Пример #1
        private void combox_filename_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var data_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(combox_filename.Text);
            var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(combox_filename.Text);

            txt_data_to_calc_W.Text = data_name + "_W" + extension;
            txt_stream_data.Text    = data_name + "_Stream" + extension;

            //set default value for period_max:
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);

            txt_period_max.Text = (data_to_calc_w.Count() / 10).ToString();
            switch (this.combox_filename.SelectedItem.ToString())
            case "ECG.txt":
                setValues("40", "5", "371", "0.001", "0.01", "0.95", "2", "25", "12", "10");

            case "TEK16.txt":
                setValues("128", "5", "1007", "0.001", "0.01", "0.85", "2", "25", "12", "2");

            case "power_data.txt":
                setValues("200", "4", "672", "0.05", "0.15", "0.85", "2", "25", "12", "5");

            case "nprs43.txt":
                setValues("160", "3", "40", "0.05", "0.15", "0.85", "2", "25", "12", "75");

            case "ERP.csv":
                setValues("64", "4", "1280", "0.001", "0.01", "0.95", "2", "25", "12", "2");
Пример #2
        private void btn_statistic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string        file_name = combox_filename.Text;
            string        algorithm = combox_algorithm.Text;
            List <double> dist = null, loc = null;
            double        time = 0;

            IOFuncs.readStatisticalFile(file_name, algorithm, ref dist, ref loc, ref time);
            Statistical_Form new_form = new Statistical_Form(algorithm, file_name, loc, dist, time);
Пример #3
        private void acf_function()
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            int           data_len       = data_to_calc_w.Count;

            int period_max = Convert.ToInt16(txt_period_max.Text);

            //normalize data:
            List <double> norm_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(data_to_calc_w, data_len);
            ACF_Form      form3     = new ACF_Form(this, norm_data, 1, period_max);
            //txt_period.Text = period.ToString();
Пример #4
        private void btn_GetW_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int N_LENGTH = Convert.ToInt16(txt_NLength.Text);
            //todo /*Duc*/

            //read file
            List <double> stream_data;

            stream_data = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            stream_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(stream_data, stream_data.Count);
            //get threshold:
            double threshold = Convert.ToDouble(txt_threshold.Text);

            int result = stream_data.Count;
            MinHeap <SegmentNode> segment_heap = null;

            BottomUp.Bottom_Up(stream_data, threshold, ref result, ref segment_heap);
            result = (int)(N_LENGTH / result);

            Segment_Form form2 = new Segment_Form(stream_data, segment_heap);


            /*show the result:*/
            txt_WLength.Text = result.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("W_LENGTH = " + result);
            //    MessageBox.Show("re-check the parameters !", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Пример #5
        private void form_SAX_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string link = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Data\");

            string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@link);

            foreach (string file in fileArray)
                this.combox_filename.Items.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file));//get all data filenames in the directory
            string default_file = "ECG.txt";
            var    match        = fileArray.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(default_file));

            if (match != null)
                combox_filename.Text = default_file;// set default value for the combox
            string[] algorithms = { "BFHS", "HOTSAX_Stream", "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream", "Bounding_Box", "Sanchez_Method" };
            foreach (string algorithm in algorithms)
            string default_algorithm = "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream";

            match = algorithms.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(default_algorithm));
            if (match != null)
                combox_algorithm.Text = default_algorithm;// set default value for the combox
            //set default value for period_max:
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);

            txt_period_max.Text = (data_to_calc_w.Count() / 10).ToString();
Пример #6
        /*phase coherence analysis*/
        private void phaseCoherenceFuntion()
            Console.WriteLine("Running phaseCohenrence...");

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch2;; ///calc execution time
            long elapsedMs2 = 0;

            watch2 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); ///calc execution time

            List <double> std_list  = new List <double>();    //store std(s)
            List <double> norm_data = new List <double>();    //data after normalizing all its subsets

            List <double> raw_data = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            int           data_len = raw_data.Count;

            int K_MAX = Convert.ToInt16(txt_period_max.Text);

            for (int k = 1; k <= K_MAX; k++)//do calc std for each value of 'k'
                //reset variables:

                double[] sum_subsets  = new double[k]; //store k sums
                double[] mean_subsets = new double[k]; //store k means

                int len_average_subset   = data_len / k;
                int remainder_len_subset = data_len % k;

                /*calc mean for each subsets:*/
                //find the sum(s):
                for (int j = 0; j < data_len; j++)
                    sum_subsets[j % k] += raw_data[j];
                //calc mean(s):
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    if (i < remainder_len_subset)
                        mean_subsets[i] = sum_subsets[i] / (len_average_subset + 1);
                        mean_subsets[i] = sum_subsets[i] / len_average_subset;

                for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++)
                    norm_data.Add(raw_data[i] - mean_subsets[i % k]);

