageFolder assets)
            PipelineStateDesc PSODesc = new PipelineStateDesc(false);


            // Primitive topology defines what kind of primitives will be rendered by this pipeline state
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            // Cull back faces
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.RasterizerDesc.CullMode = CullMode.Back;
            // Enable depth testing
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = true;

            iShaderFactory shaderFactory = device.GetShaderFactory();

            // We won't be using the factory object after this, `using` to release the COM interface once finished
            using (iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                stateFactory.setName("Cube PSO");

                // Compile the two shaders
                ShaderSourceInfo sourceInfo = new ShaderSourceInfo(ShaderType.Vertex, ShaderSourceLanguage.Hlsl);
                sourceInfo.combinedTextureSamplers = true;                  // This appears to be the requirement of OpenGL backend.

                // In this tutorial, we will load shaders from resources embedded into this .NET DLL.
                var vs = shaderFactory.compileFromFile(assets, "cube.vsh", sourceInfo, "Cube VS");

                // Create dynamic uniform buffer that will store our transformation matrix. Dynamic buffers can be frequently updated by the CPU.
                BufferDesc CBDesc = new BufferDesc(false);
                CBDesc.uiSizeInBytes  = Marshal.SizeOf <Matrix4x4>();
                CBDesc.Usage          = Usage.Dynamic;
                CBDesc.BindFlags      = BindFlags.UniformBuffer;
                CBDesc.CPUAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Write;
                vsConstants           = device.CreateBuffer(CBDesc, "VS constants CB");

                // Create a pixel shader
                sourceInfo.shaderType = ShaderType.Pixel;

                var ps = shaderFactory.compileFromFile(assets, "cube.psh", sourceInfo, "Cube PS");

                // Define vertex shader input layout

                // Attribute 0 - vertex position
                LayoutElement elt = new LayoutElement(false)
                    InputIndex    = 0,
                    BufferSlot    = 0,
                    NumComponents = 3,
                    ValueType     = GpuValueType.Float32,
                    IsNormalized  = false
                // Attribute 1 - texture coordinates
                elt.InputIndex    = 1;
                elt.NumComponents = 2;

                // Define variable type that will be used by default
                PSODesc.ResourceLayout.DefaultVariableType = ShaderResourceVariableType.Static;
                // Shader variables should typically be mutable, which means they are expected to change on a per-instance basis
                stateFactory.layoutVariable(ShaderType.Pixel, ShaderResourceVariableType.Mutable, "g_Texture");

                // Define static sampler for g_Texture. Static samplers should be used whenever possible.
                // The default constructor is good enough, it sets FilterType.Linear and TextureAddressMode.Clamp for all 3 coordinates.
                SamplerDesc samplerDesc = new SamplerDesc(false);
                stateFactory.layoutStaticSampler(ShaderType.Pixel, ref samplerDesc, "g_Texture");

                stateFactory.apply(ref PSODesc);
                pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref PSODesc);

            // Since we did not explicitly specify the type for 'Constants' variable, default
            // type (SHADER_RESOURCE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STATIC) will be used. Static variables never
            // change and are bound directly through the pipeline state object.
            pipelineState.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "Constants").Set(vsConstants);

            // Since we are using mutable variable, we must create a shader resource binding object
            // http://diligentgraphics.com/2016/03/23/resource-binding-model-in-diligent-engine-2-0/
            resourceBinding = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
Пример #5
        public TeapotResources(Context context, IRenderDevice device)
            PipelineStateDesc PSODesc = new PipelineStateDesc(false);


            // Primitive topology defines what kind of primitives will be rendered by this pipeline state
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            // Cull back faces
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.RasterizerDesc.CullMode = CullMode.Back;
            // Enable depth testing
            PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = true;

            iShaderFactory shaderFactory = device.GetShaderFactory();

            // We won't be using the device object after this, `using` is to release the COM interface once finished
            using (iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                stateFactory.setName("Teapot PSO");

                // Compile the two shaders
                ShaderSourceInfo sourceInfo = new ShaderSourceInfo(ShaderType.Vertex, ShaderSourceLanguage.Hlsl);
                sourceInfo.combinedTextureSamplers = true;                  // This appears to be the requirement of OpenGL backend.

                // In this tutorial, we will load shaders from resources embedded into this .NET DLL.
                iStorageFolder resources = StorageFolder.embeddedResources(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourcesFolder);
                var            vs        = shaderFactory.compileFromFile(resources, "TeapotVS.hlsl", sourceInfo, "Teapot VS");

                // Create dynamic uniform buffer that will store our transformation matrix. Dynamic buffers can be frequently updated by the CPU.
                vsConstants = device.CreateDynamicUniformBuffer <VsConstants>("VS constants CB");

                // Create a pixel shader
                sourceInfo.shaderType = ShaderType.Pixel;
                var ps = shaderFactory.compileFromFile(resources, "TeapotPS.hlsl", sourceInfo, "Teapot PS");

                // Define vertex shader input layout

                // Attribute 0 - vertex position
                LayoutElement elt = new LayoutElement(false)
                    InputIndex    = 0,
                    BufferSlot    = 0,
                    NumComponents = 3,
                    ValueType     = GpuValueType.Float32,
                    IsNormalized  = false

                // Attribute 1 - normals, they are generated by STL loader because we ask for them.
                elt.InputIndex    = 1;
                elt.NumComponents = 3;

                // Define variable type that will be used by default
                PSODesc.ResourceLayout.DefaultVariableType = ShaderResourceVariableType.Static;

                stateFactory.apply(ref PSODesc);
                pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref PSODesc);

            // Since we did not explicitly specify the type for 'Constants' variable, default
            // type (SHADER_RESOURCE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STATIC) will be used. Static variables never
            // change and are bound directly through the pipeline state object.
            pipelineState.GetStaticVariableByName(ShaderType.Vertex, "Constants").Set(vsConstants);

            // Create a shader resource binding object and bind all static resources in it
            resourceBinding = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);