public void UpdateToLatest(bool community, string ocNamespace) { GetLatestVersions(community); JObject imageStreams = community ? _s2iImageStreamsCommunity : _s2iImageStreamsRH; if (_installed.Length != 0) { _openshift.Replace(imageStreams, ocNamespace); } else { _openshift.Create(imageStreams, ocNamespace); } }
} // TODO: try to guess this protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CommandLineApplication app) { if (Project == null) { Fail("project is a required argument"); } // Find the startup project file bool multipleProjectFiles = false; string startupProjectFullName = Project; if (startupProjectFullName == null) { startupProjectFullName = "."; } if (File.Exists(startupProjectFullName)) { startupProjectFullName = Path.GetFullPath(startupProjectFullName); multipleProjectFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(startupProjectFullName), "*.??proj", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length > 1; } else if (Directory.Exists(startupProjectFullName)) { var projFiles = Directory.GetFiles(startupProjectFullName, "*.??proj", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (projFiles.Length == 0) { Fail("No projects found. Specify a '--startup-project'."); } else if (projFiles.Length > 1) { Fail("Multiple projects found. Specify a '--startup-project'."); } else { startupProjectFullName = Path.GetFullPath(projFiles[0]); multipleProjectFiles = false; } } else { Fail("Startup project does not exist."); } // Find git root string gitRoot = GitUtils.FindRepoRoot(Path.GetDirectoryName(startupProjectFullName)); if (gitRoot == null) { Fail("The project is not in a git repository."); } // Determine name string name = Name; if (name == null) { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(startupProjectFullName); string[] splitName = name.Split('.'); name = splitName[splitName.Length - 1].ToLowerInvariant(); } // Determine startup project string startupProject; if (StartupProject != null) { startupProject = StartupProject; } else { startupProject = startupProjectFullName; if (!multipleProjectFiles) { startupProject = Path.GetDirectoryName(startupProject); } startupProject = startupProject.Substring(gitRoot.Length + 1); } // Determine git url string gitUrl = GitUrl; if (gitUrl == null) { gitUrl = GitUtils.GetRemoteUrl(gitRoot, "openshift-origin"); if (gitUrl == null) { gitUrl = GitUtils.GetRemoteUrl(gitRoot, "origin"); } } if (gitUrl == null) { Fail("Cannot determine git remote url. Specify a '--git-url'."); } // Determine git ref string gitRef = GitRef; if (gitRef == null) { gitRef = GitUtils.GetCurrentBranch(gitRoot); } if (gitRef == "HEAD") { gitRef = GitUtils.GetHeadCommitId(gitRoot); } if (gitRef == null) { Fail("Cannot determine the current git branch. Specify '--git-ref'."); } // Determine runtime version string runtimeVersion = RuntimeVersion; if (runtimeVersion == null) { string targetFramework = DotnetUtils.GetTargetFramework(startupProjectFullName); if (targetFramework != null) { if (targetFramework.StartsWith("netcoreapp")) { runtimeVersion = targetFramework.Substring(10); } } } if (runtimeVersion == null) { Fail("Cannot determine the runtime version. Specify '--runtime-version'."); } // Determine sdk version string sdkVersion = SdkVerison; if (sdkVersion == null) { sdkVersion = string.Empty; } // Determine memory int memory = Memory; PrintLine("Creating application:"); PrintLine($" - name : {name}"); PrintLine($" - git-url : {gitUrl}"); PrintLine($" - git-ref : {gitRef}"); PrintLine($" - startup-project : {startupProject}"); PrintLine($" - runtime-version : {runtimeVersion}"); PrintLine($" - sdk-version : {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkVersion) ? "(image default)" : sdkVersion)}"); PrintLine($" - memory (MB) : {memory}"); PrintEmptyLine(); // Prompt if (!AssumeYes) { PrintLine("These parameters can be overwritten by passing arguments on the command-line."); if (!PromptYesNo("Is this ok", defaultAnswer: false)) { return; } PrintEmptyLine(); } PrintLine($"Checking .NET Core {runtimeVersion} is installed on OpenShift..."); _openshift.EnsureConnection(); // Check if runtime version is installed Func <ImageStreamTag, bool> FindRuntimeVersion = (ImageStreamTag tag) => tag.Version == runtimeVersion; string imageNamespace = _openshift.GetCurrentNamespace(); ImageStreamTag[] streamTags = _openshift.GetImageTagVersions("dotnet", imageNamespace); if (!streamTags.Any(FindRuntimeVersion)) { imageNamespace = "openshift"; streamTags = _openshift.GetImageTagVersions("dotnet", imageNamespace); if (!streamTags.Any(FindRuntimeVersion)) { Fail($"Runtime version {runtimeVersion} is not installed. You can run the 'install' command to install to the latest versions."); } } else { PrintLine($".NET Core {runtimeVersion} is installed."); } PrintEmptyLine(); Print("Creating deployment config..."); string imageStreamName = name; // Deployment config JObject deploymentConfig = CreateDeploymentConfig(name, imageStreamName, memory); _openshift.Create(deploymentConfig); PrintLine("done"); // Build config Print("Creating build config..."); string buildConfigName = name; JObject buildConfig = CreateBuildConfig(buildConfigName, imageStreamName, imageNamespace, $"dotnet:{runtimeVersion}", gitUrl, gitRef, startupProject, sdkVersion); _openshift.CreateImageStream(imageStreamName); _openshift.Create(buildConfig); PrintLine("done"); PrintEmptyLine(); // Wait for build PrintLine($"Waiting for build to start..."); Build build = null; while (true) { build = _openshift.GetBuild(buildConfigName, buildNumber: 1, mustExist: false); if (build != null && build.Phase == "New" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(build.Reason)) { build = null; } if (build != null) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (build.Phase == "New") { Fail($"Cannot create build: {build.Reason}: {build.StatusMessage}"); } // Wait for build PrintLine($"Waiting for build pod {build.PodName} to run..."); while (true) { Pod pod = _openshift.GetPod(build.PodName, mustExist: false); if (pod != null) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } // Print build log PrintPodBuildLog(build.PodName); // Check build status build = _openshift.GetBuild(buildConfigName, buildNumber: build.BuildNumber); if (build.Phase != "Complete") { Fail($"The build failed: {build.Phase}({build.Reason}): {build.StatusMessage}"); } PrintLine("Build finished succesfully."); PrintEmptyLine(); // Follow up on deployment PrintLine("Deployment status:"); string controllerPhase = null; var podStates = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // TODO: this next call sometimes blocks ?!? :/ ReplicationController controller = _openshift.GetReplicationController(name, version: "1", mustExist: false); if (controller != null) { controllerPhase = controller.Phase; Pod[] pods = _openshift.GetPods(name, version: "1"); foreach (var pod in pods) { if (pod.Containers.Length == 0) { continue; } ContainerStatus container = pod.Containers[0]; // pods have 1 container for the dotnet application string containerState = null; // user-friendly states: if (container.State == "running") { if (container.Ready) { containerState = "is ready."; } else { containerState = "has started, not ready."; } } else if (container.State == "waiting") { if (container.Reason == "ContainerCreating") { containerState = "is being created."; } else if (container.Reason == "CrashLoopBackOff") { containerState = $"is crashing: ${container.Message}"; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(container.Message)) { if (container.Reason == "Error" || container.Reason == "Completed" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(container.Reason)) { containerState = "has terminated."; } } } // fallback: if (containerState == null) { containerState = $"is {container.State}(reason={container.Reason}): {container.Message}"; } // Check if podState changed if (!podStates.TryGetValue(pod.Name, out string previousState) || previousState != containerState) { PrintLine($"Pod {pod.Name} container {containerState}"); podStates[pod.Name] = containerState; // Print pod log when it terminated // or when we see CrashLoopBackOff and missed the terminated state. if (container.State == "terminated" || (container.Reason == "CrashLoopBackOff" && (previousState == null || !previousState.Contains("terminated")))) // TODO: improve terminated check { PrintLine($"{pod.Name} log:"); _openshift.GetLog(pod.Name, container.Name, ReadToConsole); } } } if (controllerPhase == "Complete" || controllerPhase == "Failed") { break; } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (controllerPhase == "Failed") { Fail("Deployment failed."); } else { PrintLine("Deployment finished succesfully."); } PrintEmptyLine(); // Service Print("Creating service..."); JObject service = CreateService(name); _openshift.Create(service); PrintLine("done"); PrintEmptyLine(); PrintLine("Application created succesfully."); }