public virtual List <IPProxy> GetIPProxyListAll() { try { Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("DatabaseProxy"); DbCommand dbCommand = database.GetStoredProcCommand("PR_IPProxy_SelectAll"); //database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@TickerList", DbType.String, tickerList.ToString()); List <IPProxy> listItem = new List <IPProxy>(); using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { IPProxy item = CreateShareTypeFromReader(reader); listItem.Add(item); } reader.Close(); } //totalRecords = (int)database.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "@TotalRecords"); return(listItem); } catch (Exception ex) { // log this exception log4net.Util.LogLog.Error(ex.Message, ex); // wrap it and rethrow throw; } }
/// <summary> /// REFERENCES: /// other approach: /// /// /// PhantomJSOptions phoptions = new PhantomJSOptions(); /// phoptions.AddAdditionalCapability(CapabilityType.Proxy, "http://localhost:9999"); /// /// driver = new PhantomJSDriver(phoptions); /// - (24/04/2019) /// /// </summary> /// <param name="hostPgUrlPattern"></param> /// <param name="freeProxy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string LoadIPProxyDocumentContent(string hostPgUrlPattern, IPProxy freeProxy = null) { //var options = new ChromeOptions(); //var userAgent = "user_agent_string"; //options.AddArgument("--user-agent=" + userAgent); //IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); var service = PhantomJSDriverService.CreateDefaultService(".\\"); service.HideCommandPromptWindow = true; if (freeProxy != null) { service.ProxyType = freeProxy.Protocol == ProxyProtocolsEnum.HTTP ? "http" : "https:"; var proxy = new Proxy { HttpProxy = $"{freeProxy.IPAddress}:{freeProxy.PortNo}", }; service.Proxy = proxy.HttpProxy; } var driver = new PhantomJSDriver(service) { Url = hostPgUrlPattern }; driver.Navigate(); var content = driver.PageSource; driver.Quit(); return(content); }
/// <summary> /// ip无效处理 /// </summary> private void IPInvalidProcess(IPProxy ipproxy) { Settings.SetUnviableIP(ipproxy);//设置为无效代理 if (ipproxy != null) { DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Name = "IPProxy", // Document = new BsonDocument().Add("status", "1"), Document = new BsonDocument().Add(string.Format("{0}_status", DataTableName), "1"), Query = Query.EQ("ip", ipproxy.IP), Type = StorageType.Update }); StartDBChangeProcess(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) { DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Name = "QCCAccount", // Document = new BsonDocument().Add("status", "1"), Document = new BsonDocument().Add(string.Format("status", DataTableName), "1"), Query = Query.EQ("name", Settings.LoginAccount), Type = StorageType.Update }); StartDBChangeProcess(); //验证验证码重新进行设定 } }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(ParaProxy paraProxy) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region insert database here try { IPProxy ipProxy = new IPProxy { IPAddress = paraProxy.IPAddress, IPPort = int.Parse(paraProxy.IPPort), StatusIP = bool.Parse(paraProxy.StatusIP), CreateDate = int.Parse(paraProxy.CreateDate) }; IPProxyServices.CreateIPProxy(ipProxy); } catch (Exception) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState)); } #endregion end HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, paraProxy); return(response); } else { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState)); } }
public void UpdateProxy(IPProxy proxy) { if (proxy != null) { var script = $"return phantom.setProxy(\"{proxy.IPAddress}\", {proxy.PortNo}, \"http\", \"\", \""; var obj = (this.WebDriver as PhantomJSDriver)?.ExecutePhantomJS(script); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="proxy"></param> protected void RegisterProxy(IPProxy proxy) { AgentStatus = IPProxyAgentStatusEnum.Parsing; lock (IPProxies) { IPProxies.Add(proxy); } InvokeEventFreeIPProxyParsed(new EventHandlers.FreeIPProxyParsedEventArgs(PageNo, TargetPgUrl, proxy)); }
