public WindowsScanningService(SettingsService settings, IOSService os, IUIService ui) : base(settings, os, ui) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel(SettingsService settings, ScanningService scanning, IIconCacheService iconCache, IUIService ui, IBitmapFactory bitmapFactory, ImagesServiceBase images, IClipboardService clipboard, IOSService os, IWindowDialogService dialogs, TreemapRendererFactory treemapFactory, IShortcutsService shortcuts, RelayCommandService relayFactory) { Settings = settings; Scanning = scanning; IconCache = iconCache; UI = ui; BitmapFactory = bitmapFactory; Images = images; Clipboard = clipboard; OS = os; Dialogs = dialogs; Shortcuts = shortcuts; Treemap = treemapFactory.Create(); Settings.PropertyChanged += OnSettingsPropertyChanged; Scanning.PropertyChanged += OnScanningPropertyChanged; Extensions = new ExtensionItemViewModelCollection(this); SelectedFiles = new ObservableCollection <FileItemViewModel>(); SelectedFiles.CollectionChanged += OnSelectedFilesChanged; FileComparer = new FileComparer(); ExtensionComparer = new ExtensionComparer(); UpdateEmptyRecycleBin(); GCRAMUsage = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); if (IsInDesignMode) { // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data. } else { // Code runs "for real" ramTimer = UI.StartTimer(Settings.RAMInterval, true, OnRAMUsageTick); statusTimer = UI.CreateTimer(Settings.StatusInterval, true, OnStatusTick); } }
/// <summary>Constructs the <see cref="ScanningService"/>.</summary> public ScanningService(SettingsService settings, IOSService os, IUIService ui) { this.settings = settings; this.os = os; this.ui = ui; settings.PropertyChanged += OnSettingsPropertyChanged; Extensions = new ExtensionItems(this, settings); Drives = new DriveItems(this); validateTimer = new Timer(OnValidateTick, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); validateWatch = new Stopwatch(); scanWatch = new Stopwatch(); validationRequested = false; }
public WeatherForecastController(IOSService oSService) { //_logger = logger; this._oSService = oSService; }
public CataloogController() { _deviceService = new DeviceService(); _osService = new OSService(); _frameworkService = new FrameworkService(); }
public OSAppService(IOSService oSService) { _oSService = oSService; }