Пример #1
 public PushCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Package pushing");
     options.Add("package=", "Package file to push. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package package1 --package package2", package => Packages.Add(EnsurePackageExists(fileSystem, package)));
     options.Add("replace-existing", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package.", replace => ReplaceExisting = true);
 public CreateEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Environment creation");
     options.Add("name=", "The name of the environment", v => EnvironmentName = v);
     options.Add("ignoreIfExists", "If the environment already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);
        protected DeploymentCommandBase(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            SpecificMachineNames = new List<string>();
            SkipStepNames = new List<string>();
            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List<string>();
            TenantTags = new List<string>();
            Tenants = new List<string>();

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("progress", "[Optional] Show progress of the deployment", v => { showProgress = true; WaitForDeployment = true; noRawLog = true; });
            options.Add("forcepackagedownload", "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageDownload = true);
            options.Add("waitfordeployment", "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.", v => WaitForDeployment = true);
            options.Add("deploymenttimeout=", "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the deployment to finish(default 00:10:00). This will not stop the deployment. Requires --waitfordeployment parameter set.", v => DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("cancelontimeout", "[Optional] Whether to cancel the deployment if the deployment timeout is reached (flag, default false).", v => CancelOnTimeout = true);
            options.Add("deploymentchecksleepcycle=", "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between deployment status checks (default 00:00:10)", v => DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("guidedfailure=", "[Optional] Whether to use Guided Failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment)", v => UseGuidedFailure = bool.Parse(v));
            options.Add("specificmachines=", "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machines names to target in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.", v => SpecificMachineNames.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(m => m.Trim())));
            options.Add("force", "[Optional] If a project is configured to skip packages with already-installed versions, override this setting to force re-deployment (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageRedeployment = true);
            options.Add("skip=", "[Optional] Skip a step by name", v => SkipStepNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("norawlog", "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks", v => noRawLog = true);
            options.Add("rawlogfile=", "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file", v => rawLogFile = v);
            options.Add("v|variable=", "[Optional] Values for any prompted variables in the format Label:Value", ParseVariable);
            options.Add("deployat=", "[Optional] Time at which deployment should start (scheduled deployment), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.", v => ParseDeployAt(v));
            options.Add("tenant=", "A tenant the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to tenants able to deploy.", t => Tenants.Add(t));
            options.Add("tenanttag=", "A tenant tag used to match tenants that the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags", tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
 public ListLatestDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Listing");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of a project to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => projects.Add(v));
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
Пример #5
 public DummyApiCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Dummy");
     options.Add("pill=", "Red or Blue. Blue, the story ends. Red, stay in Wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.", v => pill = v);
     log.Debug("Pill: " + pill);
 public PromoteReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
     var options = Options.For("Release Promotion");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("from=", "Name of the environment to get the current deployment from, e.g., Staging", v => FromEnvironmentName = v);
     options.Add("to=|deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
     options.Add("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
 public CreateProjectCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Project creation");
     options.Add("name=", "The name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("projectGroup=", "The name of the project group to add this project to. If the group doesn't exist, it will be created.", v => ProjectGroupName = v);
     options.Add("lifecycle=", "The name of the lifecycle that the project will use.", v=> LifecycleName = v);
     options.Add("ignoreIfExists", "If the project already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);
 public CreateChannelCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory) : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Create");
     options.Add("project=", "The name of the project in which to create the channel", p => projectName = p);
     options.Add("channel=", "The name of the channel to create", s => channelName = s);
     options.Add("description=", "[Optional] A description of the channel", d => channelDescription = d);
     options.Add("lifecycle=", "[Optional] if specified, the name of the lifecycle to use for promoting releases through this channel, otherwise this channel will inherit the project lifecycle", l => lifecycleName = l);
     options.Add("make-default-channel", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, set the new channel to be the default channel replacing any existing default channel", _ => makeDefaultChannel = true);
     options.Add("update-existing", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, updates the matching channel if it already exists, otherwise this command will fail if a matching channel already exists", _ => updateExisting = true);
 public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Deletion");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
     options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
     options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] if specified, only releases associated with the channel will be deleted; specify this argument multiple times to target multiple channels.", v => ChannelNames.Add(v));
     options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);
Пример #10
        public PushCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Package pushing");