public static bool TestIPProxy(IPProxy proxy) { var protHt = proxy.Protocol == IPProxyRules.ProxyProtocolsEnum.HTTPS ? "https://" : proxy.Protocol == IPProxyRules.ProxyProtocolsEnum.HTTP ? "http://" : ""; var prxy = new WebProxy() { Address = new Uri($"{protHt}{proxy.IPAddress}:{proxy.PortNo}"), Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials, //still use the proxy for local addresses BypassProxyOnLocal = false, }; if (proxy.Credential != null) { prxy.UseDefaultCredentials = false; // *** These credentials are given to the proxy server, not the web server *** prxy.Credentials = proxy.ToNetworkCredential(); } var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Finally, create the HTTP client object to test the proxy var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); request.Proxy = prxy; try { proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checking; using (var req = request.GetResponse()) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(req.GetResponseStream())) { var response = reader.ReadToEnd(); proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checked; proxy.SpeedRate = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; } } } catch (Exception e) { proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.CheckedInvalid; proxy.SpeedRate = 0; } finally { sw.Stop(); proxy.LastChecked = DateTime.Now; } return(proxy.CheckStatus == IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checked); }
public static void CreateIPProxy(IPProxy iPProxy) { try { iPProxyDao = new IPProxyDao(); iPProxyDao.CreateIPProxy(iPProxy); //return aGNews_ArticlesDAO. } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// ip无效处理 /// </summary> private void IPInvalidProcess(IPProxy ipproxy) { Settings.SetUnviableIP(ipproxy);//设置为无效代理 if (ipproxy != null) { DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Name = "IPProxy", Document = new BsonDocument().Add("status", "1"), Query = Query.EQ("ip", ipproxy.IP) }); StartDBChangeProcess(); } }
private void IPInvalidProcess(IPProxy ipproxy) { this.Settings.SetUnviableIP(ipproxy); if (ipproxy != null) { StorageData target = new StorageData { Name = "IPProxy", Document = new BsonDocument().Add("status", "1"), Query = Query.EQ("ip", ipproxy.IP) }; DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(target); this.StartDBChangeProcess(); } }
/// <summary> /// ip无效处理 /// </summary> private static void IPInvalidProcess(IPProxy ipproxy) { Settings.SetUnviableIP(ipproxy); //设置为无效代理 simpleCrawler.SimulateLogin(); //模拟登陆 if (ipproxy != null) { DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Name = "IPProxy", Document = new BsonDocument().Add(string.Format("{0}_status", simpleCrawler.DataTableName), "1"), Query = Query.EQ("ip", ipproxy.IP) }); StartDBChangeProcess(); } }
public static bool TestIPProxy2(IPProxy proxy) { try { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checking; var content = SeleniumHelper.GrabPage("", proxy.AsTuple()); sw.Stop(); proxy.SpeedRate = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checked; } catch (Exception e) { proxy.CheckStatus = IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.CheckedInvalid; } return(proxy.CheckStatus == IPProxy.CheckStatusEnum.Checked); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="proxy"></param> public void GrabFirstOrNextPage(IPProxy proxy = null) { if (AgentStatus != IPProxyAgentStatusEnum.Idle) { return; } var pgNo = PageNo.ToString(); if (PageInstruction != null) { pgNo = PageInstruction.PageNo(PageNo); } TargetPgUrl = TargetPageUrlPattern.Replace("{PAGENO}", pgNo); AgentStatus = IPProxyAgentStatusEnum.Reading; InvokeEventFreeIPProxiesReading(new EventHandlers.FreeIPProxiesReadingEventArgs(TargetPgUrl)); // Get the html response called from the url var contentDoc = ScraperBoxHelper.GrabPage(_driver as PhantomJSDriver, TargetPgUrl, proxy?.AsTuple()); ValidatePage(contentDoc); if (!PageIsValid) { AgentStatus = IPProxyAgentStatusEnum.Completed; InvokeEventFreeIPProviderSourceCompleted(new EventHandlers.FreeIPProviderSourceCompletedEventArgs(PageNo)); base.Shutdown(); return; } // have the inheriting class parse the html result ParseProxyPage(contentDoc); TotalPagesScraped++; // increase the page no for next use. PageNo++; }
