Пример #1
        private double GetCost(RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
            double lookAheadRemaining = lookAhead;
            double cost = 0;

            PointOnPath closestPoint   = path.GetClosest(state.Pose.ToVector2());
            PointOnPath lookAheadPoint = path.AdvancePoint(closestPoint, ref lookAheadRemaining);

            RobotTwoWheelState newState = RobotTwoWheelModel.Simulate(command, state, (lookAhead - lookAheadRemaining) / command.velocity);

            return(newState.Pose.ToVector2().DistanceTo(lookAheadPoint.pt) * DISTANCE_WEIGHT);           // - command.velocity * VELOCITY_WEIGHT - command.turn * TURN_WEIGHT;
Пример #2
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0)

            double      dist      = 0.45;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal = lookAhead.pt;
            double  xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double  yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);

            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);
Пример #3
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0)

            /*double dist = 0.45;
             * PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);
             * Vector2 goalpointGlobal = lookAhead.pt;
             * double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
             * double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);
             * goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);*/

            double      dist      = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean  = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2);
            double  theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X);

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal = (goal1.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt) < goal2.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt)) ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);

            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);

            /*double dist = 1.5;
             * PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);
             * double goal1Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
             * double goal1X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
             * Vector2 goal1 = new Vector2(goal1X, goal1Y);
             * double goal2Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
             * double goal2X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
             * Vector2 goal2 = new Vector2(goal2X, goal2Y);
             * goalpoint = (goal1.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt) < goal2.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt)) ? goal1 : goal2;*/
Пример #4
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || pose == null)

            double      dist      = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean  = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2);
            double  theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) + Math.PI / 2;

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));

            Vector2 goalPointGlobal = ((goal1.X - lookAhead.pt.X) * (goal1.X - lookAhead.pt.X) + (goal1.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y) * (goal1.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y)
                                       < (goal2.X - lookAhead.pt.X) * (goal2.X - lookAhead.pt.X) + (goal2.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y) * (goal2.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y)) ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw);

            goalPoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);
Пример #5
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || pose == null)

            double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2);
            double theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) + Math.PI / 2;

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta)));

            Vector2 goalPointGlobal = ((goal1.X - lookAhead.pt.X) * (goal1.X - lookAhead.pt.X) + (goal1.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y) * (goal1.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y)
                < (goal2.X - lookAhead.pt.X) * (goal2.X - lookAhead.pt.X) + (goal2.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y) * (goal2.Y - lookAhead.pt.Y)) ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw);
            goalPoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);
Пример #6
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || pose == null)

            double dist = 0.45;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 goalPointGlobal = lookAhead.pt;
            double xg = (goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalPointGlobal.X - pose.x) * Math.Sin(pose.yaw) + (goalPointGlobal.Y - pose.y) * Math.Cos(pose.yaw);
            goalPoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);
Пример #7
        private void GenrefVWHuniformdt(IPath path, double deltadist, double dt)
            PointOnPath currentPointOnPath = path[0].ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
            int numpoints = (int)((path.Length) / deltadist);
            int n = 5; //number of additional points
            xr = new double[numpoints+n];
            yr = new double[numpoints+n];
            double starttimestamp = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000;
            timestamps = new double[numpoints];
            for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.Length; i++)
                timestamps[i] = starttimestamp + i * dt;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numpoints+3; i++)
                double d = deltadist*(i);
                PointOnPath lookaheadpointi = path.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref d);
                xr[i] = lookaheadpointi.pt.X;
                yr[i] = lookaheadpointi.pt.Y;

            double[] xrdot = new double[xr.Length - 1];
            double[] yrdot = new double[xrdot.Length];
            double[] xr2dot = new double[xrdot.Length - 1];
            double[] yr2dot = new double[xr2dot.Length];
            double[] vr = new double[xr.Length];
            double[] wr = new double[xr.Length];
            double[] hr = new double[xr.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < xr.Length - 1; i++)
                xrdot[i] = (xr[i + 1] - xr[i]) / dt;
                yrdot[i] = (yr[i + 1] - yr[i]) / dt;
            for (int i = 0; i < xrdot.Length - 1; i++)
                xr2dot[i] = (xrdot[i + 1] - xrdot[i]) / dt;
                yr2dot[i] = (yrdot[i + 1] - yrdot[i]) / dt;
            for (int i = 0; i < xrdot.Length; i++)
                vr[i] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xrdot[i], 2) + Math.Pow(yrdot[i], 2));
                hr[i] = Math.Atan2(yrdot[i], xrdot[i]); // in radians
                // unwrap headings
                if (i > 0)
                    while (hr[i] - hr[i - 1] >= Math.PI)
                        hr[i] -= 2 * Math.PI; ;
                    while (hr[i] - hr[i - 1] <= -Math.PI)
                        hr[i] += 2 * Math.PI;
                if (i < xr2dot.Length)
                    wr[i] = ((xrdot[i] * yr2dot[i] - yrdot[i] * xr2dot[i]) / (Math.Pow(vr[i], 2))); // in radians/sec
            //pad the reference vectors
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                wr[numpoints + i] = 0;
                vr[numpoints + i] = 0;
                hr[numpoints + i] = 0;