            options.Add("package=", "Package file to push. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package package1 --package package2", package => Packages.Add(EnsurePackageExists(fileSystem, package)));
            options.Add("replace-existing", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package.", replace => ReplaceExisting = true);

            pushedPackages = new List <string>();
            failedPackages = new List <Tuple <string, Exception> >();
Пример #11
        public PromoteReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider, ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, fileSystem, clientFactory, commandOutputProvider, executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            var options = Options.For("Release Promotion");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name or ID of the project.", v => ProjectNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("from=", "Name or ID of the environment to get the current deployment from, e.g., 'Staging' or 'Environments-2'.", v => FromEnvironmentNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("to=|deployTo=", "Name or ID of the environment to deploy to, e.g., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'.", v => DeployToEnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project.", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
            options.Add <bool>("latestSuccessful", "Use the latest successful release to promote.", v => UseLatestSuccessfulRelease = true);
        public ListDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log,
                                      IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Listing");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of a project to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => projects.Add(v));
            options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
            options.Add("tenant=", "Name of a tenant to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => tenants.Add(v));
            options.Add("number=", $"[Optional] number of results to return, default is {DefaultReturnAmount}", v => numberOfResults = int.Parse(v));
        public PushMetadataCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Package metadata pushing");

            options.Add("package-id=", "The ID of the package, e.g., 'MyCompany.MyApp'.", v => PackageId = v);
            options.Add("version=", "The version of the package; defaults to a timestamp-based version", v => Version = v);
            options.Add("metadata-file=", "Octopus Package metadata Json file.", file => MetadataFile = file);
            options.Add("overwrite-mode=", "If the package metadata already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package metadata being pushed (FailIfExists). You can use the overwrite mode to OverwriteExisting or IgnoreIfExists.", mode => OverwriteMode = (OverwriteMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(OverwriteMode), mode, true));
            options.Add("replace-existing", "If the package metadata already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package metadata being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package metadata. This flag may be deprecated in a future version; passing it is the same as using the OverwriteExisting overwrite-mode.", replace => OverwriteMode = OverwriteMode.OverwriteExisting);
Пример #14
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
Пример #15
        public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Deletion");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
            options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] if specified, only releases associated with the channel will be deleted; specify this argument multiple times to target multiple channels.", v => ChannelNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);
 public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Cleanup");
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
     options.Add("status=", $"Status of Machines clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v));
     options.Add("health-status=|healthstatus=", $"Health status of Machines to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v));
     options.Add("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine to clean up.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isDisabled));
     options.Add("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isCalamariOutdated));
     options.Add("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isTentacleOutdated));
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(repositoryFactory, fileSystem, clientFactory, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name or ID of the project", v => ProjectNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("deployTo=", "Name or ID of the environment to deploy to, e.g., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'; specify this argument multiple times to deploy to multiple environments.", v => DeployToEnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v));
            options.Add <string>("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add <string>("channel=", "[Optional] Name or ID of the channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <bool>("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
        public CleanWorkerPoolCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("WorkerPool Cleanup");

            options.Add <string>("workerPool=", "Name of a worker pool to clean up.", v => poolName = v);
            options.Add <MachineModelHealthStatus>("health-status=", $"Health status of Workers to clean up. Valid values are {HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames.ReadableJoin()}. Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Worker to clean up.", v => isDisabled = v);
            options.Add <bool>("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => isCalamariOutdated         = v);
            options.Add <bool>("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state.", v => isTentacleOutdated = v);
Пример #19
        public PushMetadataCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Package metadata pushing");

