// Method with the same name as the class is a "constructor".
        // This method makes a new PaintbrushControlModel.  Every time you make a new PaintbrushControlModel,
        // you have to provide it with a Control (something on the screen that a user can click on) and
        // an IPaintbrushEventHandler (something that defines the methods in the IPaintbrushEventHandler interface).
        public PaintbrushControlModel(Control control, IPaintbrushEventHandler handler)
            _control = control;
            _handler = handler;

            // MouseUp, MouseDown, and MouseMove are a special kind of variable called a "delegate".
            // A "delegate" is a place to which you can attach an event handler.
            // The method "HandleMouseUp" is an event handler (it's a method that handles an event).
            // When I say "_control.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp", I'm saying, "Add my HandleMouseUp method
            // to the list of event handlers to which you send a MouseUp event."
            // This is so that lots of different event handlers can listen to a single event, without
            // "getting in each other's way".  I could add an event handler to the control's MouseUp
            // delegate, and someone else could add an event handler to the control's MouseUp delegate,
            // and both of those event handlers would get called when the mouse button was released.
            _control.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp;

            // HandleMouseUp is an event handler -- a method that knows how to handle MouseUp events.
            // This is another way of making a "method that knows how to handle MouseUp events".  It is
            // called an "anonymous function" or "a lambda" (for historical reasons).
            // It says, "Make an anonymous function that takes an object called 'sender' and some MouseEventArgs
            // called 'e', and show a message with MessageBox.Show().
            // _control.MouseUp += (sender, e) => MessageBox.Show("second event handler" + e.Location);

            // This is another event handler (also a lambda).  It's only different in that it calls
            // the second parameter "args" instead of "e", and says "third event handler" instead of "second event handler"
            // _control.MouseUp += (sender, args) => MessageBox.Show("third event handler" + args.Location);

            // "I want to listen to the MouseDown event of this control with my HandleMouseDown event handler method."
            _control.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;

            // "I want to listen to the MouseMove event of this control with my HandleMouseMove event handler method."
            _control.MouseMove += HandleMouseMove;
        // Method with the same name as the class is a "constructor".
        // This method makes a new PaintbrushControlModel.  Every time you make a new PaintbrushControlModel,
        // you have to provide it with a Control (something on the screen that a user can click on) and
        // an IPaintbrushEventHandler (something that defines the methods in the IPaintbrushEventHandler interface).
        public PaintbrushControlModel(Control control, IPaintbrushEventHandler handler)
            _control = control;
            _handler = handler;

            // MouseUp, MouseDown, and MouseMove are a special kind of variable called a "delegate".
            // A "delegate" is a place to which you can attach an event handler.
            // The method "HandleMouseUp" is an event handler (it's a method that handles an event).
            // When I say "_control.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp", I'm saying, "Add my HandleMouseUp method
            // to the list of event handlers to which you send a MouseUp event."
            // This is so that lots of different event handlers can listen to a single event, without
            // "getting in each other's way".  I could add an event handler to the control's MouseUp
            // delegate, and someone else could add an event handler to the control's MouseUp delegate,
            // and both of those event handlers would get called when the mouse button was released.
            _control.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp;

            // HandleMouseUp is an event handler -- a method that knows how to handle MouseUp events.
            // This is another way of making a "method that knows how to handle MouseUp events".  It is
            // called an "anonymous function" or "a lambda" (for historical reasons).
            // It says, "Make an anonymous function that takes an object called 'sender' and some MouseEventArgs
            // called 'e', and show a message with MessageBox.Show().
            // _control.MouseUp += (sender, e) => MessageBox.Show("second event handler" + e.Location);

            // This is another event handler (also a lambda).  It's only different in that it calls
            // the second parameter "args" instead of "e", and says "third event handler" instead of "second event handler"
            // _control.MouseUp += (sender, args) => MessageBox.Show("third event handler" + args.Location);

            // "I want to listen to the MouseDown event of this control with my HandleMouseDown event handler method."
            _control.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;

            // "I want to listen to the MouseMove event of this control with my HandleMouseMove event handler method."
            _control.MouseMove += HandleMouseMove;