            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("parametrization.txt");
            for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.Length; i++)
                tw.WriteLine("index timestamp x y vr wr hr");
                tw.WriteLine("{0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}  {5}  {6}",i,timestamps[i],xr[i],yr[i],vr[i],wr[i],hr[i]);
Пример #8
        public void UpdatePath(IPath path, LineSegment gap)
            if (path == null || path.Count == 0) return;

            /*double dist = 0.45;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal = lookAhead.pt;
            double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);
            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);*/

            double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            Vector2 mean = new Vector2((gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X)/2, (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y)/2);
            double theta = Math.Atan2(gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y, gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X);

            Vector2 goal1 = mean + 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));
            Vector2 goal2 = mean - 0.25 * (new Vector2(Math.Cos(theta + Math.PI / 2), Math.Sin(theta + Math.PI / 2)));

            Vector2 goalpointGlobal = (goal1.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt) < goal2.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt)) ? goal1 : goal2;

            double xg = (goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw);
            double yg = -(goalpointGlobal.X - currentPoint.x) * Math.Sin(currentPoint.yaw) + (goalpointGlobal.Y - currentPoint.y) * Math.Cos(currentPoint.yaw);
            goalpoint = new Vector2(xg, yg);

            /*double dist = 1.5;
            PointOnPath lookAhead = path.AdvancePoint(path.StartPoint, ref dist);

            double goal1Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
            double goal1X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * 0.25;
            Vector2 goal1 = new Vector2(goal1X, goal1Y);

            double goal2Y = (gap.P0.Y + gap.P1.Y) / 2 + (gap.P0.X - gap.P1.X) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
            double goal2X = (gap.P0.X + gap.P1.X) / 2 + (gap.P0.Y - gap.P1.Y) / (gap.Length) * -0.25;
            Vector2 goal2 = new Vector2(goal2X, goal2Y);

            goalpoint = (goal1.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt) < goal2.DistanceTo(lookAhead.pt)) ? goal1 : goal2;*/
Пример #9
        private void PlanPurePursuit()
            if (pathCurrentlyTracked == null)

            //we are really far off the path, just get on the stupid path
            //mark sucks and wants this behavior
            if (pathCurrentlyTracked.Length == 0)
                goalPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.EndPoint.pt;
            else if (segmentCurrentlyTracked.DistanceOffPath(currentPoint.ToVector2()) > lookAheadDistParam / 2)
                double      lookaheadRef = 0;
                PointOnPath pTemp        = segmentCurrentlyTracked.StartPoint;
                goalPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(pTemp, ref lookaheadRef).pt;
                //see if we can track the next segment and if so, update that...
                PointOnPath currentPointOnPath   = segmentCurrentlyTracked.ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
                double      lookaheadRef         = lookAheadDistParam;
                PointOnPath lookaheadPointOnPath = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref lookaheadRef);
                //the path lookahead point is at the end, and we cant do antyhing

                segmentCurrentlyTracked = lookaheadPointOnPath.segment;
                goalPoint = lookaheadPointOnPath.pt;

            double errorX = (goalPoint.X - currentPoint.x);
            double errorY = (goalPoint.Y - currentPoint.y);

            Vector2 verr = new Vector2(errorX, errorY);

            //Console.WriteLine(errorX + " | " + errorY);
            double errorDistance = verr.Length;
            double currentYaw    = currentPoint.yaw;
            double errorYaw      = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(errorX, errorY, ref currentYaw);

            //Console.Write("neg Hyst: " + hysterisisNegative + " pos Hyst: " + hysterisisPositive + " yawError" +  errorYaw * 180.0/ Math.PI+ " ||");
            //the reason for this is that our angles are defined from 0 to 360
            //but the PID controller expects angle to be -180 to 180