            options.Add <string>("package-id=", "The ID of the package, e.g., 'MyCompany.MyApp'.", v => PackageId = v);
            options.Add <string>("version=", "The version of the package; defaults to a timestamp-based version", v => Version = v);
            options.Add <string>("metadata-file=", "Octopus Package metadata Json file.", file => MetadataFile = file);
            options.Add <OverwriteMode>("overwrite-mode=", $"Determines behavior if the package already exists in the repository. Valid values are {Enum.GetNames(typeof(OverwriteMode)).ReadableJoin()}. Default is {DefaultOverwriteMode}.", mode => OverwriteMode = mode);
            options.Add <string>("replace-existing", "If the package metadata already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package metadata being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package metadata. This flag may be deprecated in a future version; passing it is the same as using the OverwriteExisting overwrite-mode.", replace => OverwriteMode = OverwriteMode.OverwriteExisting);
Пример #20
        public ImportCommand(IImporterLocator importerLocator, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            this.importerLocator = importerLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Import");
            options.Add("type=", "The Octopus object type to import", v => Type = v);
            options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the exported file", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add("project=", "[Optional] The name of the project", v => Project = v);
            options.Add("dryRun", "[Optional] Perform a dry run of the import", v => DryRun = true);
        public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Cleanup");

            options.Add <string>("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
            options.Add <MachineModelStatus>("status=", $"Status of Machines clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <MachineModelHealthStatus>("health-status=|healthStatus=", $"Health status of Machines to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine to clean up.", v => isDisabled = v);
            options.Add <bool>("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => isCalamariOutdated         = v);
            options.Add <bool>("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state.", v => isTentacleOutdated = v);
Пример #22
        public ExportCommand(IExporterLocator exporterLocator, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            this.exporterLocator = exporterLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Export");
            options.Add("type=", "The type to export", v => Type = v);
            options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the export file", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add("project=", "[Optional] Name of the project", v => Project = v);
            options.Add("name=", "[Optional] Name of the item to export", v => Name = v);
            options.Add("releaseVersion=", "[Optional] The version number, or range of version numbers to export", v => ReleaseVersion = v);
Пример #23
        public BuildInformationCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Build information pushing");

            options.Add("package-id=", "The ID of the package. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp' --package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp2'.", packageId => PackageIds.Add(packageId));
            options.Add("version=", "The version of the package; defaults to a timestamp-based version", v => Version = v);
            options.Add("file=", "Octopus Build Information Json file.", file => File = file);
            options.Add("overwrite-mode=", "If the build information already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new build information being pushed (FailIfExists). You can use the overwrite mode to OverwriteExisting or IgnoreIfExists.", mode => OverwriteMode = (OverwriteMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(OverwriteMode), mode, true));

            pushedBuildInformation = new List <OctopusPackageVersionBuildInformationMappedResource>();
Пример #24
        public CreateChannelCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Create");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "The name of the project in which to create the channel", p => projectName = p);
            options.Add <string>("channel=", "The name of the channel to create", s => channelName = s);
            options.Add <string>("description=", "[Optional] A description of the channel", d => channelDescription = d);
            options.Add <string>("lifecycle=", "[Optional] if specified, the name of the lifecycle to use for promoting releases through this channel, otherwise this channel will inherit the project lifecycle", l => lifecycleName = l);
            options.Add <bool>("make-default-channel", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, set the new channel to be the default channel replacing any existing default channel", _ => makeDefaultChannel = true);
            options.Add <bool>("update-existing", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, updates the matching channel if it already exists, otherwise this command will fail if a matching channel already exists", _ => updateExisting = true);
Пример #25
        public BuildInformationCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Build information pushing");

            options.Add <string>("package-id=", "The ID of the package. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp' --package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp2'.", packageId => PackageIds.Add(packageId), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("version=", "The version of the package; defaults to a timestamp-based version.", v => Version = v);
            options.Add <string>("file=", "Octopus Build Information Json file.", file => File = file);
            options.Add <OverwriteMode>("overwrite-mode=", $"Determines behavior if the package already exists in the repository. Valid values are {Enum.GetNames(typeof(OverwriteMode)).ReadableJoin()}. Default is {DefaultOverwriteMode}.", mode => OverwriteMode = mode);

            pushedBuildInformation = new List <OctopusPackageVersionBuildInformationMappedResource>();
        public ListMachinesCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Listing");

