Пример #1
             * Load data for an object's ParserTarget fields and properties from a configuration node
             * @param o Object for which to load data.  Needs to be instatiated object
             * @param node Configuration node from which to load data
            public static void LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(object o, ConfigNode node, bool getChilds = true)
                // Get the object as a parser event subscriber (will be null if 'o' does not conform)
                IParserEventSubscriber subscriber = o as IParserEventSubscriber;

                // Generate two lists -> those tagged preapply and those not
                List <KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> > preapplyMembers  = new List <KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> > ();
                List <KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> > postapplyMembers = new List <KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> > ();

                // Discover members tagged with parser attributes
                foreach (MemberInfo member in o.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    // Is this member a parser target?
                    ParserTarget[] attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParserTarget), true) as ParserTarget[];
                    if (attributes.Length > 0)
                        // If this member is a collection
                        bool isCollection = attributes[0].GetType().Equals(typeof(ParserTargetCollection));
                        KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> entry = new KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo>(isCollection, member);

                        // If this member has the preapply attribute, we need to process it
                        if (member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreApply), true).Length > 0)

                // Process the preapply members
                foreach (KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> member in preapplyMembers)
                    if (member.Key)
                        LoadCollectionMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node);
                        LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node);

                // Call Apply
                if (subscriber != null)

                // Process the postapply members
                foreach (KeyValuePair <bool, MemberInfo> member in postapplyMembers)
                    if (member.Key)
                        LoadCollectionMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node);
                        LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node);

                // Call PostApply
                if (subscriber != null)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data for an object's ParserTarget fields and properties from a configuration node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">Object for which to load data.  Needs to be instantiated object</param>
        /// <param name="node">Configuration node from which to load data</param>
        /// <param name="configName">The name of the mod that corresponds to the entry in ParserOptions</param>
        /// <param name="getChildren">Whether getters on the object should get called</param>
        public static void LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(Object o, ConfigNode node, String configName = "Default",
                                                           Boolean getChildren = true)
            // Get the object as a parser event subscriber (will be null if 'o' does not conform)
            IParserEventSubscriber          subscriber          = o as IParserEventSubscriber;
            IParserApplyEventSubscriber     applySubscriber     = o as IParserApplyEventSubscriber;
            IParserPostApplyEventSubscriber postApplySubscriber = o as IParserPostApplyEventSubscriber;

            // Generate two lists -> those tagged preApply and those not
            List <KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> > preApplyMembers  = new List <KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> > postApplyMembers = new List <KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> >();

            // Discover members tagged with parser attributes
            foreach (MemberInfo member in o.GetType()
                     .GetMembers(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                // Is this member a parser target?
                ParserTarget[] attributes = (ParserTarget[])member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParserTarget), true);

                if (attributes.Length <= 0)

                // If this member is a collection
                Boolean isCollection = attributes[0].GetType() == typeof(ParserTargetCollection);

                // If this member has the preApply attribute, we need to process it
                if (member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreApply), true).Length > 0)
                    preApplyMembers.Add(new KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo>(isCollection, member));
                    postApplyMembers.Add(new KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo>(isCollection, member));

            // Process the preApply members
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> member in preApplyMembers)
                if (member.Key)
                    LoadCollectionMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node, configName, getChildren);
                    LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node, configName, getChildren);

            // Call Apply

            // Process the postApply members
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Boolean, MemberInfo> member in postApplyMembers)
                if (member.Key)
                    LoadCollectionMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node, configName, getChildren);
                    LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode(member.Value, o, node, configName, getChildren);

            // Call PostApply