            //calculate the control outputs
            //the idea here is we want to make the velocity (which is a derivative) be proportional to the error in our actual

            double unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne = Math.Abs(errorYaw) / Math.PI;
            double commandedVelocity = (kPPosition * errorDistance);
            double commandedHeading  = kPHeading * errorYaw;

            if (Math.Abs(commandedVelocity) > capVelocity)
                commandedVelocity = Math.Sign(commandedVelocity) * capVelocity;
            if (Math.Abs(commandedHeading) > capHeadingDot)
                commandedHeading = Math.Sign(commandedHeading) * capHeadingDot;

            //if (unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne > .1)

            // find which input to use
            RobotTwoWheelCommand currentInput = inputList[pathCurrentlyTracked.IndexOf(segmentCurrentlyTracked)];

            //commandedVelocity *= (1 - Math.Pow(unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne, velocityTurningDamingFactor));
            //command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(commandedVelocity, commandedHeading);
            if (pathCurrentlyTracked.EndPoint.pt.DistanceTo(currentPoint.ToVector2()) < .2)
                command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                if (currentInput.velocity < 0.3)
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0.4, commandedHeading);
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(currentInput.velocity, commandedHeading);
            //if (reachedGoal)
            //  command.velocity = 0;
            //  command.turn = 0;
            //Console.WriteLine("Current: " + currentPoint.x + " " + currentPoint.y + " " + currentPoint.yaw + " | " + errorDistance + " | " + errorYaw + " | " + commandedVelocity + " " + commandedHeading);
Пример #10
        private void GenrefVWHuniformdt(IPath path, double deltadist, double dt)
            PointOnPath currentPointOnPath = path[0].ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
            int         numpoints          = (int)((path.Length) / deltadist);
            int         n = 5;     //number of additional points

            xr = new double[numpoints + n];
            yr = new double[numpoints + n];
            double starttimestamp = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000;

            timestamps = new double[numpoints];
            for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.Length; i++)
                timestamps[i] = starttimestamp + i * dt;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numpoints + 3; i++)
                double      d = deltadist * (i);
                PointOnPath lookaheadpointi = path.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref d);
                xr[i] = lookaheadpointi.pt.X;
                yr[i] = lookaheadpointi.pt.Y;

            double[] xrdot  = new double[xr.Length - 1];
            double[] yrdot  = new double[xrdot.Length];
            double[] xr2dot = new double[xrdot.Length - 1];
            double[] yr2dot = new double[xr2dot.Length];
            double[] vr     = new double[xr.Length];
            double[] wr     = new double[xr.Length];
            double[] hr     = new double[xr.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < xr.Length - 1; i++)
                xrdot[i] = (xr[i + 1] - xr[i]) / dt;
                yrdot[i] = (yr[i + 1] - yr[i]) / dt;
            for (int i = 0; i < xrdot.Length - 1; i++)
                xr2dot[i] = (xrdot[i + 1] - xrdot[i]) / dt;
                yr2dot[i] = (yrdot[i + 1] - yrdot[i]) / dt;
            for (int i = 0; i < xrdot.Length; i++)
                vr[i] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xrdot[i], 2) + Math.Pow(yrdot[i], 2));
                hr[i] = Math.Atan2(yrdot[i], xrdot[i]); // in radians
                // unwrap headings
                if (i > 0)
                    while (hr[i] - hr[i - 1] >= Math.PI)
                        hr[i] -= 2 * Math.PI;;
                    while (hr[i] - hr[i - 1] <= -Math.PI)
                        hr[i] += 2 * Math.PI;
                if (i < xr2dot.Length)
                    wr[i] = ((xrdot[i] * yr2dot[i] - yrdot[i] * xr2dot[i]) / (Math.Pow(vr[i], 2))); // in radians/sec
            //pad the reference vectors
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                wr[numpoints + i] = 0;
                vr[numpoints + i] = 0;
                hr[numpoints + i] = 0;

            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("parametrization.txt");

            for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.Length; i++)
                tw.WriteLine("index timestamp x y vr wr hr");
                tw.WriteLine("{0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}  {5}  {6}", i, timestamps[i], xr[i], yr[i], vr[i], wr[i], hr[i]);
Пример #11
        public RobotTwoWheelCommand GetCommand(double transMax, double turnMax)
            lock (followerLock)
                if (pathCurrentlyTracked == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Null path tracked!");
                    return(new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0));