            options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
            options.Add("status=", $"[Optional] Status of Machines filter by ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v));
            options.Add("health-status=|healthstatus=", $"[Optional] Health status of Machines filter by ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v));
            options.Add("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isDisabled));
            options.Add("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to filter. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isCalamariOutdated));
            options.Add("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to filter. By default ignores Tentacle state", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isTentacleOutdated));
Пример #27
        public ListWorkersCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Listing Workers");

            options.Add <string>("workerPool=", "Name of a worker pool to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => pools.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <MachineModelStatus>("status=", $"[Optional] Status of Machines filter by ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <MachineModelHealthStatus>("health-status=|healthStatus=", $"[Optional] Health status of Machines filter by ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine.", v => isDisabled = v);
            options.Add <bool>("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to filter. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => isCalamariOutdated         = v);
            options.Add <bool>("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to filter. By default ignores Tentacle state.", v => isTentacleOutdated = v);
        public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Cleanup");

            options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
            options.Add("status=", $"Status of Machines clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v));
            options.Add("health-status=|healthstatus=", $"Health status of Machines to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v));
            options.Add("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine to clean up.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isDisabled));
            options.Add("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isCalamariOutdated));
            options.Add("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isTentacleOutdated));
Пример #29
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelName = v);
Пример #30
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) : base(commandOutputProvider)
            this.clientFactory     = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.FileSystem        = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");

            options.Add("server=", $"[Optional] The base URL for your Octopus Server, e.g., 'https://octopus.example.com/'. This URL can also be set in the {ServerUrlEnvVar} environment variable.", v => serverBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", $"[Optional] Your API key. Get this from the user profile page. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password. If the guest account is enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used. This key can also be set in the {ApiKeyEnvVar} environment variable.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password. This Username can also be set in the {UsernameEnvVar} environment variable.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server. This Password can also be set in the {PasswordEnvVar} environment variable.", v => password = v);

            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus Server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => commandOutputProvider.EnableServiceMessages());
            options.Add("timeout=", $"[Optional] Timeout in seconds for network operations. Default is {ApiConstants.DefaultClientRequestTimeout/1000}.", v =>
                if (int.TryParse(v, out var parsedInt))
                    clientOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(parsedInt);
                else if (TimeSpan.TryParse(v, out var parsedTimeSpan))
                    clientOptions.Timeout = parsedTimeSpan;
                    throw new CommandException($"Unable to parse '{v}' as a timespan or an integer.");
            options.Add("proxy=", $"[Optional] The URL of the proxy to use, e.g., 'https://proxy.example.com'.", v => clientOptions.Proxy = v);
            options.Add("proxyUser="******"[Optional] The username for the proxy.", v => clientOptions.ProxyUsername = v);
            options.Add("proxyPass="******"[Optional] The password for the proxy. If both the username and password are omitted and proxyAddress is specified, the default credentials are used. ", v => clientOptions.ProxyPassword = v);
            options.Add("space=", $"[Optional] The name or ID of a space within which this command will be executed. The default space will be used if it is omitted. ", v => spaceNameOrId = v);
            options.Add("keepalive=", "[Optional] How frequently (in seconds) to send a TCP keepalive packet.", input =>
                if (int.TryParse(input, out var parsedInt))
                    keepAlive = parsedInt * 1000;
                    throw new CommandException($"Unable to parse '{input}' as an integer.");
Пример #31
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)

            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
Пример #32
        public PushCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Package pushing");