public virtual void CreateIPProxy(IPProxy iPProxy) { try { Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("DatabaseProxy"); DbCommand dbCommand = database.GetStoredProcCommand("PR_IPProxy_Insert"); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IPAddress", DbType.AnsiString, iPProxy.IPAddress); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IPPort", DbType.Int32, iPProxy.IPPort); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@StatusIP", DbType.Boolean, iPProxy.StatusIP); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@CreateDate", DbType.Int32, iPProxy.CreateDate); database.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "@Id", DbType.Int32, iPProxy.Id); database.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand); iPProxy.Id = (int)database.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "@Id"); } catch (Exception ex) { // log this exception log4net.Util.LogLog.Error(ex.Message, ex); // wrap it and rethrow throw new ApplicationException(); } }
public virtual IPProxy CreateShareTypeFromReader(IDataReader reader) { IPProxy item = new IPProxy(); try { if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("Id"))) { item.Id = (int)reader["Id"]; } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("IPAddress"))) { item.IPAddress = (string)reader["IPAddress"]; } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("IPPort"))) { item.IPPort = (int)reader["IPPort"]; } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("StatusIP"))) { item.StatusIP = (bool)reader["StatusIP"]; } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("CreateDate"))) { item.CreateDate = (int)reader["CreateDate"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { // log this exception log4net.Util.LogLog.Error(ex.Message, ex); // wrap it and rethrow throw; } return(item); }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { //return true; //Settings.SimulateCookies = "pgv_pvid=1513639250; aliyungf_tc=AQAAADPRHnGrvwQAIkg9OwOqtkYJbU4N; oldFlag=1; CNZZDATA1259577625=112366950-1466409958-%7C1466415358; hide-index-popup=1; hide-download-panel=1; _alicdn_sec=576ba5f9a986fb4802dacf51bc99b1e76724f58e; connect.sid=s%3AeYWXycPKai63BYTmB9d6h-0IM_R2kp6n.EUgfW0AmJ6GB%2F0TamTi4tT53QK4OR4yQtU1I3Ba8Ryo; userKey=QXBAdmin-Web2.0_N3iUdNobAoys4M395Pk5v%2F6Zxcwjt1tiCqeSf3X3ZnI%3D; userValue=bea26f0d-e414-168a-0fe2-b8eb4278ab07; Hm_lvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1464663982,1464775028,1464776749,1465799273; Hm_lpvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1466672591";//设置cookie值 //return true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) { return(true); } // return SimulateLoginEx(); var userName = string.Empty; var passWord = string.Empty; if (AccountQueue.Count() > 0) { var _curCookie = AccountQueue.Dequeue(); if (_curCookie != null) { Console.WriteLine("提取账号{0}", _curCookie.Text("name")); userName = _curCookie.Text("name"); passWord = _curCookie.Text("password"); Settings.LoginAccount = userName; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } return(AliyunAutoLoin(userName, passWord)); IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpManager.Instance.InitWebClient(hi, true, 30, 30); Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); var nameNormal = userName; var pwdNormal = passWord; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameNormal) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwdNormal)) { return(false); } var validUrl = ""; var postFormat = ""; bool result = false; // var postFormat = "geetest_challenge={0}&geetest_validate={1}&geetest_seccode={1}%7Cjordan&requestType=search_enterprise"; var passResult = geetestHelper.PassGeetest(hi, postFormat, validUrl, Settings.SimulateCookies); result = passResult.Status; // this.richTextBoxInfo.Document.Blocks.Clear(); //this.webBrowser.Refresh(); if (passResult.Status) { hi.Url = ""; hi.Refer = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("nameNormal={0}&pwdNormal={1}&geetest_challenge={2}&geetest_validate={3}&geetest_seccode={3}%7Cjordan", nameNormal, pwdNormal, passResult.Challenge, passResult.ValidCode); var ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("true")) { Settings.SimulateCookies = ho.Cookies; Console.WriteLine("过验证码模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } } var resultText = geetestHelper.GetLastPoint(hi); Console.WriteLine(resultText); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { return(true); IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper(); //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } HttpItem item = new HttpItem() { URL = "", //URL 必需项 Encoding = null, //编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 //Encoding = Encoding.Default, Method = "post", //URL 可选项 默认为Get //Timeout = 100000,//连接超时时间 可选项默认为100000 //ReadWriteTimeout = 30000,//写入Post数据超时时间 可选项默认为30000 //IsToLower = false,//得到的HTML代码是否转成小写 可选项默认转小写 //Cookie = "",//字符串Cookie 可选项 UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", //用户的浏览器类型,版本,操作系统 可选项有默认值 Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*", // 可选项有默认值 ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", //返回类型 可选项有默认值 Referer = "", //来源URL 可选项 Postdata = "Uid=luckymn&Pwd=1c523e9b2109407d0857676dfc20af997c14791f495ec8676979628bfef0762ce2679e2f4770d536526bcf00639ec803539f02c54387fbd4a3f159ec5a6185cd46cb139b5c2696c269bce5b7f9c00fb3a9bc58e815773c227b54d4570da0cbee50b47b29c363d398791d3065c0343494aebaa925313e705fd514898e56c2df29&Service=soufun-passport-web&IP=&VCode=&AutoLogin=1", Allowautoredirect = true, }; if (ipProxy != null) { item.ProxyIp = ipProxy.IP; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("尝试登陆{0}", Settings.curIPProxy != null ? Settings.curIPProxy.IP : string.Empty)); HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item); string cookie = string.Empty; foreach (CookieItem s in HttpCookieHelper.GetCookieList(result.Cookie)) { //if (s.Key.Contains("24a79_")) { cookie += HttpCookieHelper.CookieFormat(s.Key, s.Value); } } if (result.Html.IndexOf("luckymn") > 0) { Settings.SimulateCookies = cookie;//设置cookie值 Console.WriteLine("zluckymn模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { if (isSpecialUrlMode) { return(true); } //之前似乎否已经登陆过了 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) { DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Document = new BsonDocument().Add(DataTableName + "status", "1"), Name = DataTableNameAccount, Query = Query.EQ("userName", Settings.LoginAccount), Type = StorageType.Update }); StartDBChangeProcess(); } var accountBson = AccountQueue.Instance.DeQueue(); if (accountBson == null) { Console.WriteLine("账号已用完"); Environment.Exit(0); return(false); } IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper(); //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } HttpItem item = new HttpItem() { URL = "", //URL 必需项 Encoding = null, //编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 //Encoding = Encoding.Default, Method = "post", //URL 可选项 默认为Get //Timeout = 100000,//连接超时时间 可选项默认为100000 //ReadWriteTimeout = 30000,//写入Post数据超时时间 可选项默认为30000 //IsToLower = false,//得到的HTML代码是否转成小写 可选项默认转小写 //Cookie = "",//字符串Cookie 可选项 UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", //用户的浏览器类型,版本,操作系统 可选项有默认值 Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*", // 可选项有默认值 ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", //返回类型 可选项有默认值 Referer = "", //来源URL 可选项 Allowautoredirect = true, }; if (accountBson != null) { item.Postdata = accountBson.Text("postData"); } if (ipProxy != null) { item.ProxyIp = ipProxy.IP; } if (Settings.CurWebProxy != null) { item.WebProxy = Settings.CurWebProxy; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("尝试登陆{0}", Settings.curIPProxy != null ? Settings.curIPProxy.IP : string.Empty)); HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item); if (!result.Html.Contains("Success")) { return(false); } string cookie = string.Empty; foreach (CookieItem s in HttpCookieHelper.GetCookieList(result.Cookie)) { //if (s.Key.Contains("24a79_")) { cookie += HttpCookieHelper.CookieFormat(s.Key, s.Value); } } if (accountBson != null) { var account = accountBson.Text("userName"); if (result.Html.IndexOf("Success") > 0) { Settings.SimulateCookies = cookie;//设置cookie值 Settings.LoginAccount = account; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}模拟登陆成功", account)); return(true); } DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData() { Document = new BsonDocument().Add("status", "1"), Name = DataTableNameAccount, Query = Query.EQ("userName", account), Type = StorageType.Update }); StartDBChangeProcess(); } else { Settings.SimulateCookies = cookie;//设置cookie值 Console.WriteLine("登陆失败"); return(false); } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { //return true; Settings.SimulateCookies = "yunsuo_session_verify=760b6fed201cabba9dbbc08d6ee95433; yoursessionname1=217703E3DF30F6B367DEC0B3B4EBD13F; yoursessionname0=2ACF87288AD50420E1507A8F20B69186";//设置cookie值 