                //calc  std then append it to std_list
            }//end for

            double min    = std_list.Min();
            int    period = std_list.FindIndex(n => Math.Abs(n - min) < 0.0000001);

            elapsedMs2 = watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //print file to check:
            IOFuncs.WriteFile_2(std_list, "std_list.csv");

            txt_period.Text = period.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("DONE CALC PERIOD_ REF 7, time = " + elapsedMs2 + "; period = " + period);
Пример #7
        /*Fig. 11 ('Luo_2011' paper): Estimating period with the median gap between two neighboring local minima*/
        private void Luo_2011_Period()
            //get max value for p, q:
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            int           data_len       = data_to_calc_w.Count;
            int           N_length       = Convert.ToInt16(txt_NLength.Text);

            //normalize data:
            List <double> norm_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(data_to_calc_w, data_len);

            //create a list to restore dists(p,q):
            List <double> dist_pq = new List <double>();

            //calc collection of gaps delta for local minima of dist(p,q), here:
            // p is picked randomly
            // q =  0 to (bufer_len - N_length)

            //choose a random p:
            Random random_obj = new Random();
            int    p          = random_obj.Next(data_len - N_length + 1);

            //get segment p:
            List <double> p_segment = norm_data.GetRange(p, N_length);

            //go through all q(s), compute dist(p,q) for every q:
            for (int q = 0; q <= (data_len - N_length); q++)
                dist_pq.Add(MathFuncs.EuDistance(p_segment, norm_data.GetRange(q, N_length)));

            /* Find the lower K_LOWER_PERCENT quantile of all distances calculated in the previous step.*/
            int dist_pq_len = dist_pq.Count();
            // WriteFile.WriteFile_2(dist_pq);
            // WriteFile.WriteFile_2(norm_data, "norm_data.csv");

            int k_percent_index = (int)(dist_pq_len * K_LOWER_PERCENT);
            var sorted_dist_pq  = dist_pq.OrderBy(n => n);

            //lower K_LOWER_PERCENT:
            double cp = sorted_dist_pq.ElementAt(k_percent_index);

            //get all local minima q such that dist(p, q) <= cp.
            List <int> Q = new List <int>();//store the result

            for (int q = 0; q < dist_pq_len; q++)
                if (dist_pq[q] <= cp)

            //Order Q list from smallest to largest:
            int Q_len = Q.Count;

            //calc lag 1 (delta):
            List <int> delta = new List <int>();

            for (int k = 0; k < Q_len - 1; k++)
                if (Q[k + 1] - Q[k] > 2)
                    delta.Add(Q[k + 1] - Q[k]);

            //sort delta:
            int median_index = delta.Count / 2;
            int delta_median = delta[median_index];

            txt_period.Text = delta_median.ToString();
Пример #8
        private void btn_Stream_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            is_stream_clicked = true;
            //read file
            List <double> data_to_calc_w, stream_data;
            int           buffer_len;

            data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            //WriteFile.rewriteStreamFile(txt_stream_data.Text, 0, 100);
            stream_data = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_stream_data.Text);

            //get N_LENGTH
            int N_LENGTH = Convert.ToInt16(txt_NLength.Text);

            int period = Convert.ToInt16(txt_period.Text);

            buffer_len = Convert.ToInt16(txt_bufferLength.Text) * period;

            // get W_LENGTH
            int W_LENGTH = Convert.ToInt16(txt_WLength.Text);

            // get Threshold Mean
            double threshold_mean = Convert.ToDouble(txt_threshold_mean.Text);

            // get Threshold Std
            double threshold_std = Convert.ToDouble(txt_threshold_std.Text);

            // get algorithm
            String algorithm = combox_algorithm.Text;

            // get Threshold Similarity
            double threshold_sim = Convert.ToDouble(txt_threshold_sim.Text);

            // get parameter for RTree
            int R        = Convert.ToInt16(txtR.Text);
            int maxEntry = Convert.ToInt16(txtMaxEntry.Text);
            int minEntry = Convert.ToInt16(txtMinEntry.Text);

            // get file_name
            String file_name = combox_filename.Text;

            if (buffer_len > data_to_calc_w.Count)
                MessageBox.Show("buffer must be smaller than data_to_calc_w !, please modify Buffer_length.");

            Console.WriteLine("Running Stream HOTSAX...\n");

            List <double> result = new List <double>();
            //result[0]: dist
            //result[1]: loc

            //get the buffer:
            List <double> raw_buffer = data_to_calc_w.GetRange(data_to_calc_w.Count - buffer_len, buffer_len);

            //normalize buffer:
            List <double> norm_buffer = HOTSAX.HOTSAX.normalizeData(raw_buffer, buffer_len, N_LENGTH);

            if (algorithm == "Bounding_Box" || algorithm == "Sanchez_Method")
                chart_timeSeries.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = raw_buffer.Max() * SCALE;
                chart_timeSeries.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = raw_buffer.Min() / SCALE;

                // turn the labels off:
                chart_timeSeries.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false; //turn off X-axis labels
                chart_timeSeries.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false; //turn off Y-axis labels

            //updateChart(raw_buffer, (int)result[1], N_LENGTH);
            // create a new thread to run the chart:
            chart_thread = new Thread(() => this.doStream(file_name, algorithm, result, norm_buffer, data_to_calc_w, stream_data, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, raw_buffer, threshold_mean, threshold_std, threshold_sim, R, maxEntry, minEntry, period));
            chart_thread.IsBackground = true;