            options.Add <string>("package=", "Package file to push. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package package1 --package package2",
                                 package => Packages.Add(EnsurePackageExists(fileSystem, package)));
            options.Add <OverwriteMode>("overwrite-mode=", $"Determines behavior if the package already exists in the repository. Valid values are {Enum.GetNames(typeof(OverwriteMode)).ReadableJoin()}. Default is {DefaultOverwriteMode}.", mode => OverwriteMode = mode);
            options.Add <bool>("replace-existing", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package. This flag may be deprecated in a future version; passing it is the same as using the OverwriteExisting overwrite-mode.",
                               replace => OverwriteMode = OverwriteMode.OverwriteExisting);
            options.Add <bool>("use-delta-compression=", "Allows disabling of delta compression when uploading packages to the Octopus Server. (True or False. Defaults to true.)",
                               v => UseDeltaCompression = v);
            pushedPackages = new List <string>();
            failedPackages = new List <Tuple <string, Exception> >();
 public DeleteAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory octopusClientFactory) :
     base(octopusClientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Delete auto deploy release override");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
         "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
         v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v));
         "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
         t => TenantNames.Add(t));
         "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
         tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
Пример #34
        public DeleteAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory octopusClientFactory) :
            base(octopusClientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Delete auto deploy release override");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
                        "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
                        v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v));
                        "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
                        t => TenantNames.Add(t));
                        "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
                        tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
Пример #35
        public ImportCommand(IImporterLocator importerLocator,
            IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
            IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            ILogger log,
            IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
            ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            this.importerLocator = importerLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Import");
            options.Add<string>("type=", "The Octopus object type to import.", v => Type = v);
            options.Add<string>("filePath=", "The full path and name of the exported file.", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add<string>("project=", "[Optional] The name of the project.", v => Project = v);
            options.Add<bool>("dryRun", "[Optional] Perform a dry run of the import.", v => DryRun = true);
Пример #36
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.clientFactory = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.Log = log;
            this.FileSystem = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");
            options.Add("server=", "The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/", v => ServerBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", "Your API key. Get this from the user profile page.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server.", v => password = v);
            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => log.EnableServiceMessages());
Пример #37
        protected DeploymentCommandBase(
            IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
            IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
            ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider,
            ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            this.executionResourceWaiterFactory = executionResourceWaiterFactory;
            SpecificMachineNames          = new List <string>();
            ExcludedMachineNames          = new List <string>();
            SkipStepNames                 = new List <string>();
            DeployToEnvironmentNamesOrIds = new List <string>();
            TenantTags       = new List <string>();
            Tenants          = new List <string>();
            promotionTargets = new List <DeploymentPromotionTarget>();

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add <bool>("progress",
                               "[Optional] Show progress of the deployment.",
                               v =>
                showProgress      = true;
                WaitForDeployment = true;
                noRawLog          = true;
            options.Add <bool>("forcePackageDownload", "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageDownload = true);
            options.Add <bool>("waitForDeployment", "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.", v => WaitForDeployment = true);
            options.Add <TimeSpan>("deploymentTimeout=", "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the deployment to finish(default 00:10:00). This will not stop the deployment. Requires --waitForDeployment parameter set.", v => DeploymentTimeout = v);
            options.Add <bool>("cancelOnTimeout", "[Optional] Whether to cancel the deployment if the deployment timeout is reached (flag, default false).", v => CancelOnTimeout = true);
            options.Add <TimeSpan>("deploymentCheckSleepCycle=", "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between deployment status checks (default 00:00:10).", v => DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = v);
            options.Add <bool>("guidedFailure=", "[Optional] Whether to use guided failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment).", v => UseGuidedFailure = v);
            options.Add <string>("specificMachines=", "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to target in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.", v => SpecificMachineNames.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(m => m.Trim())), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("excludeMachines=", "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to exclude in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.", v => ExcludedMachineNames.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(m => m.Trim())), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("force", "[Optional] If a project is configured to skip packages with already-installed versions, override this setting to force re-deployment (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageRedeployment = true);
            options.Add <string>("skip=", "[Optional] Skip a step by name.", v => SkipStepNames.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("noRawLog", "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks.", v => noRawLog = true);
            options.Add <string>("rawLogFile=", "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file.", v => rawLogFile = v);
            options.Add <string>("v|variable=", "[Optional] Specifies the value for a prompted variable in the format Label:Value. For JSON values, embedded quotation marks should be escaped with a backslash.", ParseVariable, allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("deployAt=", "[Optional] Time at which deployment should start (scheduled deployment), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.", v => DeployAt = v);
            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("noDeployAfter=", "[Optional] Time at which scheduled deployment should expire, specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.", v => NoDeployAfter   = v);
            options.Add <string>("tenant=", "[Optional] Create a deployment for the tenant with this name or ID; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to all tenants who are ready for this release (according to lifecycle).", t => Tenants.Add(t), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("tenantTag=", "[Optional] Create a deployment for tenants matching this tag; specify this argument multiple times to build a query/filter with multiple tags, just like you can in the user interface.", tt => TenantTags.Add(tt), allowsMultiple: true);
Пример #38
        public ExportCommand(IExporterLocator exporterLocator,
                             IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
                             IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
                             ILogger log,
                             IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
                             ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            this.exporterLocator = exporterLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Export");