return(true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) { return(true); } // return SimulateLoginEx(); var userName = string.Empty; var passWord = string.Empty; if (AccountQueue.Count() > 0) { var _curCookie = AccountQueue.Dequeue(); if (_curCookie != null) { Console.WriteLine("提取账号{0}", _curCookie.Text("name")); userName = _curCookie.Text("name"); passWord = _curCookie.Text("password"); Settings.LoginAccount = userName; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } // return AliyunAutoLoin(userName, passWord); IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpManager.Instance.InitWebClient(hi, true, 30, 30); Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); var nameNormal = userName; var pwdNormal = passWord; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameNormal) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwdNormal)) { return(false); } var validUrl = ""; var postFormat = ""; bool result = false; // var postFormat = "geetest_challenge={0}&geetest_validate={1}&geetest_seccode={1}%7Cjordan&requestType=search_enterprise"; var passResult = geetestHelper.PassGeetest(hi, postFormat, validUrl, Settings.SimulateCookies); result = passResult.Status; // this.richTextBoxInfo.Document.Blocks.Clear(); //this.webBrowser.Refresh(); if (passResult.Status) { hi.Url = ""; hi.Refer = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("nameNormal={0}&pwdNormal={1}&geetest_challenge={2}&geetest_validate={3}&geetest_seccode={3}%7Cjordan", nameNormal, pwdNormal, passResult.Challenge, passResult.ValidCode); var ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("true")) { Settings.SimulateCookies = ho.Cookies; Console.WriteLine("过验证码模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } } var resultText = geetestHelper.GetLastPoint(hi); Console.WriteLine(resultText); } return(false); }
public bool SimulateLogin() { return(true); IPProxy ipProxy = null; if (Settings.IPProxyList == null || Settings.IPProxyList.Where(c => c.Unavaiable == false).Count() <= 0) { Environment.Exit(0); } HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper(); //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } HttpItem item = new HttpItem() { URL = "", //URL 必需项 Encoding = null, //编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 Method = "GET", //URL 可选项 默认为Get ContentType = "text/html", //返回类型 可选项有默认值 KeepAlive = true, Timeout = 2000 }; if (ipProxy != null) { item.ProxyIp = ipProxy.IP; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("尝试登陆{0}", Settings.curIPProxy != null ? Settings.curIPProxy.IP : string.Empty)); HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item); if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { string cookie = string.Empty; foreach (CookieItem s in HttpCookieHelper.GetCookieList(result.Cookie)) { //if (s.Key.Contains("24a79_")) { cookie += HttpCookieHelper.CookieFormat(s.Key, s.Value); } } Console.WriteLine("{0}访问成功", item.ProxyIp); return(true); } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }
/// <summary> /// ip无效处理 /// </summary> private void IPInvalidProcess(IPProxy ipproxy) { }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin_abort() { //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) //{ // if (canSimulateLoginEx) // { // if (SimulateLoginEx()) // { // return true; // } // } // else // { // return false; // } //} // return SimulateLoginEx(); //Settings.SimulateCookies = "pgv_pvid=2450963536; hide-download-panel=1; _alicdn_sec=576a3ab0af22f4e5ebdbcefe41d61e787594cc18; aliyungf_tc=AQAAAIZesm/zKwsAIkg9O1Mu6IT2uP2O; oldFlag=1; connect.sid=s%3ACds536zVk0sMJohB3xK92r1aqLLzZ2kS.S7xPCWjVBh%2Fv4HTndSuceVBHiz8qzbU4mOW27BoNNlk; hide-index-popup=1; userKey=QXBAdmin-Web2.0_RaVYNd5IpN6lVyiaV9k9vkzHXo5L8gWDaXE0zTdpUUM%3D; userValue=f56373d4-f3bf-74aa-9e60-c2e716af57a7; Hm_lvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1464663566,1464942208,1466478326,1466495053; Hm_lpvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1466579551";//设置cookie值 //return true; var userName = string.Empty; var passWord = string.Empty; if (AccountQueue.Count() > 0) { var _curCookie = AccountQueue.Dequeue(); if (_curCookie != null) { Console.WriteLine("提取账号{0}", _curCookie.Text("name")); userName = _curCookie.Text("name"); passWord = _curCookie.Text("password"); Settings.LoginAccount = userName; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } IPProxy ipProxy = null; //if (Settings.IPProxyList == null || Settings.IPProxyList.Count() <= 0) //{ // Environment.Exit(0); //} // HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper(); HttpManager.Instance.InitWebClient(hi, true, 30, 30); Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); //hi.EnableProxy = true; //hi.ProxyIP = ""; //hi.ProxyPort = 8888; //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } var tempCookie = string.Empty; // //获取临时验证地址 //HttpItem item_login = new HttpItem() //{ // URL = "",//URL 必需项 // Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 // Method = "GET",//URL 可选项 默认为Get // ContentType = "text/html",//返回类型 可选项有默认值 // KeepAlive = true, //}; //HttpResult result_login = http.GetHtml(item_login); //if (result_login.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // foreach (CookieItem s in HttpCookieHelper.GetCookieList(result_login.Cookie)) // { // if (!s.Key.Contains("Path")) // { // tempCookie += HttpCookieHelper.CookieFormat(s.Key, s.Value); // } // } //} //获取临时验证地址 HttpItem item = new HttpItem() { URL = "", //URL 必需项 Encoding = null, //编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 Method = "GET", //URL 可选项 默认为Get ContentType = "text/html", //返回类型 可选项有默认值 KeepAlive = true, Timeout = 9000 }; HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item); var needPostUrl = string.Empty; if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { needPostUrl = result.Html; Console.WriteLine("获取打码平台地址:{0}", needPostUrl); } hi.Url = string.Format(""); var ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { Console.WriteLine("剩余点数{0}", ho.TxtData); } var postDate = string.Empty; hi.Url = string.Format("{0}", GetTimeLikeJS()); ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GtregisterCls)); var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ho.TxtData)); GtregisterCls gtregisterResult = (GtregisterCls)ser.ReadObject(ms); if (gtregisterResult != null && gtregisterResult.status == 0) { postDate = string.Format("data={0}|{1}",,; Console.WriteLine("获取打码post验证码:{0}", postDate); } } HttpItem item3 = new HttpItem() { UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)", URL = needPostUrl, //URL 必需项 Encoding = null, //编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别 Method = "POST", //URL 可选项 默认为Get ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", //返回类型 可选项有默认值 KeepAlive = true, Timeout = 90000, Postdata = postDate //Postdata = "data=9d80817516218c6af63ab41963087b69|5520e63890a83184ff1bfaa67126575b" }; HttpResult result3 = http.GetHtml(item3); var challenge = string.Empty; var validCode = string.Empty; if (result3.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK && result3.Html.Contains("success")) { string[] lastvcode = result3.Html.Replace("success:", string.Empty).Split(new char[] { '|' }); validCode = lastvcode[0]; challenge = lastvcode[1]; Console.WriteLine("提交打码平台成功{0}|{1}", validCode, challenge); } else { continue; } hi.Url = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("geetest_challenge={0}&geetest_validate={1}&geetest_seccode={1}|jordan", challenge, validCode); ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("success")) { hi.Url = ""; hi.Refer = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("userAcct={0}&userPassword={1}&token={2}%7Cjordan", userName, passWord, validCode); ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("成功")) { canSimulateLoginEx = true; Settings.SimulateCookies = ho.Cookies; Console.WriteLine("过验证码模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } } } else { continue; } } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) //{ // if (canSimulateLoginEx) // { // if (SimulateLoginEx()) // { // return true; // } // } //} // return SimulateLoginEx(); var userName = string.Empty; var passWord = string.Empty; if (AccountQueue.Count() > 0) { var _curCookie = AccountQueue.Dequeue(); if (_curCookie != null) { Console.WriteLine("提取账号{0}", _curCookie.Text("name")); userName = _curCookie.Text("name"); passWord = _curCookie.Text("password"); Settings.LoginAccount = userName; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpManager.Instance.InitWebClient(hi, true, 