private void CreateNewThing(string id, string observationTopic, decimal?lat, decimal?lon)
            string error = "";

            long thingID = 0;

            //Create a thing
            IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing dT = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing();
            if (dT.AddThing("Thing" + id, thingType, "Autogenerated Thing by OGC Discovery Manager", 1, lat, lon, id, ref error, ref thingID))
                long obsID = 0;
                //Add observation
                IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation dO = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation();
                if (thingType == "SoundmeterAggregate")
                    id = "";
                //Tmp fix
                if (latestObsExtraValue == "AGGREGATE")
                    id = "AGGREGATE";
                dO.AddUpdateObservation((int)thingID, observationTopic + ":" + id + ":", DateTime.Now, "", latestObsExtraValue, null, null, ref error, ref obsID);
        private void CreateNewWearableAndPerson(string id, string observationTopic)
            string error      = "";
            int    personID   = 0;
            long   thingID    = 0;
            long   wearableID = 0;

            //First Create a person
            IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBPerson dP = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBPerson();
            if (dP.AddPerson(0, "MONICA", "Wearer of " + id, "", "", 1, true, ref error, ref personID))
                //Create a thing
                IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing dT = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing();
                if (dT.AddThing("Wearable" + id, thingType, "Autogenerated Thing by OGC Discovery Manager", 1, 0, 0, id, ref error, ref thingID))
                    //Connect thing and person
                    IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBWearable dW = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBWearable();
                    if (dW.AddWearable(personID, (int)thingID, ref error, ref wearableID))
                        long obsID = 0;
                        //Add observation
                        IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation dO = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation();
                        dO.AddUpdateObservation((int)thingID, observationTopic + ":" + id + ":", DateTime.Now, "", "", personID, null, ref error, ref obsID);
        public void CreateDatastreamsForSound()
            List <IO.Swagger.Models.Thing> results = new List <IO.Swagger.Models.Thing>();

            IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing dbt = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBThing();
            string err = "";

            if (dbt.ListThings(thingType, ref err, ref results))
                foreach (IO.Swagger.Models.Thing th in results)
                    XmlDocument xDoc       = null;
                    string      JsonResult = "";
                    WebClient   client     = new WebClient();
                        string url = OGCServerBaseURL + "Datastreams?$filter=substringof('" + th.Name.Replace("Thing", "") + "',name)";

                        client.Encoding                = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                        client.Headers["Accept"]       = "application/json";
                        client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
                        NetworkCredential myCreds = new NetworkCredential(OGCServerUID, OGCServerPwd);
                        client.Credentials = myCreds;

                        JsonResult = client.DownloadString(url);

                        xDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(JsonResult, "Root");
                    catch (WebException exception)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Datastreams?$filter failed:" + exception.Message);
                    if (xDoc != null)
                        XmlNodeList foundOGCThings = xDoc.SelectNodes(".//value");
                        foreach (XmlNode foundOGCThing in foundOGCThings)
                            //Extract id and Observation link
                            string name           = foundOGCThing.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText;
                            string observationUrl = foundOGCThing.SelectSingleNode("Observations_x0040_iot.navigationLink").InnerText;

                            //Id is the last part of the name
                            string[] parsedName = name.Split("/");
                            //string id = parsedName[parsedName.GetUpperBound(0)];
                            string id = "";
                            if (thingType == "SoundHeatmap")     //SoundHeatmap in a diffrent place
                                id = parsedName[1];
                                id = parsedName[parsedName.GetUpperBound(0)];
                            string type = "";
                            if (thingType == "SoundHeatmap")     //SoundHeatmap in a diffrent place
                                string tmptype = parsedName[parsedName.GetUpperBound(0)];
                                switch (tmptype)
                                case "SPL dB Cfull":
                                    type = "dbCheatmapfull";

                                case "SPL dB Afull":
                                    type = "dbAheatmapfull";

                                case "SPL dB Zfull":
                                    type = "dbZheatmapfull";

                                case "LCeq":
                                    type = "dbCheatmap";

                                case "LZeq":
                                    type = "dbZheatmap";

                                case "LAeq":
                                    type = "dbAheatmap";

                                    type = "no match";
                                type = parsedName[parsedName.GetUpperBound(0) - 1];

                            //Observation stream is the last part of the observationUrl
                            string[] parsedUrl        = observationUrl.Split("/");
                            string   observationTopic = OGCMQTTPrefix + "/" + parsedUrl[parsedUrl.GetUpperBound(0) - 1] + "/" + parsedUrl[parsedUrl.GetUpperBound(0)];
                            if (!exist(observationTopic))
                                string error = "";
                                long   obsID = 0;
                                IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation dO = new IO.Swagger.DatabaseInterface.DBObservation();
                                dO.AddUpdateObservation((int)th.Id, observationTopic + ":" + type + ":", DateTime.Now, "", latestObsExtraValue, null, null, ref error, ref obsID);