            options.Add <string>("type=", "The type to export.", v => Type = v);
            options.Add <string>("filePath=", "The full path and name of the export file.", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add <string>("project=", "[Optional] Name of the project.", v => Project  = v);
            options.Add <string>("name=", "[Optional] Name of the item to export.", v => Name = v);
            options.Add <string>("releaseVersion=", "[Optional] The version number, or range of version numbers to export.", v => ReleaseVersion = v);
Пример #39
        public DeleteAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory octopusClientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) :
            base(octopusClientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Delete auto deploy release override");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
                        "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
                        v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v));
                        "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
                        t => TenantNames.Add(t));
                        "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
                        tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));

            deletedDeplomentOverrides = new List <Tuple <EnvironmentResource, TenantResource, DeletedOutcome> >();
Пример #40
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.clientFactory     = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.Log        = log;
            this.FileSystem = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");

            options.Add("server=", "The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/", v => ServerBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", "Your API key. Get this from the user profile page.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server.", v => password = v);
            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => log.EnableServiceMessages());
Пример #41
        public CreateAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) :
            base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Auto deploy release override");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name of the project.", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add <string>("environment=",
                                 "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
                                 v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("version=|releaseNumber=", "Release number to use for auto deployments.",
                                 v => ReleaseVersionNumber = v);
            options.Add <string>("tenant=",
                                 "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
                                 t => TenantNames.Add(t), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("tenantTag=",
                                 "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
                                 tt => TenantTags.Add(tt), allowsMultiple: true);

            createdDeploymentOverides = new List <Tuple <EnvironmentResource, TenantResource, CreatedOutcome> >();
Пример #42
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
                                    IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
                                    IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver,
                                    IReleasePlanBuilder releasePlanBuilder,
                                    IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
                                    ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider,
                                    ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory,
            this.releasePlanBuilder = releasePlanBuilder;

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name or ID of the project.", v => ProjectNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("defaultPackageVersion=|packageVersion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release. Override per-package using --package.", versionResolver.Default);
            options.Add <string>("ref=|gitRef=", "[Optional, Experimental] Git reference to use when creating the release.", v => GitReference = v);
            options.Add <string>("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber        = v);
            options.Add <string>("channel=", "[Optional] Name or ID of the channel to use for the new release. Omit this argument to automatically select the best channel.", v => ChannelNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a package in the release. Format: StepName:Version or PackageID:Version or StepName:PackageName:Version. StepName, PackageID, and PackageName can be replaced with an asterisk. An asterisk will be assumed for StepName, PackageID, or PackageName if they are omitted.", v => versionResolver.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("packagesFolder=",
                                 "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.",
                                 v =>
                                 allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("releaseNotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release. Styling with Markdown is supported.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add <string>("releaseNoteFile=|releaseNotesFile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release. Supports Markdown files.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add <bool>("ignoreExisting", "[Optional, Flag] Don't create this release if there is already one with the same version number.", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add <bool>("ignoreChannelRules", "[Optional, Flag] Create the release ignoring any version rules specified by the channel.", v => IgnoreChannelRules        = true);
            options.Add <string>("packagePrerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPreReleaseTag          = v);
            options.Add <bool>("whatIf", "[Optional, Flag] Perform a dry run but don't actually create/deploy release.", v => WhatIf = true);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add <string>("deployTo=", "[Optional] Name or ID of the environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'; specify this argument multiple times to deploy to multiple environments.", v => DeployToEnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
Пример #43
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.clientFactory     = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.Log        = log;
            this.FileSystem = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");