                //we are really far off the path, just get on the stupid path
                //mark sucks and wants this behavior
                if (pathCurrentlyTracked.Length == 0)                 //single waypoint case
                    goalPoint  = pathCurrentlyTracked.EndPoint.pt;
                    startPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.EndPoint.pt;
                //else if (segmentCurrentlyTracked.DistanceOffPath(currentPoint.ToVector2()) > lookAheadDistParam / 2)
                //    //Console.WriteLine("2");
                //    double lookaheadRef = 0;
                //    PointOnPath pTemp = segmentCurrentlyTracked.StartPoint;
                //    goalPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(pTemp, ref lookaheadRef).pt;
                    //see if we can track the next segment and if so, update that...
                    PointOnPath currentPointOnPath   = segmentCurrentlyTracked.ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
                    double      lookaheadRef         = lookAheadDistParam;
                    PointOnPath lookaheadPointOnPath = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref lookaheadRef);
                    if (segmentCurrentlyTracked != lookaheadPointOnPath.segment)
                        segmentCurrentlyTracked = lookaheadPointOnPath.segment;
                    goalPoint  = lookaheadPointOnPath.pt;
                    startPoint = currentPointOnPath.pt;

                // Calculate errors
                double  errorX = (goalPoint.X - currentPoint.x);
                double  errorY = (goalPoint.Y - currentPoint.y);
                Vector2 verr   = new Vector2(errorX, errorY);

                double  tangentX = (goalPoint.X - startPoint.X);
                double  tangentY = (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y);
                Vector2 tangent  = new Vector2(tangentX, tangentY);

                double errorDistance  = currentPoint.ToVector2().DistanceTo(startPoint);
                double currentYaw     = currentPoint.yaw;
                double tempCurrentYaw = currentPoint.yaw;

                errorYawTangent = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(tangentX, tangentY, ref tempCurrentYaw);
                errorYaw        = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(errorX, errorY, ref currentYaw);

                double tangentEquation = (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) * currentPoint.x / (goalPoint.X - startPoint.Y)
                                         - (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) * goalPoint.X / (goalPoint.X - startPoint.Y) + startPoint.Y;

                //Console.WriteLine("Current yaw is: " + currentYaw);

                if (tangentEquation < currentPoint.y)
                    if (Math.PI / 2 <= Math.Abs(currentYaw) && Math.Abs(currentYaw) <= Math.PI)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Above line, pointing left");
                        errorDistance *= -1;
                    //else Console.WriteLine("Above line, pointing right");
                    if (0 <= Math.Abs(currentYaw) && Math.Abs(currentYaw) <= Math.PI / 2)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Below line, pointing right");
                        errorDistance *= -1;
                    //else Console.Write("Below line, pointing left");

                //if we are really close to last waypoint, make the robot just stop
                if ((segmentCurrentlyTracked == pathCurrentlyTracked[pathCurrentlyTracked.Count - 1]) &&
                    (PathCurrentlyTracked.EndPoint.pt - currentPoint.ToVector2()).Length < lookAheadDistParam)
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                    //the idea here is we want to make the velocity (which is a derivative) be proportional to the error in our actual

                    double unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne = Math.Abs(errorYaw) / Math.PI;
                    double velocityPercentage             = Math.Abs((Math.PI - Math.Abs(errorYawTangent)) / Math.PI);
                    double commandedVelocity = (velocityPercentage < 0.5) ? 0.0 : transMax * velocityPercentage;
                    //double commandedHeading = 200 * errorYawTangent + 100 * errorYaw + 300 * errorDistance;
                    double commandedHeading = 150 * errorYawTangent + 100 * errorYaw + 200 * errorDistance;

                    if (Math.Abs(commandedVelocity) > transMax)
                        commandedVelocity = Math.Sign(commandedVelocity) * transMax;

                    if (Math.Abs(commandedHeading) > turnMax)
                        commandedHeading  = Math.Sign(commandedHeading) * turnMax;
                        commandedVelocity = 0.0;

                    /*if (unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne > .1)
                     *      commandedVelocity *= (1 - Math.Pow(unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne, velocityTurningDamingFactor));*/

                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(commandedVelocity, commandedHeading);

                    //Console.WriteLine(errorYaw + ", " + errorYawTangent + ", " + errorDistance);