void OnBeforeStopParcelEditing()
            if (m_ParcelEditHelperExt.RecordToField)

            IParcelConstruction4 pTrav    = (IParcelConstruction4)m_pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;
            IEnumGSLines         pGSLines = pTrav.GetLines(false, false);

            IGSLine   pGSLine   = null;
            IGSParcel pGSParcel = null;

            pGSLines.Next(ref pGSParcel, ref pGSLine);
            while (pGSLine != null)
                IGSAttributes pLineAtts = (IGSAttributes)pGSLine;
                double        brgRecord = Convert.ToDouble(pGSLine.Bearing);
                brgRecord = brgRecord * 180 / Math.PI;
                pLineAtts.SetProperty(m_ParcelEditHelperExt.FieldName, brgRecord);
                pGSLines.Next(ref pGSParcel, ref pGSLine);

            pTrav.UpdateGridFromGSLines(true, false);
        object OnGridCellEdit(ref int row, ref int col, ref object inValue)
            string m_sFieldName       = m_ParcelEditHelperExt.FieldName;
            bool   m_bRecordFieldName = m_ParcelEditHelperExt.RecordToField;
            object OutValue           = inValue;

            if (col == 2 && m_bRecordFieldName)//this is the bearing field
                IParcelConstruction pTrav   = (IParcelConstruction)m_pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;
                IGSLine             pGSLine = null;
                bool IsCompleteLine         = (pTrav.GetLine(row, ref pGSLine));
                //true means it's a complete line
                //false means it's a partial line
                //note that the type of the inValue must be honoured when returning the value from this function, in this case we are rebuilding the string for the same value, unaltered.
                //however the other relevant work done is to set the record field to the same value to capture what was entered prior to resequencing and potential bearing changes.
                //this happens either for a complete line or a partial one
                //The logic could be changed to be more conservative and only capture the record for a partial line (IsCompleteLine==false), since that would only record the first time it's cogo'd,
                //compared to this code that records edits of completed lines *as well as* partial lines
                IAngularConverter pAngConv = new AngularConverterClass();
                string            sBear    = Convert.ToString(inValue);
                sBear = sBear.Replace("°", "-");
                sBear = sBear.Replace("'", "-");
                sBear = sBear.Replace("\"", "");

                if (!pAngConv.SetString(sBear, esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing, esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds)) //TODO: base this on Plan properties
                double brgRecord = pAngConv.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees);

                sBear = pAngConv.GetString(esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing, esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds, 0);

                IParcelConstruction4 pTrav4 = pTrav as IParcelConstruction4;
                pTrav4.UpdateGridFromGSLines(true, false);
                sBear = sBear.Replace(" ", "");
                sBear = sBear.Insert(sBear.Length - 1, "\"");
                int i = sBear.LastIndexOf('-');
                sBear = sBear.Insert(i, "'");
                i     = sBear.IndexOf('-');
                sBear = sBear.Insert(i, "°");
                sBear = sBear.Replace("-", "");

                IGSAttributes pLineAtts = (IGSAttributes)pGSLine;
                pLineAtts.SetProperty(m_sFieldName, sBear);
                //note that the type of the inValue must be honoured when returning the value from this function.