            options.Add("server=", "The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/", v => ServerBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", "[Optional] Your API key. Get this from the user profile page. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password. If the guest account is enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server.", v => password = v);
            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => log.EnableServiceMessages());
            options.Add("timeout=", $"[Optional] Timeout in seconds for network operations. Default is {ApiConstants.DefaultClientRequestTimeout/1000}.", v => clientOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(int.Parse(v)));
            options.Add("proxy=", $"[Optional] The URI of the proxy to use, eg http://example.com:8080.", v => clientOptions.Proxy = v);
            options.Add("proxyUser="******"[Optional] The username for the proxy.", v => clientOptions.ProxyUsername = v);
            options.Add("proxyPass="******"[Optional] The password for the proxy. If both the username and password are omitted and proxyAddress is specified, the default credentials are used. ", v => clientOptions.ProxyPassword = v);
Пример #44
        public PushCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Package pushing");

            options.Add("package=", "Package file to push. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package package1 --package package2",
                        package => Packages.Add(EnsurePackageExists(fileSystem, package)));
            options.Add("overwrite-mode=", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed (FailIfExists). You can use the overwrite mode to OverwriteExisting or IgnoreIfExists.", mode => OverwriteMode = (OverwriteMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(OverwriteMode), mode, true));
            options.Add("replace-existing", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package. This flag may be deprecated in a future version; passing it is the same as using the OverwriteExisting overwrite-mode.",
                        replace => OverwriteMode = OverwriteMode.OverwriteExisting);
            options.Add("use-delta-compression=", "Allows disabling of delta compression when uploading packages to the Octopus Server. (True or False. Defaults to true.)",
                        v =>
                if (!bool.TryParse(v, out var desiredValue))
                    throw new CommandException($"The value '{v}' is not valid. Valid values are true or false.");
                UseDeltaCompression = desiredValue;
            pushedPackages = new List <string>();
            failedPackages = new List <Tuple <string, Exception> >();
Пример #45
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver, IReleasePlanBuilder releasePlanBuilder, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(repositoryFactory, fileSystem, clientFactory, commandOutputProvider)
            this.releasePlanBuilder = releasePlanBuilder;

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("defaultpackageversion=|packageversion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release. Override per-package using --package.", versionResolver.Default);
            options.Add("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use for the new release. Omit this argument to automatically select the best channel.", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a step or package in the release. Format: --package={StepNameOrPackageId}:{Version}", v => versionResolver.Add(v));
            options.Add("packagesFolder=", "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.", v => { v.CheckForIllegalPathCharacters("packagesFolder"); versionResolver.AddFolder(v); });
            options.Add("releasenotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release. Styling with Markdown is supported.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add("releasenotesfile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release. Supports Markdown files.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add("ignoreexisting", "[Optional, Flag] Don't create this release if there is already one with the same version number.", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add("ignorechannelrules", "[Optional, Flag] Create the release ignoring any version rules specified by the channel.", v => IgnoreChannelRules        = true);
            options.Add("packageprerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPreReleaseTag            = v);
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] Perform a dry run but don't actually create/deploy release.", v => WhatIf = true);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("deployto=", "[Optional] Environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
Пример #46
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver, IReleasePlanBuilder releasePlanBuilder, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            this.releasePlanBuilder = releasePlanBuilder;
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("defaultpackageversion=|packageversion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release. Override per-package using --package.", versionResolver.Default);
            options.Add("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use for the new release. Omit this argument to automatically select the best channel.", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a package in the release. Format: --package={StepName}:{Version}", v => versionResolver.Add(v));
            options.Add("packagesFolder=", "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.", v => versionResolver.AddFolder(v));
            options.Add("releasenotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add("releasenotesfile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add("ignoreexisting", "[Optional, Flag] Don't create this release if there is already one with the same version number.", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add("ignorechannelrules", "[Optional, Flag] Create the release ignoring any version rules specified by the channel.", v => IgnoreChannelRules = true);
            options.Add("packageprerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPreReleaseTag = v);
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] Perform a dry run but don't actually create/deploy release.", v => WhatIf = true);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("deployto=", "[Optional] Environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
Пример #47
 public ListProjectsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
 public DumpDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Dumper");
     options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the export file", delegate(string v) { filePath = v; });