30, 30); Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); //hi.EnableProxy = true; //hi.ProxyIP = ""; //hi.ProxyPort = 8888; //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } var tempCookie = string.Empty; hi.Url = string.Format("{0}", GetTimeLikeJS()); var postFormat = "geetest_challenge={0}&geetest_validate={1}&geetest_seccode={1}|jordan"; var validUrl = ""; var passResult = geetestHelper.PassGeetest(hi, postFormat, validUrl); if (passResult.Status == true) { hi.Url = ""; hi.Refer = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("userAcct={0}&userPassword={1}&token={2}%7Cjordan", userName, passWord, passResult.ValidCode); var ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("成功")) { canSimulateLoginEx = true; Settings.SimulateCookies = ho.Cookies; Console.WriteLine("过验证码模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } } } else { continue; } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="proxy"></param> public void RemoveProxy(IPProxy proxy) { IPProxies.ToList().Remove(proxy); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> protected override void ParseProxyPage(string content) { var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(content); var document = doc.DocumentNode; var target = ScraperBox.Helper.GetNodeByAttribute(document, "table", "id", "proxylist"); if (target == null) { return; } var lines = ScraperBox.Helper.GetNodeCollection(target, "tr"); lines.ToList().ForEach(e => { if (e.Descendants("td").Count() <= 1) { return; } var cells = e.Descendants("td").ToArray(); var unwanted = cells[0].Descendants("script"); var enumerable = unwanted as HtmlNode[] ?? unwanted.ToArray(); if (enumerable.ToArray().Any()) { enumerable.ToArray()[0].Remove(); } var proxy = new IPProxy() { ProviderId = GetType().Name.Replace("Cartridge", ""), //Valid = true }; // get address's part try { var address = cells[0]; var addressParts = address.InnerText.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var ipAddress = addressParts[1].Replace("port", "").Trim(); var portNo = int.Parse(addressParts[2].Trim()); proxy.IPAddress = ipAddress; proxy.PortNo = portNo; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); //throw; } // get anonymity level proxy.AnonymityLevel = cells[1].InnerText.Trim().Contains("anonymous") ? IPProxyRules.ProxyAnonymityLevelsEnum.Anonymous : IPProxyRules.ProxyAnonymityLevelsEnum.Elite; // get last checked time : Apr-27, 16:22 var checkdateTxt = cells[2].InnerText.Replace("Checked:", "").Trim(); var checkdateParts = checkdateTxt.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var checkdateCalPrts = checkdateParts[0].Split(new[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //"2009 Apr 8 14:40:52,531 <--> yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff var checkDate = $"{checkdateCalPrts[1]} {checkdateCalPrts[0]} {DateTime.Now.Year}"; var checkDatePrsd = DateTime.ParseExact(checkDate, "dd MMM yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); proxy.LastChecked = checkDatePrsd.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(checkdateParts[1])); //todo: //proxy.LastValidationCheck = DateTime.Parse(checkdate); // get the country var countryPartial = cells[3].InnerText .Replace("Country:", "") .Trim().Replace(" ", "_") .ToLower(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryPartial)) { countryPartial = countryPartial.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; proxy.Country = ScraperBox.Helper.FindProxyCountryFromPartial(countryPartial); } proxy.City = cells[4].InnerText.Replace("City:", "").Replace(" ", "").Trim(); proxy.ISP = cells[5].InnerText.Replace("ISP:", ""); //if (!ProxyTestHelper.CanPing(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}", proxy.Protocol == ProxyProtocolEnum.HTTP ? "http" : "https", proxy.HostIP, proxy.PortNo))) //if (!ProxyTestHelper.ProxyIsGood(proxy.HostIP, proxy.PortNo)) return; RegisterProxy(proxy); }); base.ParseProxyPage(content); }
public FreeIPProxyParsedEventArgs(int pageNo, string targetPageUrl, IPProxy proxy) { TargetPageUrl = targetPageUrl; IPProxy = proxy; PageNo = pageNo; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> protected override void ParseProxyPage(string content) { var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(content); var document = doc.DocumentNode; var target = HtmlUtil.GetNodeByAttribute(document, "table", "class", "proxytbl"); if (target == null) { return; } var lines = HtmlUtil.GetNodeCollection(target, "tr"); lines.ToList().ForEach(e => { if (e.Descendants("td").Count() <= 1) { return; } var proxy = new IPProxy() { ProviderId = GetType().Name.Replace("Cartridge", ""), }; var cells = e.Descendants("td").ToArray(); var scriptPart = cells[1].Descendants("script"); var htmlNodes = scriptPart as HtmlNode[] ?? scriptPart.ToArray(); if (htmlNodes.Any()) { htmlNodes.ToArray()[0].Remove(); } //ip proxy.IPAddress = cells[0].InnerText.Trim(); //port proxy.PortNo = int.Parse(HtmlUtil.Resolve(cells[1].InnerText.Trim()).Replace("\r\n", "").Trim()); // country var country = HtmlUtil.Resolve(cells[2].InnerText.Trim()); var countryPrts = country.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); proxy.Country = Helper.FindProxyCountryFromPartial(countryPrts[0].Replace(" ", "_")); // anon proxy.AnonymityLevel = cells[3].InnerText.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "").Trim().Contains("anonymous") ? ProxyAnonymityLevelsEnum.Anonymous : ProxyAnonymityLevelsEnum.Elite; //protocol var https = HtmlUtil.Resolve(cells[4].Attributes["class"].Value); proxy.Protocol = https.ToLower().Contains("https") ? ProxyProtocolsEnum.HTTPS : ProxyProtocolsEnum.HTTP; //last check var lastChecked = (new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day)); proxy.LastChecked = lastChecked.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(HtmlUtil.Resolve(cells[5].InnerText.Trim()))); RegisterProxy(proxy); }); base.ParseProxyPage(content); }
public IPProxyCheckedEventArgs(bool isValid, IPProxy proxy) { IsValid = isValid; IPProxy = proxy; }
/// <summary> /// 模拟登陆,ip代理可能需要用到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SimulateLogin() { //Settings.SimulateCookies = "pgv_pvid=1513639250; aliyungf_tc=AQAAADPRHnGrvwQAIkg9OwOqtkYJbU4N; oldFlag=1; CNZZDATA1259577625=112366950-1466409958-%7C1466415358; hide-index-popup=1; hide-download-panel=1; _alicdn_sec=576ba5f9a986fb4802dacf51bc99b1e76724f58e; connect.sid=s%3AeYWXycPKai63BYTmB9d6h-0IM_R2kp6n.EUgfW0AmJ6GB%2F0TamTi4tT53QK4OR4yQtU1I3Ba8Ryo; userKey=QXBAdmin-Web2.0_N3iUdNobAoys4M395Pk5v%2F6Zxcwjt1tiCqeSf3X3ZnI%3D; userValue=bea26f0d-e414-168a-0fe2-b8eb4278ab07; Hm_lvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1464663982,1464775028,1464776749,1465799273; Hm_lpvt_52d64b8d3f6d42a2e416d59635df3f71=1466672591";//设置cookie值 //return true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginAccount)) { if (canSimulateLoginEx) { if (SimulateLoginEx()) { return(true); } } else { return(false); } } // return SimulateLoginEx(); var userName = string.Empty; var passWord = string.Empty; if (AccountQueue.Count() > 0) { var _curCookie = AccountQueue.Dequeue(); if (_curCookie != null) { Console.WriteLine("提取账号{0}", _curCookie.Text("name")); userName = _curCookie.Text("name"); passWord = _curCookie.Text("password"); Settings.LoginAccount = userName; } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } IPProxy ipProxy = null; HttpManager.Instance.InitWebClient(hi, true, 30, 30); Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); //尝试登陆 while (true) { try { ipProxy = Settings.GetIPProxy(); if (ipProxy == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipProxy.IP)) { Settings.SimulateCookies = string.Empty; //return true; } var tempCookie = string.Empty; hi.Url = string.Format("{0}", GetTimeLikeJS()); var postFormat = "geetest_challenge={0}&geetest_validate={1}&geetest_seccode={1}|jordan"; var validUrl = ""; var passResult = geetestHelper.PassGeetest(hi, postFormat, validUrl); if (passResult.Status == true) { hi.Url = ""; hi.Refer = ""; hi.PostData = string.Format("userAcct={0}&userPassword={1}&token={2}%7Cjordan", userName, passWord, passResult.ValidCode); var ho = HttpManager.Instance.ProcessRequest(hi); if (ho.IsOK) { if (ho.TxtData.Contains("成功")) { canSimulateLoginEx = true; Settings.SimulateCookies = ho.Cookies; Console.WriteLine("过验证码模拟登陆成功"); return(true); } } } else { continue; } return(false); } catch (WebException ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } catch (Exception ex) { canSimulateLoginEx = false; IPInvalidProcess(ipProxy); } } }